Update: September 23, 2018
This entire posting has been sent out as a US group mailing before posting it here on the Thalamus Center.
The continuation of:
TRUTH not HYSTERIA - WILL SET US FREE! - (PART 2) Opening Vatican Doors 1981-2013 - TO - REPRESSED Homosexual PRELATES…
Update: Sept. 1, 2018 Revised: Aug.29, 2018 http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2018/08/truth-not-hysteria-will-set-us-free.html
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Deuteronomy 5:8-10
“Teacher, which commandment in
the law is the greatest?”
He said to him,
“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
This is the greatest and first commandment.
And a second is like it
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
On these two commandments hang
all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:36-40
“A new command I give you: Love one
As I have loved you,
so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that
you are my disciples,
if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35
...Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone, Coakley, Burke & More = The NETWORKS of REPRESSED HOMOSEXUAL PRELATES - “Murderous Mayhem” & “Cold-blooded Killer” - REACTION FORMATION - Obsessive Antigay Crusade & Condemning Gay ADULT Pornography & Vatican’s Decades Secret Gay Sexual Acting Out Sandals - All Leading to Benedict XVI Retiring | Global - Structural Violence Atrocities ¿¿¿Culpability???
Without the TRUTH that comes from the dialogue between science and religion - there is no LOVE.
What identifies these PRELATES
like Vigano to be
like Vigano to be
disciples of Jesus Christ???
“This is infighting between curia factions that are exploiting the abuse crisis and victims of clergy sexual abuse as leverage in the struggle for church power,” he said. “The sexual abuse crisis is not about whether a bishop is a liberal or a conservative. It is about protecting children.” https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/08/26/viganos-accusations-what-we-know-and-what-questions-they-raise
Vigano’s statement…
...“The statement included no supporting documents and also accused a long list of current and past Vatican and U.S. Church officials of facilitating the expansion of a “homosexual network” in the Church.”
...Vigano went on to criticize Cupich’s “pro-gay ideology” and leveled personal attacks...
...Cupich said that references he has made related to clerical sexual abuse and homosexuality has been based on the “Causes and Context” study by the John Jay School of Criminal Justice, released in 2011, which showed homosexual priests were not more likely to sexually abuse than heterosexual priests.
“If you say that this is about homosexuality, then in the end what you’re really saying is that people who are gay are more prone to abuse children than straight people are, and that’s an injustice,” Cupich said. “The research does not bear that out…”
...More salaciously, Vigano said the Catholic Church is plagued by "homosexual networks" that "act under the concealment of secrecy and lies with the power of octopus tentacles, and strangle innocent victims and priestly vocations, and are strangling the entire Church.” https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/27/us/vigano-pope-resign-abuse-analysis/index.html
WITHOUT VIGANO EVER PROVIDING ANY SUBSTANTIATED PROOF - this STATEMENT above, is most likely Vigano’s own pure projection of his own Networks of Repressed Homosexual Prelates and their wealthy political accomplices. It is a blatant exposure of their own profoundly immoral and malevolent design, they "act under the concealment of secrecy and lies with the power of octopus tentacles, and strangle innocent victims and priestly vocations, and are strangling the entire Church.” Vigano’s reason for hiding for fear of his life - appears to be a profound admission of his own repressed guilty conscience. It is an example of how the meaning of love gets twisted around to mean the opposite - when their denial of the science on homosexuality prevents the dialogue between science and religion to find TRUTH and without TRUTH there is no LOVE - as per Caritas in veritate, seemingly the birthing of the Post-Truth era. FrMSK 9/3/18 -
Read more: Part 1
24 January 2018
“The truth will set you free”
Jn 8:32
Fake news and journalism for peace
Fake news and journalism for peace
1. What is “fake” about fake news?
The term “fake news” has been the object of great discussion and debate. In general, it refers to the spreading of disinformation on line or in the traditional media. It has to do with false information based on non-existent or distorted data meant to deceive and manipulate the reader. Spreading fake news can serve to advance specific goals, influence political decisions, and serve economic interests.
The effectiveness of fake news is primarily due to its ability to mimic real news, to seem plausible. Secondly, this false but believable news is “captious”, inasmuch as it grasps people’s attention by appealing to stereotypes and common social prejudices, and exploiting instantaneous emotions like anxiety, contempt, anger and frustration. The ability to spread such fake news often relies on a manipulative use of the social networks and the way they function. Untrue stories can spread so quickly that even authoritative denials fail to contain the damage…
Read more:
Post-Truth - Lee McIntyre 2018
How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.
Are we living in a post-truth world, where “alternative facts” replace actual facts and feelings have more weight than evidence? How did we get here? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Lee McIntyre traces the development of the post-truth phenomenon from science denial through the rise of “fake news,” from our psychological blind spots to the public's retreat into “information silos.”
What, exactly, is post-truth? Is it wishful thinking, political spin, mass delusion, bold-faced lying? McIntyre analyzes recent examples—claims about inauguration crowd size, crime statistics, and the popular vote—and finds that post-truth is an assertion of ideological supremacy by which its practitioners try to compel someone to believe something regardless of the evidence… Read more: https://mitpress.mit.edu/contributors/lee-mcintyre
Gerhard Müller
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Homophobia, Heterosexism, and Sexual Prejudice
People with homosexual or bisexual orientations have long been stigmatized. With the rise of the gay political movement in the late 1960s, however, homosexuality's condemnation as immoral, criminal, and sick came under increasing scrutiny. When the American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality as a psychiatric diagnosis in 1973, the question of why some heterosexuals harbor strongly negative attitudes toward homosexuals began to receive serious scientific consideration… Read more:
What are the motivations for sexual prejudice? Psychological Functions of Sexual Prejudice
A variety of motivations underlie sexual prejudice. One way to understand those motives is to ask how a particular heterosexual's antigay attitudes benefit her or him psychologically.
This functional approach has been used to understand attitudes in many different domains… Read more:
Does coming out reduce sexual prejudice?
Coming Out Can Reduce Sexual Prejudice
Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D.
September 2, 1907 - November 18, 1996
Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D., published the first empirical research to challenge the prevailing psychiatric assumption that homosexuality was a mental illness. Her work was the cornerstone for an entire body of research that ultimately led to removal of "homosexuality" from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Her courage, insight, and integrity have inspired social scientists, mental health professionals, human rights activists, and people around the world…
Read more:
March 24, 2017
The Father of “Homophobia”: George Weinberg (1929-2017)
Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues
September 11, 2015
Homophobic attitudes may say a lot about the person who holds them, new research suggests.
A new study of university students in Italy revealed that people who have strongly negative views of gay people also have higher levels of psychoticism and inappropriate coping mechanisms than those who are accepting of homosexuality… Read more: https://www.livescience.com/52146-homophobia-personality-traits.html
Ex-Vatican doctrine czar calls homophobia a ‘hoax’, ‘psycho-terrorism’ May 22, 2018
…In the wake of the May 17 World Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the Vatican’s former top doctrinal official, German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, has declared that homophobia “simply doesn’t exist” and is “an invention, an instrument of totalitarian dominion over the minds of others.”
“The homosexual movement doesn’t have scientific arguments, so it’s constructed an ideology that wants to dominate, seeking to construct its own reality. It’s the Marxist scheme, according to which it’s not reality that builds thought, it’s thought that builds reality,” Müller said.
“Whoever doesn’t accept this thought is considered sick, as if, among other things, illness could be treated with police and courts,” the 70-year-old cardinal said…
Read more:
“A new command I give you:
Love one another. As I
have loved you, so
you must love
one another.
Love one another. As I
have loved you, so
you must love
one another.
By this everyone will know that
you are my disciples, if you
love one another.”
love one another.”
John 13:34-35
“If you continue in my word, you
are truly my disciples; and
you will know the truth,
and the truth will
make you free.”
John 8:31-32
Will Set Us Free NOT FEAR
John Paul II & Benedict XVI gives Us the recipe to find Truth - it comes from the light of Reason/Science and Faith/Religion in Dialogue that we learn the true meaning of LOVE.
Without TRUTH there is no LOVE
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = LOVE
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Photos - The Breach, Part 2
Opening Vatican Doors 1981-2013 - TO - REPRESSED Homosexual PRELATES…
“Headhunters & Leaders”
repressive minds,
riding on the waves of fear,
“Headhunters & Leaders”
repressive minds,
riding on the waves of fear,
took over.”
Re-enacting the Brutality & Violence
Nazi Stormtroopers SA (Brownshirts)
On the Innocent by
The Stormtroopers were known for their brutality and violence and were potent instruments of street terror during Hitler's rise to power. https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn518903
- * - * - * - (PART 3) - * - * - * -
Vigano’s attacks against
Pope Francis
Vigano is Actualizing - the vicious, criminal backstabbing calumny tactics of the
Vatileaks: Pope's butler 'wanted to rid Vatican of evil and corruption’ 13 Aug 2012
Burke's & Vigano's
CONDOMS to McCarrick
Using Same US Playbook
Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis
Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis
“What was Watergate?”
…The arrest of the Watergate burglars set in motion Nixon’s fourth war, against the American system of justice. It was a war of lies and hush money, a conspiracy that became necessary to conceal the roles of top officials and to hide the president’s campaign of illegal espionage and political sabotage, including the covert operations that Mitchell described as “the White House horrors” during the Watergate hearings: the Huston Plan, the Plumbers, the Ellsberg break-in, Liddy’s Gemstone plan and the proposed break-in at Brookings…
Read more:
Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought - Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
June 8, 2012
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
United States House of Representatives
United States Senate
Hillary Clinton visits a makeshift memorial outside Pulse in Orlando, Fla., July 22, 2016.
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer says the city is interested in purchasing the nightclub to turn it into a permanent memorial.
Orlando Shooting: How Faith Reckons With Senseless Evil | Time, June 13, 2016
Wilfredo Perez (L), a local bartender at a gay bar, is embraced by his partner Jackson Hollman during a vigil to commemorate victims of a mass shooting at the Pulse gay night club in Orlando, June 12, 2016.
Orlando attack: city pauses to remember one week after Pulse nightclub shooting, Jun 2016
Residents gather in park to commemorate victims as city’s soccer team wears rainbow colours and church bells ring.
People hold candles at a candlelight vigil for the victims of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub, as they gather at Lake Eola Park in Orlando.
June 26, 2016
…Spending close to an hour answering questions from reporters traveling with him, Pope Francis was asked to comment on remarks reportedly made a few days previously by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German bishops' conference, that the Catholic Church must apologize to gay people for contributing to their marginalization.
At the mention of the massacre in early June at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Pope Francis closed his eyes as if in pain and shook his head in dismay.
"The church must say it is sorry for not having behaved as it should many times, many times -- when I say the 'church,' I mean we Christians because the church is holy; we are the sinners," the pope said. "We Christians must say we are sorry."
Changing what he had said in the past to the plural "we," Pope Francis said that a gay person, "who has good will and is seeking God, who are we to judge him?"
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is clear, he said. "They must not be discriminated against. They must be respected, pastorally accompanied.”… Read more: http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2016/christians-should-apologize-for-helping-to-marginalize-gays-pope-says.cfm
Pope says Christians should apologize to gay people - June 26, 2016
Pope Francis said Sunday that Christians should apologize to people who have been offended or exploited by the church, including gays and lesbians, in remarks that have quickly been hailed as historic.
"I repeat what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally,”…
…”I believe that the church not only should apologize to the person who is gay whom it has offended," he added, "but has to apologize to the poor, to exploited women, to children exploited for labor; it has to ask forgiveness for having blessed many weapons."
The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of America magazine, called the Pope's apology to gays and lesbians "a groundbreaking moment."
"While St. John Paul II apologized to several groups in 2000 -- the Jewish people, indigenous peoples, immigrants and women, among them -- no pope has ever come close to apologizing to the LGBT community. And the Pope is correct of course. First, because forgiveness is an essential part of the Christian life. And second, because no group feels more marginalized in the church today than LGBT people."
The Pope's comments came in response to a question about a German Cardinal [Cardinal Reinhard Marx] who said the Catholic Church should apologize for being "very negative" about gays. The Pope was also asked, by the same journalist, whether Christians bear some blame for hatred toward the LGBT community, as horrifically demonstrated in the Orlando massacre at a gay night club that killed 49 people on June 12… Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/26/world/pope-apologize-gays/
Why you should see the film on Pope Francis
'Pope Francis: A Man of His Word’
September 14, 2018
…The strength of this pope is his ability to take us, believers, back to the essential: our humanity, our earth, to where we need to be witnesses to the things that are beyond us. His is but a voice, to be sure, but one endowed with a prophetic force.
Read more: La Croix International
Pope Francis lanced a severely infected wound and the infection is spewing out. Pope Francis has stated that he was elected to reform the curia and it appears this is exactly what he is doing. He had been asked, in the beginning, why his reforms were taking so long. In response Pope Francis stated that the stream of corruption that flows throughout the curia is deeply entrenched and that is why it is taking so long to get to and remove. Pope Francis’s reforms have been incremental, but steady, beginning with the Vatican Bank 2013. This was followed by removing Cardinal Burke from having any position of Church authority, in September 2014. “Pope Francis removed U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke, 66, as head of the Vatican's highest court and named him to a largely ceremonial post for a chivalric religious order. Burke, formerly prefect of the Apostolic Signature, will now serve as cardinal patron of the Knights and Dames of Malta, (https://www.ncronline.org/news/vatican/pope-removes-cardinal-burke-vatican-post).” Burke’s public extremely explosive negative reaction, at the release of the midterm report of the synod of bishops, October 2014, after learning that an open dialogue took place, on how to be more pastorally welcoming to gay people. Burke’s immediately - his reaction was solely hysterical completely absent of any substantiating rationale or the science on homosexuality. Burke likely exposed way more than he intended about himself and about the organizational culture of the curia. The more Burke spoke out publicly from that time on - the more he exposed his extreme lack of having the appropriate credentials, and the emotional stability for holding any position of Church authority. He also was exposing the different levels of how severely problematic, and dysfunctional the organizational culture was that existed in the curia that allowed him to ascend to become the head of the Vatican's highest court, the prefect of the Apostolic Signature. In particular, Burke publicly exposed the extraordinary fierce antigay obsession, an irrational and violent hostility directed at gay people that was dominant throughout the curia and the hierarchy. The fact that Pope Benedict XVI had been in a monastic retirement for nearly more than a year and half, Burke’s irrational and violently explosive antigay outbursts, began in ways to exonerate Pope Benedict XVI as the source of this degree of antigay violence. It began to cast the light to questions that Benedict XVI was being exploited that then led to questions about why and how that cast the light further back into Benedict's early childhood years growing up in Nazi Germany. It was Pope Francis's reform work that opened these doors into the past to help to begin to understand how and why the curia became obsessively antigay that then spread throughout the hierarchy. My motivation for doing this exhausting research was to answer the question that led me, especially being a priest - to feel morally obligated to come out March 1997 for the protection of children growing up gay that was solidly based on the dialogue between science and religion on the topic of homosexuality - "How is it possible that the Vatican did not know the decades of the science about the severe lifelong harmful effects caused to children in their early childhood years growing up gay by the influence of unsubstantiated antigay social and religious norms?" Burke's deceptive Knights of Malta fiasco seemed to expose the behavior of how Pope Benedict XVI was continually being exploited and then blamed for actions that he never authorized.
Knights of Malta
A giant replica of a condom on the - Obelisk of Buenos Aires, Argentina,
part of an awareness campaign for
the 2005 World AIDS Day
When Switzerland put its hang-ups on hold
Burke exposed his true colors in December 2016 by his numerous lies disobeying Pope Francis’s directive regarding the Knights of Malta that no one was to be fired that difficulties need to be resolved through the means of dialogue. Burke not only disobeyed Pope Francis’s direct order that no was to be fired, Burke used intimidating tactics threatening von Boeselager with "severe consequences" if he did not resign, Burke then stated that it was Pope Francis’s wish that he resign that was the exact opposite of Pope Francis’s directive to Burke. This whole incident was triggered by an investigation authorized by either Burke or the Lepanto Institute into an issue regarding von Boeselager and condoms that had he already been acquitted of any wrong doings.
Cardinal Burke
Militant Traditionalist Organization
Lepanto Institute
Pope’s takeover of Knights of Malta brings chance for needed reform
By Austen Ivereigh - January 29, 2017
…It was Burke’s attempt to use Pope Francis’s authority as part of an internal power-play by Festing in December to remove his rival Boeselager that prompted the papal putsch…
The president of the order’s German Association, Erich Lobkowicz, has described the struggle as “a battle between all that Pope Francis stands for and a tiny clique of ultraconservative frilly old diehards in the Church - diehards that have missed the train in every conceivable respect.”
…Emboldened by Burke, Festing tried to sack Boeselager in early December on grounds of disobedience, after the German refused to stand down at the Englishman’s request.
The grounds for his removal were manufactured by a militant traditionalist organization close to Burke, the Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ…
It either offered or was commissioned by Burke to investigate allegations that Boeselager had approved the distribution of condoms while head of the order’s humanitarian arm years earlier. The issue had already been dealt with in an internal Order of Malta investigation the year before, which had cleared the German of any wrongdoing. The Vatican had also been informed at the time.
…In his letter that followed the meeting the pope made clear that Catholic moral precepts must be followed but that differences should be resolved through dialogue rather than expulsions.
But the letter was used by Burke as a justification for sacking Boeselager against the pope’s express wishes…
But it was Burke’s disobedience to the pope that was the real issue… Read more:
It's Not Just Cardinal Burke
February 14, 2017
Kremlinology was supposed to have gone out with the end of the Cold War, but the murky connections between the Trump administration and Vladimir Putin may be bringing it back into fashion. Vaticanology, on the other hand, never went away, and with reports on the links between Stephen Bannon, Cardinal Raymond Burke, and conservative elements in Rome, it seems a more vibrant area of study every day. Just consider how the most influential papers in the United States have taken up the topic of Bannon and Burke lately, with the New York Times featuring multiple stories and the Washington Post running a column from Emma-Kate Symons calling for Pope Francis to put “the reactionary elements such as Burke and his cronies back in their place.”
There are indeed “reactionary elements” at the Vatican. But the bigger problem might be here with the Catholic Church in America, specifically those not-so-small quarters of extreme theological, cultural, and political conservatism within bishops’ chanceries, in seminaries, and at Catholic colleges. It can be tempting to draw a parallel with the nationalist Catholic group Action Française, which Pius XI condemned in 1926. But there is no single group in the U.S. that has become as significant. Still, the “radical traditionalist Catholicism” embodied by Bannon and Burke is representative of something larger than the fringe out of which the schismatic Society of St. Pius X grew in the 1970s, itself an offspring of reactionary, anti-Vatican II French-speaking Catholicism with deep roots in the neo-fascist French political right… Read more:
Allows For
Anti-Pope Francis & Anti-Gay Hysteria
This is the exact same strategy that was used by Vigano regarding FALSELY accusing Pope Francis of coving up McCarrick’s misconduct, which is not true. “Francis removed McCarrick as cardinal in July after a U.S. investigation determined an allegation he groped a teen-ager in the 1970s was credible. Up until then, the only accusations known publicly against McCarrick were of misconduct with adults, an abuse of power but considered much less serious than sexually abusing a minor in the eyes of the church (http://time.com/5385212/vatican-pope-francis-cover-up-accusation-vigano/).”
