Benedict XVI’s
- Dismissal of the relevance
of Human Sciences 1985
Beginning in 1981 - when Benedict XVI was first
appointed then as Cardinal Ratzinger as head of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith 1981 – he has been and remains
intensely vigilance, systematically silencing
and removing, any bishop, priest, sister, theologian and other Catholic personnel
supportive of gay people and gay rights.
Milestones in campaign to hold the doctrinal line – 7/30/1999, National Catholic Reporter – Ratzinger’s
efforts to prevent evolution in church teaching toward acceptance of
homosexuals 1984-1999.
One case of
Ratzinger’s from the 1980s that lasted nearly over a decade involves his
“crackdown” on Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle, Washington who supported of
gay people and gay rights that has been researched as doctoral dissertation by Timothy Peter Schilling.
“Conflict in the Catholic Hierarchy: A Study
of Coping Strategies in the Hunthausen Affair, with Preferential Attention to
Discursive Strategies” 2003 by
Timothy Peter Schilling It
was the consensus, at that time, among the hierarchy, clergy and religious that
Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle, Washington was being used to intimidate and
provoke fear in all employees in the Church, a demonstration of Ratzinger
establishing his power.
Of significant
importance is a letter that Ratzinger sent to Hunthausen dated 9/30/1985. In
this letter the divide is clear Hunthausen emphases the renewal of Vatican II
and the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Ratzinger focus is on a ridged and
unchanging hold to authentic tradition.
What is alarming is Ratzinger’s dismissal
of the relevance of human sciences. “The Church
should be understood as more than a merely social entity, governed chiefly by
psychological, sociological and political processes,” Ratzinger writes. “An anthropology which is dominated by the
tentative conclusions of the human
sciences could well undermine
many pastoral initiatives, however well intentioned.”
It explains his
unconscionable disregard of the decades of authoritative research data related
to sexual orientation, human sexuality and his holding on to the
unsubstantiated antigay teachings of the Vatican’s. This is a complete break in
Pope John Paul II reasoning for not separating science and religion, when he
apologized to Galileo stating he was right and the Vatican was wrong – as the
Vatican is wrong today about sexual orientation. Ratzinger has made a complete break from truth, which is
extremely life threatening to millions of lives of children and adults. It is a
crime against humanity.
Archbishop Asks Rome To
Ease Up – 9/28/1986 - Chicago Tribune
…The more
philosophical and historically grounded warnings raised by Archbishop
Weakland…in his columns, titled ``The Price of Orthodoxy,`` …appeared to be
directing his remarks to Vatican inquisitors…
…He contended that previous efforts to monitor and safeguard Catholic doctrine
have been undertaken in an atmosphere where ``amateurs-turned-theologians easily
became headhunters and leaders were picked (on the basis of) the rigidity
of their doctrine, so that often second-rate and repressive minds, riding
on the waves of fear, took over.
``Religion under such circumstances then can become an ideology that tolerates
no obstacle and that values ideas more than people,`` he wrote…
GAY MARRIAGE - Benedict XVI Dismisses Science
Renders His use of
are taken from:
This posting is part of a larger
one and was sent out as a US mailing prior to posting here on the Thalamus
This is the
beginning post of a series that attempts to analyze Benedict XVI and the
hierarchy subtle systematic increments of often-disguised antigay propaganda,
how innocent people unknowingly are colluding by their silence, how it leads to
the devaluation other groups, and what suggestions might be helpful to begin to
stop it not only for gay people but for every human being. This first
post begins with an attempt to explain the different perspectives of how
Natural Law viewed by others and then to understand Benedict XVI’s elitist
attitude, the inordinate importance he seems to place on his use of Natural Law
concept, which is over and beyond that of the Gospels and scientific
An Overview of
Benedict XVI’s Natural Law
Benedict XVI sole reliance on
Natural Law without reason / science - above the spoken words of Christ led him
into absurdity into many areas, especially regarding his public remarks against
gay marriage (a surreal quality) that became and remains life-threatening to innocent
people in the world, especially children. His understanding is that to
contradict Natural Law is to bring on the destruct of the world. This is one of
his reasons to deprive gay people of their civil rights. However,
Natural Law is a theory, a human construct and that is not above the Gospels. “These
people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. “They
worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.” Photo
“The term “natural law” is ambiguous.”
