RC Curia & Hierarchy 60 Yrs - BREACH in DIALOGUE Between Science & Religion on HOMOSEXUAL Sexual Orientation - “…comes only at an enormous price to human development…(Caritas in Veritate - Benedict XVI 2007 2009)” - LEAVES - “…the Multitudes…Confused and Helpless, like Sheep without a Shepherd (Matthew 9:36:).”
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S c i e n c e
S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
H o m o s e x u a l i t y
S c i e n c e
C l i m a t e C h a n g e
o f
R a c i a l P u r i t y
Hitler & The Nazi Regime
S c i e n c e
H o m o s e x u a l
S e x u a l
O r i e n t a t i o n
Dr. Evelyn Hooker
In the USA, 1957, Evelyn Hooker’s most notable and ground breaking research proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness was completed called:-
"The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual" in which she administered several psychological tests to groups of self-identified male homosexuals and heterosexuals and asked experts to identify the homosexuals and rate their mental health. The experiment, which other researchers subsequently repeated, argues that homosexuality is not a mental disorder, as there was no detectable difference between homosexual and heterosexual men in terms of mental adjustment... Photo
Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Hooker
In 1945 Dr. Evelyn Hooker, a UCLA psychologist, and her husband sat down for a nightcap at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco with her former student Sam From and his male partner. Sam told Dr. Hooker that it was her responsibility to study “normal” homosexuals to show the world what they were really like—to challenge the commonly held belief that gay people were by nature mentally ill. Dr. Hooker took up the challenge soon after, but then life intervened, derailing her research until 1953, when she secured an unlikely government grant to pursue a study comparing 30 straight men to 30 gay men.
Three years later Dr. Hooker presented the results of her study at the 1956 American Psychological Association (APA) convention in Chicago. She rocked the profession by demonstrating that gay men were just as sane as straight men. While it would be another seventeen years before the American Psychiatric Association would remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual’s list of mental illnesses, it was Dr. Hooker’s study that paved the way, legitimizing homosexuality as a respectable field of study…
Being Gay Is Just as Healthy as Being Straight
Evelyn Hooker's pioneering research debunked the popular myth that homosexuals are inherently less mentally healthy than heterosexuals, leading to significant changes in how psychology views and treats people who are gay...
Hooker's work was the first to empirically test the assumption that gay men were mentally unhealthy and maladjusted. The fact that no differences were found between gay and straight participants sparked more research in this area and began to dismantle the myth that homosexual men and women are inherently unhealthy.
In conjunction with other empirical results, this work led the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM in 1973 (it had been listed as a sociopathic personality disorder). In 1975, the American Psychological Association publicly supported this move, stating that "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, reliability or general social and vocational capabilities…(and mental health professionals should) take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness long associated with homosexual orientation." Although prejudice and stigma still exist in society, this research has helped millions of gay men and women gain acceptance in the mental health community.
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The myth buster
Evelyn Hooker’s groundbreaking research exploded the notion that homosexuality was a mental illness, ultimately removing it from the DSM.
In 1953, Evelyn Hooker, PhD, applied for a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grant to conduct research on “normal homosexuals.” During this period of American history, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was seeking out communists wherever he suspected they might be lurking; homosexual acts were a crime; bomb shelters were springing up in backyards; and the term “normal” homosexual was thought to be an oxymoron. A variety of medical and psychological treatments to “cure” homosexuality were employed, including ice pick lobotomies, electroshock, chemical castration with hormonal treatment or aversive conditioning. Gay parties were raided by the police, particularly in election years when a crackdown on “sexual perversion” was seen as a positive step in the fight on crime...
Hooker’s proposal to study gay men began as a result of a close friendship she developed with a former University of California, Los Angeles, student, Sam From, who introduced her to the gay subculture. She became one of the heterosexuals “in the know.” It was From who told her it was her “scientific duty” to study homosexuals and promised her access to all the subjects she needed. Initially she demurred but eventually, with the encouragement of From and her colleague Bruno Klopfer, Hooker began an investigation that would ultimately result in the removal of homosexuality as a form of psychopathology from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III of the American Psychiatric Association. This research was the culmination of Hooker’s lifelong interest in social justice.
Humble beginnings
Evelyn Hooker was born Evelyn Gentry Sept. 2, 1907 in North Platte, Neb., the sixth of nine children…Her family was quite poor, and neither parent was educated past fourth grade. Her adolescence was colored by these social stigmata; she attributed her study of “an oppressed, deprived people,” (homosexual men) to her early experience (Garnets & Kimmel, 2003, p. 36)…she completed her doctorate in experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins University in 1932…A fellowship in 1937–38 took her to Berlin to pursue her increasing interest in clinical psychology at the Institute for Psychotherapy. She lived with a Jewish family and witnessed, with dismay, Hitler’s rise to power. Much later, after her return to the United States, she learned that all members of her host family perished in the concentration camps.
A trip to the Soviet Union at the end of her fellowship year exposed her to another totalitarian regime…
…Evelyn Hooker returned to her research on gay men…she decided to apply for a grant from NIMH. The chief of the grants division, John Eberhart, flew out to interview her to see who this woman was who claimed she had access to any number of gay men who were neither psychiatric patients nor prisoners. He told her, given the climate of McCarthyism, everyone was being investigated and if she got the grant, “you won’t know why and we won’t know why” (1993, p. 450). (Eberhart later told Hooker that her project was derisively referred to as “The Fairy Project” by some federal officials in Washington.) Funding was granted and Hooker embarked on her study…
…Hooker reported that one of the most exciting days of her life was the day she presented the results of her research at APA’s 1956 Annual Convention in Chicago. This ground-breaking research and the work that followed on the homosexual subculture led to Hooker’s award in 1992 for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology in the Public Interest from APA. In her response to this honor, she shared the award with the gay and lesbian community and expressed pleasure that her research and her “long advocacy of a scientific view of homosexuality” could make their lives and the lives of their families better. She closed her address by reading from a letter she had received from a gay man thanking her for her work and saying, “I think you did it because you knew what love was when you saw it, and you knew that gay love was like all other love.”
T h e K i s s
“It’s a celebration of love–it’s just that simple”
“It’s a celebration of love–it’s just that simple”
S e e i n g T w o M e n K i s s i n g
Omar Mateen - Got
'V e r y A n g r y'
Orlando, FL - Worst Mass Shooting In US History
June 13, 2016
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Evelyn Hooker, 89, Is Dead; Recast the View of Gay Men
November 22, 1996
...Her most significant work was a paper delivered in 1956 to the American Psychological Association in Chicago and published the next year as ''The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual'' in The Journal of Projective Techniques.
Dr. Hooker administered three standard personality tests, including the Rorschach ink-blot test, to two groups of 30 men, one heterosexual, one homosexual, who had been matched in I.Q.'s, age and education levels.
She then asked a panel of expert clinicians to assess the results without knowing the subjects' sexual orientation. To their surprise, the judges were unable to discern between the two groups on the basis of the test.
''The most striking finding of the three judges,'' Dr. Hooker wrote, ''was that many of the homosexuals were very well adjusted. In fact, the three judges agreed on two-thirds of the group as being average to superior in adjustment. Not only do all homosexuals not have strong feminine identification, nor are they all 'somewhat paranoid,' but, according to the judges, some may not be characterized by any demonstrable pathology.''...
…At the peak of the McCarthy period, in 1953, she applied for and received a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. ''They talk about all this courage I'm supposed to have had,'' she recalled four decades later, in an interview with The Los Angeles Times. ''I don't get that. Curiosity and empathy were what compelled me to do my study.''...
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H o m o s e x u a l
D i s s o c i a t i o n
Who Overdosed On Stupid Pills?!? - - Congregation for Clergy - Some Gift!!! Given Just Before Christmas - Lonely Dissociated Repressed Homosexual Old Men - Missing and Fighting Off Thoughts of A Loving Same-Sex Relationship
Congregation for Clergy
The Gift of the Priestly Vocation
dated Thursday, December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception
Vatican reiterates that homosexuals shouldn’t be priests - Dec 7, 2016
…has reiterated that men with “deeply rooted homosexual tendencies” shouldn’t be admitted into Catholic seminaries and, therefore, shouldn’t become Catholic priests… https://cruxnow.com/global-church/2016/12/07/vatican-reiterates-homosexuals-shouldnt-priests/
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Pulse Nightclub Victims
June 14, 2016
Orlando gay club shooting: World pays tribute to victims with vigils and rainbow flags
June 20, 2016
Monday, July 11, 2016 photo shows a makeshift memorial outside the Pulse nightclub,
a month after the mass shooting in
Orlando, Fla.
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was gay, former classmate says
June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016
The FBI is investigating reports that Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen used gay dating apps and regularly visited Pulse before he shot more than 100 people inside, killing 49.
At least five people have come forward saying they saw Mateen at gay clubs, painting a complicated portrait of the American-born Muslim whom the FBI believes was radicalized by terrorist groups.
One former classmate of Omar Mateen’s 2006 police academy class told The Palm Beach Post that he believed Mateen was gay, saying Mateen once tried to pick him up at a bar.
The classmate said that he, Mateen and other classmates would hang out, sometimes going to gay nightclubs, after classes at Indian River Community College police academy. One night, he said Mateen asked him if he was gay. He said no, because he wasn’t telling people he was gay at the time…
…“He said, ‘Well if you were gay, you would be my type.’ I said OK and just went on with the night,” he said. “It was not anything too crazy, but I take that as a pick-up line.”
He believed Mateen was gay, but not open about it. Mateen was awkward, and for a while the classmate and the rest in the group of friends felt sorry for him…
Jim Van Horn, 71, told The Associated Press that Mateen was a regular at the club. “He was trying to pick up people. Men,” he said.
While acknowledging he didn’t know Mateen well, Van Horn said: “I think it’s possible that he was trying to deal with his inner demons, of trying to get rid of his anger of homosexuality.”…
...The Los Angeles Times reported that Mateen attended the Pulse nightclub possibly as many as a dozen times before the rampage. Kevin West said he had messaged Mateen back and forth over a year’s time on the gay dating app Jack’d but never met him until he saw Mateen crossing the street about 1 a.m. Sunday...
