NOTE: This posting is part of a larger one and was sent out as a U.S. group mailing prior to posting here on the Thalamus Center.
Protecting All
Is Our No.1 Responsibility
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
Photos - Humanium, DATA FOR CHILDREN, Eurodiaconia, Central Hotels and UNICEF
Update: June 21, 2020
Happy Father’s Day - DAD
Photo Matthew 18:6
Cannot talk about the Science of Climate Change and DISREGARD
the Science of Homosexuality!!!
It is a
BLATANT Disregard for TRUTH and without TRUTH there is
NO - LOVE!!!
Kids Are Being Harmed For Life - Killing LOVE and Fostering HATE (e.g. Cardinal Ray Burke, and the Majority of the Members of
DISREGARDING the Science of Homosexuality is - Not to Care and Protect the LIVES of CHILDREN. It is a HEINOUS and GRIEVOUS SIN with the Promise of having a MILLSTONE tied around your neck to be DROWNED in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
It is a
Example of the
HIERARCHY for the WORLD to Follow for the Past 63 Years (1957) - as it is The Example Followed by Those Who DISREGARD
the Science of Climate Change!!!
And by Your EXAMPLE You Will TEACH the WORLD How to care about
US Supreme Court
LGBT[Q] equality ruling’s full impact on church ‘yet to be seen,’ some say
Jun 20, 2020
Read more:
Catholics Reject U.S. Bishops’ Condemnation of Supreme Court Title VII Ruling
June 18, 2020
New Ways Ministry
Catholics are celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Monday that federal law prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. But many of the faithful have also sharply criticized the U.S. bishops’ reaction that condemns the 6-3 ruling in favor of LGBTQ rights…
In a statement, Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), said he was “deeply concerned” with a ruling that is “an injustice that will have implications in many areas of life.” He continued:…
New Ways Ministry criticized the archbishop’s statement as one more instance of “the error that the bishops conference has continually made by viewing all LGBTQ issues through the lens of sexuality instead of through the more basic and correct lens of human rights and dignity.” For New Ways Ministry’s full statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling and why it is an occasion for all Catholics to celebrate…
Michael Sean Winters, a columnist for the National Catholic Reporter whose record on LGBTQ issues has been mixed, criticized the USCCB’s response as “unsurprisingly, shrill and hysterical.” He added:…
Other Catholics highlighted the difference between the USCCB’s responses to the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and to the Supreme Court ruling. Olga Marina Segura, who is writing a book on Catholics and Black Lives Matter, tweeted:
“Haven’t forgotten that Gomez: -was also on that Trump call; -released a statement on Floyd’s death six days late, which said that ‘riots are the language of the unheard’ but ‘nothing is gained by violence”; -is pres of USCCB, which has not released #BlackLivesMatter statement.”
“It took the @USCCB President, Archbishop Gomez, a week to respond to the murder of George Floyd. . .It took them about 4 hours to get a statement on today’s LGBTQ+ rights Supreme Court case. Priorities.”
…But other Catholics reacted positively to the court’s ruling, welcoming the ban on anti-LGBTQ employment discrimination as consistent with their faith…
Read more:
Update: June 17, 2020
John Bolton's The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir - is set to publish
June 23.
Simon & Schuster Photo
John Bolton Unloads On Former Boss Trump, Even If It's A Little Late Now
June 17, 2020 NPR
Even before President Trump went to court in an attempt to block publication of John Bolton's memoir, millions were waiting to hear what the former national security adviser had to say about Trump and the Ukraine affair that got him impeached.
After reading Bolton's The Room Where It Happened, few can wonder why the president wanted to stop it. While Bolton's report arrives too late to affect impeachment, it surely bolsters the case against Trump that was presented in the Senate trial.
But Bolton's book is a far broader indictment of Trump's approach to foreign policy, and indeed to the presidency. The president portrayed here is not only self-involved but single-minded about pursuing and preserving his own starkly personal interests…
Read more:
John Bolton Plumbs the Depth of Trump’s Depravity
The former national security adviser accuses the president of putting his reelection above everything else—endorsing the persecution of China’s Uighur minority
June 17, 2020
by David A. Graham
Read more:
Bolton claims Trump asked China to help him win re-election
Jun 17, 2020 - CNN
NY Times Reporter Who Obtained John Bolton’s Book Ahead Of Release Discusses What’s Inside
Jun 17, 2020 MSNBC
Pope Francis:
Freedom of conscience
must be respected always and everywhere
Vatican News
17 June 2020
During his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis recalled that June 17 marks the "Day of Conscience".