“In the history of human thought few words have created as much confusion
as the words "nature" and "law…” Natural Law is not without its
critics - claiming that it is “rhetorical nonsense,” and “nonsense upon stilts.”
It is a false impression that Law is rooted in Natural Law, it is in the will
of the sovereign. There is a superimposed esoteric quality, an elitist
attitude that Benedict XVI assumes in his understanding and use of Natural Law
that by definition eliminates it from the realm of Catholicism. Meaning that
governing the Church is relegated to a very small group. “Among
intellectuals who consider themselves ‘scientific,’" who
insist, “…faith in the supernatural is deemed necessary to belief in
natural law the latter concept must be tossed out of scientific, secular
discourse, and be consigned to the arcane sphere of the divine studies.”
“It is an additional mistake to think that any rights are unalterable…Hence
the famous slogan…'natural rights is simple nonsense: natural and imprescriptible
rights, rhetorical nonsense, nonsense upon stilts.'” (Reference links to
the above are found below.)
“The idea of a natural law
founded on reason and rational inquiry has been virtually lost.” Benedict XVI
almost immediately after becoming pope – he removed all the scientists that
Pope John Paul II had insisted be on all the committees in the Vatican.
Benedict XVI is the head of state of the Vatican. To “…stress that the very
existence of a natural law discoverable by reason is a potentially powerful
threat to the status quo and a standing reproach to the reign of blindly
traditional custom or the arbitrary will of the State apparatus.”
“While natural-law theory has often been used erroneously in defense of the
political status quo, its radical and "revolutionary" implications
were brilliantly understood by the great Catholic libertarian historian Lord
“In 1870 came the great
crisis in Catholicism over the First Vatican Council's promulgation of
the doctrine of papal infallibility.”
“…I cannot accept your canon that
we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption
that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way,
against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic
responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power
tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are
almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority,
still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by
authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the
holder of it.” (Reference links to the above are
found below.)
Benedict XVI has no oversight,
which has led to, as we have found out, immeasurable human atrocities of the
decades of child sexual abuse cover-ups and worst. Benedict XVI non-existence
oversight has been in actuality and continues to threaten humanity’s future.
And the silence of Catholics is a form of collusion that allows Benedict XVI
free reign to continue his human atrocities, even beyond the decades of child
sexual abuse cover-ups yet to be revealed. Though not limited to - Benedict XVI
and the hierarchy are continuously devaluing gay people, while ignoring all the
research data that sexual orientation is a normal part of human development and
the fact the bible does not condemn homosexuality.
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Benedict XVI -
Demeaning Accusations of Gay People -
Lacking Evidence
/ Reason – Corruption of Natural Law
All human life is sacred. Human
life is never to be devalued or demeaned in any way by anyone. To deliberately
devalue anyone or any group of human beings while others remain silent is what
will destroy humanity as a whole – not gay marriage (Pope: Gay marriage
threatens humanity’s future, Jan. 9, 2012).
anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
Martin Luther
‘Truly I tell
you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of
mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:34
In the history of human thought few words
have created as much confusion as the words "nature" and
"law". They can assume very different meanings, and these meanings
are not always made sufficiently clear. Indeed, when people use the words in an
argument, they often switch from one meaning to another without becoming aware
of it and thus trap themselves in logical fallacies.
The term “natural law” is ambiguous.
It refers to a type of moral theory, as well as to a type of legal theory, but
the core claims of the two kinds of theory are logically independent. It does
not refer to the laws of nature, the laws that science aims to describe.
According to natural law moral theory, the moral standards that govern human
behavior are, in some sense, objectively derived from the nature of human
beings and the nature of the world. While being logically
independent of natural law legal theory, the two theories intersect.
Laws of Nature are to be distinguished
both from Scientific Laws and from Natural Laws.
Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748
– 6 June 1832) was an English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social
reformer. He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law…
His position included arguments in favour
of individual and economic freedom, usury, the separation of church and
state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce,
and the decriminalising of homosexual acts. He argued for the abolition
of slavery and the death penalty and for the abolition of physical punishment,
including that of children. Although strongly in favour of the extension of
individual legal rights, he opposed the idea of natural law and natural
rights, calling them "nonsense upon stilts."