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June 13, 2016
RC Curia & Hierarchy
60 Yrs - IGNORING & SILENCING - Science of HOMOSEXUAL Sexual Orientation
D i s s o c i a t i o n -
S e l e c t i v e
I n a t t e n t i o n
Jack Drescher, MD, 2004
What psychological mechanisms facilitate separating one's sexual identity from the rest of one's persona? Sullivan's (1956) concept of dissociation may be illuminating, particularly its most common aspect: selective inattention. A ubiquitous, nonpathological process, selective inattention makes life more manageable, like tuning out the background noise on a busy street. However, through dissociation of anxiety-provoking knowledge about the self, a whole double life can be lived and yet, in some ways, not be known. Clinical presentations of closeted gay people may lie somewhere in severity between selective inattention--most commonly seen in the case of homosexually self-aware patients thinking about "the possibility" that they might be gay--to more severe dissociation--in which any hint of same-sex feelings resides totally out of conscious awareness. More severe forms of dissociation are commonly observed in married men who are homosexually self-aware but cannot permit the thought of themselves as gay (Roughton, 2002)…
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17 Antigay Leaders Exposed as Gay or Bi
- January 27, 2016
- January 27, 2016
The internet was buzzing in January when an editor at a gay website in Virginia wrote that he'd encountered an antigay Republican lawmaker while on Grindr, without naming the person. Not every antigay crackpot is actually gay, but there's no shortage of those who actually are. Here are some hypocrites who just couldn't practice what they preached…
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Given Uganda's homophobia, why does it lead the way in Googling gay porn?
10 January 2014
Is there a connection, then, between homophobia and suppressed homosexuality, along the lines of "me thinks he protesteth too much"? Is it that homosexual desires, when shut out because of some sense of shame, can easily express themselves as a form of homophobia? When the US conservative evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, well known for his anti-gay preaching, was discovered to have been paying a masseur for gay sex, he explained that "I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war". Freud coined the description "reaction-formation", in which anxiety-generating feelings are masked by an exaggerated reaction in the opposite direction. There is some experimental evidence to back this up, with one study showing that 20% of those who self-described as "highly straight" indicated some level of same-sex attraction. This discrepancy is often put down to highly controlling parents who do not allow their children room to explore their sexual identity.
Yes, of course, there are many people who do not experience same-sex attraction who are anti-gay. But one of the features of reaction-formation is its paranoia and lack of proportion. And this is precisely what the scaremongering nonsense about gay people being out to get our children – a common line in the Ugandan debate – clearly demonstrates. In conservative religious environments where God is depicted as a powerful all-controlling parent, it makes sense to me that this reaction-formation will be particularly strong…
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2014/jan/10/uganda-homophobic-googling-gay-porn
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017
A child’s sexual orientation is not about sexual behavior - it is about love, wanting to feel one with another. Depending on the severity of this rejection of a child’s expression of love - the child wants to desperately please his parents and will learn to hid from his parent such emotions of love that are disturbing to them. He will even hide them from himself and thus begins the mental dissociation of this child - attempting to suppress the never ending - regular functioning of his sexual orientation of the emotional impulses - to be loved and to love and to feel one with another. However, as explained above - a person’s sexual orientation like the heart beating, breathing, sexual arousal, etc., are all under the control autonomic nervous system that operates automatically and unconsciously - they cannot be suppressed.
Sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes... http://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/orientation.aspx
Autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomic_nervous_system#cite_note-Human_Physiology_-_Janig-2
The Eyes Have It: Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in Pupil Dilation Patterns - August 3. 2012 …pupil dilation to stimuli indicates activation of the autonomic nervous system. This system is associated with many automatic processes such as perspiration, digestion, blood pressure, and heart rate. For this reason, pupil dilation has been used as indicator of automatic response, for example, in studies of implicit reaction and cognitive load. Other research suggests that pupil dilation can reflect automatic attention, or attention that is likely not in the conscious control of participants. It is therefore unlikely that participants suppress pupil dilation to stimuli they are sexually attracted to. Pupil dilation patterns could therefore reflect, with high sensitivity, automatic attention related to sexual attraction and sexual orientation…http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0040256
The child learns not to trust those feelings of love - however, this means the child is suppressing his need for love. The outward expression of the child’s sexual orientation is suppressed but the emotional need for love remains operative - 24/7 throughout life. When the child reaches the age of puberty - the stage of life during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and they will be automatically sexually aroused to persons corresponding the their respective sexual orientation. This means that the gay adolescent will be sexual aroused by persons of the same sex and a heterosexual adolescent by persons of the opposite sex. This sexual arousal - attraction is resistant to change and it will remain this way throughout life.
A child as young as 4 and 5 years of age - will do anything to please and avoid disapproval of his parents and instantly will suppress any visible behavioral actions from his parents and even from himself. And here begins what Erik Erikson defines as - “the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” A traumatized child out of fear will unquestioningly obey whatever his parents say and come to rigidly believe that his natural expression of love - is bad and therefore he is bad. The child will no longer trust his natural expressions of love and to avoid any further traumatizing disapproval of his parents - the child will rigidly follow his parental rules.
However, the reality about sexual orientation whether it is gay, straight or bisexual - it cannot be permanently suppressed or changed. It is forever continuously functioning autonomically - like our hearts beating or our breathing - it is operates automatically, not under our conscious control regulating our bodily functions - sustaining our lives. In brief, sexual orientation is all about our most basic human emotional need that we cannot live without - love and human attachment. Attractions and the need for love, are forever operative - out of our conscious control and no matter how hard we try to suppress our sexual orientation - it cannot be done.
These are lifelong harmful effects, and depending on the severity of an authoritarian parental suppression of a child’s gay sexual orientation, range anywhere, varying degrees of intensity, from: depression and anxiety, to suicidal ideation, to problems in forming close, fulling and lifelong relationships, to a marked form of aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility, to violent behavior directed indiscriminately at all gay people (http://www.rochester.edu/news/show.php?id=4040).
Parental Autonomy Support and Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Sexual Identities: Dynamics of Self-Acceptance and Defense - 2012
When individuals grow up with autonomy-thwarting parents, they may be prevented from exploring internally endorsed values and identities and as a result shut out aspects of the self perceived to be unacceptable. Given the stigmatization of homosexuality, individuals perceiving low autonomy support from parents may be especially motivated to conceal same-sex sexual attraction, leading to defensive processes such as reaction formation…
…Psychodynamic traditions hold that people have a preferred view of themselves, which may not reflect reality. When this idealized view is threatened by contradictory thoughts or feelings, people engage in one or more unconscious processes to defend against the threat to self. Among defensive processes that have been recognized as having some empirical support is reaction formation, a process indicated in the modern body of research on self-esteem preservation (e.g., Baumeister, Dale, & Sommer, 1998). Reaction formation refers to the process of adopting values or beliefs, or engaging in behaviors, that are in opposition to feelings or impulses experienced within oneself that are deemed unacceptable. Empirical work has shown reaction formation processes with respect to sexism (Sherman & Garkin, 1980), sex guilt (Morokoff, 1985), and prejudice (Dutton & Lake, 1973), indicating that individuals sometimes defend against self-relevant, threatening information by engaging in opposing behaviors…
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A child may have learned out of fear a being abandoned by his parents to dissociate from any conscious thought of his gay sexual orientation. To maintained this mental dissociation - which is completely unrealistic and unnatural - like the practice of Chinese foot binding (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_binding) that forever deforms the feet - takes an enormous amount of psychic energy. In addition, it will increasingly demand even more psychic energy - to keep this unnatural suppression, as the child grows towards puberty and on into adulthood - right through to old, old age. You will notice the intense emotional reaction - at the mere mention of the word “gay” or “homosexual.” It tends to create an immediate - emotional outburst and without any reasonable explanation on the order of soldiers returning from war - suffering from “shell shock” “battle fatigue” “operational exhaustion” “Post-traumatic stress disorder" (George Carlin -
This seems to help explained why there has been for the past 60 years the complete ignoring and silencing of any science on homosexual sexual orientation by the part of the better majority of the members of curia and hierarchy. Notice the striking contrast between the hierarchy from central Europe who grow up around or after the demise Hitler and the Nazi regime - have dominated powerful positions in the curia - are fiercely and obsessively anti-gay. Now, contrast this hierarchical homophobic behavior - with Pope Francis’s treatment of gay people, including gay priests. The contrast in the treatment of gay people is completely the opposite - as different as night and day.
Public execution of Polish priests and civilians in Bydgoszcz's Old Market Square, 9 September 1939.
Nazis Unleash Vicious Attack on Roman Catholic Church
Chicago Daily Tribune: - May 29, 1937
The hierarchy grew up in the extremely toxic anti-gay social environment caused by Hitler and the Nazi regime - highly publicized "immorality" trials - the false accusations of the Catholic Church - of the outspoken anti-nazi clergy - of the crime of being homosexuals in order to silence and remove them to concentration camps. Pope Francis - grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina - the exact opposite social environment - not anti-gay - where it has been the accepted custom, since the late 1800s for men to dance the tango together and continues to the present.
B u e n o s A i r e s, A r g e n t i n a
A brief Tango History
by Murray Pfeffer
by Murray Pfeffer
The Tango, often called 'The Argentine Tango', is Argentina's contribution to the world of dance. The Tango came from the brothels and low cafes of Buenos Aires at the turn of the century. However, at it's very beginning, it was a ballet-like dance between two men, which, just a little later, became the obscene dance of the brothels where both men and women had the opportunity to rub their bodies together. Over the years, the Tango has changed becoming an elegant and stylish dance evoking a picture of high society, with women in sleek glittering evening gowns and men in tuxedos and tails…
Read more: http://www.triogarufa.com/tango-history.html
Tango Macho - “Los Hermanos Macana”
Tango: Theme of Class and Nation
Julie M. Taylor
Ethnomusicology, Vol. 20, No. 2. (May, 1976), pp. 273-291.
...An examination of the continuing role of the tango in Argentina today entails a definition of the interrelated elements of tango as folklore, song, and dance. The following investigation deals with three groups of themes: those consisting of the characteristics of the environment which produced the tango, those forming the moral or emotional base of the tango and explicitly stated in its lyrics, and those found in the choreography of the dance itself.
…Perhaps the most striking characteristic of the groups of tango enthusiasts is the fact that the membership is exclusively male. Not only that, but none of the female friends or relatives of the members show the slightest evidence of interest in the tango. Active interest in the dance complex appears to be entirely male; women develop an interest in tango only if they develop interest in an hombre tanguero. This seems to be a pattern which has not changed much over the years from the days when men danced together to the organitos and in the brothels through the era of the cafe-bar to the present...
D a n c i n g T a n g o i n B u e n o s A i r e s
B u e n o s A i r e s T a n g o F e s t i v a l
July 2, 2013
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The hierarchy and Pope Francis - vividly validate reasoning for the immediacy - why I came out in March 1997 for the protection of gay children from the lifelong harmful effects growing up during early childhood caused by the influence of anti-gay social and religious norms. These lifelong harmful effects can be clearly observed in the curia and hierarchy fierce homophobic behavior not only the absence of any dialogue between science and religion on the topic homosexual sexual orientation for the past 60 years, but also by the immediate emotional explosive outbursts to the 2014 midterm report of Synod session on Family - listing the open discussion on how to be pastorally more welcoming to gay people and their families including ways of valuing long term committed gay relationships. There was a lot of emotional outbursts among the curia and hierarchy but no detail reasoning to substantiate their extraordinary hostile and aggressive reaction to the report. So intense was their fierce emotional reaction that the continuation of this open discussion on gay people scheduled for the second synod on Family session 2015 had to be canceled.