The day was inspired by the testimony of Portuguese diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes, who, eighty years ago, decided to follow his conscience, and in doing so, saved the lives of thousands of Jews and many others who were being persecuted.
In his words on Wednesday, the Pope appealed that “freedom of conscience always and everywhere be respected”. “May every Christian”, he said, “give an example of the consistency of an upright conscience enlightened by the Word of God.”
Act of Conscience
Aristides de Sousa Mendes’s act of conscience was deeply embedded in his Catholic faith. It led him to disregard the direct orders of his government to help those in need.
During the Second World War, de Sousa Mendes, despite knowing the consequences he would face for his actions, issued visas to all refugees regardless of nationality, race, religion, or political opinions.
"I could not have acted otherwise"
This sense of humanity and courage led to his ostracization from the world in which he had lived. He was unable to continue his job as a diplomat and was forbidden from earning a living in order to support his family. His children, too, were prevented from finding gainful employment.
He spent the rest of his life trying to clear his name but was ignored by the Portuguese political regime at the time.
Aristides de Sousa Mendes died in poverty on April 3rd, 1954 at the Franciscan Hospital in Lisbon. But even at the end of his life he knew his actions had been justified in saving thousands of innocent lives. As he put it himself, “I could not have acted otherwise, and I, therefore, accept all that has befallen me with love…
Read more:
Portugal's Schindler is Remembered - He Helped Jews Escape the Holocaust, He Died Unknown
28 January 2019
Anyone who has seen “Casablanca” [1942 movie, Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman] knows the connection between Portugal and World War II refugees. But few know the story of the Portuguese diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes, who in 1940 saved tens of thousands of lives only to be punished for this heroism by his own government. As we mark Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday, we should honor this man who engaged in what one historian called “perhaps the largest rescue action by a single individual during the Holocaust.”…
Read more:
Casablanca (1942 film)
Sousa Mendes Saved Thousands in WW II
August 22, 2015
Bogie and Bergman starred in the film "Casablanca," but you'll also remember that the bottom line goal was getting to LISBON in neutral Portugal. Bogie got two people to Lisbon. Aristides de Sousa Mendes (1885-1951), the Portuguese Consul in Bordeaux, got thousands of them there…
Read more:
Casablanca turns 75: Humphrey Bogart-Ingrid Bergman saga of doomed love endures, as time goes by [La Marseillaise, Casablanca 1942 movie]
Oct 26, 2017
After Germany’s occupation of France in 1940, hundreds and thousands of Europeans — aristocrats, celebrities, soldiers and ordinary citizens — fled their homes to escape war, persecution, and poverty. With hope and exit routes slowly evaporating, these refugees sought temporary sanctuary in neighbouring Arab countries like Algeria and Morocco.
So, they began a long, arduous journey through Vichy-controlled France, across the Mediterranean to Oran in Algeria, then by train, road or foot along the northern coast of Africa to Casablanca in Morocco. The more fortunate ones used their wealth and influence to acquire exit visas and a trip to Lisbon in Portugal. From there, they flew or sailed to America and elsewhere…
Read more:
Beyond Hollywood’s Casablanca: North Africa and the Holocaust
May 29, 2019
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Update: June 16, 2020 "41"
Synod on the Family Oct. 2015 Photo
Identifying the History of the Dissociated state of the repressed homosexual RC hierarchy that began in their Early Childhood years
The majority of the members of the RC hierarchy entered the seminary as young male teenagers, who are already dissociated from their gay sexual orientation and have been since early childhood. This accounts for their collective psychological developmental stagnation the failure to complete the adolescence stage. The successful completion of the adolescence stage - is depended on the full acceptance of their sexuality, their sexual orientation.
It is important to understand the time in history that these men were born as far back as the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, especially, prior to Dr. Evelyn Hooker’s ground breaking research of 1957 proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness that it is just as normal as being heterosexual. However, from early childhood it had been conveyed to these men, usually in a heightened emotional expression of disgust, which a child experiences 10 times more severe than an adult that homosexuality was evil, a grievous sin that it was deserving of being sent to hell. Now, it is more understandable why a male child growing up gay at 4 and 5 years of age would be terrified in confusion and dissociate from such an adult expressed disapproval over the child’s perceived sexuality, because a child at that age does not have developmental capacity to have any understanding of the meaning of sexuality. Such early childhood traumatic episodes can cause lifelong rippling harmful effects.