An Offense
Against God to refer otherwise
Homosexuality is not unnatural. It
is normal part of human development, according to research from all the major
medical and mental health associations (references listed below). Sexual
orientation is set either just before birth or very soon afterwards. Pope John
Paul II was not afraid of the truth. He was able to move forward towards
acceptance of homosexuality because he insisted that scientists and theologians
work together in committees at the Vatican, this information comes from sources
inside the Vatican.
The Right Law Is One In Accordance
With Reason
Bentham's aim is
to produce felicity, happiness. The means to be employed are 'reason and law':
the right law will produce happiness, and the right law is one in accordance
with reason. This means one in accordance with the principle of utility. In
Bentham's draft codes of law, each particular law was attached to a 'commentary
of reasons on this law'. The commentary demonstrated its value and also,
Bentham hoped, improved its effect. For, as he says elsewhere, 'power gives
reason to law for the moment, but it is upon reason that it must depend for its
Natural Law and Reason
intellectuals who consider themselves "scientific,"
the phrase "the nature of man" is apt to have the effect of a red
flag on a bull. "Man has no nature!" is the modern rallying cry and
typical of the sentiment of political philosophers today was the assertion of a
distinguished political theorist some years ago before a meeting of the
American Political Science Association that "man's nature" is a purely
theological concept that must be dismissed from any scientific
In the
controversy over man's nature, and over the broader and more controversial
concept of "natural law," both sides have repeatedly proclaimed that natural
law and theology are inextricably intertwined. As a result, many champions
of natural law, in scientific or philosophic circles, have gravely
weakened their case by implying that rational, philosophical methods alone
cannot establish such law: that theological faith is necessary to maintain the
concept. On the other hand, the opponents of natural law have gleefully agreed;
since faith in the supernatural is deemed necessary to belief in natural law,
the latter concept must be tossed out of scientific, secular discourse, and be
consigned to the arcane sphere of the divine studies. In consequence,
the idea of a natural law founded on reason and rational inquiry
has been virtually lost.
Ethics of Liberty - Murray N. Rothbard
Benedict XVI
Dismisses Science Reason – Natural Law
It was also revealed that almost
immediately after Ratzinger became Benedict XVI April 2005, he had all the
scientists removed from committees in the Vatican. At that time there was
real shock and concerned for people as to how could theologians alone make
decisions regarding sexual orientation. This truly began the point of the blind
leading the blind. It was not only that the scientists who were removed, but
Benedict XVI dismissed all scientific data, as irrelevant. This becomes
painfully obvious in Benedict XVI and the hierarchy’s irrational public
statements regarding homosexuals and gay marriage because they are completely
divorced from reality. Benedict XVI after removing all the scientists then all
he had left was to obsessively focus on a human construct such as
“natural law,” which is meaningless without the insight of science. All that
Benedict XVI knows is “natural law” concepts, however, this is an incomplete
picture of the world of all that God created, because it negates the ability of
human mind to continually to explore, to discover and to learn. This ability of
the human mind is what makes life fascinating – continually, most especially
when it discovers love and its endless complexities that are all slices of
Natural Law - Reign of Blindly
Traditional Custom or Arbitrary Will
then, the natural law is discovered by reason from "the basic inclinations
of human nature … absolute, immutable, and of universal validity for all times
and places," it follows that the natural law provides an objective set of
ethical norms by which to gauge human actions at any time or place. The natural
law is, in essence, a profoundly "radical" ethic, for it holds the
existing status quo, which might grossly violate natural law, up to the
unsparing and unyielding light of reason. In the realm of politics or State
action, the natural law presents man with a set of norms which may well be
radically critical of existing positive law imposed by the State. At
this point, we need only stress that the very existence of a natural law
discoverable by reason is a potentially powerful threat to the status quo
and a standing reproach to the reign of blindly traditional custom or
the arbitrary will of the State apparatus.
