This entire posting has been previously sent out as a US group mailing prior to posting here on the Thalamus Center.
Part 1 - - OBEDIENT to WHOM??? - 1997-2015 Protecting Gay Children - vs. - Burke’s Hysterical Antigay Demagoguery: LOBOTOMY on Truth & the GENOCIDE of Gay Children - Received Mercier’s Letter on March 20, 2015 - KIDS ARE BEING HURT!!!
Part 2 - - OBEDIENT to WHOM??? - 1997-2015 Protecting Gay Children - vs. - Burke’s Hysterical Antigay Demagoguery: LOBOTOMY on Truth & the GENOCIDE of Gay Children - Received Mercier’s Letter on March 20, 2015 - KIDS ARE BEING HURT!!!
Fr Marty Kurylowicz’s - Appeal Letter Sent to Pope Francis - “Coming Out” March 1997 - Gay Catholic Priest - For Protection of Children - January 16, 2014
Original post: January 16, 2014
Part 1 - Ghosts in the - Synod of Bishops on Family - October 2014 - Repress Unacknowledged Need for Empathy?
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz - September 16, 2014
Part 2 - Ghosts in the - Synod 2014 ---- & ---- Fr Kurylowicz’s - Appeal Letter - “Coming Out” March 1997 - For Protection of Children - 1/16/14
Repost 3/04/15 -- “Cold-blooded Murderers”- Revised 1/31/15 - Update 3/14/15:
Thalamus Center - Early Childhood Psychological Development Growing up Gay
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz Photos
The road to Auschwitz was built by hate,
but paved with indifference.
Ian Kershaw
Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the
Third Reich, Bavaria 1933-1945
Rev. Mercier,
It is criminally inhumane treatment - for you and your members of the “Sacred” Congregation for the Clergy (Congregatio pro Clericis) - not to respond to my cries, a gay priest, for the immediate need for assistance, as I have already informed you that I am - one-foot away from being homeless that is all due to the psychopathic attacks for the past 18 years, I have been subjected to, by the curia members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith through Bishop Hurley for my “coming out” in March 1997 for the protection of children. Instead, you callously were completely indifferent to the pleas of a drowning gay priest and chose to further the continuation of the same psychopathic dehumanizing tactics of these past 18 years - by cruelly assigning him the protocol number 20131723/F. It is equivalent to handing a drowning gay priest an anvil. Though, this was the prescribed remedy that a Catholic, Heinrich Himmler (, one of the most powerful leaders of the Nazi Party - detailed in a speech he gave to SS Gruppenfuehrer on February 18, 1937:
"I wish to explore a few ideas on the subject of homosexuality. Amongst certain homosexuals there exists the following point of view: "what I do is of no importance to anyone else, it is a personal and private matter". Everything which touches upon sexual matters ceases to be private when the life or death of a nation depends on it. It is the difference between world domination or annihilation.
A nation with many children can gain supremacy and mastery of the world. A pure race with few children already as one foot in the grave; in fifty or a hundred years it will be of no significance; in two hundred years it will be extinct. It is essential to realize that if we allow this infection to continue in Germany without being able to fight it, it will be the end of Germany, of the Germanic world. Unfortunately this is not the simple matter it was for our forefathers. For them, the few isolated cases were simply abnormalities; they drowned them in bogs. Those who found bodies in the mire did not know that in 90% of the cases they found themselves face to face with a homosexual who had been drowned with all his belongings. This was not punishment, more the simple elimination of this particular abnormality. It is vital we rid ourselves of them; like weed we must pull them up, throw them on the fire and burn them. This is not out of a spirit of vengeance, but of necessity; these creatures must be exterminated.