Sadly, one cannot, also, help to notice the enormous amount of the emotional psychic energy that is use by the curia and the hierarchy completely absorbed in an anti-gay obsession and the enormous amount of Pope Francis emotional psychic energy is used in reaching out to all people globally in nearly every situation in extraordinary effort to be inclusive of everyone, particularly those most forgotten and are in need of our help. Pope Francis has been relentless in this regard since his election to the papacy in March 2013.
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017
Know thyself
Oracle at Delphi
This above all:
to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your
brother's eye and pay no attention to the
plank in your own eye? How can you
say to your brother, 'Brother,
let me take the speck
out of your eye,
'when you yourself fail to see the
plank in your own eye? You hypocrite,
first take the plank out of your eye, and
then you will see clearly to remove
the speck from your
brother's eye.
Luke 6:40-42
T h e S c i e n c e
o f
C l i m a t e
C h a n g e
By James Carroll June 2, 2017
When the President met the Pope at the Vatican, last week, it was as if they were members of different species, so far apart in values and style that the actual content of what separated them proved elusive. Francis slyly presented Trump with a gift, though, that—as of yesterday—defines their opposition as absolute. The gift was a copy of his encyclical on climate change, “Laudato Si’.” Trump politely promised to read it. Sure.
In withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, the President demolished everything that the 2015 papal declaration represents. On this, the day after Trump’s decision, “Laudato Si’ ” is more important than ever. A blistering indictment of the human failure to care for Earth, it is also a poignant description of the momentous choice now confronting every government, corporation, and person on the planet. Trump may not have read it, but everyone who seeks to understand in explicit terms the depth of the danger he represents should. “Laudato Si’ ” is a manifesto. If you read it two years ago, read it again now.
The encyclical is a clear reckoning with the multifaceted climate crisis. Francis describes Earth as “an immense pile of filth” and mourns “the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species” each year, “lost forever”; he calls access to clean water “a basic and universal human right” and notes the link between “current models of development and the throwaway culture”; he recognizes the “very solid scientific consensus” that global warming has human causes and the “ecological debt” that the global North, after centuries of market plunder and pollution, owes the less industrialized South. All of this, Pope Francis declares, causes “Sister Earth, along with all the abandoned of our world, to cry out, pleading that we take another course.”…
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Snow Cover and Sea Surface Temperatures NASA
NASA's Global Climate Change website tracks key indicators of climate change, include the retreat of glaciers and the shrinking of ice sheets around the world.
NASA - Exploring Climate Change
Hitler & The Nazi Regime
o f
R a c i a l P u r i t y
N a z i s m
Who Overdosed On Stupid Pills?!? - - Congregation for Clergy - Some Gift!!! Given Just Before Christmas - Lonely Dissociated Repressed Homosexual Old Men - Missing and Fighting Off Thoughts of A Loving Same-Sex Relationship
Congregation for Clergy
The Gift of the Priestly Vocation
dated Thursday, December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception
Vatican reiterates that homosexuals shouldn’t be priests - Dec 7, 2016
…has reiterated that men with “deeply rooted homosexual tendencies” shouldn’t be admitted into Catholic seminaries and, therefore, shouldn’t become Catholic priests… https://cruxnow.com/global-church/2016/12/07/vatican-reiterates-homosexuals-shouldnt-priests/
...It is a wonder that lightning didn’t come down and once again - strike the top of Saint Peter’s Basilica, as it did twice just hours after Benedict XVI resigned on February 11, 2013. It is just like - Hitler and the Nazi regime - how they built their edifice of the Third Reich from 1933 to 1945 based on Hitler’s arbitrary and irrational formulation of the pseudoscience of racial purity and presented it in pseudo-religious terminology. It was this false dehumanizing edifice of Nazism that led them to starting WWII and that ended falling, destroying them and much of Germany. By the end of World War II more than 70 million people died, equivalent to “wiping-out” the entire populations of both (a) the state of Michigan with 10 million people and (b) the country of Italy with 60 million people. It is “considered the single most destructive event in human history (Less Than Human - by David Livingstone Smith - The Psychology Of Cruelty - http://www.npr.org/2011/03/29/134956180/criminals-see-their-victims-as-less-than-human).” The Second World War from 1939-to 1945 was a global war. It was the most widespread war in history that involved over 100 million people, activated the total resources (economic, industrial, scientific capabilities) of 30 countries (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II)..
Hitler's Place in History
Professor of Modern History at Sheffield University
Wednesday 27th April 2005
…How, then, should we look upon Hitler’s place in history? Primarily, as the inspiration of the most lethal and destructive war in history, and of the most terrible genocide the world has ever seen. He left behind him not just physical, but also moral, ruination such as history has never previously experienced. He represented an extreme pathology of modern society. He showed us the most radical face of modern inhumanity – how an advanced society can undergo a breathtaking descent into modern barbarity that’s quite without precedent. That’s what, with the passage of time, we can see was historically defining about Hitler. Never before Hitler’s time had we seen so clearly what human beings are capable of…
…we shouldn’t mystify Hitler’s personality. The uniqueness of Nazism can’t be reduced to that strange personality. Another time, another place, and Hitler would have had no impact at all. He couldn’t have derailed a modern society without that society itself making a major contribution to its own fate… We shouldn’t be complacent about the future. New forms of fascism and racial intolerance rightly appal and worry us…
…what we can do is to remind ourselves of the essential point about Hitler: he represented the most fundamental and frontal assault ever launched on all that we associate with humanity and civilisation.
Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism
Ian Kershaw Journal of Contemporary History 2004
Excerpts below:
Nazi Concentration Camps
Bombing of Berlin in World War II
Hitler - Nazis Exploit Social Homosexual Prejudices
1. Woo Conservative Support - Becomes Dictator
2. Silence, Remove, Destroy - Anti-nazism Catholic Priests
Hitler and the Nazi Party exploited the ignorance of the social homosexual prejudices of Germany: first, to woo the political support of the conservative elites to gain dictatorship power through the passing of the Enabling Act, March 1933, and second, to silence, remove and destroy the anti-nazi opposition of the Catholic clergy.
Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power
Unrecognized Potential:
Media Framing of Hitler's Rise to Power, 1930-1933
Katherine Blunt - 2015
[Hitler]…upon moving to Vienna in 1908…Hitler was poor and unsuccessful by most standards, but his time there was nonetheless of critical importance to his political success. While there, he studied closely the successes and failures of Austria's three major political parties and learned to inculcate the masses using propaganda and what he called "spiritual and physical terror," a tactic meant to coerce a populace into mental and physical submission by exploiting human weakness…
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Blind optimism, 14 November 2007
As Hitler shouted his way up the political ranks in Germany, the Guardian and Observer misjudged the extent of his early influence,
writes Sir Ian Kershaw
By the time the Nazi party came to prominence by winning 107 seats (18.3% of the votes) in the Reichstag election of September 14 1930, British newspapers could not ignore Hitler and his movement. But, as Brigitte Granzow showed long ago in her book, A mirror of Nazism, the reportage was replete with distortions and misinterpretation.
In an article on September 21 that year, the Observer echoed the widely held belief on the left that Hitler was the creature of big capital. It saw the real dangerman not as Hitler, but as the media tycoon and leader of the German National People's party, Alfred Hugenberg. The "Hugenberg manoeuvres", it stated, had aimed to promote both Communists and Nazis as a vehicle to weaken the organised working classes. "Hugenberg, and not Hitler, will ultimately call the Nazi tune."
A week later, the newspaper dismissed Hitler as "dramatic, violent and shallow", and "a lightweight", seeing him as "not a man, but a megaphone" of the prevailing discontent, fronting a militarist reaction, which would mean the destruction of peace. The newspaper went on to claim, remarkably, that Hitler was "definitely Christian in his ideals", and, even more strangely, that these matched the ideals of German Catholics…
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Germany's Conservative Elites
The German National People's Party…was a national conservative party in Germany during the time of the Weimar Republic [1919 to 1933]. Before the rise of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) [Nazi Party] it was the major conservative and nationalist party in Weimar Germany. It was an alliance of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements, and supported by the Pan-German League.
It was formed in late 1918 after Germany's defeat in the First World War and the November Revolution that toppled the German monarchy. It combined remnants of the German Conservative Party, Free Conservative Party, German Fatherland Party and right-wing elements of the National Liberal Party. The party strongly rejected the republican Weimar Constitution of 1919 and the Treaty of Versailles which it viewed as a national disgrace, signed by traitors. Instead it aimed at a restoration of monarchy, a repeal of the dictated peace treaty and reacquisition of all lost territories and colonies…
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Hitler, after he was appointed Chancellor of Germany, January 30, 1933, to gain the support of the conservative elites he appealed to their intense prejudices against homosexuals, by ordering the police closures of several gay and lesbian bars in Berlin to take place the day before the German federal elections were held on March 5, 1933.
…In its issue of 4 March 1933, the Berliner Tageblatt carried an article announcing the police closure of fifteen gay and lesbian bars in Berlin. That was the day before the national elections that led to Hitler’s passing of the Enabling Act, and was one of many measures designed to woo conservatives…
Why Bother About Homosexuals?
Homophobia and Sexual Politics in Nazi Germany
Geoffrey J. Giles - 2004
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
1933 Election Campaign: Hitler’s Election Posters
Cover the Front of "Eldorado," a Berlin Transvestite Bar
Closed by the Police (Early March 1933)
Though no single party gained the majority of the people’s votes, Hitler, however, did gain the needed support of the conservatives in the Reichstag to vote in favor of passing the Enabling Act (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933). Hitler achieved opening the last door to becoming the dictator of Germany and his aggressive implementation of the Nazi ideology of racial purity, the irrational goals of racial cleansing as means of the true German people reaching “national salvation” in the future.
Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism - Ian Kershaw 2004
…This was no ‘banality of evil’. This was the working of an ideologically-motivated élite coldly prepared to plan for the eradication of 11 million Jews (the figure laid down at the Wannsee Conference of January 1942), and for the ‘resettlement’ to the Siberian wastes, plainly genocidal in intent, of over 30 million, mainly Slavs, over the following 25 years. That, in such a system, they would find countless ‘willing executioners’ prepared to do their bit, whatever the individual motivation of those involved, goes without saying. This was, however, not on account of national character, or some long-existent, specifically German desire to eliminate the Jews. Rather, it was that the idea of racial cleansing, the core of the notion of national salvation, had become, via Hitler’s leadership position, institutionalized in all aspects of organized life in the nazi state. That was decisive.
