Speaking Out - TRUTH - On Homosexuality - Seeking End - Historical Pervasive Destruction Force of ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ - made HITLER Dictator - Ushered in GLOBALIZATION - Now Threatens - Global ANNIHILATION
Cardinal Marx, Germany - says ANTI-GAY DISCRIMINATION, NOT same-sex marriage, is DEFEAT for Church - the Church must also express its REGRET that it did NOTHING historically to OPPOSE the prosecution of homosexuals
Curia & Hierarchy - 60 Years BREACH in this DIALOGUE on HOMOSEXUALITY - Twisted Word “LOVE” to Mean Opposite - Fatal - to human development - REENACTMENTS of NAZISM - Dissociated Repressed Homosexuals - A Self-perpetuating Violence
Pope Francis UNTWISTING Distorted Word “LOVE” - by Reactivating DIALOGUE between SCIENCE and RELIGION = Light of TRUTH - Gives Meaning and Value - to LOVE
Published Letter to Bishop Walkowiak - Challenging CURIA’S Publicly Established record - Complete ABSENCE of SCIENCE on Homosexuality - Attempt to Remove Fr. Marty Kurylowicz from the priesthood - Void of TRUTH & LOVE - Allows VIOLENCE against CHILDREN to Continue Generationally
Part 5 contains - content overflow taken from Part 4 - while Part 4 is still in the process of being completed: https://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/part-4-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Update: Oct. 20, 2017 - Part 4 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/part-4-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Update: Sept. 22, 2017 - Part 3 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ https://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/update-sept-15-2017-part-3.html
Part 2 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/part-2-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Part 1 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/homosexuality-if-it-is-not-choice-if-it.html
H u m a n S e x u a l i t y & H y s t e r i a
Roman Catholic Curia & Hierarchy
Lifelong Harmful Effects
S t r u c t u r a l V i o l e n c e o n C h i l d r e n
N o r m a l i z e d
“just the way things are”
The extraordinary prominent inability of the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy to connect to anyone, to any one person, even individuality to themselves, the obvious absence of empathy and their relentless hysterical antigay obsession - all points to early childhood abuse. They are victims of an insidious form of parental child abuse of being forced to suppress their gay sexual orientation that is significantly influenced by being born and raised in severe antigay social environments. It is the child abuse of structural violence that has “insidious effects on the health, intellectual development, education, and general welfare of millions of children. The cruelties of structural violence on children are often subtle, unspoken, unrecognized, and even normalized, regarded by many people as natural or 'just the way things are (http://u.osu.edu/christie/files/2014/10/Chapter-10-Children-Structural-Violence-Schwebel-Christie-2jjgq7s.pdf).'”
Milton Schwebel and Daniel J. Christie
Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century.
Bianca Cody Murphy
Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century.
Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence
By Alice Miller 1980
...In the earliest stage of life, it is possible for a child to forget about the extreme acts of cruelty he or she has endured and to idealize their perpetrator. But the nature of the subsequent enactment reveals that the whole history of early persecution was stored up somewhere; the drama now unfolds in front of the spectators with an amazing resemblance to the original situation but under another guise: in the reenactment, the child who was once persecuted now becomes the persecutor...Read more: http://playpen.icomtek.csir.co.za/~acdc/education/Dr_Anvind_Gupa/Learners_Library_7_March_2007/Resources/books/alicemiller.pd
Forced Suppression
Child’s Gay Sex Orientation
Child’s Gay Sex Orientation
Is the
B r e a c h
Not Based In Truth - Is Not LOVE
Destroys Empathy
The suppressing a child’s gay sexual orientation is the breach of the absence of the light that comes from the dialogue between science and religion on sexual orientation that truth is found and without truth there is no love. This breach, even if strongly supported by antigay social and religious environments - is in reality the arbitrary twisting of the meaning of LOVE around to mean the opposite, which is HATE that then is inflicted on a child as love, even in the name of God. It is the most insidious form of child abuse that seriously destroys a child’s life, the child’s ability of reaching his or her fullest potential in life. It seriously impairs the child’s development of empathy and therefore his ability to form lasting meaningful and fulling relationships throughout his lifetime.
This inhuman suppression of a child’s gay sexual orientation is the cause of many mental disorders such as, though not limited to, dysthymia (a continuous long-term (chronic) form of depression, lost of interest, feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem…a gloomy personality, constantly complaining or incapable of having fun…) and at times leads to teenage suicides. It is the cause of various forms of severe states of dissociation - “Hiding activities learned in childhood (Jack Drescher MD 2004)” of mentally not acknowledging the reality of one’s gay sexual orientation.
Not to acknowledge one’s gay sexual orientation is not to acknowledge LOVE. The most basic human emotion that is the essence of a person’s sexual orientation is LOVE. The psychological understanding of love, as described by Dr. Henry Krystal is that love is related to all our emotions like white light to all colors. “Love is the representation of our life powers” as described by a scientist - Dr. Henry Krystal (Holocaust Trauma Expert, and Survivor). The apostle St. Paul describes the importance of having love in everything that do for without love we are nothing “The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).”
And here lies the breach - the absence of the dialogue between science and religion on homosexuality that as Pope Benedict XVI sternly warns that “Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…(Caritas in veritate 2009).” It is the children growing up gay who pays this enormous price of human development that eventually negatively impacts all of humanity. This breach is the absence of the light that comes from the dialogue between science and religion on sexual orientation that truth is found that gives love its meaning and value. Therefore, without truth - LOVE is emptied of its value and meaning and deteriorates into sentimentality and emotionalism that “becomes an empty shell to be filled in an arbitrary way …(Caritas in veritate).” The meaning of love is so abused that it becomes twisted around to mean the opposite, which is HATE. This disguised form of hatred is past off as love that - in reality - is the twisted rationale for forcing a child to suppress his gay sexual orientation is an immensely diabolical, an unrecognized and normalized form of child abuse. It is forcing a child to accepted this twisted form of love - all done in the name of God, for the child’s own good.
Science +
+ Religion = Truth = L O V E
…TRUTH is the light that gives meaning and value to CHARITY. That light is both the light of REASON and the light of FAITH, through which the intellect attains to the natural and supernatural truth of charity: it grasps its meaning as GIFT, acceptance, and communion. WITHOUT truth, charity degenerates into SENTIMENTALITY. Love becomes an EMPTY SHELL, to be filled in an ARBITRARY way. In a CULTURE without truth, this is the FATAL risk facing love. It FALLS prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted,to the point where it comes to MEAN the opposite. Truth FREES charity from the constraints of an EMOTIONALISM that deprives it of relational and social content, and of a FIDEISM that deprives it of human and universal breathing-space. In the truth, charity reflects the personal yet public dimension of faith in the God of the Bible, who is both Agápe and Lógos: Charity and Truth, Love and Word…
REASON always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself OMNIPOTENT. For its part, RELIGION always needs to be purified by reason in order to show its authentically human face. Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…
Caritas in veritate
Pope Benedict XVI 2009
Forcing a child implicitly and or explicitly to suppress his gay sexual orientation is immensely more diabolically inhuman that ultimately threatens to the safety and well-being of all of humanity, than the depletion of the ozone layer of the planet, because it is depleting the world of LOVE. It is the depletion of the kind of love that would have likely helped to prevent Climate Change from happening or been more proactive in correcting its harmful effects, including the dehumanizing effects of globalization. It would have prevented Hitler from exploiting societal antigay prejudices to become dictator of Nazi Germany.
Austrian psychoanalyst and physician
Rene Spitz proposed…that infants in institutions suffered from
lack of love–that they were missing
important parental relationships,
which in turn was hurting or
even killing them.
C l o s e t e d G a y B D S M B e h a v i o r
Curia & Hierarchy
Therefore, forcing a child to suppress all expressions of his gay sexual orientation is to force the child to stop loving. It forces the child to accept this unnatural twisted form of love - not based in truth, which is instead is a disguised form of hatred based on ignorance and fear prevalent in the social environment that the child is born and raised in. It forces a child to begin the unnatural and destructive behavior of living in a closet - hiding whatever outward expressions displeases his parents. These childhood expressions offensive to the parents - are at the core all about love. This parental cruelty - significantly stalls the psychological development of a child and this deficit in the child's development is observable among the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy, but also public figures and true of anyone, who cannot rationally explain their antigay positions. And thus begins the child's twisted developmental form of love (various forms of BDSM behaviors) - wanting and needing to love, to be loved, to feel as one with others and all the while at the same time preventing this basic human need for love - from happening. It is the birthing of a torturous lifestyle for the child that will be lasting throughout the child's lifetime.
This is traumatizing for the child, the child begins to think he is bad and because it is likely to happen more than once to the child - the child will begin to suppress his natural tendency for love that is when - meaning of pleasant and unpleasant begin to be twisted around. Pleasant feelings of love and closeness are twisted around to be considered as evil and unpleasant because of the traumatizing feelings he experiences every time he expresses love in the way that is natural to him. And the unpleasant feelings of being isolated, alone and separated from others are consider pleasant - even though in reality they are remain unpleasant, but for the child they are much safer than being traumatized.
So begins in a way massive amounts of pleasant but undifferentiated feelings that the child begins to dissociate from and are suppressed deeply into the unconscious. But the need for human attachment present at birth, demonstrated by Rene Spitz’s research, remains constant and continuous throughout a lifetime. And this need for human attachment is expressed through a person particular sexual orientation. It operates as survival mechanism, like the heart beating or our breathing.
