Friday, April 9, 2010

Homophobia in Virtual Communities - by Tina Indalecio PhD - Curious Media – Psychology Today

Imagine as you sit quietly in the safety of your own home, you find yourself becoming a victim of hate speech, and prejudice because of your race, religion or sexual orientation. Imagine your child is the victim of cyber bullying or virtual rape, while trying to play a game online. Unfortunately this is becoming a common experience for many individuals who engage in online media, like interactive gaming communities.

In the case of homophobia online, according to a 2006 survey of gay video game players, conducted by the University of Illinois, "When asked how frequently players experience homophobia, those surveyed who responded "Always" or "Frequently" equaled 42%. Add in "Sometimes" and it brings up that total to 74.5%." (Cole, 2009). The study is a few years old, however this problem has only been getting worse, and in an effort to find solutions, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has launched, The Project on Homophobia & Virtual Communities. This issue is of great concern because virtual prejudice or cyber bulling is one thing, but what happens when these behaviors spill over into real life? Read more by Tina Indalecio PhD - Curious Media – Psychology Today

 Related links:

Study: Same-Sex And Heterosexual Couples Have Same Levels Of Relationship Satisfaction And Commitment - read more

“Helpers-in-the-nest” An Evolutionary Role For Same-Sex Attraction?  Association For Psychological Science – read more

Photo - Ricky Martin Foundation 

Family Acceptance Project

Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals at Increased Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Due to Discriminatory Policies - read more

Homosexuality A Result Of Genetics And Random Environmental Factors, Says Twins Study – read more

Behind Acts of Homophobia Are Homo-Ignorance and Homo-Avoidance - Dude, I'm Not Gay! - by Joe Kort - Gay's Anatomy – Psychology Today - Read more

Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same? 
A classic study reveals that young homophobic men have secret gay urges - By Jesse Bering – January 30, 2009 - Scientific American – read more 

Sexual Prejudice - Understanding Homophobia and Heterosexism - by Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D - read more

The Closet: Psychological Issues of Being In and Coming Out - By Jack Drescher, M.D. - read more

Sexual Orientation and Homophobia are Formed Early in Life – Columbia University Medical Center – read more

International Day against Homophobia celebrated in Cuba -- three reports from Havana -Mariela Castro Espín – read more 

It's The Gays' Fault - The Daily Dish - By Andrew Sullivan - read more

Marriage Equality -> Restores “Hope of Love” To Children In Early Childhood - read more 

Ignorance about human sexuality is harmful to children.

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” Erik Erikson

Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

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