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The Enemy Within: Homosexuality in the Third Reich, 1933-1945 - by Eliot H. Boden - 2011
…Not surprisingly, the Nazi leadership was divided over the seriousness of the perceived threat of homosexuality. The head of the SS, Himmler, was one of the most rabid advocates of the complete extermination of homosexuals. He fiercely believed that homosexuality was a contagion that endangered the unity of the German nation and posed a unique threat to his police forces. In his infamous speech at Bad Tölz, Himmler lamented that draconian punishments for homosexuality had long been discontinued and that homosexuals were no longer simply tied up and drowned in swamps, as in pre-modern Germany. Hitler‟s views on the appropriate treatment of homosexuals were more ambiguous…
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Violently Silencing - The Truth
About Homosexuality
This obsessive mistreatment of the same cruel psychopathic dehumanizing tactics directed against gay priests or anyone supporting gay people or anyone who openly discuss the emerging science on homosexual sexual orientation has been ongoing for the past 30 years. It is not a form of direct violence as actually downing gay priests or anyone who is supportive of gay people, but it is a form of structural violence though just as deadly as direct violence. Death by structural violence is slower and more invisible, but the person dies in the end, though not because of natural causes, but of malicious intent of the curia and hierarchy. Publicly, no one would suspect that any member of the curia and hierarchy would be deliberately draconian of murdering another human being, because it is done hidden behind the facade of hierarchical sanctity. I do want a copy of the documentation that I have not received that was sent to you by the nameless bishops who want to remove the gay priest you assigned with the protocol number 20131723/F. Because it is a prime example of this form of deathly structural violence. I am the victim here, but I am on a secret trial - having never ever meeting with me. I am on secret trial, because I did my duty as a gay priest, risking my life for the protection of children. And somehow your secret trial is connected to God??? The overall layers of secrecy and bureaucratic anonymity of the “Sacred” Congregation for the Clergy - regarding the life of a gay priest and the children lives this gay priest is protecting, it is blasphemy for you or anyone else to even speak the word justice in connection with the “Sacred” Congregation for the Clergy. Do you even believe in God? Photo
Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century
Direct violence is horrific, but its brutality usually gets our attention: we notice it, and often respond to it. Structural violence, however, is almost always invisible, embedded in ubiquitous social structures, normalized by stable institutions and regular experience. Structural violence occurs whenever people are disadvantaged by political, legal, economic, or cultural traditions. Because they are longstanding, structural inequities usually seem ordinary—the way things are and always have been. But structural violence produces suffering and death as often as direct violence does, though the damage is slower, more subtle, more common, and more difficult to repair. The chapters in this section teach us about some important but invisible forms of structural violence, and alert us to the powerful cultural mechanisms that create and maintain them over generations...
...Unfortunately, even those who are victims of structural violence often do not see the systematic ways in which their plight is choreographed by unequal and unfair distribution of society’s resources. Such is the insidiousness of structural violence…
...One outcome of exclusionary thinking is the belief that victims of violence must in some way deserve their plight. But certainly it is easy to see that young children do not deserve to be victims…
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Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century.
New York: Prentice-Hall. Section II: Winter, D. D., & Leighton, D. C. (2001). Structural violence. In D. J. Christie, R. V. Wagner, & D. D. Winter (Eds.),
Peace Psychology Book
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Be ever so careful to even think or suggest that I am being egoistical here, because as the entrenched corruption of the curia is beginning to be exposed - it will reveal how many tens of thousands of others in the Church who stood up for truth and were treated in the same way. And in over the past 30 years committing this travesty of justice in the name of God - has greatly contributed to the moral break down of the global society, as well as, responsible, though not limited to, US entering into a war under false pretenses.
The intense negative reaction by the majority the members of the curia and hierarchy - to the Synod 2014 “Welcoming Gay People” and the US Supreme Court legalizing Gay Marriage is exposing the depths of this extremely irrational and inhumane treatment of gay people. This is especially the case, because their intense negative reactions - are all completely without any supporting authoritative evidence from science or the bible.This was best exemplified endlessly by Burke’s public irrational antigay statements. But even more tragic is the indifference that exists among the members of the curia and hierarchy, over the past 30 years to the present who continue to do nothing to prevent it or to stop it. Together they are re-enacting the atrocities of Nazi Germany - “The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indifference” Ian Kershaw.
Someday, maybe, there will exist
a well-informed, well considered and yet
fervent public conviction that the most deadly
of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.