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Adolf Hitler's rise to power
Chancellor to Dictator
…Following the Reichstag fire, the Nazis began to suspend civil liberties and eliminate political opposition. The Communists were excluded from the Reichstag. At the March 1933 elections, again no single party secured a majority. Hitler required the vote of the Centre Party and Conservatives in the Reichstag to obtain the powers he desired. He called on Reichstag members to vote for the Enabling Act on 24 March 1933. Hitler was granted plenary powers "temporarily" by the passage of the Act. The law gave him the freedom to act without parliamentary consent and even without constitutional limitations…
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Your collective voluntary ignorance and fierce adamant refusal to enter any form of open ongoing dialogue (as publicly displayed endlessly - at both sessions 2014 and 2015 of the Synod on Family) regarding the wealth of authoritative science produced on homosexual sexual orientation over the past 60 years, dispelling all the social prejudices against homosexuals that began first with Dr. Evelyn Hooker’s empirical groundbreaking research of 1957, proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness - because of your high positions in the Church - your negligence perpetuates globally the atrocities this inhuman, dehumanizing violence. Hitler demonstrated how the exploration of the social homosexual prejudices that were unsubstantiated then as they are now - can be used to lure the support of conservatives even to become the dictator of Germany.
Have you even noticed the harm that your mindless and endless fanatical obsessive antigay crusade, though completely unsubstantiated - not based on one piece of truth or love - for the past 30 years, has been exploited as a political wedge, in the USA that has ushered an enormous number of self-serving people into elected office? Do you even care about the global destruction you have helped to caused - the valuing of profits more than the dignity of human beings? All these human atrocities you allow to happen over the past more than 30 years all - because you insist on remaining stupid!!! You - we do not have the luxury of remaining wedded to our voluntary ignorance and fears of societal prejudices against homosexual sexual orientation.
Have you even noticed the harm that your mindless and endless fanatical obsessive antigay crusade, though completely unsubstantiated - not based on one piece of truth or love - for the past 30 years, has been exploited as a political wedge, in the USA that has ushered an enormous number of self-serving people into elected office? Do you even care about the global destruction you have helped to caused - the valuing of profits more than the dignity of human beings? All these human atrocities you allow to happen over the past more than 30 years all - because you insist on remaining stupid!!! You - we do not have the luxury of remaining wedded to our voluntary ignorance and fears of societal prejudices against homosexual sexual orientation.
Pope Francis: address to Global Foundation roundtable
The Global Foundation
Together, we strive for the global common good.
Pope Francis: put the human person at centre of economy
January 14, 2017
…Before all else, I would restate my conviction that a world economic system that discards men, women and children because they are no longer considered useful or productive according to criteria drawn from the world of business or other organizations, is unacceptable, because it is inhumane. This lack of concern for persons is a sign of regression and dehumanization in any political or economic system. Those who cause or allow others to be discarded – whether refugees, children who are abused or enslaved, or the poor who die on our streets in cold weather – become themselves like soulless machines. For they implicitly accept the principle that they too, sooner or later, will be discarded, when they no longer prove useful to a society that has made mammon, the god of money, the centre of its attention.
In 1991, Saint John Paul II, responding to the fall of oppressive political systems and the progressive integration of markets that we have come to call globalization, warned of the risk that an ideology of capitalism would become widespread. This would entail little or no interest for the realities of marginalization, exploitation and human alienation, a lack of concern for the great numbers of people still living in conditions of grave material and moral poverty, and a blind faith in the unbridled development of market forces alone. My Predecessor asked if such an economic system would be the model to propose to those seeking the road to genuine economic and social progress, and offered a clearly negative response. This is not the way (cf. Centesimus Annus, 42).
Sadly, the dangers that troubled Saint John Paul II have largely come to pass. At the same time, we have seen the spread of many concrete efforts on the part of individuals and institutions to reverse the ills produced by an irresponsible globalization…
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You, as in all of us, have to entered into the ongoing dialogue between science and religious on the topic of homosexual sexual orientation - as stated by both Saint Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI and reaffirmed by Pope Francis. John Paul warns us not to give into fear and self-imposed isolation. He states: “As dialogue and common searching continue, there will be grow towards mutual understanding and a gradual uncovering of common concerns which will provide the basis for further research and discussion. Exactly what form that will take must be left to the future…” Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI lived through the atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi Party - they experienced the traumatizing horror of barbaric inhumanity - they write from that experience.
However, as you demonstrated by your false statement of December 8, 2016 that on the part of the curia particularly and the hierarchy - for the past 60 years there has been absolutely no dialogue on this topic that was, first, used by Hitler to become the dictator of Nazi Germany. There has been - only the brutal silencing, removing and destroying reputations of anyone in the Church who openly dare to begin that dialogue between science and religion on homosexuality and shockingly the curia and hierarchy have been imitating the exact same hostile tactics that Hitler and the Nazis used to remove the opposition of the outspoken anti-nazi Catholic priests, the “immorality trials”.
Nazis take power
…Richard J. Evans wrote that Hitler believed that in the long run National Socialism and religion would not be able to co-exist, and stressed repeatedly that Nazism was a secular ideology, founded on modern science: "Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition". Germany could not tolerate the intervention of foreign influences such as the Pope and "Priests, he said, were 'black bugs', 'abortions in black cassocks'". He believed in a world Jewish conspiracy operating though social democracy, Marxism and Christianity…
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Hitler emphasized again and again his belief that Nazism was a secular ideology founded on modern science. Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition. ‘Put a small telescope in a village, and you destroy a world of superstitions.'
Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich at War, 1939-1945
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E M P A T H Y - ≠ - 9/11 Terrorist Attacks - Roman Curia & Hierarchy - Nazi Racial Policy - Extreme Homophobia - "unworthy of life"
Hitler and the Nazi Regime
“C U M U L A T I V E R A D I C A L I Z A T I O N”
P o p e P i u s X I I
Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli
Pope Pius XII (1939–1958)
Papal Nuncio to Germany 1917–1929
Cardinal Secretary of State 1930-1935
John Paul and Benedict were not the only two men who experienced the ever increasing overwhelming inhuman brutality of the Nazi regime spearheaded by Hitler’s irrational and lethal madness of racial purity. Pius XII prior to his election to the papacy in 1939, he was the papal nuncio to Germany from 1917 to–1929 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII). During this time - he was heavily involved in the evolving social chaos that began before the World War I and continued to increase during the war and the devastating economic hardship that resulted after Germany lost the war. In 1920 as Archbishop Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) he was then appointed Nuncio to the new Republic of Germany decreed by Weimar (https://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-xii/it/biography/documents/hf_p-xii_bio_20070302_biography.html). From that time on he remained right up to the end of the war, according to historical documentation the most ardent outspoken critic of the Nazi Ideology.
In 1929, he was summoned back to Rome and became Cardinal Pacelli. “David Dalin wrote ‘of the forty-four speeches Pacelli gave in Germany as papal nuncio between 1917 and 1929, forty denounced some aspect of the emerging Nazi ideology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII).’” From then on Cardinal Pacelli continued relentless denouncements against Nazism, while trying to protect the Catholic Church in Germany. In March 1937, Pacelli co-authored the encyclical of Pope Pius XI “Mit brennender Sorge" (With Burning Concern):
…accusing the Nazi Government of violations of the 1933 Concordat, and further that it was sowing the "tares of suspicion, discord, hatred, calumny, of secret and open fundamental hostility to Christ and His Church". The Pope noted on the horizon the "threatening storm clouds" of religious wars of extermination over Germany. He asserted the inviolability of human rights and expressed deep concern at the Nazi regime's flouting of the 1933 Concordat, its treatment of Catholics and abuse of Christian values…
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This encyclical did little to resolve issues, in fact it only “exacerbated the crisis.” “Frank J. Coppa wrote that the encyclical was viewed by the Nazis as "a call to battle against the Reich" and that Hitler was furious and "vowed revenge against the Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XI_and_Germany)." The Nazis did increased their brutality against the Catholic Church - spearheaded and orchestrated by Joseph Goebbels, the Minister for Propaganda.
Pope Pius XII
...Before his election to the papacy, Pacelli served as secretary of the Department of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, papal nuncio to Germany (1917–1929), and Cardinal Secretary of State, in which capacity he worked to conclude treaties with European and Latin American nations, most notably the Reichskonkordat with Nazi Germany, with which most historians believe the Vatican sought to protect the Church in Germany while Adolf Hitler sought the destruction of "political Catholicism". A pre-war critic of Nazism, Pius XII lobbied world leaders to avoid war and, as Pope at the outbreak of war, issued Summi Pontificatus, expressing dismay at the invasion of Poland, reiterating Church teaching against racial persecution and calling for love, compassion and charity to prevail over war.
While the Vatican was officially neutral during the war, Pius XII maintained links to the German Resistance, used diplomacy to aid the victims of the war and lobby for peace and spoke out against race-based murders and other atrocities…
Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
…Two Popes served through the Nazi period: Pope Pius XI (1922–1939) and Pope Pius XII (1939–1958). The Holy See strongly criticized Nazism through the late 1920s and throughout the 1930s, with Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) being a particularly outspoken critic. In 1933, Vatican signed a Concordat with Germany, hoping to protect the rights of Catholics under the Nazi government. The terms of the Treaty were not kept by Hitler…
…As Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pacelli, made some 55 protests against Nazi policies, including its "ideology of race." Pacelli also assisted Pius XI draft the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge (http://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-xi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html) critique of Nazi ideology. Written partly in response to the Nuremberg Laws, the document did not refer to Hitler or the Nazis by name, but condemned racial theories and the mistreatment of people based on race. In 1938, Cardinal Pacelli publicly restated the words of Pius XI on the incompatibility of Christianity and antisemitism: "It is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is inadmissible; spiritually we are all Semites.”…
…The Nazi regime disapproved of Pacelli's election as Pope. Historian of the Holocaust Martin Gilbert wrote: "So outspoken were Pacelli’s criticisms that Hitler’s regime lobbied against him, trying to prevent his becoming the successor to Pius XI. When he did become Pope, as Pius XII, in March 1939, Nazi Germany was the only government not to send a representative to his coronation." Joseph Goebbels noted in his diary on 4 March 1939 that Hitler was considering whether to abrogate the Concordat with Rome in light of Pacelli's election as Pope, adding, "This will surely happen when Pacelli undertakes his first hostile act.”… Photo
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'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty - 2011 - NPR
…I’ll briefly discuss the role that dehumanization played in what is rightfully considered the single most destructive event in human history: the Second World War. More than seventy million people died in the war, most of them civilians. Millions died in combat. Many were burned alive by incendiary bombs and, in the end, nuclear weapons. Millions more were victims of systematic genocide. Dehumanization made much of this carnage possible…
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The Nazi "cumulative radicalization” effect is explained by Ian Kershaw who “...is regarded by many as one of the world's leading experts on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and is particularly noted for his monumental biography of Hitler...