Pay attention
to who (news media agencies, journalists, etc.) are fanning the flames of this manufactured scandal (i.e. militant traditionalist organization) against Pope Francis and those who are not. Then check to see which ones are known for their integrity and those who are not. What connections, if any, do you find? Are they the same ones who are trying to ignite the unsubstantiated antigay prejudices, to be exploited in the same way that Hitler and the Nazi regime did to become dictator of Nazi Germany 1933, and to use as a smokescreen to coverup the massacre of the oppositions of the Brownshirts 1934 and to silence and remove the outspoke anti-nazi Catholic clergy 1935-1937? AND NOW USING IT AS THE SMOKESCREEN FOR THE UNETHICAL ADVANCEMENT OF GLOBALIZATION - VALUING PROFITS OVER HUMAN BEINGS. News media agencies, journalists, etc., if they are not about truth and are given to fanning hysteria - they are not about LOVE. They are about violence - designed to feed your hate addiction - to keep you anesthetized in order to steal your money and make the world less safe for everyone. They might as well as, be suppling you with cocaine, crack cocaine, etc., not only stealing your money, but like enabling any drug addiction - it will destroy your life and the lives of your family members and friends. Simply put the Roman Empire fell because the people got lazy, anesthetizing a nation will also fall. Only TRUTH will set us FREE. Burke, Vigano and the like are not about truth - they have arbitrarily twisted the meaning of love around to mean the opposite, which is hate. It is not easy to face the truth about ourselves. It is much easier projecting our problems onto others - especially on people who we know little to nothing about, because if we know the truth that would be too sobering for us and it kills our anger/hate addiction - forcing us to have to face the truth about ourselves. We need to ask the question - what in it for these news media agencies, journalists, etc., who fan hysteria and ignore promoting truth? Follow the money - is the answer. People who are not interested about truth - are not about love - they are in it for the money, regardless how many people they are harming, this is likely because they are addicted to money and power or they in some way are being exploited..
"What's Love Got to Do with It?"
Will Set Us Free
John Paul II & Benedict XVI gives Us the recipe to find Truth - it comes from the light of Reason/Science and Faith/Religion in Dialogue that we learn the true meaning of LOVE.
Without TRUTH there is no LOVE
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = LOVE
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Who is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano?
Aug 28, 2018
Explosive charges of corruption and misconduct against high-ranking Vatican officials in local media. Names of those alleged to be involved published online, setting off feverous debate and investigations.
This was January 2012.
Letters from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, written in early 2011 but published that month by an Italian television station, became the origins of the so-called "Vatileaks" scandal…
…That an archbishop made such public accusations against a sitting pope, as well as a pope emeritus in Benedict XVI, is unprecedented in the modern church, said Massimo Faggioli, a theologian and church historian at Villanova University. For a similar situation, you'd have to go back to the 15th century, the close of the Middle Ages.
"This is something I don't remember in the last four, five, six centuries," he told NCR.
Faggioli pointed to parallels between Vigano's recent letter and his past controversies — its publication as Francis neared the end of his visit to Ireland mimicking the release of news of the pope's meeting with Kim Davis in the wake of his 2015 U.S. trip — but argued that the motive can be traced back to the archbishop's being denied a red cardinal cap.
"It's really not about McCarrick; it's about an old story that begins seven or eight years ago. He became an extremely disgruntled archbishop," Faggioli said…
Collection of controversial claims
While Vigano arrived in the U.S. with little ideological reputation, Thavis said, he became seen as a fairly conservative voice. Within his first few months, bishops William Lori, Samuel Aquila and Salvatore Cordileone — all three viewed as aggressive "culture warriors" — were appointed to archdioceses in Baltimore, Denver and San Francisco, respectively. By the end of Vigano's tenure in April 2016, conservative writer George Weigel called him "the best nuncio we've had thus far."
"The archbishop understood that there was no honorable retreat from what some deplored as 'culture wars.' He knew who had declared war on whom; that the Church had not been the aggressor in this struggle; and that the battle had to be engaged, with the tools of reason and persuasion," Weigel wrote.
Vigano's participation in the March for Marriage drew criticism for a diplomat taking part in a domestic political event. So too did his arrangement of a meeting during Francis' September 2015 U.S. visit between the pope and Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who served five days in jail earlier that month for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her Christian beliefs.
While the meeting took place Sept. 24, hours after Francis' speech before Congress, news of it broke three days after the trip and cast a shadow on what had been billed a successful visit. Similarly, Vigano's letter was published on the pope's final day in Ireland.
"It almost seems designed to upstage the pope, to weaken the pope publicly at a moment when he is trying to send a much different message," Thavis said of the timing of the two events… Read more: https://www.ncronline.org/news/accountability/who-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano
The Pope faces his adversaries
January 26, 2017
Brief excerpts:
By obtaining the resignation on Wednesday of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Pope Francis has made an important point to those who call into question the deep reforms he is undertaking in the Vatican and the Church. Not that Brother Matthew Festing is a personal enemy of the pope, but the conflict between Francis and the Knights of Malta represents the sum of all the opposition he is encountering in his will to reform.
The chronology of events is perplexing. In early December, the Grand Master of the Order demanded the resignation of Grand Chancellor Albrecht von Boeselager, who is accused of being "a liberal Catholic, unfaithful to the teachings of the Church."
Present at this discussion, was Cardinal Raymond Burke, the pope's representative to the Order and one of his main opponents, who led a public attack against the exhortation Amoris laetitia…to force him to return to the text - something that no pope had done for at least two centuries - and to lessen the magisterial scope of the Vatican.
Within the Order of Malta, the attacks against von Boeselager, who was accused of having allowed the distribution of condoms by the Order in Burma in 2005, was a moral issue. The German explained to the grand master that the matter had been settled and refused to resign. Supported, at least in silence, by Cardinal Burke, Matthew Festing insisted that it was "the will of the Holy See.”…
Ten days later, von Boeselager's own brother, Georg, was appointed to the superintendency of…the "Vatican bank". With two other bankers, he replaced officials of the IOR ["Vatican bank”] who, defending the idea of creating a Vatican investment fund in Luxembourg opposed by the Pope, had to resign in May. Seen against this backdrop, the attacks against von Boeselager appear more and more as a challenge to the reform of the Vatican’s finances and those who are implementing them.
Already, under Benedict XVI, it was on the issue of its finances that the Vatican was most violently attacked. The VatiLeaks affair, the leaking of documents from the Pope's office, began shortly after the German pope had begun a vast clean-up of the Vatican's finances, including the IOR where scandals were multiplying…
Still, more than the mafia-type dealings, it is the financial system itself that has obstructed the popes’ efforts…
Read complete article:
La Croix International https://international.la-croix.com/news/the-pope-faces-his-adversaries/4565
Early Childhood
Harmful Effects
Caused By
Parental Enforcing
Social & Religious norms
a Child’s Gay Sexual Orientation
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Caritas in veritate
…Truth is the light that gives meaning and value to charity. That light is both the light of reason and the light of faith, through which the intellect attains to the natural and supernatural truth of charity: it grasps its meaning as gift, acceptance, and communion. Without truth, charity degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted, to the point where it comes to mean the opposite. Truth frees charity from the constraints of an emotionalism that deprives it of relational and social content, and of a fideism that deprives it of human and universal breathing-space. In the truth, charity reflects the personal yet public dimension of faith in the God of the Bible, who is both Agápe and Lógos: Charity and Truth, Love and Word…
REASON always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself OMNIPOTENT. For its part, RELIGION always needs to be purified by reason in order to show its authentically human face. Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development… Read more:
Pope Benedict XVI 2007 2009
"The Body Keeps The Score" -
Bessel A. van der Kolk
Trauma - emotional brain, becomes very activated, and rational brain, gets deactivated
Brain, Mind, and Body in The Healing of Trauma with
…my group and I did the very first neuroimaging study on people having flashbacks. That turned out to be a very interesting study. We discovered that when people relive their trauma, a fair amount of their brain actually goes offline, particularly in the left anterior prefrontal cortex where the capacity for analyzing, understanding, and language is located. So, essentially we were able to visualize how people become dumbfounded...
...and struck with speechless terror. That is a very big issue. The other thing we discovered or confirmed was that when people relive their trauma, their survival brain, their emotional brain, becomes very activated, and their frontal lobes, their more rational brain, gets deactivated, so that people sort of “take leave of their senses” in some ways—so that people’s cognitions fail them. We learned that the insula, the part of the brain that’s involved in registering and noting what is going on in your body, becomes impaired, so there’s a decreased body–mind connection that needs to be reactivated. Various people have discovered that the medial prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain that allows you to feel yourself, notice yourself and be in touch with yourself—gets quite thrown off track, basically, so that it is really hard to notice what goes on inside of you and to manage what goes on inside of you… Read more: http://www.shrinkrapradio.com/436.pdf
Emotional vs Rational Decision-Making
Emotional Intelligence - derives from the communication between your emotional and rational "brains."
Gay. Straight. and the Reason Why
The Science of Sexual Orientation
2011 by Simon LeVay
The Eyes Have It:
Sex and Sexual Orientation
Differences in Pupil Dilation Patterns
August 3, 2012 Photo
Eyes Reveal Sexual Orientation
The dilation is a sign that the
autonomic nervous system —
the system that controls involuntary actions
like pulse and breathing — is ramping up.
August 3, 2012
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence derives from the communication between your emotional and rational "brains." Initially, primary senses enter the spinal cord and move through the limbic system (emotional center) to the frontal lobe of your brain before you can think rationally about your experience. In other words, an emotional reaction occurs before our rational mind is activated. Emotional intelligence requires a balance between the rational and emotional centers of the brain…
Read more: http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/115041/chapters/The-Challenge-of-Motivating-Students.aspx
These lifelong traumatic harmful effects caused by the forced suppression of their gay sexual orientation during their early childhood years growing up gay have and continues to be fully displayed among the repressed homosexuals prelates i.e Burke, Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone, etc. The forced suppression of their gay sexual orientation was not based on any science on homosexuality and therefore it was not done out of true love, however, out of fear of parental abandonment they are forced to accept this twisted form of love that in reality is the direct opposite of God’s love. This disguised form of evil does not compute in the human mind because it is not consistent with the order and design of God’s love found throughout of all creation. It derails a child from searching for the truth of God that leads to true love - to worshipping and following the unsubstantiated parental dictates that leads to the birthing of narcissism - the searching for love in all the wrong places. It is the root cause of clericalism and the destruction of empathy. These repressed homosexual prelates are easily identified by the chorus of their endless antigay public statements that is always completely void of any authoritative science on homosexuality, representing the reenactments of their early childhood antigay abuse. The root caused of their antigay obsession stems from their lifelong pervasive sense of guilt failing to fully repressed, unconscious the 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - autonomic functioning of their gay sexual orientation, like the heart beating or breathing. This has stagnated their psychological development at the latency stage. Their antigay obsession consume their lives and makes them easy prey to be exploited.
The 24/7 functioning of sexual orientation operates the same for any heterosexual person who will have regular sexual thoughts and feelings to persons of the opposite sex that they find attractive, day or night for the life. However, they are less likely to become obsessive about the regular functioning of their sexual orientation, because, as very young children, they were never forced to suppress it and told that it was evil, a sin against God. They grow up through puberty, usually with the knowing parental support and societal validation - experiencing the burst of sexual development. They learn through their adolescence years to understand, accept, and manage the regular functioning of their sexual orientation integrating this intimate fundamental expression of love essential for all human existence - into their adult lives.
This is not the process of human development for a gay child’s sexual orientation. Every natural impulse of a gay child’s sexual orientation, beginning in early childhood years, the gay child is forced to suppress. They will begin to feel perpetually guilty for all their natural sexual feelings and thoughts, etc. all for something that is not sinful. This violent form of gay child abuse - is promoted by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, any sexual orientation - cannot be consciously suppressed. Catechism of the Catholic Church statements on homosexuality are void of the science on homosexuality, that renders them not built on truth and therefore are not about love. They are life threatening, even lethal to gay children and gay teenagers. This will be the next global outcry of child abuse, Burke, Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone and the like will be long gone.
As this gay child reaches the age of puberty, the child has learned to hide - dissociate - from consciously acknowledging any sexual impulse - during this burst of sexual maturity - leads the gay child to overwhelming confusion and at times to act out in a dissociated state of mind inappropriately sexually. This is not pedophilia!!! It is the Vatican’s criminal negligence for their unsubstantiated teachings on homosexuality. Those prelates who make false accusation in this regard are to be taken to civil court for justice, including those prelates who are supportive or are aware of this violent actions and do nothing to stop it.
However, this in no way is a criticism of Pope Francis. Pope Francis has been the first to be not only exceeding responsible in protecting gay children, including separating homosexuality from pedophilia, but he has been the same of all children, especially dealing with the child sexual abuse cases. Nor is it a criticism of a number of members of the hierarchy who have been supportive of gay children that along with Pope Francis we are extremely thankful for their courageous support. I know that this is not easy., but long with Pope Francis you are a real sign of hope and an example of true love - Christ’s love. This is a direct indictment of all the members of the curia and of the hierarchy who do not have an accredited working knowledge of human sexuality, i.e. Burke, Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone, and the like.
This unnatural forced suppression of a gay child’s sexual orientation is promoted by the Catechism of the Catholic Church and by these repressed homosexuals prelates must be held responsible for causing these traumatic lifelong harmful effects. This is especially true for the destruction of lives and the addictions caused to gay people and instead of condemning these gay people for the harmed that these repressed homosexuals prelates have caused. These Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings, beginning in late adolescence throughout adulthood years - it is likely to lead to all kinds of gay sexual acting out behaviors. Two forms of this type gay sexually acting out are clearly documented among the repressed homosexual prelates. The, first, is the prelates obsessive antigay public condemning homosexuality, it is called reaction formation (http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2018/02/winter-olympics-2018-gus-kenworthys.html). “This finding also fits the view that homophobia [i.e. Gerhard Müller] may itself be a reaction formation against homosexual tendencies, insofar as the men who were most aroused by homosexuality were the ones who expressed the most negative attitudes toward it… (http://faculty.fortlewis.edu/burke_b/personality/readings/freuddefense.pdf
).” “Reaction formation refers to the process of adopting values or beliefs, or engaging in behaviors, that are in opposition to feelings or impulses experienced within oneself that are deemed unacceptable (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cody_DeHaan/publication/221790068_Parental_Autonomy_Support_and_Discrepancies_Between_Implicit_and_Explicit_Sexual_Identities_Dynamics_of_Self-Acceptance_and_Defense/links/0f31752d7447a6e150000000.pdf?).” The, second, type of gay sexual acting out behavior among the repressed homosexual prelates, especially among the curia members of the Vatican - who are publicly condemning homosexuality, and then are found involved in gay sexual scandals, i.e. the gay bathhouses, and many others. This is not unlike the US antigay politicians, ministers and Catholic prelates.
The Vatican’s antigay teachings are not about truth due the breach of the absence of the science on homosexuality, therefore, they are not about God’s love, the majority of the members of curia and the hierarchy are living proof to the Lifelong Traumatic Harmful Effects.
NASA - These three composite images provide full-hemisphere views of Earth at night. - Photo
by Galileo Galilei
The Galileo Affair
Why did Galileo get in trouble with the Church?
...Most theories explain Galileo's problems with the Church as a clash of strong personalities; as coming from a fear that his ideas would threaten the basis of contemporary theology; or as a reaction by the Pope to the political pressures of the day.
The interpretation of the bible was certainly one of the principal contributing factors to the controversy. At the council of Trent, at the height of the protestant reformation just about twenty years before the birth of Galileo, the Catholic Church had solemnly declared that only the church could authentically interpret the bible and that private interpretation was forbidden. Now in 1616, just as the controversy about a sun-centered Copernican universe was heating up, the church’s holy office declared that Copernicanism was formally heretical because it contradicted many passages in the bible (e.g. Joshua 10: 11-13, in which the sun stops moving in the sky). Galileo had already written several essays on the interpretation of the bible in which he essentially said that the bible was written to teach us how to go to heaven and not how the heavens go. In these documents he essentially anticipated by about 400 years what the Catholic Church would teach about the interpretation of the bible, but he did so privately.
In these documents and in many others Galileo certainly showed himself to be a person with an acerbic writing style who courted controversy. He also had friends in high places, including Prince Cesi, the head of the scientific “Academy of the Lynxes”. Unfortunately for Galileo, Prince Cesi died just before the controversy arose over Galileo’s book: “Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems” (Dialogue)…
Read more:
Vatican Observatory http://www.vaticanobservatory.va/content/specolavaticana/en/research/history-of-astronomy/the-galileo-affair.html
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = LOVE
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Pope John Paul II - 1988
…By encouraging openness between the Church and the scientific communities, we are not envisioning a disciplinary unity between theology and science like that which exists within a given scientific field or within theology proper. As dialogue and common searching continue, there will be grow towards mutual understanding and a gradual uncovering of common concerns which will provide the basis for further research and discussion. Exactly what form that will take must be left to the future. What is important, as we have already stressed, is that the dialogue should continue and grow in depth and scope. In the process we must overcome every regressive tendency to a unilateral reductionism, to fear, and to self-imposed isolation. What is critically important is that each discipline should continue to enrich, nourish and challenge the other to be more fully what it can be and to contribute to our vision of who we are and who we are becoming…
Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.
For the truth of the matter is that the Church and the scientific community will inevitably interact; their options do not include isolation…
Read more:
Caritas in veritate
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Reason always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself omnipotent. For its part, religion always needs to be purified by reason in order to show its authentically human face. Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…
Read more: http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20090629_caritas-in-veritate.html
What harm has these repressed homosexual prelates inflicted onto the world for the past
30 years?
