Sunday, May 30, 2010

What You Can Learn From the Marriage of Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks:

You can learn that interfaith marriages can be happy and long-lasting. Their interfaith marriage was described as one of the happiest marriages in the entertainment business. The 41-year marriage of Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks ended on June 6, 2005, when Anne died of uterine cancer. Read more --- Photo 

Mel Brooks & Anne Bancroft 
Sweet Georgia Brown
in Polish LIVE! - listen
To Be or Not to Be (1983) 9315 

This remake was one of the first major American films to acknowledge that homosexuals were persecuted by the Third Reichalong with other Holocaust victims...
A gag starts off the Mel Brooks version with Brooks and Bancroft performing the song "Sweet Georgia Brown" in Polish, and after the performance the two engage in a quarrel backstage—still in Polish—until an announcer calls out: "Ladies and gentlemen, for the interest of clarity and sanity the rest of this movie will not be in Polish." Read more ----- Photo

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