…In Kershaw's view, what happened in Germany after 1933 was the imposition of Hitler's charismatic authority on top of the "legal-rational" authority system that had existed prior to 1933, leading to a gradual breakdown of any system of ordered authority in Germany. Kershaw argues that by 1938 the German state had been reduced to a hopeless, polycratic shambles of rival agencies all competing with each other to win Hitler's favour, which by that time had become the only source of political legitimacy. Kershaw sees this rivalry as causing the "cumulative radicalization" of Germany, and argues that though Hitler always favoured the most radical solution to any problem, it was German officials themselves who for the most part, in attempting to win the Führer's approval, carried out on their own initiative increasingly "radical" solutions to perceived problems like the "Jewish Question", as opposed to being ordered to do so by Hitler...
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Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism
Ian Kershaw- 2004
…So the ‘cumulative radicalization’ so central to nazism is left needing an explanation.
Linked to this is the capacity for destruction — again extraordinary even for dictatorships. This destructive capacity, though present from the outset, developed over time and in phases; against internal political, then increasingly, ‘racial’ enemies in spring 1933, across the spring and summer of 1935, and during the summer and autumn of 1938; following this, the qualitative leap in its extension to the Poles from autumn 1939 onwards; and the unleashing of its full might in the wake of the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. The unceasing radicalization of the regime, and the different stages in the unfolding of its destructive capacity cannot, however, as has come to be generally recognized, be explained by Hitler’s commands and actions alone. Rather, they followed countless initiatives from below, at many different levels of the regime. Invariably, these occurred within a broad ideological framework associated with Hitler’s wishes and intentions. But those initiating the actions were seldom — except in the realms of foreign policy and war strategy — following direct orders from Hitler and were by no means always ideologically motivated. A whole panoply of motives was involved. What motivated the individual — ideological conviction, career advancement, power-lust, sadism and other factors — is, in fact, of secondary importance. Of primary significance is that, whatever the motivation, the actions had the function of working towards the accomplishment of the visionary goals of the regime, embodied in the person of the Führer...
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P e n t e c o s t
“Spirit creates diversity and unity”
Pope Francis
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis
Solemnity of P e n t e c o s t
4 June 2017
4 June 2017
Today concludes the Easter season, the fifty days that, from Jesus’ resurrection to Pentecost, are marked in a particular way by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is in fact the Easter Gift par excellence. He is the Creator Spirit, who constantly brings about new things. Today’s readings show us two of those new things. In the first reading, the Spirit makes of the disciples a new people; in the Gospel, he creates in the disciples a new heart.
A new people. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit came down from heaven, in the form of “divided tongues, as of fire... [that] rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other languages” (Acts 2:3-4). This is how the word of God describes the working of the Spirit: first he rests on each and then brings all of them together in fellowship. To each he gives a gift, and then gathers them all into unity. In other words, the same Spirit creates diversity and unity, and in this way forms a new, diverse and unified people: the universal Church. First, in a way both creative and unexpected, he generates diversity, for in every age he causes new and varied charisms to blossom. Then he brings about unity: he joins together, gathers and restores harmony: “By his presence and his activity, the Spirit draws into unity spirits that are distinct and separate among themselves” (CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, Commentary on the Gospel of John, XI, 11). He does so in a way that effects true union, according to God’s will, a union that is not uniformity, but unity in difference.
For this to happen, we need to avoid two recurrent temptations. The first temptation seeks diversity without unity. This happens when we want to separate, when we take sides and form parties, when we adopt rigid and airtight positions, when we become locked into our own ideas and ways of doing things, perhaps even thinking that we are better than others, or always in the right. When this happens, we choose the part over the whole, belonging to this or that group before belonging to the Church. We become avid supporters for one side, rather than brothers and sisters in the one Spirit. We become Christians of the “right” or the “left”, before being on the side of Jesus, unbending guardians of the past or the avant-garde of the future before being humble and grateful children of the Church. The result is diversity without unity. The opposite temptation is that of seeking unity without diversity. Here, unity becomes uniformity, where everyone has to do everything together and in the same way, always thinking alike. Unity ends up being homogeneity and no longer freedom. But, as Saint Paul says, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor 3:17).
So the prayer we make to the Holy Spirit is for the grace to receive his unity, a glance that, leaving personal preferences aside, embraces and loves his Church, our Church. It is to accept responsibility for unity among all, to wipe out the gossip that sows the darnel of discord and the poison of envy, since to be men and women of the Church means being men and women of communion. It is also to ask for a heart that feels that the Church is our Mother and our home, an open and welcoming home where the manifold joy
of the Holy Spirit is shared.
Now we come to the second new thing brought by the Spirit: a new heart. When the risen Jesus first appears to his disciples, he says to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them” (Jn 20:22-23). Jesus does not condemn them for having denied and abandoned him during his passion, but instead grants them the spirit of forgiveness. The Spirit is the first gift of the risen Lord, and is given above all for the forgiveness of sins. Here we see the beginning of the Church, the glue that holds us together, the cement that binds the bricks of the house: forgiveness. Because forgiveness is gift to the highest degree; it is the greatest love of all. It preserves unity despite everything, prevents collapse, and consolidates and strengthens. Forgiveness sets our hearts free and enables us to start afresh. Forgiveness gives hope; without forgiveness, the Church is not built up.
The spirit of forgiveness resolves everything in harmony, and leads us to reject every other way: the way of hasty judgement, the cul-de-sac of closing every door, the one-way street criticizing others. Instead, the Spirit bids us take the two-way street of forgiveness received and given, of divine mercy that becomes love of neighbour, of charity as “the sole criterion by which everything must be done or not done, changed or not changed” (ISAAC OF STELLA, Or. 31). Let us ask for the grace to make more beautiful the countenance of our Mother the Church, letting ourselves be renewed by forgiveness and self-correction. Only then will we be able to correct others in charity.
The Holy Spirit is the fire of love burning in the Church and in our hearts, even though we often cover him with the ash of our sins. Let us ask him: “Spirit of God, Lord, who dwell in my heart and in the heart of the Church, guiding and shaping her in diversity, come! Like water, we need you to live. Come down upon us anew, teach us unity, renew our hearts and teach us to love as you love us, to forgive as you forgive us. Amen”.
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Science +
+ Religion = Truth = L O V E
On Gay Priests “Who am I to Judge?”
July 29, 2013
Pope Francis
We have to find a new balance; otherwise
even the moral edifice of the church is likely to
losing the freshness and fragrance
of the Gospel.
Pope Francis
SCIENCE can purify religion from error and superstition;
RELIGION can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Each can draw the other into a wider world,
a world in which both can flourish.
For the truth of the matter is that the Church and the scientific community will inevitably interact; their options
Pope John Paul II - 1988
…TRUTH is the light that gives meaning and value to CHARITY. That light is both the light of REASON and the light of FAITH, through which the intellect attains to the natural and supernatural truth of charity: it grasps its meaning as GIFT, acceptance, and communion. WITHOUT truth, charity degenerates into SENTIMENTALITY. Love becomes an EMPTY SHELL, to be filled in an ARBITRARY way. In a CULTURE without truth, this is the FATAL risk facing love. It FALLS prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted,to the point where it comes to MEAN the opposite. Truth FREES charity from the constraints of an EMOTIONALISM that deprives it of relational and social content, and of a FIDEISM that deprives it of human and universal breathing-space. In the truth, charity reflects the personal yet public dimension of faith in the God of the Bible, who is both Agápe and Lógos: Charity and Truth, Love and Word…
REASON always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself OMNIPOTENT. For its part, RELIGION always needs to be purified by reason in order to show its authentically human face. Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…
Pope Benedict XVI 2007 2009
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2017
Pope Francis’s Appointees - - Cardinal JOSEPH TOBIN - Welcomes 'LGBT Pilgrimage' to his Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart - Newark, New Jersey - May 27, 2017 - - & - - Secretariat for Communications - Fr. JAMES MARTIN - Some Catholic Saints Were 'Probably Gay’ - May 10, 2017
Read more: http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/05/catholic-cardinal-joseph-tobin-welcomes.html
Pope: works of mercy means sharing suffering of others
(Vatican Radio) Doing works of mercy doesn’t mean just giving coins to assuage our consciences. Rather, it means sharing in the suffering of others, even at personal cost to ourselves. That message was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily on Monday morning at his regular Santa Marta Mass.
…Reflecting on the first reading from the book of Tobit, or Tobias, the Pope noted how Tobit was saddened and wept at the murder of a Jewish kinsman, whose body he brought inside to bury after sunset. Pope Francis went on to speak about the 14 corporal and spiritual works of mercy, saying that to do them properly means not just sharing what we possess, but also sharing in the sufferings of others.
We do not do works of mercy to assuage our consciences, to make us feel better, he said. Rather, the merciful person is the one who has pity on others and shares in their suffering. We must ask ourselves, am I generous? Do I know how to put myself in another person’s shoes? Do I suffer when I see another person in difficulty?
The Pope continued by noting how the Jews in the bible reading had been deported to Assyria and were not allowed a proper burial. Therefore Tobit risked being killed too – just as we must also take risks as we carry out works of mercy.
Recalling the Second World War years here in Rome, Pope Francis spoke of all those people, beginning with Pope Pius XII, who risked their own lives to save Jews from deportation and death.
Those who carry out works of mercy must take risks, but they may also be mocked by others, just as Tobit was mocked by his neighbours. Doing works of mercy also means being willing to be inconvenienced, the Pope went on, just as Our Lord was inconvenienced – all the way to the Cross – to show mercy to us.
We do works of mercy for others, Pope Francis said, because we know that we have been shown mercy by Our Lord first. We think about our mistakes, our sins, and how the Lord has forgiven us, so we do the same with our brothers and sisters. Works of mercy, the Pope concluded, keep us away from egoistic behavior and help us imitate Jesus more closely.
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Hypocrisy kills the Christian community, Pope Francis says at morning Mass
America Magazine - June 6, 2017
The diabolical language of hypocrisy, which ensnares others through flattery, has the power to destroy Christian communities, Pope Francis said.
Like the Pharisees who spoke to Jesus with soothing words of adulation, Christians who engage in hypocrisy speak gently yet "brutally judge a person," the pope said June 6 at his early morning Mass.
"Hypocrisy is not the language of Jesus. Hypocrisy is not the language of Christians. A Christian cannot be a hypocrite and a hypocrite cannot be a Christian. This is very clear," he said. "Hypocrisy can kill a community."