The Closet: Psychological
Issues of Being In and
Coming Out
Oct. 01, 2004
Cultural Psychiatry,
Dissociative Identity Disorder,
By Jack Drescher, MD
These young male teenagers, in the most sincerest good faith - though being in the state of dissociation they unconsciously seamlessly enter the established (1) ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE of seminary that is a heighten level of predominately severe dissociation of repressed homosexuals that is due the (2) Symptoms of GROUPTHINK (unquestioned belief in the morality of the group) that is continuously fortified by the (3) Unsubstantiated Antigay Social and
Religious NORMS and by (4) the unconscious (well-buried and forgotten) traumatic early childhood memories and confusion of being forced, whether implicitly or explicitly or both, to suppress behaviors that had the appearance of a gay sexual orientation as perceived by adults.
A child’s sexual orientation is not about sexual behavior - it is about LOVE, wanting to feel one with another. Depending on the severity of this rejection of a child’s expression of love - the child wants to desperately please his parents and will learn to hid from his parent such emotions of love that are disturbing to them. He will even hide them from himself and thus begins the mental dissociation of this child - attempting to suppress the never ending - regular functioning of his sexual orientation of the emotional impulses - to be loved and to love and to feel one with another.
A person’s sexual orientation like the heart beating, breathing, sexual arousal, etc., are all under the control autonomic nervous system that operates automatically and unconsciously - they cannot be suppressed.
It is interesting to note that the enormous amount of research on sexual orientation that followed in the decades after Dr. Evelyn Hooker’s ground breaking research of 1957 proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness that it is just as normal as being heterosexual that vocations to the priesthood began dropping off. The majority of the members of the RC hierarchy are repressed dissociated homosexuals as is proven by their decades of fierce antigay statements void of the science of homosexuality. It has created a social environment among the RC hierarchy that is immature and surreal - the sexual expressions of their unconscious minds are exposed in an irrational juxtaposition of fierce antigay disgust and a closeted acting out of gay sexual behavior in varying degrees intensity i.e. Cardinal Raymond Burke.
It is the majority of the members of the RC hierarchy - their adamant refusal to even acknowledge the wealth of scientific research on homosexuality that has become more publicly blatant and clear that they are not concern about TRUTH and therefore THEY are not LOVING - not unlike the Trump and Trump’s administration surreal world. The RC hierarchy’s absence of TRUTH is exposed once again by Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, the President of the USCCB denouncing the US Supreme Court ruling, June 15, 2020 - Protecting LGBTQ Workers Against Sex Discrimination. TRUTH is attractive and people gravitate to it, because it is life-giving. It is the human need to be part of something greater than ourselves that demands all we have heart, soul and mind. It is the essence of the Greatest Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, is far away from the Greatest Commandments and it is not until he is willing to face the TRUTH about himself will he be moving in the right direction, which involves giving up blindly following emphatic antigay crowd of the RC hierarchy.
Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, the President of the USCCB, makes an ignorant and demeaning statement about sex, sex orientation, and gender identity that is completely VOID of SCIENCE - responding to the US Supreme Court ruling, June 15, 2020 - Protecting LGBTQ Workers Against Sex Discrimination.
Gomez's statement is - NOT based on TRUTH and therefore is NOT about LOVE!!!
was Caused During
to the
The Antigay
RC hierarchy Members i.e. Gomez, Burke, Chaput, Vigano, Sarah, as well as all those prelates pictured above, etc.,
should willingly submit to taking this test
The Eyes Have It: Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in
August 3, 2012
…pupil dilation to stimuli indicates activation of the autonomic nervous system. This system is associated with many automatic processes such as perspiration, digestion, blood pressure, and heart rate. For this reason, pupil dilation has been used as indicator of automatic response, for example, in studies of implicit reaction and cognitive load. Other research suggests that pupil dilation can reflect automatic attention, or attention that is likely not in the conscious control of participants. It is therefore unlikely that participants suppress pupil dilation to stimuli they are sexually attracted to. Pupil dilation patterns could therefore reflect, with high sensitivity, automatic attention related to sexual attraction and sexual
orientation… Read more:
USCCB president ‘deeply concerned’ about court’s LGBT ruling
Jun 16, 2020
…Gomez said that “by erasing the beautiful differences and complementary relationship between man and woman, we ignore the glory of God’s creation and harm the human family, the first building block of society.”