Studies of Maternal Deprivation
Spitz (1945) and Spitz & Wolf (1946) studied institutionalised children in orphanages and hospitals. The institutions were poor quality and staff rarely interacted with the children. The found that a third of institutionalised children died before the age of 1 year. The remainder failed to thrive and showed signs of ‘anaclitic depression’: apathy, withdrawal, and helplessness. These symptoms reversed if the period of maternal deprivation was less than three months but not if it was longer. Spitz compared children living in an orphanage with others living in a penal institution where they were cared for by their mothers. Although physical conditions in the orphanage were better, the children were ‘developmentally inferior’. Within two years 37% of the orphanage children were dead whereas 5 years later all the ‘prison’ children were still alive.
Infants in institutions suffered from lack of love
Rene Spitz
Austrian psychoanalyst and physician Rene Spitz…thought that infants in institutions suffered from lack of love–that they were missing important parental relationships, which in turn was hurting or even killing them.
Love won: 37% of the infants kept in the bleak hospital ward died, but there were no deaths at all amongst the infants raised in the prison. The incarcerated babies grew more quickly, were larger and did better in every way Spitz could measure. The orphans who managed to survive the hospital, in contrast, were more likely to contract all types of illnesses. They were scrawny and showed obvious psychological, cognitive and behavioral problems.
Spitz’s study suggested severe mortality risk–more than one in three died–for institutionalized infants. It showed that serious mental health and behavioral problems could result from not having at least one loving parent devoted to a particular child. For decades, however, this research was either ignored or dismissed by behaviorists and others who couldn’t believe that something as vague and seemingly immeasurable as parental love could matter that much…
Read more: https://www.forbes.com/2010/04/20/russia-orphanage-adopt-children-opinions-columnists-medialand.html
Inhuman Suppression = Homosexual Dissociation
Can Lead To
Risky, Even Violent Destructive
Sexual Acting Out
Sexual Acting Out
Among the possible mental disorders related to this inhuman suppression of a child’s gay sexual orientation that significantly impairs the development of empathy the ability to be able to connect appropriately to people there are various forms of severe states of dissociation - mentally not acknowledging the reality of a person’s gay sexual orientation that can lead to any number of risky, even violent destructive sexual acting out behaviors. All these acting out behaviors are the express the intensity of both the need to be connected to others (Rene Spitz) and the inability to connect to others. It is an extreme frustration to break out of being isolated, detached from human connectedness and at the same time - the destructive force that maintains their isolation and detachment from others. Within this type of behavior - of needing to be connected to others and at the same time being destructive to prevent it - we begin to get an idea of possible root causes of various forms of sexual BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, Masochism).
Power and sexuality: Influence of early object relations
Judith L. Silverstein
1994 Psychoanalytic Psychology, 11(1), 33-46.
Abstract: Suggests that disturbed early object relations, including excessive power struggles and coercion by parental figures, affect the child's inadequate development of autonomy and assertiveness and lead to power-imbalanced sexual fantasies. A continuum of eroticism is proposed that includes varying degrees of dominance and power. At the healthy end of the continuum lies mature object love with equality and reciprocity of power; at the unhealthy end lies sadism and masochism. The requirement of power or dominance for sexual arousal and pleasure is said to come from excessive control/coercion by powerful parent objects during early psychosexual development. The need for dominance is most likely to occur during the anal phase. Case studies of a woman and a man illustrate how the need for dominance and power relate to the losing battle of a young child with a powerful caretaker who is loved and hated by the excited, frustrated child…
Read more:
Don’t let us be foolish to think that such types of BDSM sexual fetishes only happens in the bedroom. Remember, what the renown psychology professor stated to me knowing that I was a faithful celibate Roman Catholic priest that “The way you make love is the way you do everything in life.” “Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.” This form of BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, Masochism) sexual behavior is prevalent though in a dissociated form among the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy, including their supporters and accomplices. It reveals the absence of empathy, because there was no one who was empathically caring enough - who try to prevent the suppression of their gay sexual orientation during their early childhood years growing up gay. This BDSM sexual fetish is identifiable whenever they make pseudo-dogmatic statements condemning homosexuality completely avoid of any authoritative science to support their position. Because of the absence of science - it renders their statements not based on truth and therefore it is not about love. Societal hysterical antigay prejudices is not - I repeat is not a substitute for the truth. It will not justify their antigay actions and judgments, but it will in the end condemn them.
Hoover's War on Gays
Exposing the FBI's "Sex Deviates" Program
Douglas M. Charles
At the FBI, the “Sex Deviates” program covered a lot of ground, literally; at its peak, J. Edgar Hoovers notorious “Sex Deviates” file encompassed nearly 99 cubic feet or more than 330,000 pages of information. In 1977–1978 these files were destroyed—and it would seem that four decades of the FBIs dirty secrets went up in smoke. But in a remarkable feat of investigative research, synthesis, and scholarly detective work, Douglas M. Charles manages to fill in the yawning blanks in the bureaus history of systematic (some would say obsessive) interest in the lives of gay and lesbian Americans in the twentieth century. His book, Hoover’s War on Gays, is the first to fully expose the extraordinary invasion of US citizens privacy perpetrated on a historic scale by an institution tasked with protecting American life…
Again, in the curia and hierarchy - complete absence of the science on homosexuality, and lacking any substantiating evidence they have derived homoerotic sexual pleasure in a possible homosexual dissociated state of mind - using canon law sadistically as a BDSM whip and the individual canons as means of bondage and domination over their gay victims - that they have acquired on trumped charges in their obsessive witch hunts for gay priests. They are not only ones in history, who have misused their authority in a dissociated state of mind to acquire homoerotic sexual pleasure - they appear to share similarities in this regard with J. Edgar Hoovers and his FBI, the “Sex Deviates” program and US Senator Joseph McCarthy ‘Lavender Scare’ of the 1950s witch hunts for gays in the US government.
The lavender scare refers to a witch hunt and the mass firings of gay people in the 1950s from the United States government. It paralleled the anti-communist campaign known as McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare. Gay men and lesbians were said to be security risks and communist sympathizers, which led to the call to remove them from state employment.
Former U.S. Senator Alan K. Simpson has written: "The so-called 'Red Scare' has been the main focus of most historians of that period of time. A lesser-known element ... and one that harmed far more people was the witch-hunt McCarthy and others conducted against homosexuals.”…
Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender_scare
Congressional Investigations and the Lavender Scare
Summer 2016, Vol. 48, No. 2
"These People Are Frightened to Death"
The Red Scare, the congressional witch-hunt against Communists during the early years of the Cold War, is a well-known chapter of American history. A second scare of the same era has been much slower to make its way into public consciousness, even though it lasted far longer and directly impacted many more lives…
In 1947 the U.S. Park Police initiated in the city a "Sex Perversion Elimination Program," targeting gay men for arrest and intimidation. A year later, Congress passed an act "for the treatment of sexual psychopaths" in the nation's capital. That law facilitated the arrest and punishment of people who acted on same-sex desire and also labeled them mentally ill. Homosexuality was perceived as a lurking subversive threat at a time when the country was coping with tremendous social change as well as rising anxiety about another lurking subversive threat: Communism.
Enter Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose rhetoric explicitly associated Communists and gay people, turning the slow burn of repression into a firestorm. On February 9, 1950, McCarthy delivered his now-famous speech in which he claimed to have a list of 205 known Communists working at the State Department.
On February 20, McCarthy spoke at length on the Senate floor, offering more specifics about some of these individuals, this time characterizing them more broadly as "unsafe risks." Two cases concerned homosexuality.
"Case 14" was, according to McCarthy, a known homosexual who had been ousted by the State Department but then rehired. In his discussion of that man and of "Case 62," McCarthy directly linked homosexuality and Communism. A top intelligence official had reportedly told him that "practically every active Communist is twisted mentally or physically in some way." McCarthy implied that the men in these two cases were susceptible to Communist recruitment because as homosexuals they had what he called "peculiar mental twists.”…
This type of abuse of power for sexual gratification is not confined to homosexuals - it is overflowing among heterosexuals, as well. How often have women been subjected to the same sexual domination by heterosexual men in authority or the reverse how often have men been subjected to the same domination by heterosexual women in authority?
Regardless, canon law is not Immune to being misused for sexual gratification and until the science of homosexuality is authoritatively fully integrated throughout the curia and hierarchy - canon law is neither about truth or love and is definitely not about justice. This is not to diminish in any way - the substantial wealth of curia reform that Pope Francis has made - one hates to think where we would be without his strenuous work and effective changes. Pope Francis is not mean, it is the reforms he has made has caused such strong reactions in members of the curia and the hierarchy expressing their dissatisfaction to the news media and it is this that opened the door into the curia exposing behaviors that are inconsistent with Christ.
Prejudice, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence
Psychol Bull. 2003 September ; 129(5): 674–697.