In his homily during the Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the pope focused on the day's Gospel reading from St. Mark, which recounts the Pharisees' attempts to trick Jesus into answering a question on the legality of paying a census tax.
Their attempt to trap Jesus with flattery, the pope said, is the first sign of their hypocrisy.
"Hypocrites always begin with adulation," he explained. Adulation is "not saying a truth; it is exaggerating, it makes vanity grow."
Jesus' answer that they "repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar," the pope said, reveals that he can see beyond their duplicitous nature, and that he "responds to hypocrites and ideologues with reality."
"Let's remember this: If it begins with adulation, it can only be answered with reality. 'Do not come to me with these stories: This is the reality,'" he said.
In the end, the pope added, hypocrisy is the devil's way of speaking and the devil is the one who puts "forked tongues" into a community in order to destroy it.
Pope Francis asked Christians to pray so that they may "not fall into this vice of hypocrisy," which applies the "makeup" of adulation to mask "bad intentions."
Christians, he said, should pray, "Lord, may I never be a hypocrite, may I know how to say the truth and if I cannot say it, to be quiet. But never, never a hypocrite.”
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Pope: hypocrisy destroys communities and hurts the Church
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday urged Christians to be truthful, warning them against the temptations of hypocrisy and flattery. His words came during the homily at morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.
Hypocrisy – Pope Francis said – is not the language of Jesus, nor is it the language of Christians, in fact, he said, “the hypocrite is capable of destroying a community”.
The Pope explained that Jesus often uses the adjective “hypocrite” to describe the doctors of the law, because, as the etymology of the word illustrates, they claim to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case, they proffer their opinions and issue judgements but in reality they are false.
And reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day, the Pope said "The hypocrite always uses language to flatter” just as some Pharisees and Herodians who tried to ensnare Jesus in his speech.
“Hypocrites – Francis said – always begin with adulation, “exaggerating the truth, feeding into one’s vanity" and he recalled the case of a priest he met a long time ago whom, he said, “drank-up all the flattery; that, he said, was his weakness”.
Jesus makes us see reality which is the opposite of hypocrisy and ideology
Flattery, the Pope said, is triggered by “bad intentions” as in the case of the doctors of the law in today’s liturgical reading. They put Jesus to the test, flattering him first and then asking him a question with the intention of making him fall into the wrong: “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?”
"The hypocrite, Francis said, is two-faced, but Jesus knew their hypocrisy and said: ‘Why are you testing me? Bring me a denarius to look at.’ Jesus always responds to hypocrites and ideologists with reality: ‘this is the reality; everything else is either hypocrisy or ideology’. In this case he said: ‘bring me a coin’, and he answered with the wisdom of the Lord: ‘Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar – the reality was that the coin carried the image of Caesar - and to God what belongs to God’.”
The third aspect, the Pope continued “is that the language of hypocrisy is the language of deceit, it is the same language the serpent used with Eve.”
It begins with flattery, he said, and ends up destroying people: “it tears to pieces the personality and the soul of a person. It destroys communities”.
Hypocrisy destroys communities and hurts the Church
"Hypocrisy is so bad for the Church” the Pope said with a warning to all those Christians who fall into this sinful and destructful attitude.
"The hypocrite is capable of destroying a community. While speaking gently, he ruinously judges a person. He is a killer” he said.
Pope Francis concluded exhorting the faithful to remember that the only way to respond to flattery is with truth; the only way to respond to ideology is with reality.
“Let us ask the Lord to guard us from this vice, to help us be truthful, and if this is not possible to keep silent – but never to be a hypocrite” he said.
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…The first Jesuit pope in more than 1,200 years, Francis has sought to change the direction of the church on divisive issues such as poverty, clergy reform, climate change and divorce. He has criticized the church as being “obsessed” with abortion, same-sex marriage and contraception, and said it should become a “home for all.” He also called for decentralizing power in the church by uplifting bishops and laypeople, including women. In April 2016, Pope Francis released a 256-page document urging church leaders to be less judgmental toward single parents, gay people and unmarried couples.
“A pastor cannot feel that it is enough to simply apply moral laws to those living in ‘irregular’ situations, as if they were stones to throw at people’s lives,” he wrote at the time.
During his latest public address, Francis said the "Our Father" prayer underscores how man can speak to directly to God, “who always watches us with love, and who surely won’t abandon us.” The Catholic Church believes in the Holy Trinity, that God is a union of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Under this belief, the Father is the creator who made man and Earth, the Son is Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is God’s force, or the church.
There are roughly 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, including 77.4 million in the U.S..
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This Vatican adviser is moving Catholics toward LGBT inclusion
Religion News Service - June 6, 2017
(RNS) In 1992, the Vatican under Pope John Paul II published the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which stated, among many other things, that “homosexual tendencies” are “objectively disordered.” One of the principal theologians who shaped the document was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who would succeed John Paul II as Pope Benedict XVI…
Two decades later, Pope Francis has signaled what many believe to be a softening on the matter.
In 2013, when asked about gay priests, he famously replied, “Who am I to judge?” He has continued to call for the Catholic Church to treat LGBT people with dignity and respect, and to fight discrimination against sexual minorities.
But the church may be on the cusp of another baby step in this ongoing discussion with the publication of a new book by a popular Jesuit priest, James Martin: “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.”
Martin argues the church must move from a position of tolerance to inclusion when it comes to LGBT people. He criticizes the language of disorder from the catechism, calls on Catholics to stop firing LGBT people from church positions and frequently uses terms like “gay” and “lesbian” that many Catholic officials avoid.
The book carries with it a sense of authority. It was approved by Martin’s Jesuit superiors and is endorsed by two Catholic cardinals and a bishop. And Martin was recently appointed by Francis as consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication, which manages Vatican TV and radio as well as the pope’s social media presence…
Father James Martin: “Respect, compassion and sensitivity” for gay Catholics
June 7, 2017
Jesuit Father James Martin says the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting at a gay nightclub which killed 49 people prompted him to write more forcefully and more formally about LGBT Catholics and the Church and how they can be made to feel more welcome.
In his much anticipated new book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, Father James Martin, SJ, seeks to end the “us” versus “them” mentality that has long divided LGBT Catholics and the institutional Church…
On the heels of his new appointment as a consultor to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications, Martin’s book has received advanced praise from high-ranking Cardinals and bishops, both in the United States and in Rome…
When I noticed that only a few bishops in this country mentioned the words gay or LGBT after Orlando, it seemed revelatory to me - as an institutional Church we are uncomfortable talking about LGBT Catholics. Around that same time, New Ways Ministry invited me to accept their Bridge Building Award, and that became the opportunity for me to reflect on what would become the basis for this book.
But it was really the massacres that allowed me to become more open about my advocacy for LGBT Catholics, as well as my advocacy for reconciliation within the Church…
How significant were the two synods on the family in opening up dialogue around LGBT issues in the Church?
They were highly significant. One of the reasons that Pope Francis called the Synod, and calls synods in general, is that he believes the Holy Spirit is at work in the laity and the different bishops around the world.
That these issues came up means that the Holy Spirit is agitating among the faithful and among the bishops, and that these questions are important questions.
The Pope asked for the bishops to bring to the Synod the sort of questions that are being circulated in their dioceses, and they did. I think people were afraid of some of the issues, and the Holy Spirit can be frightening sometimes, but fear not!
What’s surprised you the most in your ministry with the LGBT community?
One of the things that most surprised me is that outreach to LGBT Catholics is not just outreach to them, but also their parents, grandparents, families, and friends. A few weeks ago at a talk on Jesus, a woman came up to me - and she looked like the quintessential, apple-pie-baking contest winner sort of grandmother - and she leaned down to say something to me.
And I was expecting her to say something like, “I loved your book on Jesus” or something about Thérèse of Lisieux. But instead she said, “My granddaughter is transgender, and I love her so very much. and I want to thank you for your book.”
And I realized then that there’s a whole world of Catholics we’re ministering to by ministering to LGBT Catholics.
Likewise, many young people who feel distanced from the Church feel distanced because of this particular reason - and I don’t just mean LGBT Catholics but also their friends.
Many of them say, “I don’t want to be a part of a Church that treats my friends like this.”
So, at the beginning of writing this book, I thought it was a ministry to a rather small group of people. But I’ve realized through my conversations with people that it’s a ministry to a much wider group than I could have imagined.
At that same talk, a man my age got up and said to the crowd, “My son is gay and we welcomed him with open arms. I meet once a month with my local bishop to talk about homosexuality and my son.”…
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Vatican Appointee: Some Catholic Saints Were 'Probably Gay’
May 10, 2017
Fr. James Martin responded to an antigay Facebook comment with an open-minded history lesson.
Fr. James Martin said some Catholic saints were "probably gay."
The Jesuit priest — who was appointed in April by Pope Francis as a consultant to the Vatican's Secretariat for Communications — gave this history lesson in tolerance on May 5 to an antigay Facebook commenter.
Martin had posted a link to an article about a prayer led by Bishop John Stowe at an LGBT Catholic gathering coordinated by New Ways Ministry. An offended social-media follow responded, "Any canonized Saints would not be impressed." To which Martin replied, "Some of them were probably gay."
"A certain percentage of humanity is gay, and so were most likely some of the saints," Martin added. "You may be surprised when you get to heaven to be greeted by LGBT men and women.”…
Read more: http://www.advocate.com/religion/2017/5/10/vatican-appointee-some-catholic-saints-were-probably-gay
Father James Martin appointed by Pope Francis to Vatican department for communications
April 12, 2017
On April 12, Pope Francis appointed James Martin, S.J., America's editor at large, as a consultor to the Vatican's Secretariat for Communications.
The pope created the new secretariat on June 27, 2015, which consolidated all existing Vatican communications offices and operations under one department. Msgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò, formerly the director of the Vatican Television Center, was made its first director.
"I'm very happy to serve the church in this new way," Father Martin said upon learning of the appointment.
"I learned of the news early this morning, when Josh McElwee of The National Catholic Reporter and Cindy Wooden of Catholic News Service contacted me via Twitter to congratulate me. And given the importance of social media in the church today, that's a good way to find out good news.”
The secretariat is responsible for Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Centre as well as the Holy See's website and the pope's Twitter handle, @Pontifex.
In an interview with America earlier this year, Msgr. Viganò spoke about the principles guiding reforms to the Vatican's communications system under Pope Francis. “Christianity is not an idea,” he said. “It is an experience within a people in a given land and must relate to the cultural, social and communicative context in which it finds itself. And since today the system of communication is strongly digital, it must connect to that.”…
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Top Vatican and U.S. church officials back new gay-friendly book
David Gibson - April 9, 2017
Father James Martin's new book, "Building a Bridge," includes several blurbs from top figures in the Catholic Church's hierarchy which is a surprising break from the past. This seems to indicate a sea change during the papacy of Pope Francis.