In fact,
the legal principles of any society can be established in three alternate ways:
(a) by following the traditional custom of the tribe or community; (b) by
obeying the arbitrary, ad hoc will of those who rule the State apparatus;
or (c) by the use of man's reason in discovering the natural law — in
short, by slavish conformity to custom, by arbitrary whim, or by use of
man's reason. These are essentially the only possible ways for establishing
positive law. Here we may simply affirm that the latter method is at once the
most appropriate for man at his most nobly and fully human, and the most
potentially "revolutionary" vis-à-vis any given status quo…
natural-law theory has often been used erroneously in defense of the political
status quo, its radical and "revolutionary" implications were
brilliantly understood by the great Catholic libertarian historian Lord
Acton. Acton saw clearly that the deep flaw in the ancient Greek — and
their later followers' — conception of natural law political philosophy was to
identify politics and morals, and then to place the supreme social moral agent
in the State. From Plato and Aristotle, the State's proclaimed supremacy was
founded in their view that "morality was undistinguished from religion and
politics from morals; and in religion, morality, and politics there was only
one legislator and one authority."
Ethics of Liberty - Murray N.
“‘These people
honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in
vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”
Jesus called the
crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s
mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what
defiles them.”
Then the
disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended
when they heard this?”
He replied,
“Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the
roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both
will fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:8-14
tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
In 1870 came the
great crisis in Catholicism over the First Vatican Council's
promulgation of the doctrine of papal infallibility. Lord Acton, who was
in complete sympathy on this subject with Döllinger, went to Rome in order to
throw all his influence against it, but the step he so much dreaded was not to
be averted. The Old Catholic separation followed, but Acton did not personally
join the seceders, and the authorities prudently refrained from forcing the
hand of so competent and influential an English layman. It was in this context that,
in a letter he wrote to scholar and ecclesiastic Mandell Creighton, dated April
1887, Acton made his most famous pronouncement:
But if we might
discuss this point until we found that we nearly agreed, and if we do agree
thoroughly about the impropriety of Carlylese denunciations and Pharisaism in
history, I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike
other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is
any presumption it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing
as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of
legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise
influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the
certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the
office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation
of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and
the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position like
Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to
murder Mary, and William III. ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan.
Here are the greatest names coupled with the greatest crimes; you would spare
those criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them higher than
Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice, still more, still higher for the
sake of historical science…
Letter to Bishop
Mandell Creighton, April 5, 1887
published in Historical Essays and Studies, edited by J. N. Figgis and
R. V. Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1907)
Benedict XVI and
the hierarchy’
Implicit Child
Abuse -
Anti-gay & Disguised Anti-gay Public Statements
To assign a child who is gay to a
loveless life is against natural law, this it is inhumane. Scientific research
reveals that sexual orientation is set before the age of reason; therefore
there is no evil intent or intrinsic disordering (a meaningless term that used
by Benedict XVI has yet to be defined). Research data explains that a child
raised in an anti-gay social environment of non-acceptance places a child at
risk, depression, isolation, suicidal ideation, drug addiction, and actuality
of future goals.
Family Acceptance
In-Depth Family Interviews, Case
Studies and Surveys
Gay Marriage - Improves Health
“Marriage equality advocates have
another reason to feel dedicated to their cause today, as a revelatory new
study has found that the health of gay men living in states with laws allowing
same-sex couples to wed actually improves their health, even if they don't get
hitched.” Same sex couples in relationships are in fact sacred because of their
commitment to love and deserve the sanity of marriage and that it should be
celebrated in a Church - even a Catholic Church. In any thing less is to
ridicule, to dehumanize them and this is sacrilegious, because it is not only
mocking the couple’s love but God, as well.
Same-Sex Marriage Improves Health
Conditions Among Gay Men: Columbia University Study – December 16, 2011
Homosexuality |
Natural Law
Queer Theory and
the Social Construction of Sexuality
Metaphysics Research Lab - Stanford
University - February 11, 2011
debates about homosexuality, in part because they often involve public policy
and legal issues, tend to be sharply polarized. Those most concerned with
homosexuality, positively or negatively, are also those most engaged, with natural
law theorists arguing for gays and lesbians having a reduced legal status,
and queer theorists engaged in critique and deconstruction of what they
see as a heterosexist regime. Yet the two do not talk much to one another, but
rather ignore or talk past one another. There are some theorists in the middle.