Ilan H. Meyer - Columbia University
Internalized homophobia
...Clinicians use the term internalized homophobia to refer to the internalization of societal antigay attitudes in lesbians and gay men (e.g., Malyon, 1981–1982). Meyer and Dean (1998) defined internalized homophobia as “the gay person’s direction of negative social attitudes toward the self, leading to a devaluation of the self and resultant internal conflicts and poor self-regard” (p. 161). After they accept their stigmatized sexual orientation, LGB people begin a process of coming out. Optimally, through this process they come to terms with their homosexuality and develop a healthy identity that incorporates their sexuality (Cass, 1979, 1984;Coleman, 1981–1982;Troiden, 1989). Internalized homophobia signifies the failure of the coming out process to ward off stigma and thoroughly overcome negative self-perceptions and attitudes (Morris et al., 2001). Although it is most acute early in the coming out process, it is unlikely that internalized homophobia completely abates even when the person has accepted his or her homosexuality. Because of the strength of early socialization experiences, and because of continued exposure to antigay attitudes, internalized homophobia remains an important factor in the gay person’s psychological adjustment throughout life. Gay people maintain varying degrees of residual antigay attitudes that are integrated into their self- perception that can lead to mental health problems (Cabaj, 1988;Hetrick & Martin, 1984;Malyon, 1981–1982;Nungesser, 1983). Gonsiorek (1988) called such residual internalized homophobia “covert,” and said, “Covert forms of internalized homophobia are the most common. Affected individuals appear to accept themselves, yet sabotage their own efforts in a variety of ways” (p. 117)… Read more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2072932/pdf/nihms32623.pdf
The curia and the hierarchy use of canon law is unconsciously identifying with the aggressor that force them in their early childhood years - to suppress their gay sexual orientation.This attempt to remove me from the priesthood is completely risible due to the absence of any science on homosexuality. But they are misusing canon law - as a means to be torturous and sadistic, which is in many ways is their foolish attempts to keep their own dissociated homosexuals erotic feelings buried in their unconscious. The research on the gay sexual orientation that I came out on and all the sequential research that since followed is a threat to their collective dissociated homosexual state of mind. However, the truth about sexual orientation of homosexuality that is obtained through the dialogue between science and religion will prove the truth about their gay sexual orientation.
And in the name God - do not be foolish enough to rely on the societal antigay waves of hysteria as any pillar of truth -attempting to associate homosexuality with pedophilia. The truth of the science on homosexuality will expose your cowardliness and the self-righteous moral facade built to hide your homosexual erotic feelings - will fall like a house built of cards.
We have observed the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy behaviorally acting out by their (1) obsessive antigay crusade, their refusal to openly discuss the science on homosexuality, and (2) their closeted gay sexual acting out escapades. These are all forms of homosexual disassociation learned from early childhood. Just below the surface of their obsessive antigay crusade reveals - an extremely destructive way that attempts to maintain a connection to gay people. Their closeted gay sexual acting out escapades, are their desperate attempts for the need of human connection, while yet remaining detached, anonymous, and or intoxicated - never really connecting to anyone, including individually with themselves. Why?
K n o w t h y s e l f
Oracle at Delphi
This above all:
to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your
brother's eye and pay no attention to the
plank in your own eye? How can you
say to your brother, 'Brother,
let me take the speck
out of your eye,
'when you yourself fail to see the
plank in your own eye? You hypocrite,
first take the plank out of your eye, and
then you will see clearly to remove
the speck from your brother's eye.
Luke 6:40-42
Forcing a child to suppress his gay sexual orientation is not only traumatic to the child, but it is an impossibility for the child to suppress. It is as impossible to suppress as it would be to suppress our hearts from beating or our breathing. From our diligent research and study on the science of the sexual orientation of homosexuality - a subject obviously - completely foreign to the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy - we will find that our sexual orientation functioning is out of our conscious ability to control it. Sexual orientation like our hearts beating and our breathing it is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. What this means is that we never have to think about the fact that we need to take a breath - because it happens automatically and continuously out of our conscious awareness.
It is a heinous form of child abuse - similar to placing a plastic bag over a child’s head, however, without tying it around the neck of the child. It would significantly effect the child’s ability to breath properly even threatening the life of the child. Out of fear of being abandoned by his parents - the child does not question his parents. This is because the child does not know any better to take the plastic bag off his head, besides the social environment that the child is being raised in - expects the same of him. Child then begins to internalize these anti-breathing expectations and believe that he is bad because he cannot suppress his body from continually needing more oxygen to breath. Numerous of times the child would pass out because he is not getting enough oxygen. Even more heinous is the fact that the Church and society will profoundly condemn, ostracize and ridicule him for passing out, even persecute him - by throwing him off the rooftop of a 10 story building.
This illustration described above - sounds utterly absurd and even more ridiculous when the child is severely punished for passing out because of the lack of oxygen. The diabolical cruelty to the above child is born out of societal pervasive ignorance about breathing and oxygen. It mirrors precisely the identical ignorance that leads to diabolical cruelty that is forced on a child in early childhood growing up by attempting to suppress the automatic and continuous functioning of his gay sexual orientation suffocating and destroying his ability to love.
The complete ignorance of the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality, of the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy, as publicly extensively documented over the past several decades brought on by their obsessive antigay suppression of the emerging science on sexual orientation is a crime against humanity. And they are in positions of Church authority to past judgments on such cases that they have absolutely no factual knowledge to make any judgments. They only find their justification for making such erroneous judgments based on the ignorance of societal antigay prejudices - this is sheer criminal negligence.
The ignorance of the curia and hierarchy of the science on homosexuality stills attempts to make the enormous connection of homosexuality with pedophilia that has been heavily authoritatively researched and substantiated that there is no connection. The absence of the curia and hierarchy having any dialogue between of the science on homosexuality This is again another arbitrary twisted form of love.
Cardinal Raymond Burke: ‘Feminized’ church and altar girls caused priest shortage
Cardinal Raymond Burke: ‘Feminized’ church and altar girls caused priest shortage
January 7, 2015
...In the interview, Burke also blamed gay clergy for the church’s sexual abuse crisis, saying priests “who were feminized and confused about their own sexual identity” were the ones who molested children.
Researchers have disputed that claim, and experts note that the reported rise in the number of gay men entering the priesthood since the 1980s coincided with a sharp drop-off in abuse cases…
Burke: Church under Francis is a 'ship without a rudder’
October 31, 2014
VATICAN CITY American Cardinal Raymond Burke, the feisty former archbishop of St. Louis who has emerged as the face of the opposition to Pope Francis' reformist agenda, likened the Roman Catholic church to "a ship without a rudder" in a fresh attack on the pope's leadership…
When the synod signaled a more welcoming tone to gay and lesbian Catholics, Burke publicly accused the global gathering of bias and was among those who pushed for a less conciliatory approach in the final report.
Burke had previously said that Catholic families should not expose children to the "evil" of homosexuality by inviting a gay son home for Christmas with his partner.
In his latest interview, Burke said the church was "the pillar of marriage" and challenged the pope's revolutionary "Who am I to judge?" remark on gay people…
Cardinal Burke: Gays, remarried Catholics, and murderers are all the same
European church gears up for battle at Vatican's family synod
June 20, 2015
…The president of the Polish Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, chaired the meeting and used his keynote speech to denounce a litany of modern-day ills, including same-sex unions, divorce and contraception.
He warned against "modifying the church's discipline" for those in unmarried relationships, and urged "people with homosexual tendencies" to undergo therapy and not expect pastoral help… http://ncronline.org/news/global/european-church-gears-battle-vaticans-family-synod
Pope Francis faces an uphill climb to get the synod he wants
October 3, 2015
…This synod is actually round two of a process that began last October with a first summit on the family. Back then, fierce debate broke out over homosexuality, the pastoral care of divorced Catholics, and what to make of other “irregular” relationships.
The hope had been that the year between the first synod and the second one might allow time to cool those tensions and find common ground, but there’s not a great deal of evidence that things have played out that way.
Instead, there seems to be a mounting tendency on all sides to suspect skullduggery and underhanded tactics.
…If these opening salvos are any indication, the synod may be defined not just by disagreements on substance, but also suspicions of Machiavellian maneuvers along the way. That’s not exactly a prescription for meeting in the middle.
More basically, the emotional intensity of the synod is amped up because of perceptions that the pope’s position is still a work in progress.
Whenever topics such as homosexuality and divorce are on the docket, feelings will run strong. What’s new now is a sense, however exaggerated, that movement might actually be possible. That’s elicited strong passions both from those who see such movement as desirable, and those who view it as alarming…
Pope lectures Catholic elders at closing of synod on family
October 25, 2015
…But there were limits. Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp, Belgium, said that when he raised the idea in his working group at the synod that committed same-sex relationships could have spiritual value, “bad feelings came up.”
In the end, he said he was pleased that the synod did not delve deeper into the issue of homosexuality.
“That is a point for next time,” he said. “Better to leave it for later than discuss it in a hot and bad atmosphere.”
5-Year Study by American Bishops – Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases
May 18, 2011
“…the study is likely to be regarded as the most authoritative analysis of the scandal in the Catholic Church in America. The study, initiated in 2006, was conducted by a team of researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City at a cost of $1.8 million… The National Institute of Justice, the research agency of the United States Department of Justice, supplied about $280,000…
The report notes that homosexual men began entering the seminaries “in noticeable numbers” from the late 1970s through the 1980s. By the time this cohort entered the priesthood, in the mid-1980s, the reports of sexual abuse of minors by priests began to drop and then to level off. If anything, the report says, the abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church…
Read more:
John Jay Report: On Not Blaming Homosexual Priests
May 17, 2011
The New John Jay Report on Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church – “The researchers conclude that there is no causative relationship between either celibacy or homosexuality and the sexual victimization of children in the Church.”
May 18, 2011
Facts about Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.
Archbishop Nienstedt: Gay marriage ban is not anti-gay
June 9, 2011
…“Regrettably, the media and some secular commentators have chosen to mischaracterize this measure as anti-gay, mean-spirited and prejudicial,” wrote Nienstedt…“This is not the case or the intent behind the initiative.”
…Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, who says if same-sex marriage is legalized, it could lead to polygamy and incest…
“Pastorally, children flourish best in the context of having both a mother and a father. Every scientific study confirms this reality,” [Nienstedt] wrote.
But a review of 81 studies of many family types released late last year showed the opposite…
Dolan wrote…“If the definition of marriage is continually being altered, could it not in the future be morphed again to include multiple spouses or even family members?”