From early childhood they have been forced to suppress their gay sexual orientation. And out of traumatic fear of parental abandonment they are cemented to following their parents dictates regarding condemnation of homosexuality and believing that it is God’s will. But the parents dictates regarding condemning homosexuality is not based on the science on homosexuality and like with Galileo it is based on a biased selection of biblical passages and biased interpretation of those biblical passages. The exclusion of the science on homosexuality renders a biased interpretation of the bible - therefore their parents dictates condemning homosexuality were not based on TRUTH and without TRUTH - there is no LOVE. The meaning of LOVE has been arbitrarily twisted around to mean the opposite which is HATE. This constitutes a violent form of child abuse. These repressed homosexual prelates have been steered away from the one true GOD. They have been steered from love, that has stalled their psychological development - not being able incorporate love into their lives. Their lives has been absorbed obsessively in trying to repressed their 24/7 functioning of their gay sexual orientation, trying to please their parents, which no one’s sexual orientation can be suppressed. They were given a false image of GOD that they are earnestly trying to please by repressing very aspect of their gay sexual orientation that has led to the development of a narcissistic personality, a strong self-righteous attitude and a pervasive sense of sexual guilt because they have been trying repress their gay sexual orientation that cannot be repressed. They were never able to truly connect to GOD. They have never experienced the exhilarating sense of well-being of being totally connected to something greater than oneself. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi describes the psychological terms of this process that he has labeled FLOW. The scriptural description of this same process is summed in the two Greatest Commandments. It is the process of becoming all that GOD meant us to be as individuals - developing all our gifts and talents and using them in service of GOD. It sounds contrived and meaningless and it is until we become committed to following this process as described by Christ. But we must be totally willing come to know and follow Christ that of course means at the same time a commitment to TRUTH, for the one single purpose to be one with Christ and not for any other reason. This process is more complicated than it sounds here, because once we spent all our energy, heart, soul and mind to become all we were meant to be - or even during this process, we are on a journey with Christ and Christ molds us in ways to fit the work God wants us to do. The writings of Saint Teresa of Ávila have been a key spiritual guide for me, along with many others saints. However, Teresa was one tough and fearless woman who traveled and explains this journey. She had continued to travel this journey even in the face of great odds. She didn't give up! Once, we cross the threshold to being personal committed to GOD - our descriptions always fails to explains what happens.
What prevents us from drifting off into a never Neverland on this journey is by maintaining a constant dialogue between science and religion and in our connections with people. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI explains what happens to us when we allow a breach to occur in this dialogue. This is just a brief description of being connected and committed to Christ that we come to and finding life and a peace that the world cannot take away. It is a lifelong process. It is the essence of the meaning of the scriptural passage regarding “Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it (Matthew 10:39).” The point is that this is a day-to-day process, some have said that at times - it is more like a moment-to-moment process - that demands very thing we have in us and using it 24/7 for Christ and in services of others, to the best of our ability. A repressed homosexual narcissistic personality who denies the science on homosexuality - is the opposite of this process. There are many reasons why this happens. Judge no one. However, we do not allow such narcissistic people to ever harm children, IN SUCH CASES WE USE EVERYTHING INSIDE OF US TO PROTECT CHILDREN. Understand that to some degree or another - we all have narcissistic tendencies - a certain amount we need, but past that amount - it works against us disconnecting others and GOD.
The majority of the members of the curia and the hierarchy have revealed that they are repressed homosexuals, by their fierce refusal of maintaining any dialogue with the science on homosexuality, because this is the exact opposite of GOD’S TRUTH and LOVE. Therefore, in brief, they have no experience of this life-giving process of totally obeying the two greatest commandments to the point of “Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it (Matthew 10:39).” This is apparent by their obsessive need to keeping condemning gay people, gay adult pornography, and having endless delusions of homosexual conspiracies, gay agendas, and gay ideology - these are all aspects of a repressed homosexual person, trying repressed their normal 24/7 functioning of their gay sexual orientation by projecting it onto others refusing to realizing that it is all coming from within themselves.
This is most obvious when a repressed homosexual person has a constant intense aversion that can become lethal - to one particular person of the same sex. For example, this type of repressed homosexual person will become obsessive in scheming in ways of destroy this person, i.e. verbally spreading the most damaging slander against this one particular person that they are extremely attracted to all the while vehemently refusing to acknowledge the truth of this fact.
Since 1981 - the doors of the Vatican were opened specifically to harsh repressed homosexual prelates, who were labeled indirectly by Archbishop Weakalnd as “Amateurs-turned-theologians.” These repressed homosexual prelates soon became the majority of the members of the curia and the hierarchy around the world. For the past 30 years, they have ruthlessly and deceitfully been waging an intense antigay crusade. In unison - in a lockstep order they have outwardly been condemning homosexuality and have been removing gay priests, gay Church personnel, anyone opening discussing the science on homosexuality such as theologians, sisters, priests, and anyone who were supportive of gay people i.e. Hunthausen. What kind damage have they caused to the world by projecting their repressed homosexuals feelings and thoughts that is the normal 24/7 functioning of gay sexual orientation onto others? They have seriously separated people from GOD! They have taught people what they were taught as children that was disguised as the love GOD, BUT WAS NOT - when they were forced to suppress their gay sexual orientation.
Have they been reenacting the parental traumatic abuse being forced to suppress their gay sexual orientation, beginning during the early childhood years and continuing on for the rest of there lives? Have they recreated the stagnation of their narcissistic clerical closet - significantly thwarting the advancement of theology, especially on the incorporation of the science on homosexuality in the dialogue with theology and scripture? Have they created a following people, who are not connected to GOD as described above about a commitment to the two greatest commandments? They would not have been able to facilitate a spiritual connection to God that they never had experienced themselves. What harm would this cause to people? Would it send them off looking for love in all the wrong places? Is their obsessive need to condemn gay adult pornography really their own projections of their 24/7 dissociated / repressed homosexual thoughts and feelings?
We do not go around condemning gay or straight adult pornography. The question we should be asking is why do people view adult pornography? First, pornography are depictions of intimacy, is there an absence of intimacy in people’s lives? If there is an absence of intimacy, then we ask the questions of why, and what are some of the possibly causes. Second, pornography are also depictions of numerous sexual fetishes, it could be said they are depictions of twisted forms of the need for intimacy. Our response, as priests, is not one of condemnation, but to ask questions of how and why these forms sexual fetishes came to be. If there is an over abundance of viewing adult pornography - the simplistic flat-out condemnation of pornography does nothing! It likely does more harm than good! Because we do not know what the individual reasons/stories are. This immediate condemnation of the RC prelates - sounds more like a re-enactment of parent-child relationship. This situation warrants acquiring a deeper understanding of the situation from a variety of perspectives both professional and non professional and everything in between. But first and foremost, before beginning - we need a deeper understanding of our own personal sexuality. As always, we first been with the PLANK and the SPECK!
The narcissistic obsessive antigay crusade of the dominant repressed homosexual prelates - have they severely weakened the authentic fabric of Jesus’s love in the world? It is Christ’s love that we are supposed to have for all people. It is the powerful love that though we are many it unties us as one. Have they seriously weaken people’s ability to come to know and be connected to Christ, since they have no personal experience?
Has this fierce antigay obsession of the majority of the members of the curia and the hierarchy been exploited - in the way Hitler and the Nazi regime used it to create a smokescreen - to gain and sustain power to promote the atrocities of nazism? Together - has it all been used to separate people from GOD and one another - sending them off looking for love in all the wrong places - creating a narcissistic culture - disguised as the love of GOD that twist the valuing of profit over the lives of people - as sacred? Have they paved the way - "make straight the path" - for the abuse of globalization?
They have publicly fully demonstrated the degree of how severely ruthless and deceitful their premeditated orchestration to viciously attack Pope Francis that was carried out in an undeniable systematic manner. This gives an insight of how violently, hid safely behind the curia’s thick wall of bureaucratic anonymity - they were able silence and remove anyone who openly discussed the science of homosexuality or was supportive of gay people. This includes how they used slander to destroy the credibility of gay people particularly gay priests, to permanently remove them. We have learned the curia's and hierarchy’s what appears to the standard vicious treatment of gay people in the way they had demonized Mr. Cruz, the gay adult victim of child abuse from Chile.
Due to Pope Francis reform work - this group of high powerful curia and hierarchy members i.e. Burke, Vigano and the like - were removed from holding the top positions of Church authority. Their fierce resistance, was first stated by, Cardinal Burke, by his negative emotional outbursts after learning that an open discussion regarding on to be more pastorally welcoming to gay people took place at the 2014 October synod session of which he was a participant. Just a month early, Burke, was not reinstated as the prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, in fact he was removed all positions of Church authority that held before the election of Pope Francis. Burke was named the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Burke’s fierce emotional outburst directed against gay people was shocking, at the time, it seemed clear that he was not aware that he no longer was under the protection of the shield of bureaucratic anonymity, and likely exposed way more than he ever intended. Burke’s endless emotional antigay tirades along with other similar antigay prelates caught the news media attention. It gave ab enormous insight into the organizational structure that existed in the curia that was an unbelievable irrational mindset, arbitrarily designing their own reality that reminded one of the surreal dark comedy play/movie “Arsenic and Old Lace.”
There was a strategic orchestrated plan by this same group - that was set in place specifically to sabotage to prevent the second open discussion regarding the valuing gay long term committed relationships - planned for the 2015 October synod session from taking place, which they succeeded having it canceled. Vigano’s unsubstantiated -11 pages attack of Pope Francis meant to get him to resign - exposed the list of accomplices of the news media agencies and very wealthy political groups.
Chaput’s hysterical outcry voiced immediately following Vigano dropping his bombshell in August 2018 and then running to hide - Chaput cried out that Pope Francis should cancel the second session of Youth synod 2018 scheduled for October - seemed so out of place. It seemed an unnecessary jump out of context - that had no connection to Vigano’s bombshell. However, after Pope Francis met with US bishops this month - regarding the child sexual abuse situations and his scheduling the same day calling for an unprecedented meeting of bishops who are heads of bishops conferences from around world - it was clear that Vigano’s bombshell was a dud. It was a dud the same as Burke's "dubia" neither were an honest attempt to search for truth, but rather they were fanatical tiresome situations of a surreal nature of meaningless ranting and raving - ill-suited to receive any attention at the top of the Catholic Church - concerned about giving immediate attention to the needs of the world's homeless, starving, downing, and the threat of climate change, wars and the like. The fact that Burke, Vigano and their accomplices claiming they are devout Catholics and yet they are unconcerned about people in dire need of our help - is alarming. It is even more alarming realizing that they held top positions in the Catholic Church, the atrocities they committed and they still need to be held accountable for. They would do well to remember the witch hunts for Nazis leaders that took place long after World War 2 ended.
Undersea-Quake - Photo
Microbes Buried Deep in Ocean Crust May Form World’s Largest Ecosystem - Photo
Throughout all of God’s creation can be found extraordinary intricate order and design is a Thomistic principle. Regardless, now new scientific discoveries may blast through old constructs formed out of perceptions of God’s creation at a specific time in history - does not a not negate this Thomistic principle. On the contrary, new scientific discoveries only seem to deepen and expand our understanding of God, because even though old constructs are no longer applicable - intricate order and design are still found and new constructs are formed.
In brief, the human mind, of course is created by God, has intricate order and design and therefore the unifying and organizing principle of the human mind is dependent on the true love of God. Any acceptance of a false understanding of God’s true love though disguised as God’s true love forced on a child in early childhood years growing up - will cause disrupt the psychological development of the child’s mind. It is any form of child abuse depending on the type, degree of the intensity and duration of the abuse that causes this disruption. Because a child will try earnestly to mentally process this breach of God’s true love - it will not compute. The child will then end up blaming him or her self that is defective and deserving of punishment. Like a computer, which is a representation of the human mind, it will stall and even freeze the functioning proper functioning of the computer, same is true of the human mind. The remedy to restore the proper functioning of the human mind is the truth of God that leads to God’s love. This is the meaning of the words that it is truth that will set us free.
If we do not work on all three levels -- body, feeling, mind -- the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in its cells until it is finally listened to and understood.
Alice Miller
Alice Miller
In For Your Own Good (1980), she introduced the concept of "poisonous pedagogy" to describe the child-rearing practices that were so prevalent in Europe, especially before the second world war. She believed that the pain inflicted on children – "for their own good" – was unconsciously the parent re-enacting the trauma that had been inflicted on them when they were children. Thus the cycle of trauma continued down the generations.
She analysed the childhoods of several famous figures in order to prove her point, the best known being Adolf Hitler. In her view, all Hitler's atrocities could be explained by the brutal persecution and abuse he experienced as a child. It is here that Miller was at her most powerful. She brought the reality of child abuse to the foreground in a way that many found compelling. She described how children protect their parents in order to salvage some hope of having their needs fulfilled and in the process have to repress their true needs.
Long-term suffering could be avoided only, in her opinion, if the child had an adult in his or her life who could acknowledge the reality of their experience. She called these adults "empathic witnesses" and this acknowledgment, she said, not interpretation, should be the role of psychotherapists with their clients...
Read more:
Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence (1980)
By Alice Miller
...In the earliest stage of life, it is possible for a child to forget about the extreme acts of cruelty he or she has endured and to idealize their perpetrator. But the nature of the subsequent enactment reveals that the whole history of early persecution was stored up somewhere; the drama now unfolds in front of the spectators with an amazing resemblance to the original situation but under another guise: in the reenactment, the child who was once persecuted now becomes the persecutor...
Read more:
The nature of the subsequent enactment reveals that the whole history of early persecution…
Alice Miller
Burke and Vigano and the like - their lifelong antigay obsession is not based on truth, due to their absence of the science on homosexuality. Their lifelong antigay obsession can also be understood, in a way, as a child’s cry of pain. What has happen to them happened during their early childhood years and has been long forgotten falsely accepted as God’s love. The evidence that this has happened to them is: - their all consuming 24/7 lifelong antigay obsession, their absolute disregard of the science on homosexuality, their under developed or complete lack of the ability to empathize with another person’s emotional states, leading to their inability to attach or connect to others or to anything else, and because of this type of child abuse, in essence forced not to love, they likely have no real understanding or experience of true love and therefore they would have a complete distrust, even aversion to true love. Thus, as adult victims of this form of child abuse, their lives express the sentiment about love as sung by Tina Turner "What's Love Got to Do with It?"
Pope Francis is the exact opposite of these obsessive antigay prelates i.e. Burke, Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone, Coakley, Paprocki and many others. It is impossible to detect whether Pope Francis is straight, or gay. Unlike, these other extremely obsessive antigay prelates, Pope Francis grew up in Argentina where societal antigay prejudices are next to nonexistent as - compared to the public witch hunts for homosexuals in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 or in the US during the McCarthy era 1950s.
The very distinct difference between Pope Francis and the above stated antigay prelates - is that there is no evidence that his psychological development stalled at the latency stage. It seems that whatever his sexual orientation is - he was able to come to understand and accept it through the developmental years of adolescence and he then appropriately move on into adulthood. Pope Francis appears to have boundless energy to be involved everything and to be personally interested and connected with everyone. The day after he was elected 2013, his jovial approachable personality caught the world’s attention - running out of the Vatican, early in the morning, alone, to pay his hotel bill, greeting and talking to people on the streets of Rome as he did so. However, it was learning of his extraordinary history caring for the poor that endeared him to the world.
Pope Francis greets a child Sept. 13 at the Vatican during a meeting with people who were to take part in the conference,
"Pope Francis's Theology of Tenderness," in Assisi, Italy, Sept. 14-16.
The meaning of life is love, Pope Francis says
Sep 14, 2018
ROME - Today, more than ever, the world needs a revolution of tenderness, Pope Francis said.
“Far from being reduced to sentimentalism, tenderness is the first step in overcoming the withdrawal into oneself, to emerge from the self-centeredness that ruins human freedom,” he said Sept. 13.
“God’s tenderness leads us to understand that love is the meaning of life,” said the pope…
“When people feel truly loved, they feel able to love, too,” he said. “Furthermore, if God is infinite tenderness, then people - created in his image - are capable of tenderness, too.”
“We feel called to pour onto the world the love received by the Lord, to offer it in the Church, in the family, in society, to join it in serving and in giving ourselves,” while is all done “not out of duty, but out of love,” he said.
It is a theology of “walking,” of moving out of the “strangleholds” that theology often finds itself locked in and of journeying toward God while taking other people by the hand, the pope said. It is a theology that is not “narcissistic,” but extends itself to be at the service of the community, “a theology that is not content with repeating paradigms of the past,” but desire always to be “the Word incarnate.”…
Pope Francis’s energy appeared boundless when contrasted to the stagnation of the curia and hierarchy. The complaint that was made against Pope Francis in the beginning by Burke and many others “…likened the Roman Catholic church to "a ship without a rudder" in a fresh attack on the pope's leadership (https://www.ncronline.org/news/vatican/burke-church-under-francis-ship-without-rudder).” Over time it became clear that this complaint was not about Pope Francis, instead it was a description of the stagnation that existed for the past several decades among the antigay prelates indicating a psychological developmental fixation at the latency stage. The present attacks MADE AGAINST Pope Francis are all stemming from the repression of Burke’s and Vigano’s homosexual sexual orientation at the latency stage of human development. This is because their attacks are of a childish nature, exaggerated claims, lacking factual data, shrouded in secrecy and cowardliness of running away to hide. It was also Pope Francis initial refusal to respond Vigano’s 11 page letter, indicating the trivial nonsense of the attack, which he so often witnessed and addressed that existed among the members of the curia. However, Pope Francis’s silence helped to identified the connections of this network of entrenched corruption among prelates and questionable news media organizations with their constant repeating the same lies (the complete lack of any supporting substantiating evidence) over and over mirroring the diabolical deviousness of Hitler and the Nazi regime. The common denominator that identifies the network is the hysteria in the absence of untwisted factual evidence. Pope Francis's silence has also help to identify how out of control big money has become and the immediate need to begin reestablishing the massive amount of regulations that have been deregulated over the past 30 years. His silence has also exposed how very worried some people are about the 2018 November US Midterm Elections that alerts us to closely watch the state by state campaigning tactics.
Traumatic vs Loving
* * * * *
Early Childhood
Traumatic Memories
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma
Re-enactment, Revictimization, and Masochism
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
Psychiatric Clinics of North America,
Volume 12, Number 2, Pages 389-411, June 1989
Lasting & Life-debilitating
Early Childhood
Memory of
Hate & Brutal Violence
Ennis's Traumatic Early Childhood Memory Scene - Video
Powerful, Enduring &
Memory of
"was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger." Video
Paradoxes of Benedict XVI
1968 Tubingen
Marxism - Student Revolts
“deeply alarmed”
"traumatic memory"
Flashback 1930s Brownshirts
Read more
A flashback
far more severe than in "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN"
December 26, 2008 –
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Posted below:
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn on the
demands and joys of love,
July 21, 2016
Cardinals ‘shattered’ by hostility to
Pope coming from within the Catholic
Church, 05 October 2016
Prelates in Austria, Germany offer
support to Pope Francis,
Sep 10, 2018
Prelates in Austria, Germany offer support to Pope Francis
Sep 10, 2018
Prelates in Germany and Austria have united to support Pope Francis in response to a former papal nuncio's demand for his resignation.
In Austria, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna published a column Sept. 7 in the weekly newspaper Heute with a strong message backing the pope, calling the pontiff a "fighter against injustice and exploitation" who "stands against sexual abuse in the church with great determination."
"This criticism comes from circles in the church who want to get rid of this pope as soon as possible," said Schonborn, leveling criticism at unnamed Vatican officials.
He said the pontiff's opponents are exploiting the opportunity to criticize him during a time when he is experiencing difficult days.