This flagrant uneducated collective psychopathic behavior of the majority of curia and hierarchy (e.g. Burke, Muller, Chaput, Gadecki, Cordileone, US Catholic Bishops,…) of - “the blind leading the blind”- is continually pointing to one source, as the epicenter - Hitler's Nazi Regime - 1927-1945 and how it impacted - Pope Benedict XVI's life. It is indicating the likely possibility of what we appear to be witnessing is the unbelievable - extreme mutilation of a child’s spirit: a severe dissociated state of mind from one’s own homosexual feelings caused by traumatic events that happened in early childhood, growing up in Nazi Germany (
Catholic resistance to Nazi Germany
After constant confrontations, by late 1935, Bishop August von Galen of Munich was urging a joint pastoral letter protesting an "underground war" against the church. Under Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler, the Security Police and the SD were responsible for suppressing internal and external enemies of the Nazi state. Among those enemies were "political churches" - such as Lutheran and Catholic clergy who opposed the Hitler regime. Such dissidents were arrested and sent to concentration camps. In the 1936 campaign against the monasteries and convents, the authorities charged 276 members of religious orders with the offence of “homosexuality”…
By early 1937, the church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned…
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Homosexuals and Nazi Germany
...Trumped up charges of homosexual behaviour could also be used against someone who had upset the Nazi Party hierarchy...
...On October 1st 1936 the Nazi Party introduced a new department – the Reich Central Office for Combatting Homosexuality and Abortion. The Gestapo was given the task of hunting out homosexuals – a task it carried out with vigour - and an assumption was made that homosexual behaviour equalled dissidence and opposition to the Reich. Some senior Nazi leaders also believed that homosexuality was contagious and could undermine the Third Reich…
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For Pope Benedict XVI - these traumatic events have likely been re-enacted unconsciously from the perspective of early childhood memories when the traumatization took place.
Pope Benedict XVI - 1933 - Early Childhood Trauma
Six Years Old
It is the extraordinary insight that the wake of Pope Francis transparency efforts to reform the Vatican, especially with the midterm report of the Synod of Bishops on Family 2014 concerns for supporting gay children that is altering previously conceived ideas. However, all the needed reforms are linked back to early childhood traumatizing events. It gives a deeper understanding though more severe - to how Pope Benedict XVI grew up in Nazi Germany, at the age of six years old, in 1933 and how that harsh mistreatment played itself out in his years at the Vatican.
From mere historical observations of where and when Benedict XVI was born - it would not be a unreasonable to consider the fact that he was a child victim of multiple forms of child abuse, as countless other children due to Hitler’s and the Nazi Party’s ideologies…
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However, for Pope Benedict XVI - the onset of this severe dissociated state of mind appears to may have been delayed until midlife - causing a likely a complete change in the person’s personality. It appears to mirror a similar pattern of the delay onset of post traumatic reactions in Holocaust survivors.