“Our sex, whether we are male or female, is part of God’s plan for creation and for our lives,” he continued. “As Pope Francis has taught with such sensitivity, to live in the TRUTH with God’s intended gifts in our lives requires that we receive our bodily and sexual identity with gratitude from our Creator. No one can find true happiness by pursuing a path that is CONTRARY to God’s plan.”
…In his statement, Gomez said that “protecting our neighbors from unjust discrimination does not require redefining human nature.” Every human person “is made in the image and likeness of God and, without exception, must be treated with dignity, compassion and respect,” he said…
Read more:
Supreme Court Rules Federal Law Protects LGBTQ Workers From Sex Discrimination
June 15, 2020
Nina Totenberg NPR
…TOTENBERG: Gorsuch acknowledged that Congress in 1964 likely did not have the LGBTQ community in mind when it banned discrimination based on sex. But the words of the statute are clear, he said, and several major court rulings since then have read the law expansively - for instance, to bar discrimination against women because they have children and to ban sexual harassment against both women and men. As Gorsuch put it when referring to the law, the limits of the drafters' imagination supply no reason to ignore the law's demands.
At the end of his 33-page opinion, though, Gorsuch did invoke some potential caveats. And he pointed to the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a, quote, "super-statute" that may offer a potential lifeline to employers who object, on religious grounds, to hiring gay and trans individuals.
That said, today's ruling was remarkable in many respects. Nearly half the states have no legal protection for LGBTQ employees. Now the federal law will give that protection. Although LGBTQ advocates acknowledge there may well be legal bumps ahead, as Stanford law professor Pam Karlan puts it...
PAM KARLAN: We didn't see really anybody other than the Conference of Catholic Bishops come in and make an argument that there are large numbers of employers who refuse, as a blanket matter, to hire people who are lesbian, who are gay, who are bisexual or who are transgender…
Read/Listen more:
It is blatantly obvious that Archbishop Gomez has absolutely NO authoritative graduate academic understanding of the SCIENCE of human sexuality, the same is true of the majority of the members of the RC hierarchy. St. Pope John Paul II wrote about never separating SCIENCE from RELIGION that together they are like two wings that lead us to TRUTH and they will draw us into a FULLER WIDER world in which both will furnish. Pope Benedict XVI writes that without Truth there is no LOVE. Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI inform us how the maintaining an ongoing DIALOGUE between Science and Religion refine each other and leads us to a fuller meaning of TRUTH. They also give us an emphatic WARNING if there is a BREACH in this DIALOGUE that “comes only at an enormous price to human development…” It seems that this perspective that they shared comes from some traumatic experiences they have from growing up under the terror of the atrocities committed by authoritarian reign of Hitler and the Nazi regime, where the boundaries between science and religion were arbitrarily blurred to give some scientific legitimacy the Nazi ideology. Hitler and the Nazi regime used religious terminology to masked the overwhelming unprecedented brutality of the systematic destruction of humanity that led to 70 million deaths by the end of WWII 1945. "Only in Germany did the striving for National Renewal adopt such strongly pseudo-religious tones (Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism by Ian Kershaw”
Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves (cf. Ex 33:18; Ps 27:8-9; 63:2-3; Jn 14:8; 1 Jn 3:2).
John Paul II
TRUTH there is NO LOVE!!!
…Without truth, charity degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted, to the point where it comes to mean the opposite…
...Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.
For the truth of the matter is that the Church and the scientific community will inevitably interact; their options do not include isolation...