"I thank God for such a compelling shepherd," the Austrian cardinal concluded. "Thank you, Papa Francesco!”… Read more: https://www.ncronline.org/news/accountability/prelates-austria-germany-offer-support-pope-francis
Vatican spokesmen contradict Viganò’s account of meeting with Pope Francis about Kim Davis
September 02, 2018
Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., and Federico Lombardi, S.J., former director of the Holy See Press Office, issued a statement on Sept. 2 that challenges Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s version of his meeting with Pope Francis in October 2015 to discuss his controversial encounter with Kim Davis. The statement contradicts Archbishop Viganò’s account of his meeting with the pope, in which he said Francis had never reproached him for organizing the meeting with Ms. Davis…
The Vatican Is Pushing Back Against Archbishop Vigano's Allegations Against Pope Francis
September 2, 2018
…Vigano, whose Aug. 26 claims that Francis knew about McCarrick starting in 2013 have thrown the papacy into turmoil, issued a second statement Aug. 30 saying Francis knew well who Davis was, and that the Vatican hierarchy approved the meeting in advance.
He said he was nevertheless summoned to Rome urgently after news of the meeting was leaked but said the pope had nothing but praise for his efforts organizing the trip when the two met Oct. 9, 2015.
In the joint statement Sunday, Rosica transcribed what he said were handwritten notes from a meeting he and Lombardi had with Vigano the following evening. In those notes, Rosica quotedVigano as telling them that the pope had actually chastised him for “deceiving” him with the Davis encounter, and for having withheld the fact that Davis had been married four times.
In his part of the joint statement, Lombardi said Vigano initiated the Davis meeting, should have known about the furor that it would cause, and that even though Vatican officials approved of it, they were not sufficiently informed about the significance such a meeting would take on.
The meeting has taken on new relevance following Vigano’s allegations that he informed Francis of McCarrick’s misconduct on June 23, 2013, but claimed Francis rehabilitated him from sanctions he said Pope Benedict XVI had imposed on him in 2009 or 2010.
There is no evidence those sanctions were ever enforced, since McCarrick lived a very public ministry in those years, travelling around the world for the church. Vigano said Francis should resign for what he said was his complicity in the nearly two-decade long cover-up of McCarrick’s misconduct.
Francis removed McCarrick as cardinal in July after a U.S. investigation determined an allegation he groped a teen-ager in the 1970s was credible. Up until then, the only accusations known publicly against McCarrick were of misconduct with adults, an abuse of power but considered much less serious than sexually abusing a minor in the eyes of the church… Read more:
Pope Francis's strenuous reform efforts have been remarkably successful - Exposing the decades of the NETWORKS of the entrenched corruption of the curia - Beginning with Burke and now with Vigano. They publicly exposed their fiercely ruthless and deceitful tactics: Burke with his lies and disobeying Pope Francis’s written directive involving the Knights of Malta, Chile hierarchy misinformation on the child sexual abuse, Vigano spreading calumny about Pope Francis, Sarah disobeying Pope Francis directives on liturgy and many others.
Pope Francis talks during an audience for
Christmas greetings to the Curia
in the Clementina hall at the Vatican
December 22, 2014.
As Vigano’s allegations made against Pope Francis have been investigated one by one for verification - and found that they are all unsubstantiated. The question then becomes why did Vigano in collaboration with noted conservative “journalists and media outlets (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pope-abuse-media/conservative-media-move-to-front-line-of-battle-to-undermine-pope-francis-idUSKCN1LF24V)” and wealthy political accomplices together STAGED such a fierce publicly - cold-blooded (https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2014/december/documents/papa-francesco_20141222_curia-romana.html) unsubstantiated attack to completely destroy Pope Francis’s good name and thus to remove him from his papacy? It is not until one rereads - Vigano’s statement about the Catholic Church being plagued by "homosexual networks" that "act under the concealment of secrecy and lies…(https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/27/us/vigano-pope-resign-abuse-analysis/index.html)” that we have past beyond the realm of lying and fabrications and have entered into the realm of fantasy - denying the reality of the science on homosexuality. It is like denying the reality of Galileo’s discoveries and continuing to believe that the sun is revolving around the earth. It is at this point that the underlining motivation of the members of Vigano's conspiracy group becomes clear and why their attack against Pope Francis was so vicious. THEY all are dependent on exploiting societal antigay prejudices, but for different reasons both for much less than honorable intentions. Vigano scapegoated homosexuals as the cause of the child sexual abuse crisis to cover up the criminal negligence of the curia and hierarchy not protecting children. Vigano's wealthy political accomplices supported by the noted conservative “journalists and media outlets are dependent on exploiting societal antigay prejudices, as a political weapon to usher certain people into elected office for selfish gain following the same example of Hitler and the Nazi regime.
The 'coup' against Pope Francis
August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018
They obvious see Pope Francis as a major pivotal threat who is deactivating the exploitation of societal antigay prejudices (1) as a means of a coverup for the curia and hierarchy irresponsibility of not protecting children and (2) as means to be used as a political weapon. This begins to explain this obsessive smear campaign against Pope Francis. One would expect this group to be like the chief priests and the elders at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - and entice the crowds to shout "LOCK HIM UP!!!"
Vigano’s meetings with his co-conspirators has been noted to have begun five months prior to their execution of this unprecedented attack on a pope that places their initial meeting around the end of April 2018 (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pope-abuse-media/conservative-media-move-to-front-line-of-battle-to-undermine-pope-francis-idUSKCN1LF24V). This was the time when Pope Francis blew off the cover of scapegoating gay priests and focused on the negligence of the hierarchy for failing to protect children. Pope Francis accepted the science on homosexuality that clearly found that homosexuals are no more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals.
Archbishop Charles Scicluna to
investigate child abuse in Chile,
30 January 2018
This process began after Pope Francis was returning from his trip to Chile at the end of January 2018, he decided to send Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta to investigate the “‘new information’ had emerged about Bishop Juan Barros of the Chilean city of Osorno (https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/pope-francis-sends-envoy-to-chile-to-investigate-abuse-cover-up-1.3374239).” After Pope Francis received Scicluna’s report, April 11, 2018, “In what has the appearance of the beginning of an earthquake in the Chilean church, Pope Francis has sent a strong letter to the Chilean bishops in which he speaks of his ‘pain and shame’ on receiving the report on the abuse scandal in Chile from Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta (https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/04/11/pope-francis-admits-serious-errors-handling-chilean-sex-abuse-cases).” The earthquake that Pope Francis initiated was the fact that he abruptly brought an end to the decades of the curia and the hierarchy scapegoating gay priests that they were endlessly using to coverup their irresponsibility for not protecting children. Pope Francis was serious about getting to the root cause of the child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, where as, the curia and the hierarchy denied the science on homosexuality, Pope Francis accepted it that found that homosexuals are no more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals. Pope Francis re-established the science on homosexuality into the dialogue with religion in his search for the TRUTH. Pope John Paul II was the first to begin this dialogue, but it was discontinued upon his death in 2005. Pope Francis was only following the emphatic warnings of both John Paul and Benedict concerning maintaining the ongoing dialogue between science and religion. Both John Paul and Benedict experienced first hand the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazi regime who arbitrarily abuse both science and religion to promote the ideology of nazism to create racial purity among the German people by eliminating those they considered less than human. It was Hitler and the Nazi regime exploitation of the antigay prejudices of the German people that ushered Hitler into becoming the dictator of Germany, and to kill off Hitler’s political opponents (“Night of the Long Knives” 1934), including silencing, removing and intimidating the anti-nazi outspoken Catholic clergy. The Nazis exploitation of the antigay prejudices was a key factor that led to the deaths of 70 million people by the end of World War II.
In April 2018, after Pope Francis received Scicluna’s report on the Chile sexual abuse, and admitted to “grave errors,” due to a lack of ‘truthful and balanced information’ and not excusing his responsibility, he invited Mr. Cruz, a gay child victim, along with two other victims - wanted to make amends for causing them more pain. By these action of Pope Francis, he flipped off the thick scapegoat cover of the decades of blaming gay priests, for the child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and it exposed the curia and the hierarchy responsible for the coverups that led to the ongoing sexual abuse of children. Pope Francis disciplining the Chilean bishops would have sent shock waves throughout the curia and the hierarchy, as well as, those who politically are dependent on exploiting societal anti-gay prejudices to usher certain people into elected offices. It would have been in April 2018 that Vigano and his collaborators initiated the orchestration of their attack on Pope Francis. Pope Francis’s letter in response to the Pennsylvania grand jury report, he writes “To say ‘no’ to abuse is to say an emphatic ‘no’ to all forms of clericalism (https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/08/23/sexual-abuse-and-culture-clericalism).” Pope Francis states not a word blaming homosexuals that cause a hysterical reaction among those who deny the science on homosexuality.
Pope Francis by removing the scapegoat of gay priests he has taken an extraordinary step to ending the coverups of the sexual abuse of children more than people realize. However, it is the motivation that initiated Vigano’s collaborative efforts to attempt to remove Pope Francis from his papacy.
It is time for Archbishop Viganò to meet the press
Gerard O’Connell
September 13, 2018
News that the Holy See is preparing the “necessary clarifications” to the allegations of cover-up and corruption made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò against Pope Francis and more than 30 past and present senior Vatican officials has been widely welcomed in the church.
As the Vatican prepares its response, many reporters in Rome say Archbishop Viganò also has many questions to answer. Since dropping his bombshell letter, however, he has gone into hiding and acted like an insurgent, making intermittent sniper comments or statements to those journalists and news outlets who share his opposition to Francis. Isn’t it time for him to come out of hiding and meet the press?…
…The “clarifications” from the Vatican are necessary to help the Catholic faithful and bishops, especially in the United States, as well as the wider public, to distinguish between the truths, half-truths, falsehoods, imprecisions and insinuations in the letter written by the former papal nuncio to the United States and published simultaneously by what The Washington Post called the “conservative Catholic media.”…
…He ignores the fact that Francis, more than any of his predecessors, has reached out to victims and survivors, meets with them regularly, introduced legislation making it possible to remove bishops for negligence in protecting minors or cover-up of abuse, removed many bishops, sanctioned two cardinals and admitted his mistakes in failing to listen to the victims, as in Chile.
In his letter, Archbishop Viganò downplays the fact that Pope Francis inherited the problem of the abusive cardinal from his two predecessors…
…Apart from that, however, one may ask what was the purpose of this letter? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that Archbishop Viganò’s letter was but the latest and most lethal—but almost certainly not the last—in a series of increasing attacks over five years by a sector of the more traditionalist wing of the church (including bishops and intellectuals) who claim to align themselves with the teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI and strongly dislike Pope Francis’ theology and vision of the church. This sector is closely aligned with persons (many of them Catholics) in the conservative political and economic worlds, particularly in the United States. They have been attacking Francis since the start of his pontificate, using media outlets and reporters friendly to their cause. Indeed, Archbishop Viganò’s letter was crafted with assistance from at least one of those reporters and publicized in a coordinated effort by these news outlets and subsequently by a galaxy of bloggers of a like mind.
These attacks against Francis have become regular and systematic. They spring from this vocal minority’s disagreement with the pope’s leadership of the church, his ongoing insistence that mercy is at the heart of the Gospel, his commitment to encounter not confrontation and his appointment of bishops that are pastors not cultural warriors… Read more: https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/09/13/it-time-archbishop-vigano-meet-press
Sexual Hypocrisy
Gay ADULT pornography, nude muscular male models, similar to those portrayed in Michelangelo’s fresco of the Last Judgment above the altar in the Sistine Chapel, is a projective trump card that draws out and identifies the extremely self-righteous hysterical critics among the RC prelates. It operates on the same principle as a psychological projective test such as the Rorschach test (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/09/explore-health-rorschach-psychology-test/), that draws out hidden conflictual sexual thoughts and emotions, in the absence of objective rationale. What these RC prelates offer as objective rationale for their heighten emotional outbursts condemning gay ADULT pornography is not authoritative objective rationale but what is classified as “junk science and myths (http://clcjbooks.rutgers.edu/books-received-march-2017/).” This gay ADULT projective trump card of “nude muscular male models” is played often along with the words “Know Thyself” posted at the bottom - to help draw out and identify the hysterical sexual hypocrisy among the RC prelates and lay people: (1) to stop the lifelong harmful effects that they are continuously inflicting onto very young children - of which (2) they themselves had been victimized by during their early childhood years growing up gay or bisexual and (3) fueling the ignorance of social environments’ antigay prejudices making them ready for use - to be exploited by people like Hitler and the Nazi regime for selfish gain at the expense of human lives. Photos - The Breach, Part 2
What is self-righteous behavior? In brief, not attempting to explain all self-righteous behaviors, but only the hysterical self-righteous behavior of repressed homosexuals, such as the Roman Catholic Prelates that begins in early childhood being traumatically forced to suppress their gay or bisexual orientation.
Note: SEXUAL ORIENTATION from start to finish is 100% all about LOVE: seeking the 3 aspects of love, which is the basis of the development of empathy: (1) wanting to love, (2) wanting to be loved and (3) wanting to feel unite as one with another human being. The 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, autonomic functioning of sexual orientation is as essential to sustaining human life - the same as our hearts beating and our breathing. We cannot live without oxygen and we cannot live without love. All 3 of these life-sustaining mechanisms are functioning outside our conscious awareness, and any attempt to suppress any one of these three, even in the least - will cause lifelong harmful effects. For example - any attempt to limit a child’s supply of oxygen, depending on how much oxygen and for how long - will be lethally life-threatening to the child, if not death, it can cause lifelong harmful effects i.e. brain damage. As research, has been identifying over the past several decades - the same lethally life-threatening situations and the lifelong harmful effects are found to be true regarding the forced suppression of a gay child's sexual orientation. The majority of the members of the curia and the hierarchy are living examples of these lifelong harmful effects caused by the suppression of their sexual orientation of homosexuality during early childhood years.
As very young children, they were forced out of traumatic fear of parental abandonment, to accept antigay social and religious norms (prejudices) - not based on science, therefore not based on truth and without truth there is no love. This is an insidious though unidentified form of child abuse that is inflicted on the child continuously beginning in the early childhood years and for the rest of his life - all under the disguise of parental love that is life-threatening to the child’s safety and well-being, causing lifelong harmful effects "the mutilation of a child’s spirit (Erik Erikson).” It is insidious, because the child is severely being abuse mentally, the child is slowly being deprived of the developmental process of acquiring the ability and skills of learning how to love and to receive love. As the child grows up - he begins learning that who he loves is somehow evil and because he is unable to totally suppress the 24/7 autonomic functioning of his gay sexual orientation - he (wrongly) believes that he is evil because he has been told that - he is going against God’s will. These are all lies inflicted on a very young gay child growing up. They are the product of the BREACH in the dialogue between science and religion - due to the absence of the science on homosexuality. According to Benedict XVI Caritas in veritate - this BREACH destroys truth and it empties love of its value and meaning to be arbitrarily filled that twists love around to come to mean the opposite.
Out of traumatic fear - the child’s allegiance switches from fully following God to find TRUTH and LOVE to obeying this BREACH that is the opposite of love though believing it is from God. This is the beginning of creating a narcissistic personality (the development of clericalism ), the child will no longer grow up to be a fully functioning individual, one who earnestly is trying for the rest of his life to reach his fullest potential, instead he will endlessly try to become the person his parents want him to be.
As this child continues to grow - it will become impossible for this child to suppress his sexual orientation, because our sexual orientation functions 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, out our conscious awareness right on through old age, very old age. Our sexual orientation is composed of interrelated biological and psychological processes that are all under the control of the autonomic nervous system the same as our hearts beating and our breathing - we do not have remember that we need to take a breath. It takes tremendous amount of psychic energy to suppress the functioning of our sexual orientation resulting in a very self-tortuous life style (Henry Krystal - suppressing emotions). For all the intricacies they formalized likely in part unconsciously over a lifetime - absorbing tremendous amounts of psychic energy spent by repressed homosexual RC prelates and the like - condemning homosexuality while denying the truth about their homosexual sexual orientation (mental dissociation from reality) that - just the sight of a nude muscular male figure whether observed in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment or in gay ADULT pornography will create an unconscious explosive unidentified spontaneous sexual arousal reaction within themselves that they will not perceive as such, instead instantaneously, they will project it outward by condemning Michelangelo’s Last Judgment or gay ADULT pornography.
Considering, the 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, autonomic functioning of sexual orientation, it is easy understand the amount of lifetime energy that these repressed homosexual RC prelates and the like have spent to suppress their sexual orientation, (which cannot be suppressed) that they were traumatically forced, as very young children - to believe it was God’s will, (which it is never was God’s will) - that they naturally feel justified to believe that they are right. They are tragic childhood victims living an insidious lie that is worst than foot binding. This tragedy is only the tip of the iceberg, think of all those who could have been in loving committed relationships and were not because of the Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings. Only after, we have fully identified multiple levels of the global tragedies of human lives caused by the Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings, then and only then will be able discuss the issue of gay ADULT pornography, because at that point it would likely cease to be an issue. How much of gay ADULT pornography - is a cause, an outcome of the Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings - denying gay children the future of being in loving relationships?!?!? The global atrocities caused and continued to be caused by the Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings are more pervasive than anyone could possibly imagine.
In the absence of the science on homosexuality, people’s reactions to gay ADULT pornography, individually, tells us everything about who they are, much more then they realize.
This form of child abuse because it is not recognized as child abuse, such as, domestic violence, physical or sexual child abuse only adds, it adds yet another level severity of this form of chid abuse - the child suffers in isolation with no outside protection, in fact it is approved by society and especially by the Roman Catholic Church. It is, as if, the child was shoved in a closet and abused endlessly. The child’s perception of the love of God is then significantly twisted around to mean the opposite. The child has been given a false religious image of God to worship - constructed out of adult hysterical fear and completely void of rational thinking - that is the science on homosexuality. Any future outside attempt to correct this false image of God that this child as an adult has been worshipping all his life - will often be met by his explosive - hysterical outrage, because it ignites a flashback to a traumatic overwhelming emotional memory, but not to the memory of the connecting situation in early childhood years growing up gay that caused it. Due to the very young age of early childhood, overwhelming traumatic situations are automatically relegated to the child’s unconscious mind, it is a protective built in safety mechanism that is present from infancy through early childhood years but is not operative in adulthood.