…The Ratzingers, like many Bavarians, especially after Hitler began declaring anti-Catholic sentiments, were anti-Nazi, if not heroically so. Ratzinger's father predicted that a victory by Hitler would bring on the Apocalypse and was at one point demoted in the police force because of his opinions…
Ratzinger was, by acclaim, one of the young lions of the council. But roaring for whom? In 1993 he told TIME, "I see no break in my views as a theologian" over the years. Nonetheless, Allen, his biographer, doggedly culled conciliar notes and Ratzinger's subsequent commentaries to document what erstwhile comrades like Küng remember: despite some conservative stances (Frings delivered a damning critique of Gaudium), the young theologian was a progressive. Allen quotes Ratzinger extolling a "horizontal Catholicity" of the laity and bishops to balance out Rome's dominance and musing that church tradition, rather than being a "given," needs to be understood in terms of "growth, progress and knowledge of the faith." Ratzinger even critiqued the Vatican's heresy-hunting office (soon to be renamed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and eventually to come under his leadership) as "an all too smoothly functioning [body] which prejudged every question almost before it had come up for discussion.”…
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Late-onset of post- traumatic reactions in Holocaust survivors at advanced age * Haim Dasberg **
Y. Sadavoy (1997), in his paper on elderly survivors, speaks of the traumatically-induced "false self' which is an "armour to meet the world," providing the conditions are not too unfavorable. The traumatic inner "true self' remains hidden, waiting to be released by later triggers. From this psychoanalytic perspective, survivors with hidden post-traumatic problems essentially suffer from identity disorders, diagnosable post-factum, after the late-onset has occurred. They act ''as if' it were not true. This "dormant, sub-clinical coverage" (Krystal, 1981), held up by "splitting" of the personality has to come to an end, at a time when the natural urge for reminiscing and reintegration of old memories take over in old age or after reaching mid-Iife. Until then, the "dormant" problems continue to be "walled off' (H. Krystal's term). As was said, the avoidance, detachment, constriction and blotting out of awareness, and blocking off during the subclinical latency period, fulfill Criterion C (of the DSM definition of PTSD, above)…
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Nazi horrors revisited: The Holocaust survivors who only develop PTSD in old age - 11 June 2012
Homophobia Curia & Hierarchy
The longer I wait, these past 18 years, for justice to be served that the proper and full restitution is made for the crimes committed against me, for speaking out on the truth of homosexuality that has been the case of so many people in the Church - by members of the curia and hierarchy has left me in a situation that is totality focused on the protection children by researching the roots of the entrenched antigay corruption and the indifference that allowed it to grow and escalated out of control. Photo
The idiocy of their psychopathic behavior that ultimately imploded on them, e.g. Vatileaks, they could not have picked a more unlikely gay priest to attempt to coerce into silence and remove. It is obvious they have no idea what is like to risk your life, as a gay priest, for children to the point of death, all based on authoritative data, and out of obedience to God, as Christ taught us. And then to attack this same gay priest who has already faced death for the protection of children, at the age of 47 years old, by those in the curia and hierarchy who are the very antithesis of the reason he risked his life - what would you expect the reaction of this gay priest to be? Especially by attempting to coerce him - by ordering him to be sent away to be re-educated on sexual orientation, the very reason he came out on. It would only increase his moral obligation to protect children to work at finding a way to expose this major threat to children identified in the curia and hierarchy and the overall indifference that allowed it to grow out of control, harming millions of children lives.
But nevertheless - members of the curia and hierarchy, particularly by Hurley, their continuous attacks over the past 18 year, for “coming out” in March 1997 for the protection of children: (1) left me jobless and penniless, all because (2) based on authoritative facts from science and the bible, (3) in good conscience, (4) I felt morally obligated, (4) especially, as a gay Catholic priest (5) to the point of risking my life, (6) for the protection of children by “coming out” in March 1997, (7) to draw public attention to the lifetime harmful effects caused by the antigay social and religious norms and that they are (8) unsubstantiated. These endless attacks left me in a cloistered monastic existence, isolated from family and friends to be totally dedicated to intense prayer and endless research of the psychopathic homophobia of the curia and hierarchy to faithfully continue to fulfill my moral obligation to protect children.
Revised: Aug. 31, 2015
The fact that I personally experienced beginning in June 1997, the use of coercion, “behind close doors” by members of the curia and the hierarchy whether it was use as a means of intimidation force me into compliance to their corruption or to to get me acquiesce to being sent away to be reeducated on subject of sexual orientation two months after I came out publicly in March 1997, in either case it was meant to denounce me by not openly denouncing me. It was directly aimed at suppressing the emerging science of homosexuality, using coercive tactics to presumingly to intimidate, to silence, to force me into submission. However, it was outright stupid and criminal on so many levels! Though it was grossly stupid - it was lethal at the same time. It was the behavior that was age appropriate for a two year old child, when the child has an out of control tantrum, but for 49 year old celibate prelate it is reason for incarceration and or admittance to a psychiatric ward. But it was definitely psychopathic behavior - completely inappropriate for a member of the curia or hierarchy. It was on all levels the opposite of good - it was evil on all levels and stupid besides! This form of hierarchical psychopathic behavior, as it is no longer protected, in the wake of Pope Francis transparency reforming the curia, by bureaucratic anonymity, it is openly exemplified endlessly by Burke, Muller, Chaput, Gadecki, Gänswein, to name a few. It was a complete disregard for the safety and well-being of others.
