Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Read the Murphy Report – by Rob Fuller – Faith and Life, Galway, Ireland

In the days and weeks after it was published, I read the Murphy report... not all of it, cover-to-cover, but pretty much all of Part 1 and large sections of Part 2. The document should be required reading for all bishops, priests, religious and seminarians in this country, and recommended reading (certainly Part 1) for the Irish Catholic laity who feel strong enough not to be driven from the Church in it's wake.

When we talk about reform and repentance and collective responsibility, me here and now is a good place to start. Reading the Murphy report will help you in some small way to understand better the pain and outrage of so many clerical abuse survivors who had their suffering increased by injustice. Hopefully it will also instill within you a recognition of how far the Church Institutions have strayed from the Gospel of Jesus and how this is so not the way it should be. Photos

I wish that the culture of clericalism and silence so prevalent in the Murphy report was all in the past, but I don't believe it is. Read complete article – by Rob Fuller – Faith and Life, Galway, Ireland

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