Right on cue, a timely clear example of the above - is the full explosive demonstration of the repressed homosexual RC Prelates, Vigano, Chaput, Cordileone, Coakley, Burke, no supportive documentation for the allegations they made against Pope Francis. This groups at like children stalled at the latency developmental stage. They in a built up emotional explosion - they at like a child throwing a tantrum, such childish behavior used by a child to control his parents. When their childish behavior is ignored long enough (Burke’s threatening “Dubia”) - not getting their way, like immature children - they contrive a secret surprised attack, build up of exaggerated outlandish allegations - they drop the bomb and then run and hide. It is reminiscent of two year, who poops in his pants then runs and hide behind a huge stuffed chair. They never matured by coming to terms with their sexuality - their gay sexual orientation. Their immaturity abounds today. They have spent all their energy - their whole lives attempting to suppress their gay sexual orientation (that cannot be suppressed) to please their hysterical abusive parents who were responsible for forcing the unsubstantiated antigay social and religion norms void of the science on homosexuality onto them beginning in their early childhood years. Now, as adults, they are still pleasing the hysterical antigay crowds who represent their parents. It is age appropriated behavior for a two year old - but for those past 60 years old - it is alarmingly criminal behavior warranting legal prosecution. Being members of the RC hierarchy they have not had any legal oversight this has only enable their criminal behavior. Their abuse of canon law, making unwarranted vicious attacks against gay priests, theologians, those clerics and religious supportive of gay people, such as: the 1980s Archbishop Hunthausen Affair, Dec. 2016 Burke’s lies, disobeying Pope Francis’s directive regarding the Knights of Malta - using intimidating tactics threatening von Boeselager with "severe consequences" if he did not resign and Jan. 2018 gay people like Mr. Cruz. They had not had to face legal prosecution for their endless secret illicit criminal behavior. like undisciplined two year throwing endless tantrums to get his way, has led them to blind arrogance to attack a pope - Pope Francis. They have overplayed their hand. They are a clear example of the post-truth era. The precision orchestration of this attack on Pope Francis, the timing of each playing their part, the secrecy, the absence of supporting facts, twisting existing facts, lies, and the relentless fierce delusional homosexual paranoia of (non-existing) ever increasing gay agenda - are their obvious trademarks that exposes their corrupt barbarous behavior that took place for decades behind closed doors, in the Vatican. They are also most vividly validating that Pope Francis’s reforms are working that he has done an enormous amount of clean-up in the Vatican. Thank God, Pope Francis is with us!!! It is frightful that they are using the same ("topsy-turvy presidential campaign") playbook used by the Republican Party 2016 elections - Lies, Lies & more lies that everything is "bad" - it is clear that Pope Francis removed the right people.
Seattle Archbishop Emeritus Raymond
Hunthausen dies at 96,
July 23, 2018
…A first, searing glimpse of the polarization which would warp American Catholic life at large over the age to come, what became known as the "Hunthausen Wars" – two high-level Vatican inquests into the archbishop's ministry, capped by St John Paul II's 1986 imposition of an auxiliary bishop with special powers (whose own ferocious reception by the locals would see him relieved within a year) – remains an instructive moment in many ways. Yet even as the clamor took decades to fully subside – going well beyond the archbishop's early retirement at 70 in 1991 – it's long been said that for all the heat that ill-fated, 45 year-old assistant endured, the now-Cardinal Donald Wuerl left Seattle with Hunthausen as his one firm friend, a bond that continued into the present. Read more:
Upcoming connections to be explained:
Weakland, 1980s “Amateurs-turned-theologians,” rigidity of their doctrine, their use of ruthless and deceitful tactics, revealing “second-rate and repressive minds, riding on the waves of fear, took over.” There is a close resemblance of their established violent abusive behavior with that of the Nazi Brownshirts (Stormtroopers SA). Examples: Burke 2016 Knights of Malta affair and Vigano's 11 page letter to Pope Francis. Benedict open the Vatican's doors to repressed homosexual prelates - reenacting his early childhood trauma growing up in Nazi Germany, seemingly to protect the Church from Nazi accusations of homosexuality.
As Per Usual
NO Supporting Documentation
NO Supporting Documentation
Accusations Expansion
Conservative media move to front line of battle to undermine Pope Francis
Philip Pullella - August 30, 2018
…In a bombshell statement published last weekend when Pope Francis was in Ireland, Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador to Washington, urged Francis to resign on the grounds he knew for years about the sexual misconduct of an American cardinal and did nothing.
The full extent of journalists’ involvement in the statement - from conception and editing to translation and publication - emerges from a series of Reuters interviews that reveal a union of conservative clergy and media aimed at what papal defenders say is a campaign to weaken the reformist Francis’s pontificate…
…Vigano said he had told the pope of the allegations five years ago, soon after Francis’ election. The statement included no supporting documents and also accused a long list of current and past Vatican and U.S. Church officials of facilitating the expansion of a “homosexual network” in the Church.
Pope Francis told reporters on his plane returning from Ireland that he would “not say one word” about the accusations. “Read the document carefully and judge it for yourselves. It speaks for itself,” he said…
…“It’s very reminiscent of what is going on in conservative politics in the United States. It’s the same playbook,” said David Gibson, director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University in New York. He was alluding to the close relationship between President Donald Trump’s administration and conservative-leaning news outlets such as Fox News… Read more:
Vilano - Personal Vendetta
Gone Into Hiding
Archbishop who called on Pope to resign says corruption reaches the top
August 30, 2018
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The archbishop who sparked a crisis in the Catholic Church by calling on Pope Francis to resign has denied he was motivated by personal vendetta and said he sought to show that corruption had reached the top levels of the Church hierarchy.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has gone into hiding since conservative media published an 11-page statement in which he alleged the pope knew for years about sexual misconduct by an American cardinal and did nothing about it…
…Italian media has reported he was upset because he was never made a cardinal by former Pope Benedict or because Francis blocked his further advancement in the
Repressed Homosexual RC Prelates
[SYNOD 2015] Are conservatives at high-stakes Vatican summit overplaying their hand? October 16, 2015
The Pope faces his adversaries
January 26, 2017
By obtaining the resignation on Wednesday of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Pope Francis has made an important point to those who call into question the deep reforms he is undertaking in the Vatican and the Church. Not that Brother Matthew Festing is a personal enemy of the pope, but the conflict between Francis and the Knights of Malta represents the sum of all the opposition he is encountering in his will to reform…
Pope’s takeover of Knights of Malta brings chance for needed reform - Austen Ivereigh - January 29, 2017
…The president of the order’s German Association, Erich Lobkowicz, has described the struggle as “a battle between all that Pope Francis stands for and a tiny clique of ultraconservative frilly old diehards in the Church - diehards that have missed the train in every conceivable respect.”…
The grounds for his [Boeselager] removal were manufactured by a militant traditionalist organization close to Burke, the Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ…
…it was Burke’s disobedience to the pope that was the real issue… Read more: https://cruxnow.com/analysis/2017/01/29/popes-takeover-knights-malta-brings-chance-needed-reform/
The Knights of Malta-Vatican feud: a tale of chivalry and sovereignty - Philip Pullella, Jan 28, 2017
…In the same statement, von Boeselager said Festing and Burke told him the Vatican wanted him to resign and that there would be "severe consequences" for the Order if he did not… Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-pope-knights-insight-idUSKBN15C0R2
‘God Made You This Way,’ Pope Is Said to Have Told Gay Man - May 21, 2018
…he [Mr. Cruz] had maintained his Catholic faith even though Chilean bishops had apparently told the pope that he had left the church “for a life of perversion.”
…Mr. Cruz said that his lawyer warned him in 2009 that the church would focus on his homosexuality, leaving him vulnerable and threatening to make life extremely difficult for him… Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/21/world/europe/pope-francis-gays-god-made-you-this-way-.html
by Federico Finchelstein
"POST-TRUTH" by Lee McIntyre
"Caritas in veritate” Pope Benedict XVI
"The Body Keeps The Score" -
Bessel A. van der Kolk
Trauma - emotional brain, becomes very activated,
and rational brain, gets deactivated
Photos - The Breach, Part 2
The memories of the traumatic situations of the early childhood suppression of a gay child’s sexual orientation are forgotten and only the connecting traumatic negative emotional memory remains. This unattached traumatic negative antigay emotional memory is wrongly perceived by the now adult gay person - as being the innate condemnation of homosexuality and a far worst misperception - is that it is believed to be designed by God. This innate traumatic antigay misperception is fiercely fortified and remains intact, (first), by the separation of the traumatic antigay emotional memories from the long forgotten connecting traumatic antigay situations of early childhood and (second), by the absence of the integrative dialogue between the science on homosexuality and religion.
This defines the difference between Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI regarding their experience of the atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi regime. John Paul was 19 years old when the Nazi Germany invaded Poland 1939, the memory of this traumatic event and the attached traumatic emotion were not separated - they were consciously remembered intact. Whereas, Benedict was born, at the beginning of the rise of Hitler and the Nazi regime. Due to the fact that Benedict’s father was a policeman and intensely anti-nazi causing the family to move several times before Benedict was 10 years old. Benedict from infancy and continuously throughout his early childhood years growing up was overly exposed to the traumatic relentless dehumanizing and demonizing Nazi propaganda of homosexuals - that Hitler and the Nazi regime were successful at exploiting the ignorance of antigay prejudices into an effective political weapon used: (1) in 1933, the police closings of gay bars, to become dictator of Nazi Germany, (2) to justify the massacre of Hitler’s political opponents in the “Night of the Long Knives” 1934 by accusing the Brownshirts (SA Stormtroopers) of homosexual activity and (3) accusing the Catholic Church of the same homosexual activity and staging highly publicized trials to silence and remove the anti-nazi outspoken Catholic clergy through the years of 1935-1938. Because of Benedict’s extremely young age as a child of early childhood years many of these traumatic situations appear to have been relegated to his unconscious mind and forgotten and they clearly appear to be reenacted (played out) in his adult years as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1981 to 2005. It must be remembered that very young children experience negative fearful emotions several times more severely than an adult, because an adult knows that the emotion will subside, but a young child thinks it will never end.
In brief, from extensive documentation - it strongly appears that Benedict, as the head of the CDF, his obsessive crackdown on homosexuality, is in part, to be the flashbacks to his terrorizing early childhood memories that accusations of homosexuality meant terrible violence, massacre and the destruction of institutions i.e. the Brownshirts and the Catholic Church. This appears to be what happened to Benedict, at the University of Tubingen, “the student revolts of 1968 deeply alarmed him” as reported by, E.J. Dionne, February 11, 2013, “Pope Benedict’s legacy is one of paradox”
…“At the time,” he wrote, “I was dean of the faculty of theology at [the University of] Tubingen, and in all the university assemblies in which I participated, I could notice all kinds of terror, from subtle psycho-terror up to violence.”
He described how he initially regarded Marxism as a possible corrective to certain strains of modern thought. But he came in the late 1960s to identify it with “terror.” He added: “I think that in those years, I learned where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom.”…
The paradoxes of Benedict — and perhaps of Catholicism itself — were visible in two statements he made at Christmastime. Progressives could only welcome an op-ed piece he wrote for the Financial Times on Dec. 19 in which he declared that “Christians fight poverty out of a recognition of the supreme dignity of every human being, created in God’s image and destined for eternal life.”
Yet he followed this with a Christmas sermon denouncing gay marriage, insisting that gays and lesbians were turning their backs on the “essence of the human creature” and denying “their nature.”
Read more:
& https://www.stltoday.com/opinion/columnists/national/e-j-dionne-the-paradoxes-of-pope-benedict/article_97e9bfb8-f4f8-5389-af77-7349dedddef7.html
To be continued:
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
We must protect the #Family.
Our future depends on it.
Our future depends on it.
Pope Francis, 22 Aug 2018
I am VERY sure that Pope Francis is not aware of the TRAUMATIZING effects, the terrorizing flashbacks to unbelievable horror (severe PTSD symptoms) that these words has on people that unless - it is clearly understood that this statement is inclusive of ALL Families i.e. LGBT FAMILIES: - it is echoes back to Nazi Germany - to Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, and the Nazi regime - the core meaning of nazism - racial purity - the central motivating force of Nazi genocidal ideology. THE JEWISH PEOPLE WERE THE MAIN TARGET OF NAZI RACIAL PURITY BUT IT INCLUDED THAT HOMOSEXUALS WERE ALSO A LETHAL THREAT TO THE FUTURE OF NAZI GERMANY. It led to the unprecedented atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazi regime ever recorded in human history - that ended with the deaths of 70 millions people by the end of World War 2 (IAN KERSHAW). PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE qualify this statement to be inclusive of ALL FAMILIES i.e. LGBT FAMILIES. JUST IMAGINE THE LIFELONG DEVASTATING EFFECTS THIS STATEMENT WILL CAUSE TO VERY YOUNG CHILDREN OF LGBT FAMILIES. FOR ME THIS STATEMENT HARKENS BACK TO POPE BENEDICT XVI CHRISTMAS ADDRESS DECEMBER 22, 2008 TO THE CURIA, TOGETHER THESE STATEMENTS PLANT THE SEED OF Nazi genocidal ideology TO GERMINATE IN FUTURE GENERATIONS. PLEASE, WE ALL MUST NOT GIVE INTO HOMOPHOBIC HYSTERIA - THE ABSENCE OF SCIENCE ON HOMOSEXUALITY. It is a form of structural violence capital punishment - that is just as deadly as direct violence.
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
The #Family is the cradle of life and
the school of love and acceptance.
It is a window thrown open to
the school of love and acceptance.
It is a window thrown open to
the mystery of God.
Pope Francis, 23 Aug 2018
Thank you, beautifully stated. This has been the general thrust throughout the planning for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin.
There are some extraordinary shining prelates throughout this whole process to bring this Family event off. It is no easy PR responsibility in the name of Christ - to be inclusive of all people and all families. Please, do not think that your steady efforts of being Christ to all - are not appreciated, especially the behind the scenes agonies and time in prayer, likely continuously. There has been some unprecedented actions taken that were based on the dialogue between science and religion on the sexual orientation of homosexuality, untwisting Hitler’s and the Nazi regime's exploitation of the prejudices against gay people in the last few days that seem to have been overlooked by many. It is never a herd that make significant changes occur.
There are some extraordinary shining prelates throughout this whole process to bring this Family event off. It is no easy PR responsibility in the name of Christ - to be inclusive of all people and all families. Please, do not think that your steady efforts of being Christ to all - are not appreciated, especially the behind the scenes agonies and time in prayer, likely continuously. There has been some unprecedented actions taken that were based on the dialogue between science and religion on the sexual orientation of homosexuality, untwisting Hitler’s and the Nazi regime's exploitation of the prejudices against gay people in the last few days that seem to have been overlooked by many. It is never a herd that make significant changes occur.
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Sun and Earth
Evenly Hooker
God’s Reality
Presumed Infallible Orthodox Theological
Presumed Infallible Orthodox Theological
Video shattering to pieces
Galileo announced the realities about the earth and the sun that blasted light years forward to the discoveries of an unknown number of galaxies. Leaving in the dust the Church’s then century old presumed infallible orthodox theological construct of the flat earth and the sun, etc. this construct was completely shattered to pieces like, a huge wall mirror that they projected their own image of their understanding of the world, no part of it would ever to be reconstructed again. So, much for man made and woman made unchangeable orthodoxy. That discovery launched research of an ever unfolding list of astounding discoveries the most outstanding discovery was that our galaxy was not the only that there are an unknown number of galaxies. The latest as of March 12, 2018 from Nasa:
Astronomers have put NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on an Indiana Jones-type quest to uncover an ancient "relic galaxy" in our own cosmic backyard.
The very rare and odd assemblage of stars has remained essentially unchanged for the past 10 billion years. This wayward stellar island provides valuable new insights into the origin and evolution of galaxies billions of years ago… Read more:
Dr. Evelyn Hooker’s groundbreaking research of 1957 discovering that homosexuality is not a mental illness. She proved that being homosexual was just as normal as being heterosexual. Dr. Hooker’s discovery like Galileo’s had the same effect that blasted forward the research on human sexuality shattering to pieces the Vatican’s presumed infallible orthodox theological construct of human sexuality, homosexuality and gender theory leading to the discoveries that a person’s sexuality is as distinctively different as a person’s DNA. The one constant that never changes is LOVE. LOVE is as important to the survival and well-being of all human beings as oxygen. We cannot exist without LOVE - the LOVE as revealed by GOD - in the inseparable bond of God's word and creation. Pope Benedict XVI’s absence of the science on homosexuality and gender - he commits the breach that he warns us should never be allowed, because it destroys truth and it twists the meaning of love to mean the opposite. In his Christmas address, December 22, 2008, he demonstrates this twisted presentation of TRUTH and of LOVE. It is not man who is destructive “of God’s own work” it is he who is destructive of God’s creation, because he violates his own warning by ignoring the science human sexuality and gender theory and what he is posing is not truth or love and it explains why there was a negative global reaction to his address. It is some antiquated metaphysics.
…What is often expressed and understood by the term “gender” ultimately ends up being man’s attempt at self-emancipation from creation and the Creator. Man wants to be his own master, and alone – always and exclusively – to determine everything that concerns him. Yet in this way he lives in opposition to the truth, in opposition to the Creator Spirit.
If the Church speaks of the nature of the human being as man and woman, and demands that this order of creation be respected, this is not some antiquated metaphysics. What is involved here is faith in the Creator and a readiness to listen to the “language” of creation. To disregard this would be the self-destruction of man himself, and hence the destruction of God’s own work… Read more:
Scripture / Religion
The Faith of the Centurion
When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them.
He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.
Luke 7:1-10
Therefore, statements referring man and woman and marriage and family being the only image of God are extremely hurtful, especially for gay children growing up, it destroys their future HOPE for LOVE. Pope Francis understands, because these statements are made at the exclusion of science on human sexuality and therefore they are neither about TRUTH or LOVE, as spelled out by Benedict XVI in Caritas in veritate. Psychologically, they are reenactments of the Hitler’s and the Nazi regime’s arbitrary abuse of science and Hitler’s using religious terminology to camouflage the genocidal atrocities of Nazi racial purity ideology. Sincerely, it is extremely heart breaking that Benedict clinically strongly appears to demonstrates how severely children are harmed for life by the violence of unsubstantiated antigay social and religious norms, most especially by the violence of the Nazi genocidal antigay social norms. Benedict from the age of 6 to 10 years old, his father a, fiercely anti-nazi, policeman would have experienced up close - Hitler's 3 major highly publicized events - successfully exploiting the ignorance of antigay prejudices as an effective political weapon:
(1) police closing gay bars and clubs 1933 that won for him the votes he needed from conservatives to become the dictator of Nazi Germany,
(2) accusing the Brownshirts (Stormtroopers, SA) of rampant homosexuality as the public rationale for the massacre of 200 to 300 of Hitler's political opponents, in the Night of the Long Knives, 1934 and
(3) "Finally, a 1935 propaganda campaign and two show trials in 1936 and 1937 alleging rampant homosexuality in the priesthood, attempted to undercut the power of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, an institution which many Nazi officials considered their most powerful potential enemy (https://www.ushmm.org/learn/students/learning-materials-and-resources/homosexuals-victims-of-the-nazi-era/persecution-of-homosexuals)."