Criminal Abuse - Obedience to Authority
Coercion can occur through simple obedience to authority, especially if the persons involved see no other choice as effectively available.
It was a criminal misuse of the obedience to authority, because it took advantage of the position of a priest. First, the salaries of priests are considerably lower, in comparison to holding similar positions in the secular world, however, the low salaries leaves priests at disadvantage of being financially dependent on the bishop for his monthly salary. It then becomes a significant means of control, of coercion, which is not a problem unless the bishop is immoral and acts unethically. It is a serious form of coercion to take advantage of the years of spiritual dedication of a priest, especially as the priest, approaches middle age to force him to acquiesce to immoral demands. A dedicated priest is not concerned about making a fortune, but in faithfully, and in an educated manner - serving God’s people.
Below - Fr. Marty Kurylowicz’s letter sent to government officials of the USA and others – seeking legal assistance - July 2010
Thalamus Center
Early Childhood Psychological Development Growing up Gay
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
July 2010
President of the United States
United States Vice-President
United States Department of State
United States Department of Justice
United States Department of Labor
United States Congress, Senators and Representatives
United States Supreme Court Justices
50 United States Governors
Civil Rights, Employment Attorneys, Law Firms and Law Schools in the USA
Journalists, News media Networks, Reporters and LGBT Organizations
Dear --- ----,
My name is Fr. Marty Kurylowicz, a Roman Catholic priest from the Diocese of Grand Rapids Michigan ordained June 16, 1979.
In March 1997, after attending a National Symposium of the New Ways Ministry that was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I learned that children as young as 4 and 5 years of age know that they are different. This feeling "different" is only identified in their adult years as being gay. However, the harmful influence of antigay social and religious norms -- in particular, for Catholics, the Vatican’s unsubstantiated antigay teachings -- are severe and last throughout a child’s lifetime. The harmful effects are not isolated only to these children who grow up to be gay, but also affect their families, siblings, friends and anyone whom they might consider special in their lives. They are a prescribed societal sentence of implicit isolation, which place at risk of suicide so many innocent adolescents and young adults. They stifle an enormous amount of human potential in the world that otherwise could be put to use for finding cures for diseases, offering better ways of maintaining peace among people and improving the quality of life for everyone in the world…
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Priests - Complete Lack of Power
To Protect Children
This leaves a priests with the complete lack of power to oppose the immoral demands of a bishop, because bishops have no oversight. And I am sorry to say, but it has been proven that the “Sacred” Congregation for the Clergy is completely useless in protecting priests in these situations or any situation. Considering the enormous number child sexual abuse cover-ups by bishops for the past several decades and the obsessive unsubstantiated antigay crusade that is proven to be lethally harmful to 90% of the world population of the lives of children - does not make the majority of Catholic bishops morally and in many mentally sound. The overall positive and negative reactions to the Synod 2014 “Welcoming Gay People” and the US Supreme Court legalization of Gay Marriage 2015 is astounding revealing supporting the authoritative data on sexual orientation and highlighting the major inconsistencies among those refuse to accept or even discuss the related authoritative data.
April 2009 - SEXUAL ORIENTATION is less about sex and more about LOVE, being one with another human being. Attachment Theory - - LOVE & RELIGION --- Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Nothing in life is more precious than the intimate relationships we have with love ones. Healthy love relationships delight us give us confidence to take on challenges and support us in difficult times...
Synod on Family - October 14, 2014:
Welcoming homosexual persons
Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community...
...homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners. Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority...
US Supreme Court Gay Marriage
Justice Kennedy, June 26, 2015:
“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people be- come something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.
The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.
It is so ordered.”