Read more:
N.Y. Archbishop Compares Gay Marriage to Communist Regimes
June 15, 2011
MYTH # 1
Gay men molest children at far higher rates than heterosexuals.
According to the American Psychological Association, children are not more likely to be molested by LGBT parents or their LGBT friends or acquaintances. Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.
Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found, as Herek notes, that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.
The Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends, and the majority are men married to women. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to snatch children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests…
MYTH # 2
Same-sex parents harm children.
No legitimate research has demonstrated that same-sex couples are any more or any less harmful to children than heterosexual couples.
`The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry affirmed in 2013 that “[c]urrent research shows that children with gay and lesbian parents do not differ from children with heterosexual parents in their emotional development or in their relationships with peers and adults” and they are “not more likely than children of heterosexual parents to develop emotional or behavioral problems.”
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in a 2002 policy statement declared: "A growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with one or two gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual." That policy statement was reaffirmed in 2009 and in 2013, when the AAP stated its support for civil marriage for same-gender couples and full adoption and foster care rights for all parents, regardless of sexual orientation.
The American Psychological Association (APA) noted in 2004 that "same-sex couples are remarkably similar to heterosexual couples, and that parenting effectiveness and the adjustment, development and psychological well-being of children is unrelated to parental sexual orientation." In addition, the APA stated that “beliefs that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents have no empirical foundation.” The next year, in 2005, the APA published a summary of research findings on lesbian and gay parents and reiterated that common negative stereotypes about LGBT parenting are not supported by the data.
Similarly, the Child Welfare League of America's official position with regard to same-sex parents is that "lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents are as well-suited to raise children as their heterosexual counterparts."
A 2010 review of research on same-sex parenting carried out by LiveScience, a science news website, found no differences between children raised by heterosexual parents and children raised by lesbian parents. In some cases, it found, children in same-sex households may actually be better adjusted than in heterosexual homes.
A 2013 preliminary study in Australia found that the children of lesbian and gay parents are not only thriving, but may actually have better overall health and higher rates of family cohesion than heterosexual families. The study is the world’s largest attempt to compare children of same-sex parents to children of heterosexual parents. The full study was published in June 2014…
Read more:
Association with child abuse and pedophilia
…Some people fear exposing their children to homosexuals in unsupervised settings, because they believe the children might be molested, raped, or "recruited" to be homosexuals themselves. The publicity surrounding the Roman Catholic sex abuse cases has heightened these concerns. Many organizations focus on these concerns, drawing connections between homosexuality and pedophilia. According to a study commissioned by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, under the auspices of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and an all-lay review board headed by Illinois Appellate Court Justice Anne M. Burke, "81% of the reported victims of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy were boys." The review board went on to conclude that, "the crisis was characterized by homosexual behavior", and in light of this, "the current crisis cannot be addressed without consideration of issues related to homosexuality." According to Margaret Smith, one of John Jay's researchers, however, it is "an unwarranted conclusion" to assert that the majority of priests who abused male victims are gay. Though "the majority of the abusive acts were homosexual in nature [...] participation in homosexual acts is not the same as sexual identity as a gay man." Psychology professor Gregory Herek also analyzed a number of studies and found no relationship between sexual orientation and molestation. One of her fellow researchers, Louis Schlesinger, argued that the main problem was pedophilia or ephebophilia, not sexual orientation and said that some men who are married to adult women are attracted to adolescent males.
Small-scale studies by Dr. Carole Jenny, Dr. A.W. Richard Sipe, and others have not found evidence that homosexuals are more likely to molest children than heterosexuals. Based on the responses of a sample of thousands of admitted child molesters, one study found that 70% of the sex offenders who targeted boys rated themselves as predominantly or exclusively heterosexual in adult orientation on the Kinsey scale, and only 8% as exclusively homosexual. Phallometric testing on community males shows that men with a preference for adult males (often called "androphiles" in these studies) are no more attracted to adolescent or younger boys than are men with a preference for adult females (or "gynephiles"). Conversely, sex offenders targeting boys — especially prepubescent boys — may be heterosexual, while others lack attraction to adults of either sex. Dr. Kurt Freund, analyzing sex offender samples, concluded that only rarely does a sex offender against male children have a preference for adult males; Frenzel and Lang (1989) also noticed a lack of androphiles in their phallometric analysis of 144 child sex offenders, which included 25 men who offended against underage boys. A study involving 21 adult sex offenders against boys found that two thirds of them had a sexual preference for women over men, as measured by the penile plethysmograph, with the larger, "heterosexual" subgroup targeting younger boys than the "homosexual" group. A more recent survey, which asked self-identified pedophiles in online communities to rate their sexual attraction to males and females from age 1 to age 18, found that that those men disclosed very low levels of attraction towards more mature males, with the authors concluding that, "[i]ntense sexual attraction to male children is distinct from, and not generally compatible with, intense sexual attraction to men.”….
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It is the Roman Catholic hierarchical Church’s - criminal negligence that has led to their crimes against humanity that has gone unrecognized and that has been normalized - it is an example of structural violence. It is the most heinous example that has far out done the atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi regime - 70 million deaths by the end off World War II. However, from our diligent research and study on the science of sexual orientation - we will find that sexual orientation operates automatically and continuously - the same as our breathing. We cannot live without oxygen nor can we live without love.
The complete absence of the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality on the part of the Roman Catholic curia and hierarchy for over the past 60 years has created a willful breach in starting and maintaining a dialogue on the topic between science and religion. It is a willful breach on their part because they have obsessively suppressed any open discussion on the science of homosexuality that has been emerging since 1957. Why?
Again, a striking contrast between Pope Francis and the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy - is publicly demonstrated by Pope Francis’s strenuous and continuous efforts to initiate, a free and open dialogue on homosexuality. Pope Francis had set up a safe forum, the Synod on Family, 2 sessions 2014, 2015 to bring together the diversity of human voices from around the world to begin mending this breach on homosexuality.
However, this striking contrast was for the first time made publicly visible, as documented, at the time of the release of the midterm report of 2014 that revealed an open discussion had taken place concerning ways it improving the pastoral care to gay people and their families. This pastoral empathic concern for gay people - was met by a surprising intense explosive emotional negative reaction on the part of the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy intense that it raged on for a whole year and was the cause of the second open discussion on homosexuality of 2015 to be canceled, at which time an identifiable calm came over the all the participants. Why? As the saying goes they may have “won the battle but lost the war,” the fact is there was no battle. Yes, there was tremendous scheming, Machiavellian maneuvers, unending hysteria, and the like - but no battle, which was all - most revealing on many many levels. Such furor would be understandable, if they were actively saving people's lives who were downing, but for a dialogue on gay people it was startlingly inappropriate that was alarming.
It was and remains to be extremely scandalous public behavior that mirrored for people the same public hysterical antigay societal prejudices completely void of reason that Hitler was able to exploit that allowed him to become the dictator of Nazi Germany that by the end of World War II led to the deaths of 70 million people. Again, it shows how useless canon law is that allows this type of global criminal behavior to go unchallenged and undisciplined. Instead, canon law has been twisted around to remove people like myself (many great people far superior than I) from the priesthood, who have risked their lives to protect gay people and to help prevent the exploitation of antigay prejudices - by maintaining an ongoing dialogue between science and religion on homosexuality to discover the truth and restore the value and meaning of love. This situation continues to expose how deeply entrenched the corruption is that exists in the curia. Including that the central core of this corruption centers totally around the dissociated repressed homosexual culture that is pervasive throughout the curia. Though this dissociated repressed homosexual culture of the curia has remained unrecognizable, because it has become normalized by societal antigay prejudges fostered by their ignorance and fear (Structural Violence), nevertheless, it still exists buried deep in their unconscious minds. The telltale sign that it exists among them is their ruthless and obsessive suppression of the science on homosexuality for the past several decades.
The absence of the science of homosexuality reveals that this culture of the curia is not based in truth and therefore it is not about love. Again, this dissociated repressed homosexual culture is another striking aspect in the contrast between Pope Francis and the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy. Pope Francis expresses respect and concern for gay people, while the curia and hierarchy have only expressed contempt - adamantly refusing to allow any open discussion to consider any pastoral care for gay people. Why?
Pope Francis's willingness to discuss all issues on every topic related to family, including gay people - that was a trigger that immediately brought to the surface their deeply repressed homosexual feelings buried in their unconscious minds. Their reaction was like a fierce eruption of a volcano or an earthquake underwater at the depths of the ocean floor - the intensity of this eruption causes an enormous displacement of water effecting the entire ocean basins creating a tsunami reaction.
Deeply Repressed Homosexual Feelings
They had revealed way more than they ever intended. It was a deluge of almost infantile behavior. It has in the long run exposed the fact that they are dissociated repressed homosexuals, victims of the early childhood abuse of the forced suppression of their gay sexual orientation, being born and raised in severe antigay social environments. All children suffer from being exposed to violent treatment of gay people, but only the gay and bisexual child is likely to become obsessively antigay. Why?