(1) police closing gay bars and clubs 1933 that won for him the votes he needed from conservatives to become the dictator of Nazi Germany,
(2) accusing the Brownshirts (Stormtroopers, SA) of rampant homosexuality as the public rationale for the massacre of 200 to 300 of Hitler's political opponents, in the Night of the Long Knives, 1934 and
(3) "Finally, a 1935 propaganda campaign and two show trials in 1936 and 1937 alleging rampant homosexuality in the priesthood, attempted to undercut the power of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, an institution which many Nazi officials considered their most powerful potential enemy (https://www.ushmm.org/learn/students/learning-materials-and-resources/homosexuals-victims-of-the-nazi-era/persecution-of-homosexuals)."
a Catholic,
In both case regarding the new monumental scientific discoveries of Galileo and Dr. Evelyn Hooker it is a matter of evaluating these new discoveries in the light of old constructs that Christ warns should never happened. Because the new discoveries will burst the old constructs and the new discoveries will be demonized. It took 400 years for Galileo to receive an apology from Pope John Paul II stating the Galileo was right and the Church was wrong. Dr. Evelyn Hooker ground breaking research of 1957 is not even acknowledged by the Pope Benedict XVI and the curia, and children continued to be abused for life by their unsubstantiated teachings on homosexuality.
Evelyn Hooker
Goebbels - Nazis Unleash Vicious Attack on Roman Catholic Church
Chicago Daily Tribune: - May 29, 1937 Photo
Chicago Daily Tribune: - May 29, 1937 Photo
Evelyn Hooker
Separate Historical Public
Obsessively Violent
Witch Hurts for
Nazis Himmler &
Goebbels 1937-1938
Hitler. 1936-1945: Nemesis
Ian Kershaw 2001
…Goebbels’s orchestrated attacks on the clergy through the staged ‘immorality trials’ of Franciscans in 1937 – following usually trumped-up or grossly exaggerated allegations of sexual impropriety in the religious orders – provided further ammunition. And, in turn, however much Hitler on some occasions claimed to want a respite in the conflict, his own inflammatory comments gave his immediate underlings all the licence they needed to turn up the heat in the ‘Church struggle’, confident that they were ‘working towards the Führer’…
Read more:
A History of Christianity,
by Owen Chadwick, 1996
…In July 1933 pope Pius XI shocked the democratic world by signing a concordat with Hitler, which was very favorable to the rights of the Catholic churches in the German states. The Nazis had no intention of keeping this agreement and gradually move towards outright 'repression; the stage persecution of monks for homosexuality, with the maximum of publicity. In 1937 Pius issued an encyclical, Mit brennender Sorge (‘With burning anxiety’), in which he listed all the breaches of the concordat committed by the Germans (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2316392.A_History_of_Christianity p 254)."
FOR the first time since World War II, German psychotherapists are openly and vigorously examining their profession's past under the Nazi regime.
New historical studies are revealing that, contrary to the common notion that psychotherapy was destroyed under the Nazis as ''Jewish,'' it actually flourished in an institute headed by a psychotherapist who was a cousin of Hermann Goring.
Freud's books were among the first to be burned. Yet German psychotherapists, some say, enjoyed under the Nazi regime a preferred status unknown in that nation up until then…
…One officer of the Nazi Party's special police, the S.S., came for treatment because he was guilt-ridden both over his desires to get his parents extra rations and about the atrocities he witnessed.
Some patients came because they were forced to by the Nazis. Miss Bartens remembers one S.S. officer whose family sent him to be treated for homosexuality, a crime in Nazi Germany. The S.S. had threatened to kill him if he did not change…
Read more:
Psychology Under the Third Reich
Nicholas Vine
The brief existence of the Third Reich had innumerable effects on the world, many of which we still feel today. This essay will focus on the effects on the field of psychology, the scientists who researched and practiced it, and its uses in the Third Reich. Psychology began to go through a number of changes throughout the beginning of the 20th century. Many new theories were presented while older ones were being disproven. An excellent case study for this is the research that was being done on the causes of homosexuality. Much of what defined psychological theories and beliefs on the causes of homosexuality was the contemporary attitudes towards these topics. Many scientists devoted their lives to researching the human psyche and Germany in particular was the nexus of psychological research during this time.
Unfortunately many of these advancements came to a halt when the Nazis came to power in 1933 much of this changed. As Jews were driven from their posts and replaced with scientists more empathetic to Nazi ideology, psychology, like many other branches of science, came under direct control of the state and became thoroughly integrated into the German military. Many psychiatrists became the first perpetrators to use eugenics to weed out mental and psychical defects in their patients and the race as a whole as a means of bettering the German race. These practices eventually expanded to include entire races and societal groups to become what is now known as the Holocaust. After Germany lost the war some of these psychologists were prosecuted for their crimes but most were integrated into allied scientific communities and psychology as a whole had transformed into a much more professional and viable field…
Read more:
US McCarthy 1950s
"Lavender Scare”
Joseph McCarthy - U.S. Senator from Wisconsin (1947–57)
...Not as widely known as McCarthy's anti-Communist crusade were his various attempts to intimidate, and expel from government positions, persons whom he accused, or threatened to publicly accuse, of homosexuality. Former U.S. Senator Alan K. Simpson has written: "The so-called 'Red Scare' has been the main focus of most historians of that period of time. A lesser-known element...and one that harmed far more people was the witch-hunt McCarthy and others conducted against homosexuals.” This anti-homosexual witch-hunt that McCarthy and others waged alongside their "Red Scare" tactics has been referred to by some as the "Lavender Scare"...
Read more: Photo
The myth buster
Evelyn Hooker’s groundbreaking research exploded the notion that homosexuality was a mental illness, ultimately removing it from the DSM.
In 1953, Evelyn Hooker, PhD, applied for a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grant to conduct research on “normal homosexuals.” During this period of American history, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was seeking out communists wherever he suspected they might be lurking; homosexual acts were a crime; bomb shelters were springing up in backyards; and the term “normal” homosexual was thought to be an oxymoron. A variety of medical and psychological treatments to “cure” homosexuality were employed, including ice pick lobotomies, electroshock, chemical castration with hormonal treatment or aversive conditioning. Gay parties were raided by the police, particularly in election years when a crackdown on “sexual perversion” was seen as a positive step in the fight on crime...
Hooker’s proposal to study gay men began as a result of a close friendship she developed with a former University of California, Los Angeles, student, Sam From, who introduced her to the gay subculture. She became one of the heterosexuals “in the know.” It was From who told her it was her “scientific duty” to study homosexuals and promised her access to all the subjects she needed. Initially she demurred but eventually, with the encouragement of From and her colleague Bruno Klopfer, Hooker began an investigation that would ultimately result in the removal of homosexuality as a form of psychopathology from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III of the American Psychiatric Association. This research was the culmination of Hooker’s lifelong interest in social justice.
Humble beginnings
Evelyn Hooker was born Evelyn Gentry Sept. 2, 1907 in North Platte, Neb., the sixth of nine children…Her family was quite poor, and neither parent was educated past fourth grade. Her adolescence was colored by these social stigmata; she attributed her study of “an oppressed, deprived people,” (homosexual men) to her early experience (Garnets & Kimmel, 2003, p. 36)…she completed her doctorate in experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins University in 1932…A fellowship in 1937–38 took her to Berlin to pursue her increasing interest in clinical psychology at the Institute for Psychotherapy. She lived with a Jewish family and witnessed, with dismay, Hitler’s rise to power. Much later, after her return to the United States, she learned that all members of her host family perished in the concentration camps.
A trip to the Soviet Union at the end of her fellowship year exposed her to another totalitarian regime…
…Evelyn Hooker returned to her research on gay men…she decided to apply for a grant from NIMH. The chief of the grants division, John Eberhart, flew out to interview her to see who this woman was who claimed she had access to any number of gay men who were neither psychiatric patients nor prisoners. He told her, given the climate of McCarthyism, everyone was being investigated and if she got the grant, “you won’t know why and we won’t know why” (1993, p. 450). (Eberhart later told Hooker that her project was derisively referred to as “The Fairy Project” by some federal officials in Washington.) Funding was granted and Hooker embarked on her study…
…Hooker reported that one of the most exciting days of her life was the day she presented the results of her research at APA’s 1956 Annual Convention in Chicago. This ground-breaking research and the work that followed on the homosexual subculture led to Hooker’s award in 1992 for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology in the Public Interest from APA. In her response to this honor, she shared the award with the gay and lesbian community and expressed pleasure that her research and her “long advocacy of a scientific view of homosexuality” could make their lives and the lives of their families better. She closed her address by reading from a letter she had received from a gay man thanking her for her work and saying, “I think you did it because you knew what love was when you saw it, and you knew that gay love was like all other love.”
Being Gay Is Just as Healthy as Being Straight
Evelyn Hooker's pioneering research debunked the popular myth that homosexuals are inherently less mentally healthy than heterosexuals, leading to significant changes in how psychology views and treats people who are gay...
Hooker's work was the first to empirically test the assumption that gay men were mentally unhealthy and maladjusted. The fact that no differences were found between gay and straight participants sparked more research in this area and began to dismantle the myth that homosexual men and women are inherently unhealthy.
In conjunction with other empirical results, this work led the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM in 1973 (it had been listed as a sociopathic personality disorder). In 1975, the American Psychological Association publicly supported this move, stating that "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, reliability or general social and vocational capabilities…(and mental health professionals should) take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness long associated with homosexual orientation." Although prejudice and stigma still exist in society, this research has helped millions of gay men and women gain acceptance in the mental health community. Read more:
“For where two or three
are gathered together
are gathered together
in my name, there
am I in the
midst of
Matthew 18:20
“No one sews a patch of unshrunk
cloth on an old garment.
Otherwise, the new
piece will pull
away from
the old,
making the tear worse.
And no one pours new wine into
old wineskins. Otherwise, the
wine will burst the skins,
and both the wine and
the wineskins will
be ruined. No,
they pour
new wine into new wineskins.”
Repeating the old constructs in light of the new scientific research regarding sexual orientation and gender studies are extremely hurtful and it discredits the old constructs and loses sight of the new discoveries. One realizes that applying the new discoveries onto the old constructs will only make the situation worst - harming all. Seems best not repeat old constructs until new constructs are developed to accommodate the new discoveries. What can be stated instead of repeating old constructs is a statement or a sign “under construction.” Hysterics will not like it, but no one would be needlessly harmed, most especially children. These new constructs would have been already developed if so many theologians were not silence and removed in the past 30 years. We do not chose hysterics over vulnerable children. Immediate and strenuous education on human sexuality, including pornography will help to calm hysterics and safeguard children. Let us remember for whom the millstone awaits. However, it must be said that it is no easy job at this time in history for those who are active and supportive in trying to steer the ship towards truth and love that has gone so far adrift over the past 30 years, and one forgets the major unprecedented steps that have been made for the protection of gay children and for all children - that have been so renewing for all of us. This includes our forgetting to express our gratitude to those involved and to God for what has been accomplished at this time. Pope Francis has been relentless in his effort and prayers in bringing about all these unprecedented accomplishments for so many people around the world, not only for gay people. Pope Francis has been remarkable as a humble leader of the Catholic Church, especially in the face of great opposition from those within the curia and hierarchy.
…whoever causes one of these
little ones who believe
in Me to stumble, it
would be better
for him
to have a heavy millstone
hung around his neck,
and to be drowned
in the depth of
the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Matthew 18:6
The Impact of the Refugee Crisis in the Balkans: A Drift Towards Security
Journal of Regional Security (2017), 12:1, 51–74
…The Catholic Church both in Slovenia and Croatia was, in principle, pleading for solidarity and assistance to refugees in the spirit of Christianity, but enthusiasm to support Pope Francis in his consistent and generous appeals was not matched by the same level of enthusiasm from clerics in these countries…
Read more:
To be continued:
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
The continuation of:
TRUTH not HYSTERIA - WILL SET US FREE! - (PART 2) Opening Vatican Doors 1981-2013 - TO - REPRESSED Homosexual PRELATES…
Update: Sept. 1, 2018 Revised: Aug.29, 2018 http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2018/08/truth-not-hysteria-will-set-us-free.html
THE BREACH - Antigay Prejudices, Unsubstantiated, Suppression, Repression, Exploitation, Globalization, Annihilation - - NO SCIENCE - - NO TRUTH - - THEREFORE - - - NO LOVE
Related links:
LET’S GET A GRIP!!! - Divide & Separate - A Curia Tactic - PANICKING EXPOSURE - Burke & Lepanto = Denunciation of “GAYS” in the Church and Attacks Threats - UNFETTERED Economic Liberalism
MENTAL HEALTH of "OUT" (Gay Athletes) vs. "REPRESSED" (Curia & Hierarchy) HOMOSEXUALS
Bowlby - Ainsworth - Hazan
“The Cradle to the Grave” - Emotional Bond
Infants and their Caregivers
Adult Romantic Partners
Read more: Part 4A & Part 4B
The Absence of
Parental Love
On Homosexuality
Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.
Read more: Part 4A & Part 4B
…The forced suppression of a gay child’s sexual orientation during early childhood years growing up —- this is the problem. This is the absence of parental love that is the problem. It is this heinous form of child abuse that is the problem - supported and promoted by - the negligence of the complete absence of the science on homosexuality in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality. It kills human bonding that develops human EMPATHY!!! It kills LOVE!!! It promotes hatred - a never ending hatred - gives license - to be as mean as you can be - for as long as you want!!! All because this child was not loved!!! It is the never ending story of child abuse -- the mutilation of a child's spirit!!! Read more: Part 4B http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/11/part-4b-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Twisted - Isaiah 40:3
LGBTQ Youth At Higher Risk For Homelessness, Sex Trafficking
Jan 24, 2018
…Nationally, about 40 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ. In Springfield, the average is higher - at 55 percent.
Reynolds says their sexual orientation is most likely the reason they ended up on the streets. Because they need shelter and food, homeless youth are a vulnerable target for labor and sex trafficking.
…”The biggest target right now is young gay men," said Reynolds.
It's a situation that can be even harder to spot. For any person looking from the outside, it can look like a normal relationship.
"A typical scenario would be if a young gay man would go to Martha's and then two or three days later he would tell me that he's been staying at an old gentleman's house," said Reynolds. "And everything was going great for a while, and then the older gentleman started asking for favors in return for staying there. That's sex trafficking."
Reynolds says their sexual orientation is most likely the reason they ended up on the streets. Because they need shelter and food, homeless youth are a vulnerable target for labor and sex trafficking.
…”The biggest target right now is young gay men," said Reynolds.
It's a situation that can be even harder to spot. For any person looking from the outside, it can look like a normal relationship.
"A typical scenario would be if a young gay man would go to Martha's and then two or three days later he would tell me that he's been staying at an old gentleman's house," said Reynolds. "And everything was going great for a while, and then the older gentleman started asking for favors in return for staying there. That's sex trafficking."
The situation can escalate and go as far as that person forcing the youth to perform favors for others in exchange for shelter and other goods.
"A lot of the at-risk population that we have are the ones that are engaging in that survival sex, or having to give something in order to have a place to stay, and we would consider that unsafe housing," said Sudduth.
Reynolds says young gay men are also less likely to report.
"That's the last thing they're going to do, is to tell someone that they are being taken advantage of every night by another person," said Reynolds.
Reynolds believes what they are fighting are overwhelming religious implications in the area.
"It's sort of top heavy. There really isn't another answer. It's either this religion or not," she said. "It's difficult to fight that money and that power when that's what existed for so long. It sort of tends to lead a blind eye to what's happening on the underside of society."
"No one chooses to be homeless. No one chooses to be taken advantage of by an older gentleman. No one chooses to be sex trafficked," said Reynolds. "We've got to get past the religion oppression. It cannot matter anymore what you believe religiously, you have to look at them as a human being. It's that simple.”… Read more:
Sexual Trafficking of LGBTQ Youth in the Americas Photo
Homeless Youth at High Risk of Human Trafficking Photo
American Association of Suicidology Photo
Dr. Caitlin Ryan,
Family Acceptance Project
Documentary, APR 27, 2016, 45:00 - Listen
Michigan Radio NPR - Photo
Homeless LGBTQ Youth and Progressive Churches:
A New Agenda for Care and Justice - Feb 02, 2016 - Photo
The Presence of
Parental Love
Written by - Diane Warren - to honor her father
Sung by - Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
You gave me faith 'cause you
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
Diane Warren explained in the book Chicken Soup For the Soul: The Story Behind The Song how she honors her father in this song.
While Excluding Science on
Human Sexuality
U.S. bishops approve statement that calls pornography 'mortal sin'
Nov 18, 2015 https://www.ncronline.org/news/vatican/us-bishops-approve-statement-calls-pornography-mortal-sin
Catholic bishops find pornography more important than poverty
Dec. 4, 2015
Pope Francis’ emphasis has been on “a poor church for the poor” and the church as a “field hospital.” But the agenda of the American bishops at their annual meeting in Baltimore last month was business as usual, with a focus on abortion, same-sex marriage, religious liberty and, especially, pornography….
Read more:
A Reaction Formation Against Porn
Those who advocate against the dangers of sexual arousal fear their own desires
David J. Ley Ph.D. - May 25, 2014
In May 2014, a Chicago-area Catholic priest was arrested, allegedly for exposing himself to other adults at a gas station. He turned himself in after he was identified by the license plate on his car. Even now, I imagine the man is sitting in a police station, tormented by his actions, in agony for his mistakes. I sympathize with the pain he must feel, and his fear of the rejection, judgment and scorn he will surely experience from his Church and congregation.
The irony of his hypocrisy is made worse by the monsignor’s recent campaign against the seductive, insidious and “addictive” dangers of Internet porn. The clergyman has written and spoken publicly about how Internet pornography, so readily accessible to teens on their phones and computers, causes neurochemicals changes in their brains, and warps the young people’s ideas of sex, love and intimacy:
“One huge concern is the personal isolation that porn creates. It is such a fake form of intimacy and love, it does the absolute opposite of fulfilling each person’s need for intimacy and love. ... There are great negative effects on people on a social, personal, family and relational level.
“It is just a lie, a false presentation (of love and intimacy) … Many, if not most, kids are starting to get addicted.”
He went on to suggest that the crisis of Internet pornography was something that parents, congregations and communities needed to act on, because “Kids ages 11 to 17 are the highest consumers of pornography, according to recent statistics.”
This man’s well-meaning but destructive campaign was based on misconceptions, driven by fear, probably his own fears, of the power that sexual arousal has in his life and that of others. Porn isn’t addictive, it doesn’t change one’s brain, and children under 17 are definitely not the highest consumers of pornography. Porn isn’t addictive, but perhaps fear is.