The Vatican’s point man on family issues and a U.S. cardinal who is close to Pope Francis have both blurbed a new book by a Jesuit priest and popular author that calls on the Catholic Church to be more respectful and compassionate toward gay people.
They called it “brave, prophetic, and inspiring” and a “much-needed book.”
Such positive language from senior church leaders is extraordinary and another sign of how Francis is reorienting the church toward a more pastoral focus.
Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, by Fr. James Martin of America magazine, does not advocate for any changes in doctrine nor does it touch third-rail topics like same-sex marriage; nor do the churchmen who praise the book, to be published by HarperOne on June 13.
But simply using terms like LGBT to describe people is highly controversial for many in the church who insist that gay people be described as “homosexual” or “same-sex attracted” rather than by words that seem to affirm their orientation.
Cardinal Kevin Farrell, who was recently chosen by Francis to head the Vatican office on laity, family, and life issues, praises Martin’s writing in his blurb: “A welcome and much-needed book that will help bishops, priests, pastoral associates, and all church leaders more compassionately minister to the LGBT community.
“It will also help LGBT Catholics feel more at home in what is, after all, their church,” said Farrell, the former bishop of Dallas.
“In too many parts of our church LGBT people have been made to feel unwelcome, excluded, and even shamed,” Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin, who Francis personally picked for the New Jersey archdiocese, adds in a blurb.
“Father Martin’s brave, prophetic, and inspiring new book marks an essential step in inviting church leaders to minister with more compassion, and in reminding LGBT Catholics that they are as much a part of our church as any other Catholic.”
“The Gospel demands that LGBT Catholics must be genuinely loved and treasured in the life of the church. They are not,” writes Bishop Robert McElory of San Diego, also a rising star in the U.S. hierarchy, in another endorsement.
McElroy says Martin “provides us with the language, perspective, and sense of urgency to replace a culture of alienation with a culture of merciful inclusion.”…
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2016
POPE FRANCIS - WE Christians must A P O L O G I Z E to GAY PEOPLE for marginalizing them - - - | | | - - - ANTIGAY FUNDAMENTALISM - ISIS & Curia-Hierarchy - Gay Massacre Orlando - - - - New Hope -> Cardinal Reinhard Marx - Church M U S T apologise to GAY PEOPLE, pope’s adviser declares - June 24, 2016 | - - ISIS - Orlando Gay Club, Deadliest Mass Shooting U.S. History - June 12, 2016
Pulse nightclub massacre - June 12, 2016
Officially, 49 people were killed by Mateen in the massacre that began around 2 a.m. Sunday. Another 53 were wounded. Six remained in critical condition Tuesday. Officials say some of the gravely wounded may die...
Christians should apologize for helping to marginalize gays, pope says - June 26, 2016
…Spending close to an hour answering questions from reporters traveling with him, Pope Francis was asked to comment on remarks reportedly made a few days previously by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German bishops' conference, that the Catholic Church must apologize to gay people for contributing to their marginalization.
At the mention of the massacre in early June at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Pope Francis closed his eyes as if in pain and shook his head in dismay.
"The church must say it is sorry for not having behaved as it should many times, many times -- when I say the 'church,' I mean we Christians because the church is holy; we are the sinners," the pope said. "We Christians must say we are sorry."
Changing what he had said in the past to the plural "we," Pope Francis said that a gay person, "who has good will and is seeking God, who are we to judge him?"
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is clear, he said. "They must not be discriminated against. They must be respected, pastorally accompanied.”… Photo
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Pope says Christians should apologize to gay people - June 26, 2016
Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians should apologize to people who have been offended or exploited by the church, including gays and lesbians, in remarks that have quickly been hailed as historic.
"I repeat what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally,”…
…”I believe that the church not only should apologize to the person who is gay whom it has offended," he added, "but has to apologize to the poor, to exploited women, to children exploited for labor; it has to ask forgiveness for having blessed many weapons."
The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of America magazine, called the Pope's apology to gays and lesbians "a groundbreaking moment."
"While St. John Paul II apologized to several groups in 2000 -- the Jewish people, indigenous peoples, immigrants and women, among them -- no pope has ever come close to apologizing to the LGBT community. And the Pope is correct of course. First, because forgiveness is an essential part of the Christian life. And second, because no group feels more marginalized in the church today than LGBT people."
The Pope's comments came in response to a question about a German Cardinal [Cardinal Reinhard Marx] who said the Catholic Church should apologize for being "very negative" about gays. The Pope was also asked, by the same journalist, whether Christians bear some blame for hatred toward the LGBT community, as horrifically demonstrated in the Orlando massacre at a gay night club that killed 49 people on June 12…
Cindy Wooden - Rome Bureau Chief, Catholic News Service - stated that -
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Church must apologise to gay people, pope’s adviser declares - June 24, 2016
A leading cardinal has said the Catholic Church should apologise to the gay community for its scandalous and terrible treatment of them, which had not changed until “very recently”.
Speaking in Dublin, Cardinal Reinhard Marx said: “The history of homosexuals in our societies is very bad because we’ve done a lot to marginalise [them].”
As church and society “we’ve also to say ‘sorry, sorry’ ”.
The German cardinal is a member of the council of nine cardinals chosen by Pope Francis to advise him.
Until “very recently”, the church, but also society at large, had been “very negative about gay people . . . it was the whole society. It was a scandal and terrible,” he told The Irish Times after speaking at a conference held in Trinity College.
He said he had “shocked” people at the October 2014 extraordinary synod of bishops in Rome when he asked how it was possible to dismiss as worthless a same-sex relationship of years duration where both men had been faithful.
“We have to respect the decisions of people. We have to respect also, as I said in the first synod on the family, some were shocked but I think it’s normal, you cannot say that a relationship between a man and a man and they are faithful [that] that is nothing, that has no worth,” he said…
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Amid criticism, Cardinal Marx supports synod's midterm report - October 17, 2014
…Cardinal Marx added that “the Church’s Magisterium is not a static collection of sentences, it is a development. Doctrine is in d i a l o g u e with pastoral care. Doctrine is evident, it does not depend on the signs of the times, but it can nevertheless be developed. We cannot change the Gospel. But we have not understood everything yet.”… http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/amid-criticism-cardinal-marx-supports-synods-midterm-report-26962/
Thank you very much - Cardinal Reinhard Marx - MSK
June 19, 2016. It's been one week since the Pulse shootings claimed 50 lives. ...Orlando residents paused throughout the day — at a bar in the early morning hours, at morning church services and at an evening candlelight vigil in the heart of downtown — to remember the victims of the worse mass shooting in modern U.S. history, exactly a week later.
"We are hurting. We are exhausted, confused, and there is so much grief," said Larry Watchorn, a ministerial intern, during a sermon at Joy Metropolitan Community Church in Orlando, whose congregants are predominantly gay. "We come to have our tears wiped away and our strength renewed."
'Angels' blocked anti-gay protesters from Orlando shooting victim's burial - June 19, 2016
Funerals for two of the 49 Orlando massacre victims took place amid anti-gay protesters and an impatient driver who cut through a funeral procession, injuring two deputies.
The four anti-gay protesters were from the homophobic Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church. They raised signs with anti-gay slogans outside the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, where services took place for Christopher Leinonen, who was one of those killed in the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.
Police formed a line between the Westboro protesters and the hundreds of funeral attendees, who included members of the LGBTQ community, priests, bikers, and locals.
The crowd cheered when members of Orlando's Shakespeare Theater wearing huge "angel wings" showed up to block out the Westboro protesters.
The wings, which measured eight feet across and rose three feet above their shoulders, were made of white cloth and plastic piping. Reuters reported that the wings first surfaced at the 1998 funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay student who was brutally murdered in Wyoming…
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Florida Catholic bishop: ‘It is religion, including our own,’ that targets LGBT people - June 13, 2016
Today I write with a heavy heart arising from the tragedy that occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the neighbor to the east of my Diocese of St. Petersburg.
Yesterday, the best I could muster was to send these words by text message to my brother, Bishop John Noonan, bishop of Orlando: “John, I am so sorry. With love to and for all.” Today, with a new dawn, I again have some thoughts that I wish to share…
…Second, sadly it is religion, including our own, that targets, mostly verbally, and often breeds contempt for gays, lesbians and transgender people. Attacks today on LGBT men and women often plant the seed of contempt, then hatred, which can ultimately lead to violence.
Those women and men who were mowed down Sunday were all made in the image and likeness of God. We teach that. We should believe that. We must stand for that.
Even before I knew who perpetrated the mass murders at Pulse, I knew that somewhere in the story there would be a search for religion as motivation. While deranged people do senseless things, all of us observe and judge and act from some kind of religious background. Singling out people for victimization because of their religion, their sexual orientation, their nationality must be offensive to God’s ears. It has to stop, too…
Will we ever learn? I hope so. But until the above three points are taken seriously by society, sadly, tragically, we can expect more Orlandos. May the souls of those faithful departed who met their God early Sunday rest in peace and those recovering from deep wounds heal, help and hope.
Robert Lynch is the bishop of St. Petersburg. This piece was originally published on his blog.
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Thank you - Bishop Robert Lynch - MSK
A letter from Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich expressing solidarity with the Catholic gay and lesbian community in that city, following the mass shooting in Orlando, was read prior to a Sunday night mass for the lay organization AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach).
Addressing the group as “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,” Cupich wrote: “For you here today and throughout the whole lesbian and gay community, who are particularly touched by the heinous crimes committed in Orlando, motivated by hate, driven perhaps by mental instability and certainly empowered by a culture of violence, know this: the Archdiocese of Chicago stands with you. I stand with you.
“Let our shared grief and our common faith in Jesus, who called the persecuted blessed, unite us so that hatred and intolerance are not allowed to flourish, so that those who suffer mental illness know the support of a compassionate society, so that we find the courage to face forthrightly the falsehood that weapons of combat belong anywhere in the civilian population.”
According to a statement on the organization’s website, AGLOChicago was founded in 1988 “through the efforts of several members of Chicago LGBT community working together” with the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin “to provide a ministry of outreach.”
Cupich’s letter to the gay and lesbian community gathered for mass was separate from an earlier statement the archbishop released decrying the violence against gays and lesbians in Orlando, as well as the ongoing gun violence in the United States. “The people of the Archdiocese of Chicago stand with the victims and their loved ones and reaffirm our commitment, with Pope Francis, to address the causes of such tragedy, including easy access to deadly weapons," Cupich said. "We can no longer stand by and do nothing.”…
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Thank you - Archbishop Blase Cupich - MSK
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

LGBT Community Mourns Orlando Attack, Boosts Security At Pride Events - June 12, 2016
With sorrow, anger and expressions of unity, the LGBT community across the world is mourning Sunday's deadly attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando. Meanwhile, security has been increased at LGBT landmarks and events in cities across America.