Exposure to traumatic events in childhood can have dire and long-lasting consequences, not only for traumatized children but for society as well. Green (1985) has suggested that “failure to master the trauma of childhood creates a continual need to repeat and reenact them during adult life”…There is evidence that childhood trauma is linked to later drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, and criminal behavior…Abused children may be more inclined than nonabused children to grow up to be abusing parents…Childhood trauma also appears to be implicated in debilitating adult anxiety disorders,…dissociative experiences, borderline personality disorder,…multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociative identity disorder), and adult psychiatric disturbance in general…
Unfortunately, the predominant view as late as 15 years ago was that children are generally little affected by the worst of experiences, and then not for very long…This view prevailed despite evidence from other observers—and sometimes even from supporters of the dominant view—that children respond to severe stress with behaviors that would today be recognized as symptomatic of posttraumatic stress…
Read more:
Child Psychopathology
Edited by Eric J. Mash, Russell A. Barkley http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
As it is with these hysterical situations, at the Vatican, when the emotional smoke rises, two years later - the true facts can be assessed. The synod sessions were suppose to be a time of dialogue, on some levels this did occur, according the documentation. It was most surprising that a dialogue did occur in the open discussion regarding improving the pastoral care to gay people and their families in the Synod session of 2014 - before the midterm report was released. However, almost, immediately after it was released - like a surprise tsunami, a tidal wave - reminiscent of the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami - there was all of a sudden this outpouring of this tremendous fiercely negative reaction it was extremely high intensity of hysterical emotional flooding of regressive behavioral streaming in - in great force from around the global. It was a public display of regressive behavioral because it was a lot of emotional screaming with no supporting rationale given, to substantiated their position. They were like the antigay screaming hysterics of the CUA protesting Fr. James Martin scheduled speaking engagement. They absolutely refused to sit down and maturely enter into dialogue and rationally explain their objections. No, they were acting more like two year olds throwing a tantrum. Why?
Brain, Mind, and Body in The Healing of Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk MD
…when people relive their trauma, their survival brain, their emotional brain, becomes very activated, and their frontal lobes, their more rational brain, gets deactivated, so that people sort of “take leave of their senses” in some ways—so that people’s cognitions fail them. We learned that the insula, the part of the brain that’s involved in registering and noting what is going on in your body, becomes impaired, so there’s a decreased body–mind connection that needs to be reactivated. Various people have discovered that the medial prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain that allows you to feel yourself, notice yourself and be in touch with yourself—gets quite thrown off track, basically, so that it is really hard to notice what goes on inside of you and to manage what goes on inside of you…
Read more:
Bessel van der Kolk, MD is a world renowned researcher and clinician in the field of traumatic stress.
It is hysterical behavior, because it is an intensified over exaggeration of the true facts to the point of being a histrionic outburst of emotional melodrama for attention that in itself is noteworthy. There is a pattern of similarities found among the antigay screaming hysterics, as observed throughout the Synod of Family sessions 2014-2015, beginning at the Vatican, the same at the CUA, again at the time US Supreme Court approved gay marriage and with Cardinal Burke’s dubia. A lot of smoke but no fire!!! It is regressive behavior because it is immature behavior refusing to be rational. Why?
Among these people - this type of reaction - hysterical/histrionic behavior is always related to homosexuality, even the obsessive “dubia” issues - seems more like a smoke screen of not really being concerned about remarried person’s being allowed to received communion. It appears more and more like displacement - an unconscious defense mechanism - to choose a powerless substitute target for one’s aggression. To attack gay people outright - would create a very public display of substantiated facts about the sexual orientation of homosexuality that they (Burke with all his canon law) would be unable to refute rationally - it would break through to their seemingly illusionary world - dissociation of reality. This is because of their refusal to enter into dialogue between science and religion on the topic of homosexuality. Their refusal and their absence of rational dialogue would further indicate their gay sexual orientation. The contrast between Pope Francis and the majority of the members the curia and hierarchy regarding the willingness to enter into dialogue with gay people is too severe that the public spotlight is focused on the curia and hierarchy refusal to dialogue. Their attempt (likely unconscious) to use the “dubia” to twist the situation around to make it look like it is - Pope Francis’s refusal to dialogue - to take the spotlight off from them - isn’t working. Too much has been exposed globally that these patterns are beginning to become clearer.
As reported in his own words, Cardinal Burke was the leader of this hysterical parade 2014-2015 of this regressive antigay reaction. However, such fierce hysterics has not deterred Pope Francis’s efforts in this regards concerning gay people, the same is especially true of him in regards to all the poor, including the migrants and refugees, who are in most need of our help.
To be continued,
Fr Marty Kurylowicz
Part 5 contains - content overflow taken from Part 4 - while Part 4 is still in the process of being completed:
Update: Oct. 15, 2017 - Part 4 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/part-4-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Update: Sept. 22, 2017 - Part 3 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ https://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/update-sept-15-2017-part-3.html
Part 2 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/part-2-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Part 1 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/homosexuality-if-it-is-not-choice-if-it.html
Published Letter to Bishop Walkowiak - Challenging CURIA’S Publicly Established record - Complete ABSENCE of SCIENCE on Homosexuality - Attempt to Remove Fr. Marty Kurylowicz from the priesthood - Void of TRUTH & LOVE - Allows VIOLENCE against CHILDREN to Continue Generationally
July 12, 2017
Bishop David J. Walkowiak
Bishop of the Grand Rapids Diocese
360 Division Avenue S.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4501
Dear Bishop David,
I received your letter dated October 2015, that included a request to set an appointment to dialogue with you. At the time, my commitments,obligations and lack of financial means did not permit me to follow through. Furthermore, the around trip from Canton, MI to Grand Rapids, MI would have been about eight hours. However, after seeking reliable spiritual direction I was advised to write a letter to accept your request to meet. In the process of writing this letter, I began to thoroughly research the situation, from the combined insight obtained from three professionals perspectives, as a priest, as a psychologist, and as a historian. Through these perspectives, I have analyzed the many ways in which I was a victim of antigay hierarchal violence, having no judicial oversight to appeal to for protection within the church or civilly. This is an unidentified form of structural violence directed not at me alone but also many priests, theologians, sisters, religious and others, including Pope Francis for the past four decades - all have been victims of this form of violence.
S t r u c t u r a l V i o l e n c e
by Deborah Du Nann Winter and Dana C. Leighton
Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century
…Direct violence is horrific, but its brutality usually gets our attention: we notice it, and often respond to it. Structural violence, however, is almost always invisible, embedded in ubiquitous social structures, normalized by stable institutions and regular experience. Structural violence occurs whenever people are disadvantaged by political, legal, economic, or cultural traditions. Because they are longstanding, structural inequities usually seem ordinary—the way things are and always have been. But structural violence produces suffering and death as often as direct violence does, though the damage is slower, more subtle, more common, and more difficult to repair. The chapters in this section teach us about some important but invisible forms of structural violence, and alert us to the powerful cultural mechanisms that create and maintain them over generations…
One outcome of exclusionary thinking is the belief that victims of violence must in some way deserve their plight. But certainly it is easy to see that young children do not deserve to be victims…
Section II: Winter, D. D., & Leighton, D. C. (2001). Structural violence. In D. J. Christie, R. V. Wagner, & D. D. Winter (Eds.), Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century. New York: Prentice-Hall.
The main purpose of this form of structural violence is to silence and remove anyone in the Church who openly discusses the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality - gay people. This antigay hierarchical, structural violence has been successful in firmly suppressing this science on homosexuality for the past 60 years. In 1957, world renowned psychologist, Dr. Evelyn Hooker conducted ground breaking research proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness. She proved that being homosexual was just as normal as being heterosexual. For years the hierarchical church has rebuked such scientifically sound findings and have championed the obsessive suppression of gay people. Such actions lead to question who benefits from falsifying truth? The hierarchical church did not suppress the scientific research on heart surgery or cancer for the past 60 years. This vicious form of gay suppression is entrenched in the corruption of the curia in which speaking the truth has become a reprehensible thing. Through my years of analysis, I have come to find that the greatest harm this suppression imposes is on our children.
Truly I tell you, unless you
change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this
child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever welcomes one such child in
my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18: 3-5
…whoever causes one of these
little ones
who believe in Me to stumble,
it would be better for him
to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck,
and to be drowned in the
depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
My “coming out” in March 1997 was all based on substantiated science and scripture. Furthermore, it was motivated to protect defenseless children. How did risking my life by coming out warrant such extreme vindictive retaliation for the past 20 years by members of the curia and hierarchy?
How did it get twisted around that I refused to return to the Grand Rapids Dioceses, when in fact, it was made clear to me that it was unsafe for me to return by their coercing me to acquiesce to being sent away to be re-educated on the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality. They wanted me to leave the priesthood on my own, which would be another grave sin to commit. Since I had no recourse to appeal to for justice in 1997 - what recourse would I have available to me if I returned and more severe immoral tactics were used against me?
This tactic of the curia to dispose of someone was most recently demonstrated by Cardinal Raymond Burke firing Boeselager the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. Burke falsified a papal decision of Pope Francis that no one was to be fired, that the problematic issues with the Knights of Malta should be resolved through dialogue. Burke without any true dialogue with Boeselager stated that it was Pope Francis’s wish that he resign as the Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. When Boeselager refused to resign because of “unreasonable circumstances,” Burke fired him on the grounds of disobedience. Sound familiar? Boeselager, then appealed directly to Pope Francis and an investigation was ordered into the firing of Boeselager. It was later exposed that the grounds that Burke had used against Boeselager were over “condoms.” However, this information was contrived by a group of Burke’s supporters known as “Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ.” This group is described as a “militant traditionalist organization close to Burke (Austen Ivereigh).” “This ultraconservative organization specialized in the denunciation of "gays” entering the Church and in attacks on the major development associations that question unfettered economic liberalism (La Croix International).” On February 4, 2017, Pope Francis replaced Cardinal Burke as the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and overnight all over Rome appeared posters of Pope Francis with a sad expression with the words - “Where is your mercy?”