As an advocate against the sex/porn addiction industry, I am regularly challenged with fear-based rhetoric, that porn and sex can lead people to dangerous, destructive, frightening sexual acts…
A reaction formation is a psychological concept, whereby a person with a strong, uncomfortable desire, develops an even stronger, exaggerated, public stance against that secret, shameful desire. Shakespeare knew this human dynamic, when he wrote in Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Mark Foley is a former US House Representative, who was a political leader against child pornography, homosexuality and sex offenses against children. He resigned from the House after revelations of a scandal involving a young male page and Foley’s inappropriate communications with the young man. Ted Haggard is an American minister, who preached against homosexuality and exhorted his congregations to support anti-gay legislations. Haggard was later exposed as engaging in homosexual relationships, and even later identified himself as bisexual. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich castigated President Bill Clinton’s infidelity during impeachment proceedings, while Gingrich himself was having an affair…
Read more:
Conservative News Publications
As Per usual NO Supporting Documentation
Accusations Expansion
Conservative media move to front line of battle to undermine Pope Francis
Philip Pullella - August 30, 2018
…In a bombshell statement published last weekend when Pope Francis was in Ireland, Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador to Washington, urged Francis to resign on the grounds he knew for years about the sexual misconduct of an American cardinal and did nothing.
The full extent of journalists’ involvement in the statement - from conception and editing to translation and publication - emerges from a series of Reuters interviews that reveal a union of conservative clergy and media aimed at what papal defenders say is a campaign to weaken the reformist Francis’s pontificate…
…Vigano said he had told the pope of the allegations five years ago, soon after Francis’ election. The statement included no supporting documents and also accused a long list of current and past Vatican and U.S. Church officials of facilitating the expansion of a “homosexual network” in the Church.
Pope Francis told reporters on his plane returning from Ireland that he would “not say one word” about the accusations. “Read the document carefully and judge it for yourselves. It speaks for itself,” he said…
…“It’s very reminiscent of what is going on in conservative politics in the United States. It’s the same playbook,” said David Gibson, director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University in New York. He was alluding to the close relationship between President Donald Trump’s administration and conservative-leaning news outlets such as Fox News… Read more:
Will Set Us Free NOT
John Paul II & Benedict XVI gives Us the recipe to find Truth - it comes from the light of Reason/Science and Faith/Religion in Dialogue that we learn the true meaning of love.
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = LOVE
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
St. Francis, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy Photo
‘God Made You This Way,’ Pope Is Said to Have
Chilean bishops offer mass resignation over sex
The Overstimulation of Everyday Life: 1. New Aspects
of Male Homosexuality
Sidney H. Phillips, M.D., 2002 - Photo
"Homosexuality: coming out of the confusion”
Sidney H. Phillips, M.D. - Int J Psychoanal
1518 appointed the Papal Master of Ceremonies
an OUTRAGED [hysterical] critic of Michelangelo’s NUDES
- Michelangelo responded by DEPICTING
Cesena, in his “Last Judgment” fresco -
as the judge of the underworld with -
The letter dated: July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
Bishop David J. Walkowiak
Bishop of the Grand Rapids Diocese
360 Division Avenue S.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4501
Dear Bishop David,
I received your letter dated October 2015, that included a request to set an appointment to dialogue with you. At the time, my commitments,obligations and lack of financial means did not permit me to follow through. Furthermore, the around trip from Canton, MI to Grand Rapids, MI would have been about eight hours. However, after seeking reliable spiritual direction I was advised to write a letter to accept your request to meet. In the process of writing this letter, I began to thoroughly research the situation, from the combined insight obtained from three professionals perspectives, as a priest, as a psychologist, and as a historian. Through these perspectives, I have analyzed the many ways in which I was a victim of antigay hierarchal violence, having no judicial oversight to appeal to for protection within the church or civilly. This is an unidentified form of structural violence directed not at me alone but also many priests, theologians, sisters, religious and others, including Pope Francis for the past four decades - all have been victims of this form of violence.
S t r u c t u r a l V i o l e n c e
by Deborah Du Nann Winter and Dana C. Leighton
Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century
…Direct violence is horrific, but its brutality usually gets our attention: we notice it, and often respond to it. Structural violence, however, is almost always invisible, embedded in ubiquitous social structures, normalized by stable institutions and regular experience. Structural violence occurs whenever people are disadvantaged by political, legal, economic, or cultural traditions. Because they are longstanding, structural inequities usually seem ordinary—the way things are and always have been. But structural violence produces suffering and death as often as direct violence does, though the damage is slower, more subtle, more common, and more difficult to repair. The chapters in this section teach us about some important but invisible forms of structural violence, and alert us to the powerful cultural mechanisms that create and maintain them over generations…
One outcome of exclusionary thinking is the belief that victims of violence must in some way deserve their plight. But certainly it is easy to see that young children do not deserve to be victims…
Section II: Winter, D. D., & Leighton, D. C. (2001). Structural violence. In D. J. Christie, R. V. Wagner, & D. D. Winter (Eds.), Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century. New York: Prentice-Hall.
The main purpose of this form of structural violence is to silence and remove anyone in the Church who openly discusses the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality - gay people. This antigay hierarchical, structural violence has been successful in firmly suppressing this science on homosexuality for the past 60 years. In 1957, world renowned psychologist, Dr. Evelyn Hooker conducted ground breaking research proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness. She proved that being homosexual was just as normal as being heterosexual. For years the hierarchical church has rebuked such scientifically sound findings and have championed the obsessive suppression of gay people. Such actions lead to question who benefits from falsifying truth? The hierarchical church did not suppress the scientific research on heart surgery or cancer for the past 60 years. This vicious form of gay suppression is entrenched in the corruption of the curia in which speaking the truth has become a reprehensible thing. Through my years of analysis, I have come to find that the greatest harm this suppression imposes is on our children.
Truly I tell you, unless you
change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this
child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever welcomes one such child in
my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18: 3-5
…whoever causes one of these
little ones
who believe in Me to stumble,
it would be better for him
to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck,
and to be drowned in the
depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
My “coming out” in March 1997 was all based on substantiated science and scripture. Furthermore, it was motivated to protect defenseless children. How did risking my life by coming out warrant such extreme vindictive retaliation for the past 20 years by members of the curia and hierarchy?
How did it get twisted around that I refused to return to the Grand Rapids Dioceses, when in fact, it was made clear to me that it was unsafe for me to return by their coercing me to acquiesce to being sent away to be re-educated on the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality. They wanted me to leave the priesthood on my own, which would be another grave sin to commit. Since I had no recourse to appeal to for justice in 1997 - what recourse would I have available to me if I returned and more severe immoral tactics were used against me?
This tactic of the curia to dispose of someone was most recently demonstrated by Cardinal Raymond Burke firing Boeselager the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. Burke falsified a papal decision of Pope Francis that no one was to be fired, that the problematic issues with the Knights of Malta should be resolved through dialogue. Burke without any true dialogue with Boeselager stated that it was Pope Francis’s wish that he resign as the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. When Boeselager refused to resign because of “unreasonable circumstances,” Burke fired him on the grounds of disobedience. Sound familiar? Boeselager, then appealed directly to Pope Francis and an investigation was ordered into the firing of Boeselager. It was later exposed that the grounds that Burke had used against Boeselager were over “condoms.” However, this information was contrived by a group of Burke’s supporters known as “Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ.” This group is described as a “militant traditionalist organization close to Burke (Austen Ivereigh).” “This ultraconservative organization specialized in the denunciation of "gays” entering the Church and in attacks on the major development associations that question unfettered economic liberalism (La Croix International).” On February 4, 2017, Pope Francis replaced Cardinal Burke as the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and overnight all over Rome appeared posters of Pope Francis with a sad expression with the words - “Where is your mercy?”
It was the truth from science and religion that morally obligated me to come out for the protection of children growing up gay in March 1997. This was an act of love and my duty as a priest. It is the true meaning of being a priest. Pope Francis on Thursday, June 22, 2017 in his homily during Mass at Casa Santa Marta confirmed this fact stating,"The Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep,” using as an example the parish priest of Barbiana, Fr. Don Milani, the from the Diocese of Firenze (Florence).
The research to find the answers to these questions endlessly kept unfolding more and more information that led back in time - more than a century and a half. The research doors were opened wide once Pope Francis was elected and he along with his team of experts, and cardinals began reforming the curia. The research revealed two main historical events that were dependent on exploiting societal prejudices against gay people to rise and to stay in power. The, first, began with the ideology of Nazism promoted by Hitler and the Nazi regime that led to the deaths of 70 million people unprecedented in human history. The, second, began the with ideology of the “trickle-down theory” known as Reaganomics that led to Globalization and the greatest inequality in human history - “A world where 1% of humanity controls as much wealth as the bottom 99% will never be stable (President Obama’s departing speech to the UN General Assembly September 2016).‟ Ian Kershaw explains what Hitler’s place in history will be:
…Primarily, as the inspiration of the most lethal and destructive war in history, and of the most terrible genocidethe world has ever seen. He left behind him not just physical, but also moral, ruination such as history has never previously experienced. He represented an extreme pathology of modern society. He showed us the most radical face of modern inhumanity – how an advanced society can undergo a breathtaking descent into modern barbarity that’s quite without precedent. That’s what, with the passage of time, we can see was historically defining about Hitler. Never before Hitler’s time had we seen so clearly what human beings are capable of…
…we shouldn’t mystify Hitler’s personality. The uniquenessof Nazism can’t be reduced to that strange personality. Another time, another place, and Hitler would have had no impact at all. He couldn’t have derailed a modern society without that society itself making a major contribution to its own fate… We shouldn’t be complacent about the future. New forms of fascism and racial intolerance rightly appal and worry us…
…what we can do is to remind ourselves of the essential point about Hitler: he represented the most fundamental and frontal assault ever launched on all that we associate with humanity and civilisation.
Excerpt from: - Hitler’s Place in History - Ian Kershaw
Professor of Modern History at Sheffield University
Lecture - Wednesday 27th April 2005
Over the past year and a half - I have been researching and writing 24/7, since I received your letter - gathering significant amounts of factual data on all three levels (as a priest, psychologist and historian). This research includes my personal experience of being a victim of the hierarchical, antigay violence. As it happens when I do research, such as it did when I was doing the qualitative research on the Holocaust in graduate school for psychology, it is only after thoroughly exhausting every possible avenue several times do all the pieces begin to fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle that a picture is formed.
The picture centers on the crucial importance for the safety and well-being of all of humanity present and on into the future and is dependent on maintaining an ongoing dialogue between science and religion. This is necessary to obtain truth that which then gives meaning and value to love. Without this truth formed through this process -
…Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted,to the point where it comes to mean the opposite…
Benedict XVI - Caritas in Veritate 2007 2009
Pope Benedict XVI goes on to make the warning that “Any breachin this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…” St. Pope John Paul II made an early statement to this effect explaining how science and religion cannot be separated. He explains - as Benedict does that science is the study of all of God’s creation and religion is formed from the bible, which is the inspired word of God. They both explain how the dialogue between science and religion becomes a self-correcting mechanism of oversight, preventing abuse and maintaining integrity of both science and religion - thus allowing science and religion to guide us on our journey into the future. Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI are writing from their experience having lived through the atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi regime (1933-1945) that resulted from their manipulation and abuse of science and religion to invent a pseudo-science to legitimize Hitler’s ideology of Nazism and pseudo-religious terms to promote it. They experienced living in a social environment saturated in the racial ideology of Nazism - where the meaning of love was so twisted around that in actuality love meant the opposite. Love meant exterminating people considered to be less than human or subhuman - “Life Unworthy Of Life.”
With the recent election of President Trump we are experiencing living in a similar social environment saturated with the ideology of the “trickle-down theory.” This led to Globalization that was also legitimized by the manipulation of science and religion that twisted the meaning of love around to mean the exact opposite. In addition to Mr. Trump’s behavior, the Republican Convention 2016 slogans, “Lock her up!” (that sounded like the palpable hysteria of the Nazi Party “Sieg Heil” chant at a Cathedral lit Nuremberg Rally of the 1930s) and his being elected US president are all blatant examples of love twisted to mean the opposite. Both the rise of Nazism and Globalization were depended on the exploitation of societal prejudices against gay people.
However, in regards to rise of the “trickle-down theory”of the 1980s that led to Globalization - the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy are responsible for the exploitation of societal prejudices against gay people. The research of Dr. Evelyn Hooker and subsequent research completely dispel prejudices against gay people. Instead of the curia and hierarchy acknowledging the truth of this science - they manipulated religion by misusing the bible and continued to wrongly condemn homosexuality. Thus they twisted the meaning of truth around to the point that it continues to mean the opposite. They and their supporters are not about truth and therefore not about love. They are no different than the palpable hysteria of the Nazi Party “Sieg Heil” members at the Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930s. And this is the violence, their twisted meaning of truth - the complete absence of love, they have used against me and against so many others before and after me. Some of our best and brightest theologians and bridge makers, such as, Sister Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent. Gramick and Nugent have been responsible since 1977 for saving millions of people’s lives, especially very young children. To the best of my knowledge, they were the first to begin an ongoing dialogue on the science of the sexual orientation of homosexuality - gay people and religion - scripture and theology.
S c i e n c e can purify religion from error and superstition;
R e l i g i o n can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Each can draw the other into a wider world,
a world in which both can flourish.
For the truth of the matter is that the Church and the scientific
community will inevitably interact; their options
do not include isolation.
St. Pope John Paul II - 1988
I came out in March 1997: for the protection of children, as young as 4 and 5 years of age, who are growing up gay. Since then it has become a moral obligation to educate and prevent forced parental suppression and unsubstantiated antigay social and religious norms.What has bothered me ever since was the fact that I found it difficult to find the r o o t c a u s e in understanding “how” and “why” and “when” did the meaning of “love” and “truth” get so monumentally - twisted around; notably among the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy to mean the exact opposite.
For the past 10 years I have been writing in an effort to explain how this mindless inquisition that started almost immediately after coming out in June 1997 - of being coerced “behind closed doors” by a directive from the curia conveyed by the bishop for me to acquiesce to being sent away “somewhere” to be re-educated on the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality. This directive was not only shocking, but traumatizing as well.
This irrational directive from the curia completely negated the immediate need of protecting the lives of millions of very young defenseless children from lifelong debilitating harmful effects. It also negated the wealth of the authoritative substantiated research gathered from the major medical and mental health associations, institutions, and organizations, including universities. This was the reason for my “coming out.”
Through knowledge acquired during my studies at the University of Michigan and attending the American Psychological Association National Conventions my research was reinforced on the science of sexual orientation. The action of the curia and hierarchy was a blatant affront, a direct attack on truth and love, as taught and embodied in Jesus Christ, of which the entire purpose and meaning of priesthood is based on. It was like a supervisor telling a heart surgeon that he is going to be be sent away on a sabbatical to be reeducated on the ancient system of medicine known as “bloodletting.” I cannot explain how twisted it sounded - to be told such absurdity!!! “Who in the hell is running this ship?!?” I was 47 years old at the time.
How did the curia and hierarchy cause a breach in the dialogue between science and religion that ended up twisting the meaning of love around to mean the opposite?
We will learn from studying the - science on sexual orientation that it is composed of interrelated biological and psychological processes that are not able to be consciously controlled or suppressed. These interrelated processes function outside our conscious awareness - automatically and continuously throughout life as part of the autonomic nervous system - like the heart beating and breathing. The continuous functioning of our sexual orientation - is essential in meeting our most basic human need for love, attachment, intimacy, through which empathy is developed. The continuous functioning of our sexual orientation is as vital to human survival from the beginning of life to the end - as the heart beating and breathing. Any attempt to force the suppression of a child’s gay sexual orientation is the same as suppressing the heart and breathing rate which can cause a number of lifelong adverse effects (persistent form of depression (dysthymia), suicidal ideation, and obsessive dislike for gay people that is implicit, to explicit verbal expressions of hate, to lethal forms of violence, and torture).
The majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy are European. They are the ones who grew up in the toxic antigay social environments left behind by Hitler’s Nazi regime. This begins to explain the long history of the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy’s collective obsessive antigay crusade. This collective thought suppressed all emerging science on homosexuality for the past 60 years. For these members of the curia and hierarchy the thought of gay science has been a long closed door slammed shut in their early childhood years. This was out of great fear from their witnessing the terror in the adult’s warnings of how Hitler treated priests who were found out to be homosexuals. As this trauma of the early childhood events are not remembered, only the emotional terror of the event remains. It is this emotional terror that is wronglymistaken as an innate guiding voice of their conscience strongly conveying to them that homosexuality is evil. This misunderstanding then becomes a force that completely obliterates years of scientific research on homosexuality. It is more likely that such scientific research ignites seemingly unending waves of unexplainable terror. That door slammed tightly shut - is the breach in the dialogue between science and religion on the issue of homosexuality. This is a childhood defense mechanism. It is the only means available to the child to stop the unending waves of fear. However, as adults, these childhood defenses must be reexamined in a safe environment - to be challenged in the adult dialogue between science and religion on issues of homosexuality. As Pope Benedict XVI explains, this is the only process to find truth and give real value and meaning to the understanding of love. I do not presume this to be an easy task to unravel and should only be attempted in a safe environment. However, this situation - is not unusual - it brings to mind the words of St. Paul to be understood with great care and empathy.
When I was a child, I talked like a child,
I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
1 Corinthians 13:11
No, no, no this type of breach in the dialogue between science and religion on gay sexual orientation has to stop! Justice demands that I be exonerated and proper restitution be made for all harm endured, including the lost salary for the past 20 years to be made quickly. Not to follow through on this road of true justice is to continue this breach in the dialogue between science and religion on gay sexual orientation. Am I, like so many others, going to be made an example of what happens when a priest speaks aloud the truth? Will this be a situation reminiscent of Hitler’s regime to remove and silence Anti-Nazi priests? Are you going demonstrate publicly how an advanced society of people made a major contribution to the modern barbarity of Hitler and the Nazi regime by their complicity and indifference?
My moral obligation as a priest is to protect people, especially children.
I look forward to setting a time to dialogue the reality of this situation in the light of the warnings of both St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI while maintaining an open discussion between science and religion for the search of truth that leads to love.
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Cc. Pope Francis
PS. For more information on the:
- Science of Homosexual Sexual Orientation
- Gay Adult Porn & Homophobia - Who views it the most and why?
- Vatican’s Swiss Guards Break Up a D r u g - F u e l e d G a y O r g y
at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - July 2017
- “Priests In Panties” 2010
- Who is the blame for all the gay closeted sexual acting-out scandals at the Vatican?
Can be found online at the -Thalamus Center
- Saturday, July 1, 2017 - Pope Francis - Teaches the World to Dance the TANGO - the Dance of LOVE - INCLUSION - through - DIALOGUE! - http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/07/pope-francis-teaches-world-to-dance.html
Letter from Bishop Walkowiak
Bishop of Grand Rapids Diocese - Dated, September 17, 2015
Letter from Archbishop Joël Mercier
Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy - 3 March 2015
The end of the letter.
Once, when religious art was young,
nudity symbolized purity.
But during the Renaissance
that changed, and
for the first time a
naked body was "dirty."