For example, Michael Sandel takes an Aristotelian approach from which he argues
that gay and lesbian relationships can realize the same goods that heterosexual
relationships do (Sandel, 1995). He largely shares the account of important
human goods that natural law theorists have, yet in his evaluation of the worth
of same-sex relationships, he is clearly sympathetic to gay and lesbian
concerns. Similarly, Bruce Bawer (1993) and Andrew Sullivan (1995) have written
eloquent defenses of full legal equality for gays and lesbians, including
marriage rights.
“Natural Law” Supports Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption – July 23, 2011
law” is widely quoted as justification for arguments against homoerotic
relationships and sexual expression: many of the laws that used to exist, where
they did not use the word “sodomy”, relied on terms such as “crimes against
nature”. However, whenever I draw on evidence from the world of nature to show
that same-sex intercourse is in fact commonly observed throughout the animal
kingdom, and so cannot be said to be “against nature” at all, I know that
somebody will argue that this is not, in fact, what “natural law” means at all.
Smugness –
Natural Law – Galileo
The smugness of some of the
proponents of natural law and Galileo, fail to see that homosexuality is found
in all societies and every species of the animal kingdom. However, these
proponents tend to be blind about the true issues of natural law and tend to be
subjective and arbitrary in their debate, negating science. They still remain
being the blind leading the blind. It is their smugness, which is pride and
fear that keeps them blind. Jesus even cautions saying to leave them. Leave
them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a
pit” (Matthew 15:8-14). Loving another person is not
unnatural therefore it is not against natural law What is unnatural are the
adults projecting their private sexual erotic thoughts, wishes and desires onto
another human being and then condemning a whole specific population of human
beings. “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck
out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You
hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly
to remove the speck from your brother’s eye”(Luke 6:42). The politicians
who fearlessly condemn homosexual behavior as unnatural were found in public
restroom having sex.
Top 10 Anti-Gay Politicians &
Activists Caught Being Gay: Out of The Closet
George Rekers, Pastor Eddie Long, Troy
King, Ted Haggard, Glenn Murphy Jr., David Dreier, Bruce Barclay, Roy Ashburn,
Jim West, Larry Craig, Ed Schrock, Robert Allen, Mark Foley, Phillip Hinkle
Vatican - Procuring Male Prostitutes –
March 4, 2010
The Vatican was today rocked
by a sex scandal reaching into Pope Benedict's household after a chorister was
sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for a papal
NATURAL LAW - "Nonsense Upon
Stilts" - Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham
(15 February 1748 – 6 June 1832) was an English jurist, philosopher, and legal
and social reformer. He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy
of law…His position included arguments in favour of individual and economic
freedom, usury, the separation of church and state, freedom of
expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and the decriminalising
of homosexual acts. He argued for the abolition of slavery and the death
penalty and for the abolition of physical punishment, including that of
children. Although strongly in favour of the extension of individual legal
rights, he opposed the idea of natural law and natural rights, calling
them "nonsense upon stilts."
Natural Law | Will of the Sovereign
Bentham held that law is not rooted
in a “natural law” but is simply a command expressing the will of the
According to Bentham,
then, the term “natural right” is a “perversion of language.” It is
“ambiguous,” “sentimental” and “figurative” and it has anarchical consequences.
Natural Rights
|Timeless & Unalterable - is Simple Nonsense
Bentham's most
famous slogan expressing this view is 'nonsense on stilts'. This comes
from his critical analysis of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen in a work usually known as Anarchical Fallacies (which, in fact,
is Dumont's title). Bentham's claim is that language which looks as if it is
describing what rights there actually are is in fact suggesting what rights
there ought to be. That is, instead of citing existing rights, the French
Declaration is giving reasons why there ought to be rights. As Bentham puts it
in Anarchical Fallacies, 'a reason for wishing that a certain right were
established, is not that right; want is not supply; hunger is not bread'. So to
suppose that such rights actually exist is nonsense. Even worse is to suppose
that we can be sure that the correct rights have been found for all time.
For Bentham is a promoter of experimentation. We have to keep seeing what
utility is actually produced by particular systems of rights. Hence it is an
additional mistake to think that any rights are unalterable
(indefeasible, imprescriptible). This mistake was also made by the French.
Hence the famous slogan. The complete remark from which it comes is 'natural
rights is simple nonsense: natural and imprescriptible rights,
rhetorical nonsense, nonsense upon stilts.'