Letter to Father George V. Coyne John Paul II 1988
...Reason always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself omnipotent. For its part, religion always needs to be purified by reason in order to show its authentically human face. Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…
Pope Benedict XVI 2007, 2009
Mirrors the Same
form of
Archbishop José
& the
RC Hierarchy’s
Disregard of Science
and neither are about LOVE
Gomez do you truly believe what you wrote - if you wrote it? Did you understand what John Paul wrote in his ENCYCLICAL LETTER,
FIDES ET RATIO - about faith and science the two wings of TRUTH that “God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” The obvious absence of science in your statement is clear you do not know the TRUTH or yourself. Therefore, your understanding of the meaning of LOVE is so twisted around that it has come to mean the opposite. The U.S. Supreme Court has not redefined the meaning of “sex.” They are not so egoistical as you and your colleagues assume to be. They clarified the meaning of civil rights that is now more inclusive as it should be. Gomez your stances is more of that of Hitler and the Nazi regime removing the civil rights of groups of people that they arbitrarily demean to be less than human.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling is in no way an injustice, oh yes it will have implications for many people, like yourself, who disregarded science and who formalized their own meaning of truth and have twist the meaning of love to mean the opposite. They wrongly believe that their cruelty and indifference to LGBTQ people is love - as demeaned by god!
The U.S. Supreme Court has not erased “the beautiful differences and complementary relationship between man and woman”, but you and people like yourself have. The U.S. Supreme Court has not “ignore the glory of God’s creation,” nor has the U.S. Supreme Court harmed “the human family, the first building block of society,” but you have by your disregard of the science of human sexuality and your refusal to know yourself!!!
PhotoThe U.S. Supreme Court by identifying the civil rights of LGBTQ people - expands and broadens our understanding of “the beautiful differences and complementary relationship between man and woman” that are more complex than we have ever thought before. It is on the order of the Galileo affair that expanded our whole understanding of the universe - far beyond the idea that the earth is flat.
There is no redefining human nature, but only continually learning and discovering how much we do not know and how wonderful human nature is made by God!
Making God into Your Own Image and Likeness
Gomez, you state that every human person “is made in the image and likeness of God and, without exception, must be treated with dignity, compassion and respect.” But Gomez have you ever seen God? No! Then how do you know what the image and likeness of God looks like? What you and others like yourself who have disregarded the science of human sexuality have done is to make God into your own image and likeness!!! If you all were around at the time of Galileo - you all would be condemning Galileo - saying such things as ‘he trying to redefine the universe not in the way that God has made it.’
What you are doing is basing your idea of what the image and likeness of God looks like on social and religious norms (social psychology). Such norms are NOT moral directives - they are simply what everyone is doing. So, if everyone is jumping off a bridge are you going to do the same? The religious norms at the time of Galileo were that Galileo was wrong the earth is flat and that Galileo is a heretic.
However, Gomez your public ignorant statements about human sexuality is life-threatening to very young children. You are spreading hatred, cruelty and injustice. You need to realize that you are the one who is limiting the recognition of God’s wonders of creation that we yet do not fully understand, there is so much we do not know. Is there ever going to be a time when we fully understand God?
Supreme Court
Supreme Court Rules LGBTQ Workers Protected Against Sex Discrimination
June 15, 2020 NPR
Supreme Court rules LGBTQ workers protected from job discrimination
June 15, 2020 AP
'Whiplash' Of LGBTQ Protections And Rights, From Obama To Trump
March 2, 2020 NPR
White Privilege…"negative assumptions" being made about us based on the color of
our skin.
Jimmy Kimmel Tries to Explain
White Privilege
to His Audience
“You hear the phrase ‘white privilege,’ and it's easy to get defensive,” Kimmel said on Tuesday night. “The first time I heard it, I did.”
By Christopher Rosen
VANITY FAIR June 3, 2020
Days after directly addressing older members of his audience about the dangers of reelecting President Donald Trump in November, Jimmy Kimmel sought to define white privilege for his viewers by confronting his own past blind spots.
“I know that a lot of white people bristle when they hear the word ‘privilege,’ as in ‘white privilege.’ Because there are millions of white people who did not grow up with money, or a good education, or a solid family background, or maybe even a family at all,” Kimmel said on Tuesday’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. “So when they hear the word ‘privilege,’ they go, ‘What privilege? I grew up with nothing. I work hard, I earn what I have, nobody gave me anything.’ You hear the phrase ‘white privilege,’ and it’s easy to get defensive.”
“The first time I heard it, I did. I did,” Kimmel added. “To me, white privilege was what Donald Trump had: a wealthy father and a silver spoon in his mouth. It wasn’t what I grew up with. So I rejected it, because I didn’t understand what white privilege meant. But I think I do now. I think I at least understand some of it.”