When did penises become offensive
USCCB Corrosive effects of PORNOGRAPHY??? 2015, Synod of Bishops 2015, &
Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel
The Eyes Have It: Sex and Sexual Orientation
Differences in Pupil Dilation Patterns
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = LOVE
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Is Some Homophobia
QUACKS: 'Conversion Therapists,' the Anti-LGBT Right, and the Demonization of Homosexuality May 25, 2016
Executive Summary
...The real science is perfectly clear. A consensus of the vast majority of psychiatrists, psychologists and other counselors and their professional organizations agree that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexuality. Likewise, they condemn reparative therapy and other attempts to change sexual orientation…
THE BREACH - Antigay Prejudices... http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-breach-antigay-prejudices.html
Early Childhood Memories
Severe Antigay Violence
The Pope: Journey from liberal to conservative
12 February 2013
…In 1966, just after the end of the Council, Joseph Ratzinger took up a new academic position at Tubingen University, which was at the time the flagship of liberal theology in Germany. So when student revolutions convulsed Western Europe and the United States two years later, he was a first-hand witness.
The experience changed his life. Years afterwards he recalled the "traumatic memory" of a group of theology students at Tubingen who put out a flier claiming that "the New Testament is a document of inhumanity, a large scale deception of the masses", and asking "so what is Jesus's Cross but the expression of a sado-masochistic glorification of pain?
Prof Ratzinger, as a German who had grown up in the 1930s, understood all too well what a totalitarian regime could do. He saw a new left-wing totalitarianism at work in the revolutionary spirit of the 1960s.
"It is true I saw a new spirit creeping in," he said. "A spirit in which fanatical ideologies made use of the spirit of Christianity… Here I saw very clearly… that there was an abuse of the Church and the faith, which were used as instruments of power.”…
Read more: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21425105
E.J. Dionne: Pope Benedict’s legacy is one of paradox
Feb.11, 2013
…The student revolts of 1968 deeply alarmed him. “At the time,” he wrote, “I was dean of the faculty of theology at [the University of] Tubingen, and in all the university assemblies in which I participated, I could notice all kinds of terror, from subtle psycho-terror up to violence.”
He described how he initially regarded Marxism as a possible corrective to certain strains of modern thought. But he came in the late 1960s to identify it with “terror.” He added: “I think that in those years, I learned where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom.”…
The paradoxes of Benedict — and perhaps of Catholicism itself — were visible in two statements he made at Christmastime. Progressives could only welcome an op-ed piece he wrote for the Financial Times on Dec. 19 in which he declared that “Christians fight poverty out of a recognition of the supreme dignity of every human being, created in God’s image and destined for eternal life.”
Yet he followed this with a Christmas sermon denouncing gay marriage, insisting that gays and lesbians were turning their backs on the “essence of the human creature” and denying “their nature.”
Read more:
Grand Haven, Lighthouse, Lake Michigan
Powerful, Enduring &
Memory of
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017 - Excerpts:
The hierarchy and Pope Francis - vividly validated the reasoning for the immediacy - why I came out in March 1997, as pastor of Holy Family Parish, Sparta, Michigan - for the protection of gay children, as young as 4 and 5 years of age - from the lifelong harmful effects growing up gay or bisexual - during early childhood caused by the influence of anti-gay social and religious norms. These lifelong harmful effects can be clearly observed in the curia and hierarchy fierce homophobic behavior - their inability to form life-long meaningful and fulfilling relationships, including their inability to connect with others, their lack of empathy for others, their over concerns about outward appearance, status and careers, as noted in Pope Francis "Christmas address to the curia", December 22, 2014. It is not only their complete absence of maintaining any ongoing dialogue between science and religion on the topic homosexual sexual orientation for the past 60 years, which is directly against the words of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI , it is also by their immediate emotional explosive outbursts to the 2014 midterm report of Synod session on Family - that listed notes of the open discussion that took place - discussing ways of how to be pastorally more welcoming to gay people and their families, including ways of valuing long term committed gay relationships. There was a lot of emotional outbursts among the curia and hierarchy, however, there is absolutely - no detail reasoning to substantiate their extraordinary hostile and aggressive reactions to the report. So intense was their fierce emotional reaction that the continuation of this open discussion on gay people scheduled for the second synod on Family session 2015 had to be canceled.
Sadly, one cannot, also, help to notice the enormous amount of the emotional psychic energy that is use by the curia and the hierarchy completely absorbed in an anti-gay obsession and the enormous amount of Pope Francis emotional psychic energy is used in reaching out to all people globally in nearly every situation in extraordinary effort to be inclusive of everyone, particularly those most forgotten and are in need of our help. Pope Francis has been relentless in this regard since his election to the papacy in March 2013.
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017
S c i e n c e
H o m o s e x u a l
S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
In the USA, 1957, Evelyn Hooker’s most notable and ground breaking research proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness was completed called:-
in which she administered several psychological tests to groups of self-identified male homosexuals and heterosexuals and asked experts to identify the homosexuals and rate their mental health. The experiment, which other researchers subsequently repeated, argues that homosexuality is not a mental disorder, as there was no detectable difference between homosexual and heterosexual men in terms of mental adjustment... Photo
Being Gay Is Just as Healthy as Being Straight
Evelyn Hooker's pioneering research debunked the popular myth that homosexuals are inherently less mentally healthy than heterosexuals, leading to significant changes in how psychology views and treats people who are gay...
Hooker's work was the first to empirically test the assumption that gay men were mentally unhealthy and maladjusted. The fact that no differences were found between gay and straight participants sparked more research in this area and began to dismantle the myth that homosexual men and women are inherently unhealthy.
In conjunction with other empirical results, this work led the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM in 1973 (it had been listed as a sociopathic personality disorder). In 1975, the American Psychological Association publicly supported this move, stating that "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, reliability or general social and vocational capabilities…(and mental health professionals should) take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness long associated with homosexual orientation." Although prejudice and stigma still exist in society, this research has helped millions of gay men and women gain acceptance in the mental health community. Read more: http://www.apa.org/research/action/gay.aspx
A B S E N C E o f S C I E N C E

Primarily, as the inspiration of the most lethal and destructive war in history, and of the most terrible genocide the world has ever seen. He left behind him not just physical, but also moral, ruination such as history has never previously experienced. He represented an extreme pathology of modern society. He showed us the most radical face of modern inhumanity – how an advanced society can undergo a breathtaking descent into modern barbarity that’s quite without precedent…
Read more:
Hitler's Place in History
Ian Kershaw
Professor of Modern History at Sheffield University
Wednesday 27th April 2005
…The horror of the Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The psychological fallout would have been far more extensive and more deadly, especially when it is not identified as such…
AUSCHWITZ -- CHRISTMAS 2008 -- A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN – December 26, 2008 – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Know thyself
Oracle at Delphi
This above all:
to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your
brother's eye and pay no attention to the
plank in your own eye? How can you
say to your brother, 'Brother,
let me take the speck
out of your eye,
'when you yourself fail to see the
plank in your own eye? You hypocrite,
first take the plank out of your eye, and
then you will see clearly to remove
the speck from your brother's eye.
Luke 6:40-42
D i s s o c i a t i o n
S e l e c t i v e
I n a t t e n t i o n
From L O V E
Killing Empathy
Creating Narcissists
i.e. Curia & Hierarchy
October 01, 2004 | Cultural Psychiatry, Dissociative Identity Disorder
By Jack Drescher, MD
In the jargon of contemporary homosexual culture, those who hide their sexual identities are referred to as either closeted or said to be in the closet. Revealing one's homosexuality is referred to as coming out. Clinical experience with gay patients reveals hiding and revealing behaviors to be psychologically complex.
Homosexual Identities
In the developmental histories of gay men and women, periods of difficulty in acknowledging their homosexuality, either to themselves or to others, are often reported. Children who grow up to be gay rarely receive family support in dealing with antihomosexual prejudices. On the contrary, beginning in childhood--and distinguishing them from racial and ethnic minorities--gay people are often subjected to the antihomosexual attitudes of their own families and communities (Drescher et al., 2004). Antihomosexual attitudes include homophobia (Weinberg, 1972), heterosexism (Herek, 1984), moral condemnations of homosexuality (Drescher, 1998) and antigay violence (Herek and Berrill, 1992). Hiding activities learned in childhood often persist into young adulthood, middle age and even senescence, leading many gay people to conceal important aspects of themselves…
What psychological mechanisms facilitate separating one's sexual identity from the rest of one's persona? Sullivan's (1956) concept of dissociation may be illuminating, particularly its most common aspect: selective inattention. A ubiquitous, nonpathological process, selective inattention makes life more manageable, like tuning out the background noise on a busy street. However, through dissociation of anxiety-provoking knowledge about the self, a whole double life can be lived and yet, in some ways, not be known. Clinical presentations of closeted gay people may lie somewhere in severity between selective inattention--most commonly seen in the case of homosexually self-aware patients thinking about "the possibility" that they might be gay--to more severe dissociation--in which any hint of same-sex feelings resides totally out of conscious awareness. More severe forms of dissociation are commonly observed in married men who are homosexually self-aware but cannot permit the thought of themselves as gay (Roughton, 2002). Read more: http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/articles/closet-psychological-issues-being-and-coming-out
17 Antigay Leaders Exposed as Gay or Bi
- January 27, 2016
- January 27, 2016
The internet was buzzing in January when an editor at a gay website in Virginia wrote that he'd encountered an antigay Republican lawmaker while on Grindr, without naming the person. Not every antigay crackpot is actually gay, but there's no shortage of those who actually are. Here are some hypocrites who just couldn't practice what they preached…
A child’s sexual orientation is not about sexual behavior - it is about love, wanting to feel one with another. Depending on the severity of this rejection of a child’s expression of love - the child wants to desperately please his parents and will learn to hid from his parent such emotions of love that are disturbing to them. He will even hide them from himself and thus begins the mental dissociation of this child - attempting to suppress the never ending - regular functioning of his sexual orientation of the emotional impulses - to be loved and to love and to feel one with another
- refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes... http://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/orientation.aspx
The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomic_nervous_system#cite_note-Human_Physiology_-_Janig-2
However, as explained above - a person’s sexual orientation like the heart beating, breathing, sexual arousal, etc., are all under the control autonomic nervous system that operates automatically and unconsciously - they cannot be suppressed.
The Eyes Have It: Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in Pupil Dilation Patterns
August 3. 2012 …pupil dilation to stimuli indicates activation of the autonomic nervous system. This system is associated with many automatic processes such as perspiration, digestion, blood pressure, and heart rate. For this reason, pupil dilation has been used as indicator of automatic response, for example, in studies of implicit reaction and cognitive load. Other research suggests that pupil dilation can reflect automatic attention, or attention that is likely not in the conscious control of participants. It is therefore unlikely that participants suppress pupil dilation to stimuli they are sexually attracted to. Pupil dilation patterns could therefore reflect, with high sensitivity, automatic attention related to sexual attraction and sexual orientation…
“Brokeback Mountain” 2005
AUSCHWITZ -- CHRISTMAS 2008 -- A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
December 26, 2008 – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Dear Fr. Geoff Farrow,
I have been so saddened by Pope Benedict XVI's cruel words to LGBTQ people around the world, to their parents, families and friends, most ESPECIALLY TO CHILDREN. After reading the accounts of this human travesty, I did not know where to find comfort or hope. And then I thought about your blog. And just like receiving a wonderful Christmas present, sure enough I found the hope and comfort I needed to hear. Photo
I am a priest and a clinical psychologist (MS). And for one of my research projects I chose to do a qualitative research project of the recorded verbal accounts of survivors of the Holocaust, 50 years after the event. It was a difficult research project, because I could not make sense of one of the accounts of the survivors.
For example, one survivor was describing what it was like riding the train to AUSCHWITZ, but he was describing how he was trying to make conversation with a girl on the train. I listened and wrote out this one account almost 30 times but I just was not getting it. I could not understand how this man could be talking about wanting to make conversation with this girl on the same train to AUSCHWITZ!?!
Because I had taught high school religion classes for nearly 20 years, it hit me hard, like a flash of lightning. Instantly, all the pieces came together, so fast. Though this survivor was in his late 60’s when he gave his account of his story on audiotape, he was remembering the events that took place, but naturally they were recounted through the mind of a teenager, the age he was on the train to AUSCHWITZ. That is why the dialogue wasn’t making any sense. I was thinking of him as an old man because the voice on the audiotape was the voice of a 68-year-old. As shocking as a bomb going off, all the different aspects of the psychological developmental stages of a teenager kicked in. I realized only too fully that he was just a young normal teenager on that train!!! And so was the girl he was trying to make conversation, and their moms and dads were there with them!!! There was no way to pretend I did not realize what I discovered. It kept hitting me: this is not some script from a movie or TV miniseries on the Holocaust. No; as much as I wished it were. The reality of this horror hit me all at once, on so many different levels of consciousness: what an unbelievable horror it was!!! How could we treat human beings like this! I remember when the realization of the magnitude of this horror first hit me, like an instant reflex. I threw down the transcript I was holding as if it were a blazing hot poker. It kept hitting me over and over again that this is not a movie script or some kind of play – this really happened! It really happened! Oh, my God, how could this have happened!?!!!
My supervisor told me at the time that I was traumatized by the oral content. Qualitative research is an attempt to understand the complexity of emotions, the kinds of emotions, and the degree of intensity involved. Our emotions are what allow us to connect with other human beings. We identify with the non-verbal quality of emotions more immediately and strongly than with the words used to express them. The non-verbal qualities include tone of voice, eye contact, facial expression, body posture, and gestures, all of which express emotions. Emotions are why we can connect with people through time, across cultures, and individually. It is the expression of human emotions in the arts that makes some works of art timeless, because they continually speak to all people through the ages.
And when I heard what Pope Benedict XVI said about homosexuals and transgendered human beings at Christmas 2008, I felt that same trauma all over again. Because in some way, somehow, he was conveying in a non-verbal manner the horror of the Holocaust, in what appears to be a traumatized, trance-like, accepted social norm from that period of time dictating that some people just don’t count, aren’t important, and can be easily disposed of. And if you rock the boat, you could be next to be disposed of.
I truly have to believe that a person in his position would not be doing this consciously or intentionally. The horror of the Holocaust is like an atomic bomb with fallout so extensive that it spreads over a radius of more than 150 miles. The horror of the Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The psychological fallout would have been far more extensive and more deadly, especially when it is not identified as such.
It hit me the way it did when I realized that the research I was doing about a Holocaust survivor, a man 68 years old telling his story, who was remembering what it was like to be on the train to AUSCHWITZ, from the perspective of a young teenage boy who just wanted to talk to a girl. It seemed like the same kind of horror, a tacit assumption that some people don't count and can be disposed of without remorse. Could it be that Benedict XVI is unconsciously repeating Hitler's crime against humanity by taking on a long-accepted social attitude from that period of time?
The question I asked myself was: what would it have been like for someone growing up gay during the Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933 -1945?
What would be the severity of the psychological effects on a boy who grew up to be gay in Germany during the time of Hitler’s NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS 1933 -1945? During the Nazi regime, homosexuals were publicly defamed and falsely accused for the major social problems of that time, which was done to incite massive public hatred and hostility directed against homosexuals. Homosexuals were used for medical experiments, physically mutilated, brutally tortured and exterminated.
Would this child, as an adult, in a severe dissociated state of mind from his own homosexual feelings (Harry Stack Sullivan MD, Dissociative Processes, Clinical Studies on Psychiatry (1956)), unconsciously perpetuate the terrifying horror of the insensitivity he had experienced growing up? If he found himself in a position of authority would he recreate the same social and political environment of violence and terror for homosexuals that he experienced, as a child who grew up to be gay, during the NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS?
I think in truth on a much deeper level I was frightened, really frightened, to hear Pope Benedict XVI’s Christmas remarks against homosexuals and transgendered human beings and even more frightened by the silence from the larger global community of human beings. What is so frightening is, even if there is agreement that one person does not matter or is not important, in truth then no one matters. Therefore, when I thought about your blog and what you did on October 5, 2008, I felt more reassured, I felt hope, and I felt comforted. NOW, isn’t that the true meaning of Christmas?
God Bless you,
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
. . . .Written by Martin S. Kurylowicz, M.Div., M.S.
Edited by Madeline Wright, Ph.D., M.S. . . . .
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
What you cannot do is
accept injustice.
From Hitler – or anyone.
You must make the injustice visible
– be prepared to die like a
soldier to do so.
Mahatma Gandhi
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
Pope Francis offers 'radicals' Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton as models Sep.24.2015
Rachel Maddow describes the lives of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton, two American Catholics singled out by Pope Francis in his address to Congress, and talks with Father Matt Malone, Jesuit priest and editor-in-chief of American Magazine, about why the pope...Watch video: https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/pope-offers-radical-models-for-americans-533263427713?playlist=associated
Pope's hope for Congress contrasts with American cynicism
Senator Amy Klobuchar talks with Rachel Maddow about Pope Francis delivering a message beyond the confines of religion and speaking to the nobility of public service in politics in working toward the common good for all people.
Pope Francis arrives in New York City for historic visit
September 25, 2015
As entrances go, this one was divine.
Pope Francis touched down in New York City on Thursday to the strains of “New York, New York” and began his historic 39-hour pilgrimage to the city that never sleeps by taking a drive up Fifth Ave…
'I Am Convinced That We Can Make A Difference,' Pope Tells Congress,
Pope Francis is greeted as he arrives at a lunch for homeless people who are regularly fed by Catholic Charities, at St. Patrick's Church in Washington DC.
September 24, 2015 Photo
Pope Francis spends lunch hour with homeless
Washington DC September 24, 2015
Pope Francis spent his lunch hour with some of Washington's homeless at a meals program run by Catholic charities. CNN's Carol Costello reports.
Watch video:
Pope Francis Dines with DC Homeless for Lunch
September 24, 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- He's been called the pope of the poor. And on Thursday he spoke directly to those who have gone without.
"In prayer there is no first or second class," Pope Francis said. "There is brotherhood."
He shared his message of hope with people who work directly with the poor and some of the needy they serve, like Lanita King, a former drug addict who once was homeless.
"It felt like energy went right through my hand. He touched it and grabbed it," King recalled.
King was one of many who connected with the pope and felt blessed.
"He is delivering the message that God is here for us. God is here with us," she said.
…And if there were any question about the pope's priorities, he passed up a lunch in his honor on Capitol Hill to come here and spend time with the less fortunate.
Read more - watch video:
Pope Francis: "No justification whatsoever" for lack of housing
September 24, 2015
WASHINGTON -- Outside St. Patrick's Church in downtown Washington, denizens of Catholic Charities' various housing shelters waited for Pope Francis' visit.
The pontiff spoke about the plight of the homeless in remarks when he arrived at the church."We can find no social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing," he said. "The Son of God came into this world as a homeless person. The Son of God knew what it was to start life without a roof over his head.”…
Read more:
John Paul II and Benedict XVI
Science & Religion
Bessel van der Kolk MD
Rational & Emotional
Brains Read more:
Part 4D - NAZI ABUSE OF SCIENCE -> GENOCIDE “RACIAL CLEANSING” & WAR CHILDHOOD -> CURIA - GENOCIDE of HOMOSEXUALS - - Part 4D - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’
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