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Regardless, of the truth about sexual orientation from science and the bible, the complete lack of protection - it leaves priests no other choice but to submit to the unethical and immoral demands of the curia and hierarchy. It places a gay priest, like myself, with the protocol number 20131723/F, in the situation, of appearing to be obstinate and disobedient for choosing to be ethical and moral, ultimately obedient to God. And this is exactly what Bishop Walter Hurley did endlessly by his character assassination tactics destroying my reputation, even before he was assigned bishop of Grand Rapids (that happened one month after Benedict XVI was elected to the papacy April 2005), as noted, but not limited to - in The Grand Rapids Press - May 2006 ( ). And therefore, by appearance alone the immoral and unethical members of the curia and hierarchy can petition the Congregation for the Clergy (Congregatio pro Clericis) that the gay priest be removed from the priesthood. And then you can delay and delay, behind behind the secrecy of bureaucratic anonymity and remain indifferent to avoid any conformation that is likely to follow - if you allowed true justice to be served and that full and proper restitution be made immediately. Your delay in this matter is your collusion - assenting to the entrenched corruption that exists throughout the curia.
1980s Ratzinger
Introduction to Christianity - 1968
Hunthausen - Blind Obedience
The corruption of the curia - significantly increased with Benedict XVI then as Cardinal Ratzinger coming on the scene in 1981, with his obsessive antigay crusade dominating everything. The same psychopathic tactics that are identifiable throughout the investigation of Archbishop Hunthausen of the 1980s. They are the trademarks of the administration of Ratzinger/Benedict XVI of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. They are more identifiable, especially after the publishing the midterm report the Synod 2014 “Welcoming Gay People.” The intense emotional adamant refusal to dialogue any point what is deemed to be solely the private property of the CDF, i.e. homosexuality, gay relationships, etc. It is another example of the violation of what Benedict XVI held as a fundamental principle. He held that it is the duty of the pope to first hear from the differing voices in the Church before making a decision, as he stated in his 1968 book Introduction to Christianity. At that time, he down played the centrality of the papacy, but this is startling the complete opposite to the way he dealt with Hunthausen This was a major point of contention between Ratzinger and Hunthausen - regarding Hunthausen’s obedience, his blind obedience.
Hunthausen’s Address to the - National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) 11/13/86
2) Another important point about what this matter most surely is not: it is not a case of personal obduracy or obstinacy on my part. I suppose I am a strong-willed person (my priests would probably bear me out on that!) but I have always striven to be a loyal son of the Church and a faithful member of the College of Bishops. From the very start, I have always made it clear to the Holy Father and to everyone I have dealt with in the Roman Curia that I would happily resign if my doing so would help this situation, and that I would sooner resign than bring dishonor to our Church in any way. The voluminous correspondence between me and the Holy See these past three years will make it clear that my attitude has always been a cooperative and obedient one. But my understanding of the virtue of obedience, coupled with my role as a Bishop with responsibility not only for my own Archdiocese but with shared responsibility within the Episcopal College for the entire Church – my understanding of the virtue of obedience has never allowed me simply to acquiesce. It has, rather, prompted me to engage in a process of dialogue, one which, to the best of my ability, I have always carried out in a respectful, docile and faith-filled manner…
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I having personally experienced the degree of this unconscionable depravity that existed at the top leadership positions of the Catholic Church that is the ultimate lethal global threat to the safety and protection of children - and because I fully knew personally and the authoritative data from science, and the bible on homosexual - it only served to greatly increased the moral obligation I had already felt for the protection of children in March 1997. As a gay Catholic priest, I was morally obligated to do all in my power - to endlessly work to expose the degree of this deadly twisted psychopathic behavior of Hurley, and that of the curia and hierarchy - attacking not only gay priests, but all those in the Church, i.e. theologians, sisters, priests, etc. starting from the 1980s. It expanded my cloistered monastic existence, to continually research the understand what went wrong, the how and why? It started with the investigation of Archbishop Hunthausen.
Ratzinger and Tübingen 1968
The longer I wait for justice to be served, these past 18 years, is a constant reminder of the malicious intent of the obsessive psychopathic antigay tactics of the curia and hierarchy of the violence I have had to endured that has left me penniless, - the deeper I am able to research into the corruption of the Vatican.