Kimmel continued, “People who are white, we don’t have to deal with negative assumptions being made about us based on the color of our skin. It rarely happens, if ever. Whereas black people experience that every day. Every day. And please don’t tell me you don’t ever make assumptions about people based on the color of their skin, because I just don’t believe it. We all do. I know I have. I’m embarrassed to say it, but I have.”…
Jimmy Kimmel Live
June 2, 2020 - Youtube:
'Homage To Hate': Pelosi Calls For Confederate Statues Removed From U.S. Capitol
June 10, 2020 NPR
Congress Heads Toward Clash With Trump Over Removal Of Confederate Symbols
June 11, 2020 NPR
Trump battles Pelosi, some in GOP over Confederate symbols
June 11, 2020 AP
People who blindly support Trump will suffer the same fate as Trump at The Last Judgment - for their collective disregard for the care and well-being for the least among us. This most definitely includes depraving groups of people of their civil rights - like Hitler did in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 - "...restricting civil liberties and granting increased power to the police (" “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. Matthew 25:31-46”
And this includes the use of any snap judgments (i.e. absence of personal exhaustive diligent research - challenging long standing racist and or antigay including
anti-transgender - beliefs from childhood that are void of rational thought i.e. the indispensable dialogue between science and religion -“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11”) - that are erroneously used to excuse oneself from having to care for the least among us - as Jesus commanded us to do.
Instead such unexamined childhood beliefs used to condemn groups of people - will be the same irrational judgments used to condemn you. “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:2)
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Bolton rips
was the only thing that
The former national security adviser also argues in a new memoir that Trump took a series of actions that might warrant impeachment.
President Donald Trump repeatedly endangered national security — and committed a series of potentially impeachable offenses — to boost his reelection prospects, former national security adviser John Bolton argues in a forthcoming White House memoir.
Bolton writes that the House should have broadened its impeachment inquiry to other areas of his foreign policy, contending that he can document — and identify witnesses to — "Ukraine-like transgressions ... across the full range of his foreign policy," according to a description by Simon & Schuster released Friday…
…Per the publisher, Bolton’s book, “The Room Where It Happened,” not only covers “chaos in the White House,” but also “assessments of major players, the president’s inconsistent, scattershot decision-making process, and his dealings with allies and enemies alike.”
The revelations are likely to reverberate on Capitol Hill, where Democrats have warned that Trump's conduct toward Ukraine was far from isolated and that he presents an existential threat to the country if allowed to remain in office…
…Despite Bolton's refusal to testify, Simon & Schuster said he was “astonished” by Trump’s actions, and viewed him as a “president for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation" — language that mirrors a central claim of the Democratic case.
Bolton plans to write that he was “hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision” during his tenure as national security adviser, from April 2018 through September 2019, “that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations.”
Simon & Schuster’s statement represents the most detailed, official preview yet of the contents of Bolton’s book ahead of its publishing on June 23. The memoir’s release has been delayed twice due to an extensive prepublication review by the National Security Council…
Read more:
George W. Bush's powerful message of hope during the coronavirus pandemic
May 2, 2020
Former President George W. Bush released a video today with a message on coronavirus. It is a call to unite, and was released by his Presidential Library.
Read the full transcript here.
Watch video:
90.9 KCBI FM
The Christian Science Monitor
George W Bush:
This is a challenging and solemn time in the life of our nation and world. A remorseless invisible enemy threatens the elderly and vulnerable among us, a disease that can quickly take breath and life. Medical professionals are risking their own health for the health of others, and we’re deeply grateful. Officials at every level are setting out the requirements of public health that protect us all, and we all need to do our part.
The disease also threatens broader damage, harm to our sense of safety, security and community. The larger challenge we share is to confront an outbreak of fear and loneliness, and it is frustrating that many of the normal tools of compassion, a hug, a touch, can bring the opposite of the good we intend. In this case, we serve our neighbor by separating from them. We cannot allow physical separation to become emotional isolation. This requires us to be not only compassionate, but creative in our outreach, and people across the nation are using the tools of technology in the cause of solidarity.