It was the truth from science and religion that morally obligated me to come out for the protection of children growing up gay in March 1997. This was an act of love and my duty as a priest. It is the true meaning of being a priest. Pope Francis on Thursday, June 22, 2017 in his homily during Mass at Casa Santa Marta confirmed this fact stating,"The Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep,” using as an example the parish priest of Barbiana, Fr. Don Milani, the from the Diocese of Firenze (Florence).
The research to find the answers to these questions endlessly kept unfolding more and more information that led back in time - more than a century and a half. The research doors were opened wide once Pope Francis was elected and he along with his team of experts, and cardinals began reforming the curia. The research revealed two main historical events that were dependent on exploiting societal prejudices against gay people to rise and to stay in power. The, first, began with the ideology of Nazism promoted by Hitler and the Nazi regime that led to the deaths of 70 million people unprecedented in human history. The, second, began the with ideology of the “trickle-down theory” known as Reaganomics that led to Globalization and the greatest inequality in human history - “A world where 1% of humanity controls as much wealth as the bottom 99% will never be stable (President Obama’s departing speech to the UN General Assembly September 2016).‟ Ian Kershaw explains what Hitler’s place in history will be:
…Primarily, as the inspiration of the most lethal and destructive war in history, and of the most terrible genocidethe world has ever seen. He left behind him not just physical, but also moral, ruination such as history has never previously experienced. He represented an extreme pathology of modern society. He showed us the most radical face of modern inhumanity – how an advanced society can undergo a breathtaking descent into modern barbarity that’s quite without precedent. That’s what, with the passage of time, we can see was historically defining about Hitler. Never before Hitler’s time had we seen so clearly what human beings are capable of…
…we shouldn’t mystify Hitler’s personality. The uniquenessof Nazism can’t be reduced to that strange personality. Another time, another place, and Hitler would have had no impact at all. He couldn’t have derailed a modern society without that society itself making a major contribution to its own fate… We shouldn’t be complacent about the future. New forms of fascism and racial intolerance rightly appal and worry us…
…what we can do is to remind ourselves of the essential point about Hitler: he represented the most fundamental and frontal assault ever launched on all that we associate with humanity and civilisation.
Excerpt from: - Hitler’s Place in History - Ian Kershaw
Professor of Modern History at Sheffield University
Lecture - Wednesday 27th April 2005
Over the past year and a half - I have been researching and writing 24/7, since I received your letter - gathering significant amounts of factual data on all three levels (as a priest, psychologist and historian). This research includes my personal experience of being a victim of the hierarchical, antigay violence. As it happens when I do research, such as it did when I was doing the qualitative research on the Holocaust in graduate school for psychology, it is only after thoroughly exhausting every possible avenue several times do all the pieces begin to fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle that a picture is formed.
The picture centers on the crucial importance for the safety and well-being of all of humanity present and on into the future and is dependent on maintaining an ongoing dialogue between science and religion. This is necessary to obtain truth that which then gives meaning and value to love. Without this truth formed through this process -
…Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions, the word “love” is abused and distorted,to the point where it comes to mean the opposite…
Benedict XVI - Caritas in Veritate 2007 2009
Pope Benedict XVI goes on to make the warning that “Any breach in this dialogue comes only at an enormous price to human development…” St. Pope John Paul II made an early statement to this effect explaining how science and religion cannot be separated. He explains - as Benedict does that science is the study of all of God’s creation and religion is formed from the bible, which is the inspired word of God. They both explain how the dialogue between science and religion becomes a self-correcting mechanism of oversight, preventing abuse and maintaining integrity of both science and religion - thus allowing science and religion to guide us on our journey into the future. Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI are writing from their experience having lived through the atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi regime (1933-1945) that resulted from their manipulation and abuse of science and religion to invent a pseudo-science to legitimize Hitler’s ideology of Nazism and pseudo-religious terms to promote it. They experienced living in a social environment saturated in the racial ideology of Nazism - where the meaning of love was so twisted around that in actuality love meant the opposite. Love meant exterminating people considered to be less than human or subhuman - “Life Unworthy Of Life.”
With the recent election of President Trump we are experiencing living in a similar social environment saturated with the ideology of the “trickle-down theory.” This led to Globalization that was also legitimized by the manipulation of science and religion that twisted the meaning of love around to mean the exact opposite. In addition to Mr. Trump’s behavior, the Republican Convention 2016 slogans, “Lock her up!” (that sounded like the palpable hysteria of the Nazi Party “Sieg Heil” chant at a Cathedral lit Nuremberg Rally of the 1930s) and his being elected US president are all blatant examples of love twisted to mean the opposite. Both the rise of Nazism and Globalization were depended on the exploitation of societal prejudices against gay people.
However, in regards to rise of the “trickle-down theory”of the 1980s that led to Globalization - the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy are responsible for the exploitation of societal prejudices against gay people. The research of Dr. Evelyn Hooker and subsequent research completely dispel prejudices against gay people. Instead of the curia and hierarchy acknowledging the truth of this science - they manipulated religion by misusing the bible and continued to wrongly condemn homosexuality. Thus they twisted the meaning of truth around to the point that it continues to mean the opposite. They and their supporters are not about truth and therefore not about love. They are no different than the palpable hysteria of the Nazi Party “Sieg Heil” members at the Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930s. And this is the violence, their twisted meaning of truth - the complete absence of love, they have used against me and against so many others before and after me. Some of our best and brightest theologians and bridge makers, such as, Sister Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent. Gramick and Nugent have been responsible since 1977 for saving millions of people’s lives, especially very young children. To the best of my knowledge, they were the first to begin an ongoing dialogue on the science of the sexual orientation of homosexuality - gay people and religion - scripture and theology.
S c i e n c e can purify religion from error and superstition;
R e l i g i o n can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Each can draw the other into a wider world,
a world in which both can flourish.
For the truth of the matter is that the Church and the scientific
community will inevitably interact; their options
do not include isolation.
St. Pope John Paul II - 1988
I came out in March 1997: for the protection of children, as young as 4 and 5 years of age, who are growing up gay. Since then it has become a moral obligation to educate and prevent forced parental suppression and unsubstantiated antigay social and religious norms.What has bothered me ever since was the fact that I found it difficult to find the r o o t c a u s e in understanding “how” and “why” and “when” did the meaning of “love” and “truth” get so monumentally - twisted around; notably among the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy to mean the exact opposite.
For the past 10 years I have been writing in an effort to explain how this mindless inquisition that started almost immediately after coming out in June 1997 - of being coerced “behind closed doors” by a directive from the curia conveyed by the bishop for me to acquiesce to being sent away “somewhere” to be re-educated on the science on the sexual orientation of homosexuality. This directive was not only shocking, but traumatizing as well.
This irrational directive from the curia completely negated the immediate need of protecting the lives of millions of very young defenseless children from lifelong debilitating harmful effects. It also negated the wealth of the authoritative substantiated research gathered from the major medical and mental health associations, institutions, and organizations, including universities. This was the reason for my “coming out.”
Through knowledge acquired during my studies at the University of Michigan and attending the American Psychological AssociationNational Conventions my research was reinforced on the science of sexual orientation. The action of the curia and hierarchy was a blatant affront, a direct attack on truth and love, as taught and embodied in Jesus Christ, of which the entire purpose and meaning of priesthood is based on. It was like a supervisor telling a heart surgeon that he is going to be be sent away on a sabbatical to be reeducated on the ancient system of medicine known as “bloodletting.” I cannot explain how twisted it sounded - to be told such absurdity!!! “Who in the hell is running this ship?!?” I was 47 years old at the time.
How did the curia and hierarchy cause a breach in the dialogue between science and religion that ended up twisting the meaning of love around to mean the opposite?
We will learn from studying the - science on sexual orientation that it is composed of interrelated biological and psychological processes that are not able to be consciously controlled or suppressed. These interrelated processes function outside our conscious awareness - automatically and continuously throughout life as part of the autonomic nervous system - like the heart beating and breathing. The continuous functioning of our sexual orientation - is essential in meeting our most basic human need for love, attachment, intimacy, through which empathy is developed. The continuous functioning of our sexual orientation is as vital to human survival from the beginning of life to the end - as the heart beating and breathing. Any attempt to force the suppression of a child’s gay sexual orientation is the same as suppressing the heart and breathing rate which can cause a number of lifelong adverse effects (persistent form of depression (dysthymia), suicidal ideation, and obsessive dislike for gay people that is implicit, to explicit verbal expressions of hate, to lethal forms of violence, and torture).
The majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy are European. They are the ones who grew up in the toxic antigay social environments left behind by Hitler’s Nazi regime. This begins to explain the long history of the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy’s collective obsessive antigay crusade. This collective thought suppressed all emerging science on homosexuality for the past 60 years. For these members of the curia and hierarchy the thought of gay science has been a long closed door slammed shut in their early childhood years. This was out of great fear from their witnessing the terror in the adult’s warnings of how Hitler treated priests who were found out to be homosexuals. As this trauma of the early childhood events are not remembered, only the emotional terror of the event remains. It is this emotional terror that is wronglymistaken as an innate guiding voice of their conscience strongly conveying to them that homosexuality is evil. This misunderstanding then becomes a force that completely obliterates years of scientific research on homosexuality. It is more likely that such scientific research ignites seemingly unending waves of unexplainable terror. That door slammed tightly shut - is the breach in the dialogue between science and religion on the issue of homosexuality. This is a childhood defense mechanism. It is the only means available to the child to stop the unending waves of fear. However, as adults, these childhood defenses must be reexamined in a safe environment - to be challenged in the adult dialogue between science and religion on issues of homosexuality. As Pope Benedict XVI explains, this is the only process to find truth and give real value and meaning to the understanding of love. I do not presume this to be an easy task to unravel and should only be attempted in a safe environment. However, this situation - is not unusual - it brings to mind the words of St. Paul to be understood with great care and empathy.