The attack — in which a gunman killed 50 people, making it the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, and injured 53 — struck during Pride Month, which commemorates the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and the gay rights movement more broadly…
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Hundreds line up to donate blood to gay nightclub shooting victims - June 12, 2016
Officials at OneBlood say they have received such an overwhelming response that they are now asking donors to come back over the next several days.
More than 50 people were injured and 50 were killed when a gunman opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Orlando overnight.
In the hours after the worst mass shooting in US history, officials urged people to donate blood to help the victims…
Read more: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/world/hundreds-line-up-donate-blood-gay-nightclub-shooting-victims
I s l a m i c f u n d a m e n t a l i s m
Islamic fundamentalism (Arabic: الأصولية الإسلامية, al-oṣooleyyah al-eslaameyyah) has been defined variously as a movement of Muslims who harken back to earlier times and seek to return to the fundamentals of the religion and live similarly to how the prophet Muhammad and his companions lived. Islamic fundamentalists favor "a literal and originalist interpretation" of the primary sources of Islam (the Quran and Sunnah), and seek to eliminate (what they perceive to be) "corrupting" non-Islamic influences from every part of their lives,[3] and see "Islamic fundamentalism" as a pejorative term used by outsiders for Islamic revivalism and Islamic activism…
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Pope Francis - “f u n d a m e n t a l i s m is an illness that is in all religions” November 30, 2015
We are all children of God, we have the same father. And in this sense one must make a politics of unity, or reconciliation, and – though I do not like the word, but I must use it –tolerance. So, fundamentalism is an illness that is in all religions.
We Catholics have them, not a few but many, who think they have the absolute truth, and they go ahead throwing mud on others with calumny, defamation, and they do harm. I can say this because it is my church: also we, and we all. One must fight, because religious fundamentalism is not religious. Why? Because it lacks God. It is idolatry, just as money is idolatry. To do politics in the sense of convincing the people that have this tendency is a politics that we religious leaders must do. But fundamentalism that always ends in a tragedy or in crimes is a bad thing, but a piece of it comes in all religions…
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C h r i s t i a n f u n d a m e n t a l i s m
Christian fundamentalism began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among British and American Protestants as a reaction to theological liberalism and cultural modernism. Fundamentalists argued that 19th-century modernist theologians had misinterpreted or rejected certain doctrines, especially biblical inerrancy, that they viewed as the fundamentals of Christian faith. A few scholars regard Catholics who reject modern theology in favor of more traditional doctrines as fundamentalists. Scholars debate how much the terms "evangelical" and "fundamentalist" are synonymous…
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F u n d a m e n t a l i s m
Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. However, fundamentalism has come to apply to a tendency among certain groups—mainly, though not exclusively, in religion—that is characterized by a markedly strict literalism as applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions, leading to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and their accepted interpretation within the group is often the result of this tendency.
Depending upon the context, fundamentalism can be a pejorative rather than neutral characterization, similar to the ways that calling political perspectives "right-wing" or "left-wing" can, for some, have negative connotations…
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Pope Francis decries Orlando massacre and prays for victims - June 12, 2016
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is shaken and saddened by the ‘homicidal folly and senseless hatred’ that has left at least 50 people dead in an attack on a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
A statement released by the Holy See Press Office Director, Father Federico Lombardi SJ, on the Orlando massacre which has been described as the worst mass shooting in American history…
The terrible massacre that has taken place in Orlando, with its dreadfully high number of innocent victims, has caused in Pope Francis, and in all of us, the deepest feelings of horror and condemnation, of pain and turmoil before this new manifestation of homicidal folly and senseless hatred. Pope Francis joins the families of the victims and all of the injured in prayer and in compassion. Sharing in their indescribable suffering he entrusts them to the Lord so they may find comfort. We all hope that ways may be found, as soon as possible, to effectively identify and contrast the causes of such terrible and absurd violence which so deeply upsets the desire for peace of the American people and of the whole of humanity…

Terror in Orlando: 50 killed in shooting rampage at gay club; gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS - June 12, 2016
ORLANDO — The gunman who opened fire inside a crowded nightclub here early Sunday morning, launching a rampage that killed 50 people and injured 53 others in the deadliest shooting spree in the country’s history, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State before the attack, according to U.S. law enforcement officials.
In a rampage that President Obama said the FBI was investigating as an act of terrorism, this gunman fired a barrage of bullets inside Pulse, a popular gay bar and dance club, forcing people to drop to the floor and rush out through a back entrance…
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50 killed in Florida nightclub, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - June 12, 2016
CBS News: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Orlando Nightclub Attack That Left 50 Dead - June 12, 2106
ORLANDO, Fla. (CBSNewYork/AP) — A gunman wielding an assault-type rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a crowded Florida gay nightclub early Sunday before dying in a gunfight with SWAT officers, police said. The attack left at least 50 people dead, making it the worst mass shooting in American history.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has claimed responsibility for the shooting, CBS News reports. The terror group’s news organization, Aamaq Agency, said the attack was “carried out by an Islamic State fighter.”…
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ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack at Orlando Gay Club, the Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History - June 12, 2016
The Latest: American Muslim Leaders Condemn Nightclub Attack - June 12, 2016
American Muslim leaders are condemning the attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando that killed 50 people and wounded more than 50 others.
Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, called the killings a hate crime and said the group has no tolerance for extremism of any kind.
A law enforcement official has said the gunman, Omar Mateen, called 911 from the nightclub and expressed allegiance to an Islamic State leader.
Awad says members of the LGBT community have stood with Muslims in the past and today they stand that community…
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Pulse DJ Saved Lives Behind His Booth as Gunfire Tore Into Club - June 12, 2016
Ray Rivera went from spinning records to saving lives in an instant.
Rivera, a.k.a. DJ Infinite, was the performer at the gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando where Omar Mateen shot more than 100 people, killing 50, in the worst mass shooting in American history. Just before 2 a.m. Riviera started playing reggae music to mellow out the crowd when he heard the first gunshots ring out.
“I thought it was someone lighting firecrackers,” Rivera told The Daily Beast. “So I turned the music down, and heard some more. I turned the music off.”
Mateen had opened fire with an AR-15-style assault rifle…
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The Toronto sign in front of city hall is lit up in honour of the victims of the Orlando attack. - June 12, 2016
Orlando shooting victims remembered in vigils across city, nation and world - June 12, 2016
Mourners across Orlando - as well as the nation and world - paused Sunday night to remember the 50 people killed and 53 injured in the Pulse nightclub shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
So far, seven of the victims of gunman Omar Mateen's spree have been identifed: Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34 years old; Stanley Almodovar III, 23; Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20; Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22; Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36; Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22; Luis S. Vielma, 22; and Kimberly Morris, 37…
Braden Cowell, 27, of Orlando, also came to Ember for the vigil, bringing rainbow banners in a gesture of defiance against terror.
“If we don’t come out today and support our community, they win,” he said.
At Jones High School, just a few miles from Pulse, a vigil organized by the Experience Christian Center brought together seven pastors, “all sharing in prayer, different denominations all coming together for a common cause,” said Experience Senior Pastor Derrick McCrae.
“What prayer does is give direction,” McCrae said. “People find inner strength through a conversation with God. We want to see no division, and only see unity. We want to be mindful of what could happen to us at any point in life, but also be confident in who is keeping us.”…
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President Barack Obama called Sunday’s mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, an “act of terror and an act of hate.” He added that while authorities have not reached a definitive judgement as to the shooter’s motivation, the FBI would be investigating the matter as an act of terrorism.
“What is clear, he was a person filled with hatred,” Obama said of the shooter, who was an American citizen. “Over the coming days we will uncover how and why this happened.”
“This could have been any one of our communities,” he said. “As a country, we will be there for the people of Orlando, today, tomorrow and for all the days to come.”
The president noted the shooting took place at an “especially heartbreaking” time during LGBT pride month. He said the place where it happened was more than a nightclub, but a “place of solidarity and empowerment” where people went to “raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights.”
“This is a sobering reminder that attacks on any American, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, is an attack on all of us, and the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country,” he said. “No act of terror will change who we are or the values that make us Americans.”…
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President Obama calls Orlando shooting — deadliest in U.S. history — 'an act of terror and an act of hate' - June 12, 2016
President Obama delivered a sobering address Sunday afternoon in the aftermath of the horrific Orlando nightclub shooting — the worst in U.S. history — calling the brazen attack "an act of terror and an act of hate."
"As Americans we are united in our grief and our outrage and in our resolve to defend our people," he said in a brief and solemn statement from the White House.
"This is sobering reminder that attacks on any Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, is an attack on all of us and on the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country.”…
"As Americans we grieve the brutal murder, the horrific massacre of dozens of innocent people," Obama said during his address.
"We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts," he added. "We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city.”…
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Orlando Nightclub Shooting: Mass Casualties After Gunman Opens Fire in Gay Club - June 12, 2016
…Police initially said about 20 people were dead, but Orlando Police Chief John Mina said that once authorities were able to get into the club, many more victims were discovered. Mina called the attack "one of the worst tragedies we've seen."
Mina said a uniformed officer working extra duty initially traded gunfire with the shooter, who officials say was armed with at least two firearms.
"The officer engaged in a gun battle with that suspect. The suspect at some point went back inside the club, and more shots were fired. This did turn into a hostage situation," Mina said.
Officials decided "to go in on a rescue" just after 5 a.m. Mina said, adding that an officer was injured after being shot in the head.
"It appears his helmet saved his life," he said. "So he has an injury to his eye, but it looks like the bullet did hit his helmet."
Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said the incident "could definitely be classified as domestic terrorism."
Florida Gov. Rick Scott traveled to Orlando on Sunday morning and declared a state of emergency in the city.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, families and all those affected by this horrific tragedy. We are a strong and resilient state and we will devote every resource available to assist with the shooting in Orlando," Scott said in a statement….
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‘Hamilton’ Star Pays Tribute to Orlando Victims at Tony Awards: ‘Love Cannot Be Killed’ (VIDEO) - June 12, 2016
Eiffel Tower
to light up for Orlando
The French capital will pay tribute to the massacre victims.
World pays tribute to Orlando shooting victims with vigils and rainbow flags - June 13, 2016
Vigils have been held around the world in solidarity with the victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting.
In London, venues along Old Compton Street, the heart of the capital’s gay community, stopped serving at 7pm on Monday and people were invited into the street. Heads were bowed for a minute before defiant cheers and applause greeted the release of dozens of balloons into the skies above Soho…
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Orlando gay club shooting: World pays tribute to victims with vigils and rainbow flags - June 14, 2016
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