In this type of testing we need to remember a few things. First, let us remember we have faced times of testing before. Following 9-11 I saw a great nation rise as one to honor the brave, to grieve with the grieving and to embrace unavoidable new duties, and I have no doubt, none at all, that this spirit of service and sacrifice is alive and well in America. Second, let us remember that empathy and simple kindness are essential powerful tools of national recovery. Even at an appropriate social distance, we can find ways to be present in the lives of others, to ease their anxiety and share their burdens. Third, let’s remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly. In the days to come it will be especially important to care in practical ways for the elderly, the ill and the unemployed. Finally, let us remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat. In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants, we are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together and we are determined to rise. God bless you all.
Read more:
'drifted away'
from the
divide us.
Republican Party,
the president
thought they were
The Reality of
Trump’s Administration
TRUTH there is NO LOVE!!!
…Without truth, charity degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted, to the point where it comes to mean the opposite…
economy exists
for all
beginning in December,
through January,
February, March,

for the
and his
The BrusselsTimes /
TheSUN / Newpaper24 /
AFPBB News /
Madhyamam /
Le Télégramme /
ایلن / Известия / / Ardina /
Naijaonpoint /
/ Cung Cầu
Behind the fortress
walls in a defining week for Trump and the country
William Barr's
Effort To Uphold Trump's 'Law And Order' Image
president in
and for misrepresenting the Gospel message.
fragments in His mosaic.
George Floyd. June 1, 202o UPI
Is Our No.1 Responsibility
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
Humanium, DATA FOR CHILDREN, Eurodiaconia, Central Hotels and UNICEF
was Caused During
Growing Up Gay
to the
"Vatican’s obsessive
Anti-gay crusade"
RC Curia/Hierarchy
that led
anti-intellectualism, and attacks on American institutions were making responsible governance impossible. The rise of Trump completes the script, confirming our thesis in explicit fashion…
Jn 13:34-35
prostitutes in Rome amid coronavirus fallout
great is that
S T A G N A T I O N that has completely enveloped the RC curia and hierarchy for the past several decades - due to their extremely obsessive unsubstantiated ANTIGAY crusade, avoid of science (note: this is never inclusive of all RC Prelates just the majority).
SSND Motherhouse
Jews a role in civil life. For this “non-cooperation” with Hitler, more than 650 School Sisters of Notre Dame serving in Germany lost salaried positions... Read more:
we educate with a world vision, believing that the world can be changed through the transformation of persons.
The School Sisters of Notre Dame work to empower others through education and spread Jesus’ message of love and unity (
In 1930, Adolf Hitler established the headquarters of the National Socialist German Workers‘ Party in an upscale part of Munich.
barbarity that’s quite without precedent (”
legitimacy. This was combined with a eugenics programme that aimed for racial hygiene by compulsory sterilization and extermination of those who they saw as Untermenschen ("sub-humans"), which culminated in the Holocaust.
Nazi policies labeled centuries-long residents in German territory who were not ethnic Germans such as Jews (understood in Nazi racial theory as a "Semitic" people of Levantine origins), Romanis (also known as Gypsies, an "Indo-Aryan" people of Indian Subcontinent origins), along with the vast majority of Slavs (mainly ethnic Poles, Serbs, Russians etc.), and most non-Europeans as inferior non-Aryan subhumans (i.e. non-Nordics, under the Nazi appropriation of the term "Aryan") in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk ("master race") of the Volksgemeinschaft ("people's community") at the top…
J. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI

Mr. Cruz, through tears, explained that he had told Francis in their nearly three- hour private meeting that he had maintained his Catholic faith
even though the
Chilean bishops had apparently told the pope that he had left the church “for a life of perversion.”
even though the
Chilean bishops had apparently told the
pope that he had left the church “for a life of perversion.”
for him... Read more:
Lashing out
Is An
Of An
"Homophobia is not a laughing matter.
It can sometimes have tragic consequences," as was the case in the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay man.
as a
from the roofs.
24 Apr 2019
Pope John Paul II 1988
childhood--and distinguishing them from racial and ethnic minorities--gay people are often subjected to the antihomosexual attitudes of their own families and communities (Drescher et al., 2004). Antihomosexual attitudes include homophobia (Weinberg, 1972), heterosexism (Herek, 1984), moral condemnations of homosexuality (Drescher, 1998) and antigay violence (Herek and Berrill, 1992). Hiding activities learned in childhood often persist into young adulthood, middle age and even senescence, leading many gay people to conceal important aspects of themselves…
mechanisms that create and maintain them over generations…