When I was a child, I talked like a child,
I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
1 Corinthians 13:11
No, no, no this type of breach in the dialogue between science and religion on gay sexual orientation has to stop! Justice demands that I be exonerated and proper restitution be made for all harm endured, including the lost salary for the past 20 years to be made quickly. Not to follow through on this road of true justice is to continue this breach in the dialogue between science and religion on gay sexual orientation. Am I, like so many others, going to be made an example of what happens when a priest speaks aloud the truth? Will this be a situation reminiscent of Hitler’s regime to remove and silence Anti-Nazi priests? Are you going demonstrate publicly how an advanced society of people made a major contribution to the modern barbarity of Hitler and the Nazi regime by their complicity and indifference?
My moral obligation as a priest is to protect people, especially children.
I look forward to setting a time to dialogue the reality of this situation in the light of the warnings of both St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI while maintaining an open discussion between science and religion for the search of truth that leads to love.
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Cc. Pope Francis
PS. For more information on the:
- Science of Homosexual Sexual Orientation
- Gay Adult Porn & Homophobia - Who views it the most and why?
- Vatican’s Swiss Guards Break Up a D r u g - F u e l e d G a y O r g y
at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - July 2017
- “Priests In Panties” 2010
- Who is the blame for all the gay closeted sexual acting-out scandals at the Vatican?
Can be found online at the -Thalamus Center
- Saturday, July 1, 2017 - Pope Francis - Teaches the World to Dance the TANGO - the Dance of LOVE - INCLUSION - through - DIALOGUE! - http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/07/pope-francis-teaches-world-to-dance.html
Letter from Bishop Walkowiak
Bishop of Grand Rapids Diocese - Dated, September 17, 2015
Letter from Archbishop Joël Mercier
Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy - 3 March 2015
The end of the letter.
Re-education Clinics - of homosexual sexual orientation
QUACKS: 'Conversion Therapists,' the Anti-LGBT Right, and the Demonization of Homosexuality
May 25, 2016
This is a report about junk science and some of the people who propagate it. It is not about silly, perhaps amusing theories about ESP or life on the moon or even purported miracle cures for cancer. The “science” examined here actively harms people, leading with grim regularity to suicide, depression and an array of self-destructive behaviors. It demeans, defames and defrauds human beings, typically at their most vulnerable moments. And, as if that weren’t enough, it regularly lays the blame for the alleged malady of homosexuality at the feet of gay people’s parents, despite the fact that they are wholly innocent.
Executive Summary
Will standing in a circle of naked men deep in the woods turn gay men straight? Is disrobing in front of a mirror alone with your therapist and then touching “your masculinity” a cure for homosexuality? Does beating a pillow representing your mother really help develop “healthy” relationships with other men?
The men and women who people this industry known as “conversion,” “reparative” or “ex-gay” therapists are like modern-day phrenologists, the “experts” beloved by the Nazis who thought they could identify inferior human beings by measuring their subjects’ skulls. They employ theories that have been thoroughly debunked by virtually all relevant medical associations. They cite bizarre studies that were shot down decades ago as key documents. They use techniques that were described in court by one expert as “worse than snake oil.” They are quacks.
Many of them are doubtless sincere. Some describe their own struggles with “unwanted same-sex attractions.” But sincere or not, the promotion of conversion therapy has a cynical side. If being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender is merely a chosen behavior, one that can be “fixed” with the right mental health treatment, then criticizing LGBT people for their sexual choices is akin to simply criticizing bad behavior. Unlike attacking someone for their skin color, reparative therapists can condemn the gay “lifestyle” and still claim that they are not LGBT-hating bigots.
The real science is perfectly clear. A consensus of the vast majority of psychiatrists, psychologists and other counselors and their professional organizations agree that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexuality. Likewise, they condemn reparative therapy and other attempts to change sexual orientation…
Read more:
Gay in Latin America: Legal but deadly - CNN - CNN.com
The IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights) report, and other reports from the region, show that violence against LGBT individuals is becoming more extreme. They are often stoned, tortured and raped before they are killed, and crimes often go unpunished.
Violence despite progressive LGBT protection laws
The perplexing narrative about being gay in Latin America
March 3, 2017
(CNN)On a February night in 2008, Luis Alberto Rojas Marin says, his life changed forever.
At 26 years old, the Peruvian gay man was arrested by police officers while heading home shortly after midnight. Throughout the six hours he was in police custody, he says, he was stripped, raped with a baton and verbally abused by police officers before being let go.
All of this, he says, because of his sexuality.
Peruvian authorities investigated the incident and reported that Marin was taken into custody after neighbors reported unfamiliar people in the vicinity of the highway. The authorities also told the Organization of American States (OAS), which has been looking into the allegations, that they conducted an extensive investigation and found no indication the acts described by Marin had occurred.
In the nine years since, Marin has complained, but few have listened. After multiple failed attempts to have his case heard in Peru, Marin took it to the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which monitors and protects human rights in the Americas. The commission heard his case December 1…
Marin says he hopes to have an answer soon -- it's not clear when the commission will issue its ruling -- but mostly he wants justice for anyone else that may have been raped or tortured because of their sexuality.
"I would have liked to be able to turn the page on this, and to put this behind me. But I am putting my face out there for everyone (who has been a victim)," he says. "I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this because I am a human being who pleads for and begs for justice for all the people who have been victims and anyone that might have died."
His case is not isolated. Nearly 600 people died across Latin America from anti-LGBT violence between January 2013 and March 2014, according to a 2015 report by the IACHR.
The IACHR report, and other reports from the region, show that violence against LGBT individuals is becoming more extreme. They are often stoned, tortured and raped before they are killed, and crimes often go unpunished.
Many times, crimes against the LGBT population go underreported because of fear of reprisals and skepticism of the justice system.
Violence despite progressive LGBT protection laws
Latin America offers a contradictory narrative: The region has the highest rates of violence against the LGBT community, according to research done by Transgender Europe, a non-governmental organization, but it also has some of the most progressive laws for LGBT equality and protection…
Read more:
June 26, 2017
The following is a list of activities and events of anti-LGBT organizations and individuals. Organizations listed as anti-LGBT hate groups are designated with an asterisk.
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Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017
The hierarchy and Pope Francis - vividly validated the reasoning for the immediacy - why I came out in March 1997, as pastor of Holy Family Parish, Sparta, Michigan - for the protection of gay children, as young as 4 and 5 years of age - from the lifelong harmful effects growing up gay or bisexual - during early childhood caused by the influence of anti-gay social and religious norms. These lifelong harmful effects can be clearly observed in the curia and hierarchy fierce homophobic behavior - their inability to form life-long meaningful and fulfilling relationships, including their inability to connect with others, their lack of empathy for others, their over concerns about outward appearance, status and careers, as noted in Pope Francis "Christmas address to the curia", December 22, 2014. It is not only their complete absence of maintaining any ongoing dialogue between science and religion on the topic homosexual sexual orientation for the past 60 years, which is directly against the words of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI , it is also by their immediate emotional explosive outbursts to the 2014 midterm report of Synod session on Family - that listed notes of the open discussion that took place - discussing ways of how to be pastorally more welcoming to gay people and their families, including ways of valuing long term committed gay relationships. There was a lot of emotional outbursts among the curia and hierarchy, however, there is absolutely - no detail reasoning to substantiate their extraordinary hostile and aggressive reactions to the report. So intense was their fierce emotional reaction that the continuation of this open discussion on gay people scheduled for the second synod on Family session 2015 had to be canceled.
Sadly, one cannot, also, help to notice the enormous amount of the emotional psychic energy that is use by the curia and the hierarchy completely absorbed in an anti-gay obsession and the enormous amount of Pope Francis emotional psychic energy is used in reaching out to all people globally in nearly every situation in extraordinary effort to be inclusive of everyone, particularly those most forgotten and are in need of our help. Pope Francis has been relentless in this regard since his election to the papacy in March 2013.
As Church Shifts, a Cardinal Welcomes Gays; They Embrace a ‘Miracle’
The New York Times
June 13, 2017
NEWARK — The word “pilgrimage” usually evokes visions of far-off, exotic places, but for some 100 gay and lesbian Catholics and their families, a pilgrimage to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart here on a recent Sunday was more like a homecoming.
The doors to the cathedral were opened to them, and they were welcomed personally by the leader of the Archdiocese of Newark, Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin. They were seated on folding chairs at the cathedral’s center, in front of the altar in the towering sanctuary, under the blue-tinted glow of stained glass.
“I am Joseph, your brother,” Cardinal Tobin told the group, which included lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics from around New York and the five dioceses in New Jersey. “I am your brother, as a disciple of Jesus. I am your brother, as a sinner who finds mercy with the Lord.”