Benedict XVI
Anti-Gay Obsession - Void of Reason
All of Humanity
What threatens the future of
humanity is the abandonment of reason. (1) This is especially true when a world
religious leader, such as Benedict XVI, intentionally and consistently makes
public demeaning statements targeting gay people worldwide. Benedict XVI
completely denies the global authoritative evidence to the contrary, that
sexual orientation is a normal part of human development and (2) that a child
growing up gay is susceptible, as any child is to harsh negative rejection abuse,
which causes life long devastating effects.
Benedict XVI abandoned reason in
the same way that the Vatican’s Church Officials and the Pope condemned Galileo
as a heretic for stating that the earth revolves around the sun, which is
contrary to numerously passages in the bible that the earth does not move.
However, nearly 350 years later, Pope John Paul II apologized to Galileo for
this gross negligence of the use of reason. “The Vatican's formal
acknowledgement of an error, moreover, is a rarity in an institution built over
centuries on the belief that the Church is the final arbiter in matters of
faith…Pope John Paul II himself has said that the scientist was ‘imprudently
Reference links:
Trial of Galileo Galilei – 1633
Pope: Gay marriage threatens
humanity’s future - January 9, 2012
Psychology of Violence - David Livingstone
Family Acceptance Project™
Attachment Theory
Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?
Science of Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation is about Love – to be
one with another…
Homosexuality & The Bible
After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was
Right: It Moves – October 31, 1992
“Know Yourself” Pope John Paul II -
Encyclical Letter - …On The Relationship
Between Faith And Reason –
September 15, 1998
29, 2002
reference links:
Benedict XVI’s
Child Sexual Abuse - Cover-ups
Against Authoritative
Shifts Blame Onto Gays
(3) Benedict XVI and the hierarchy
have continually tried to evade their responsibility for the 3 past decades of
covering up the child sexual abuse cases by shifting the blame onto homosexuals
as the root cause for the child sexual abuse. However, authoritative
research for the past several decades has clearly stated that homosexual
orientation is not the cause of child sexual abuse, though Benedict XVI has
ignored these findings.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child
John Jay Criminal Justice Initial Report
on Child Sexual Abuse - November 17, 2009
…the John Jay report confirms other
studies in concluding that sexual orientation is NOT
connected to pedophilia or other sex crimes.
Some bishops, however, said it is too
early to draw conclusions about the researchers' findings.
"I wouldn't put a lot of credence in
it," said Archbishop John Nienstedt of the Archdiocese of
St. Paul and Minneapolis…He has also written that HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION IS
Cardinal Sean O'Malley
of Boston said Nov. 18 that the researchers' conclusions still "need to be
teased out."
…But the view that gay men are largely
responsible for the sexual abuse scandal PERVADES THE CHURCH HIERARCHY,
said David Gibson, a Catholic journalist and author, and will not
necessarily be overcome by the John Jay study.
"I think it will give cover to the
bishops who want to continue to admit gay men into the seminary, as I think a
majority of them want to do," Gibson said. "For those bishops
dead-set against having any homosexuals in the priesthood, it won't make a difference."
David Clohessy,
national director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said
that "the fixation on gay priests" as the cause of the sex scandal
"is part of a long litany of simplistic, wrong-headed solutions and SCAPE-GOATING,"
by the Catholic hierarchy.
"Sadly, many Catholics have already
reached that conclusion though, due
to the bishops' spin," Clohessy said.
"The real issue continues to be the bishops' bad behavior."
New Catholic Sex Abuse Findings: Gay
Priests Are Not the Problem – November 18, 2009
John Jay FINIAL Report on Clergy Abuse in
the Catholic Church – “... NO
causative relationship between…homosexuality and the sexual
victimization of children in the Church.” May 18, 2011
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Catholics Support Same-Sex Marriage
at Polls – 12/12/12
…the position of Bishops in the Catholic church, saying “[they] draw
on the philosophical tradition of
natural law to argue that sex–if it is to be properly ‘ordered’–must be
open to procreation. It is on these grounds that Catholic bishops officially
oppose not only homosexual sex, but also contraception and a whole host of
other activities and behaviors. Others–both Catholics and
non-Catholics–standing outside the bishops’ philosophical tradition, do not at
all see these behaviors as somehow ‘unnatural.’”