The welcoming of a group of openly gay people to Mass by a leader of Cardinal Tobin’s standing in the Roman Catholic Church in this country would have been unthinkable even five years ago. But Cardinal Tobin, whom Pope Francis appointed to Newark last year, is among a small but growing group of bishops changing how the American church relates to its gay members. They are seeking to be more inclusive and signaling to subordinate priests that they should do the same…
Four years ago, Pope Francis shook the Catholic world with his comment about gay priests seeking the Lord: “Who am I to judge?” But it was unclear how his words would affect Catholics seeking acceptance in the pews…
But gestures like Cardinal Tobin’s are evidence that Pope Francis’ words are having an impact…
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Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - June 9, 2017
S c i e n c e
H o m o s e x u a l
S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
In the USA, 1957, Evelyn Hooker’s most notable and ground breaking research proving that homosexuality is not a mental illness was completed called:-
in which she administered several psychological tests to groups of self-identified male homosexuals and heterosexuals and asked experts to identify the homosexuals and rate their mental health. The experiment, which other researchers subsequently repeated, argues that homosexuality is not a mental disorder, as there was no detectable difference between homosexual and heterosexual men in terms of mental adjustment... Photo
Being Gay Is Just as Healthy as Being Straight
Evelyn Hooker's pioneering research debunked the popular myth that homosexuals are inherently less mentally healthy than heterosexuals, leading to significant changes in how psychology views and treats people who are gay...
Hooker's work was the first to empirically test the assumption that gay men were mentally unhealthy and maladjusted. The fact that no differences were found between gay and straight participants sparked more research in this area and began to dismantle the myth that homosexual men and women are inherently unhealthy.
In conjunction with other empirical results, this work led the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the DSM in 1973 (it had been listed as a sociopathic personality disorder). In 1975, the American Psychological Association publicly supported this move, stating that "homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment, reliability or general social and vocational capabilities…(and mental health professionals should) take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness long associated with homosexual orientation." Although prejudice and stigma still exist in society, this research has helped millions of gay men and women gain acceptance in the mental health community.
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A B S E N C E o f S C I E N C E
Primarily, as the inspiration of the most lethal and destructive war in history, and of the most terrible genocide the world has ever seen. He left behind him not just physical, but also moral, ruination such as history has never previously experienced. He represented an extreme pathology of modern society. He showed us the most radical face of modern inhumanity – how an advanced society can undergo a breathtaking descent into modern barbarity that’s quite without precedent…
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Hitler's Place in History
Ian Kershaw
Professor of Modern History at Sheffield University
Wednesday 27th April 2005
In dealing with dissidents, troublemakers, communists, homosexuals, gipsies — anyone with an inclination not to conform to the diktats of the Nazi state — the Gestapo was utterly ruthless
The Nazis: A Warning from History - 1997
Historical and Script consultant Prof. Sir Ian Kershaw
…The horror of the Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The psychological fallout would have been far more extensive and more deadly, especially when it is not identified as such…
AUSCHWITZ -- CHRISTMAS 2008 -- A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN – December 26, 2008 – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
“Brokeback Mountain” 2005
Dear Fr. Geoff Farrow,
I have been so saddened by Pope Benedict XVI's cruel words to LGBTQ people around the world, to their parents, families and friends, most ESPECIALLY TO CHILDREN. After reading the accounts of this human travesty, I did not know where to find comfort or hope. And then I thought about your blog. And just like receiving a wonderful Christmas present, sure enough I found the hope and comfort I needed to hear. Photo
I am a priest and a clinical psychologist (MS). And for one of my research projects I chose to do a qualitative research project of the recorded verbal accounts of survivors of the Holocaust, 50 years after the event. It was a difficult research project, because I could not make sense of one of the accounts of the survivors.
For example, one survivor was describing what it was like riding the train to AUSCHWITZ, but he was describing how he was trying to make conversation with a girl on the train. I listened and wrote out this one account almost 30 times but I just was not getting it. I could not understand how this man could be talking about wanting to make conversation with this girl on the same train to AUSCHWITZ!?!
Because I had taught high school religion classes for nearly 20 years, it hit me hard, like a flash of lightning. Instantly, all the pieces came together, so fast. Though this survivor was in his late 60’s when he gave his account of his story on audiotape, he was remembering the events that took place, but naturally they were recounted through the mind of a teenager, the age he was on the train to AUSCHWITZ. That is why the dialogue wasn’t making any sense. I was thinking of him as an old man because the voice on the audiotape was the voice of a 68-year-old. As shocking as a bomb going off, all the different aspects of the psychological developmental stages of a teenager kicked in. I realized only too fully that he was just a young normal teenager on that train!!! And so was the girl he was trying to make conversation, and their moms and dads were there with them!!! There was no way to pretend I did not realize what I discovered. It kept hitting me: this is not some script from a movie or TV miniseries on the Holocaust. No; as much as I wished it were. The reality of this horror hit me all at once, on so many different levels of consciousness: what an unbelievable horror it was!!! How could we treat human beings like this! I remember when the realization of the magnitude of this horror first hit me, like an instant reflex. I threw down the transcript I was holding as if it were a blazing hot poker. It kept hitting me over and over again that this is not a movie script or some kind of play – this really happened! It really happened! Oh, my God, how could this have happened!?!!!
My supervisor told me at the time that I was traumatized by the oral content. Qualitative research is an attempt to understand the complexity of emotions, the kinds of emotions, and the degree of intensity involved. Our emotions are what allow us to connect with other human beings. We identify with the non-verbal quality of emotions more immediately and strongly than with the words used to express them. The non-verbal qualities include tone of voice, eye contact, facial expression, body posture, and gestures, all of which express emotions. Emotions are why we can connect with people through time, across cultures, and individually. It is the expression of human emotions in the arts that makes some works of art timeless, because they continually speak to all people through the ages.
And when I heard what Pope Benedict XVI said about homosexuals and transgendered human beings at Christmas 2008, I felt that same trauma all over again. Because in some way, somehow, he was conveying in a non-verbal manner the horror of the Holocaust, in what appears to be a traumatized, trance-like, accepted social norm from that period of time dictating that some people just don’t count, aren’t important, and can be easily disposed of. And if you rock the boat, you could be next to be disposed of.
I truly have to believe that a person in his position would not be doing this consciously or intentionally. The horror of the Holocaust is like an atomic bomb with fallout so extensive that it spreads over a radius of more than 150 miles. The horror of the Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The psychological fallout would have been far more extensive and more deadly, especially when it is notidentified as such.
It hit me the way it did when I realized that the research I was doing about a Holocaust survivor, a man 68 years old telling his story, who was remembering what it was like to be on the train to AUSCHWITZ, from the perspective of a young teenage boy who just wanted to talk to a girl. It seemed like the same kind of horror, a tacit assumption that some people don't count and can be disposed of without remorse. Could it be that Benedict XVI is unconsciously repeating Hitler's crime against humanity by taking on a long-accepted social attitude from that period of time?
The question I asked myself was: what would it have been like for someone growing up gay during the Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933 -1945?
What would be the severity of the psychological effects on a boy who grew up to be gay in Germany during the time of Hitler’s NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS 1933 -1945? During the Nazi regime, homosexuals were publicly defamed and falsely accused for the major social problems of that time, which was done to incite massive public hatred and hostility directed against homosexuals. Homosexuals were used for medical experiments, physically mutilated, brutally tortured and exterminated.
Would this child, as an adult, in a severe dissociated state of mind from his own homosexual feelings (Harry Stack Sullivan MD, Dissociative Processes, Clinical Studies on Psychiatry (1956)), unconsciously perpetuate the terrifying horror of the insensitivity he had experienced growing up? If he found himself in a position of authority would he recreate the same social and political environment of violence and terror for homosexuals that he experienced, as a child who grew up to be gay, during the NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS?
I think in truth on a much deeper level I was frightened, really frightened, to hear Pope Benedict XVI’s Christmas remarks against homosexuals and transgendered human beings and even more frightened by the silence from the larger global community of human beings. What is so frightening is, even if there is agreement that one person does not matter or is not important, in truth then no one matters. Therefore, when I thought about your blog and what you did on October 5, 2008, I felt more reassured, I felt hope, and I felt comforted. NOW, isn’t that the true meaning of Christmas?
God Bless you,
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
. . . .Written by Martin S. Kurylowicz, M.Div., M.S.
Edited by Madeline Wright, Ph.D., M.S. . . . .
American surveillance photo of Birkenau (1944).
South is at the top in this photo.
Auschwitz Birkenau. Enter to the Birkenau camp
Above excerpts taken from:
SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017
GRAVIORA DELICTA = Homophobic (Anti-Gay) Members of the RC Curia & Hierarchy - Including Their Lay Supporters - Should Submit - EYE EXAMINE - to Identify Individual Sexual Orientation - - -
Part 5 contains - content overflow taken from Part 4 - while Part 4 is still in the process of being completed:
Update: Oct. 15, 2017 - Part 4 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/part-4-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Update: Sept. 22, 2017 - Part 3 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ https://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/09/update-sept-15-2017-part-3.html
Part 2 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/part-2-homosexuality-if-it-is-not.html
Part 1 - Homosexuality - “If it is NOT a choice, if it is NOT a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a GIFT” - Bishop Cruz, Brazil - ’seeks to END ‘PREJUDICES that KILL’ http://fathermartykurylowicz.blogspot.com/2017/08/homosexuality-if-it-is-not-choice-if-it.html
Injustice anywhere is a
threat to Justice everywhere
The Nobel Peace Prize 1964
Martin Luther King Jr.
What you cannot do is accept injustice.
From Hitler – or anyone.
You must make the injustice visible
– be prepared to die like a
soldier to do so.
Mahatma Gandhi
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
"Someday, maybe, there will exist
a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the
most deadly of all possible sins
is the mutilation of a child’s spirit;
for such mutilation
undercuts the life principle of trust, without which every human act, may it feel ever so good and seem ever so right is prone to perversion by destructive
forms of conscientiousness.”
Erik Erikson
(Young Man Luther : A Study in Psychoanalysis and History, 1958)
…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it
would be better for him
to have a heavy
millstone hung around his neck,
and to be drowned in the
depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Important note:
No disrespect meant to
Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy,
the one and only concern is
the safety and well-being of children.
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
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