“…Many taking the church’s positions on sexual
ethics call their arguments ‘natural’ in order to cut off arguments that would
challenge their moral ideology. For example, the Church’s opposition to same
sex marriage takes for granted the idea that men and women have innate gender
differences which complement each other. These supposedly ‘natural’ differences
make their unions wholesome from the church’s vantage point. They suppose
same-sex couples to lack this complementarity and therefore to be a threat to
society and any children they raise. But
these rigid ideas about gender are regularly undermined by people’s experiences
of gender and by people’s different experiences of love. This is why many
Catholics, drawing on their own experience and their consciences, support gay
Pope blasts gay marriage, LGBT groups return fire – 12/22/12
Pope stresses family
values, denounces ‘manipulation’ of gender amid gay marriage gains – 12/19/12
Dutch anger over pope's gay marriage condemnation – 12/22/12
foreign affairs minister Frans Timmermans has criticised the pope for his
recent statements on homosexuality, RTL news reported on Saturday.
every person is unique, as the pope’s representative said in Dublin last week,
then why should that unique person not have the right to stand up for their own
sexual orientation?’ Timmermans is quoted as saying.
'Why can Romeo marry Julia but not Julius?' the minister told RTL.
‘Marriage between two people of the same sex is having respect for the
uniqueness of the individual.’…
United Nations
The COC gay rights lobby group has called on Timmermans to summon
the pope’s representative in the Netherlands and to campaign to have the
Vatican lose its special position within the United Nations…
Big Factor for Americans Against Same-Sex Marriage – 12/05/12
Overall, 53% favor legalized same-sex
marriage, tying previous record high
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans who oppose the
legalization of same-sex marriage, 46% of the adult population, are most likely
to explain their position on the basis of religious beliefs and/or
interpretation of biblical passages dealing with same-sex relations.
Read more:

“Nothing in life is more precious than the intimate relationships we have with love ones.” LOVE & RELIGION – 2009
by Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
AUSCHWITZ -- CHRISTMAS 2008 - Benedict XVI -- A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
"Reparative Therapy" or "Conversion Therapy" – To Change Sexual Orientation - Lack Medical Justification, THREATEN HEALTH - Are ETHICALLY UNACCEPTABLE – 9/1/12
GAY MARRIAGE – Homosexuality for Catholics or anyone? "WHY IT IS A 'GIFT' FROM GOD!!!" And when we accept and value this gift from God – we are able to experience love like never before, and we are able to love. | PART 7
GAY MARRIAGE – UNIDENTIFIED - Internalized Homophobia - Benedict XVI, Hierarchy & Blind Followers - GAY-BASHERS UK & US | UK Blair & Cameron Legalization of Gay Marriage | Kids Are Being Hurt!!! | PART 8
GAY? - J. EDGAR HOOVER and BENEDICT XVI - Homophobic Men - Repressed Homosexual Feelings – Paranoia Projection - a "tragic story…HOW DANGEROUS SEXUAL REPRESSION IS." 12/02/12
Ecclesiastes 1:5 (New International Version)
5 The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
Ecclesiastes 1:5 (New American Standard Bible)
5 Also, the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again.
1 Chronicles 16:30 (New International Version)
30 Tremble before him, all the earth!
The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
1 Chronicles 16:30 (New American Standard Bible)
30 Tremble before Him, all the earth; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.
Psalm 93:1 (New International Version)
1 The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty;
the LORD is robed in majesty
and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
Psalm 93:1 (New American Standard Bible)
1 The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD has clothed and girded Himself with strength; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.
Psalm 96:10 (New International Version)
10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns."
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.
Psalm 96:10 (New American Standard Bible)
10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved; He will judge the peoples with equity."
Psalm 104:5 (New International Version)
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
Psalm 104:5 (New American Standard Bible)
5 He established the earth upon its foundations, So that it will not totter forever and ever.
Injustice anywhere is a
threat to
Justice everywhere
Martin Luther King
The Nobel Peace Prize 1964
Martin Luther King Jr.
What you cannot do is accept injustice.
From Hitler – or anyone.
You must make the injustice visible
– be prepared to die like a
soldier to do so.
Mahatma Gandhi
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.”
…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6
Important note: No disrespect meant to Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy, the one and only concern is the safety and well-being of children.
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
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