The overall unison of the immediate intense reactions of the majority of members of the hierarchy and curia to the Synod 2014 “welcoming gay people” - was overt because walls of secrecy and bureaucratic anonymity were down and the topic of gay people that had been tightly closed to any open dialogue - was now opened globally for any and all discussion by everyone. The fierce intensity of the negative reactions by people like Burke and others called for a reassessment of the life of Benedict XVI. Reviewing the atrocities of Hiller and the Nazi Regime, but from the point of view of a child growing up through these horrific times and what might be the possible traumatic lifetime effects, it might have on a child. There was the real possibility that Benedict XVI could have suffered from multiple forms of child abuse.
Liberal - Conservative
It is an attempt to find substantiated evidence that would help explain the drastic change in the personality of Benedict XVI. It is an attempt to understand - the inconsistencies between the brilliant sophistication of Benedict XVI, as a prolific writer, internationally renown, first, as a liberal theologian, until, at the age of 41, in 1968 when he turned conservative. Why? Why has he remained at such a heighten degree of obsessiveness to remove homosexuality, from the universe, by silencing, removing all those openly discussing any aspect of the emerging science on the topic? It has sent me back into the history of atrocities of Hitler and the Nazi regime, which I hope I would never have to return. In brief, it is appears that Pope Benedict XVI, then as Cardinal Ratzinger in the late 1960s reacted to the increasing unpleasant changes in the social environment of Tübingen that led up to a series of Marxist’s disturbances and riots may have triggered a severe dissociated state of mind connected to his traumatic memories of his early childhood years growing up in Nazi Germany.
…In 1966, Ratzinger was appointed to a chair in dogmatic theology at the University of Tübingen, where he was a colleague of Hans Küng. In his 1968 book Introduction to Christianity, he wrote that the pope has a duty to hear differing voices within the Church before making a decision, and he downplayed the centrality of the papacy. During this time, he distanced himself from the atmosphere of Tübingen and the Marxist leanings of the student movement of the 1960s that quickly radicalised, in the years 1967 and 1968, culminating in a series of disturbances and riots in April and May 1968. Ratzinger came increasingly to see these and associated developments (such as decreasing respect for authority among his students) as connected to a departure from traditional Catholic teachings. Despite his reformist bent, his views increasingly came to contrast with the liberal ideas gaining currency in theological circles…
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It is here that the split of truth appears to may have taken place, with Benedict XVI possibly being triggered by the Marxist’s riots and remembering from child’s point of view at the age was - when the Nazi in retaliation to the Catholic clergy opposing Hitler’s Nazi Regime - they publicly accused seminaries and monasteries of being havens for homosexuals, as a way to gain public support to be able to get rid of them.
After constant confrontations, by late 1935, Bishop August von Galen of Munich was urging a joint pastoral letter protesting an "underground war" against the church. Under Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler, the Security Police and the SD were responsible for suppressing internal and external enemies of the Nazi state. Among those enemies were "political churches" - such as Lutheran and Catholic clergy who opposed the Hitler regime. Such dissidents were arrested and sent to concentration camps. In the 1936 campaign against the monasteries and convents, the authorities charged 276 members of religious orders with the offence of “homosexuality”…
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However, this severe traumatization reaction of one person - does not in anyway excuse - how this person may have been exploited or the criminal behavior that followed by others or for the indifference of others who were and are in positions (curia and hierarchy) to stop psychopathic harm to others (homosexuals). We are witnessing the global atrocities that followed when any portion, no matter how small - of truth is deliberately silenced. The deliberate disregard of truth leads to a rippling deterioration of love and is replaced with hate. This is the pattern that has been blatantly obvious
Deterioration of Love
What criminal investigations and indictments will Hurley and Burke have to face on multiple counts, and where will they be incarcerated?!?!?! Malta is unacceptable for a place of incarceration, as well as, places like St. John Lateran. It is not a good example of justice - when calling global corporations to task for their injustice - global strip-minding all of humanity. However, the major recent events supporting gay relationships - are just beginning to expose the depth and decades - of the magnitude of the entrenched the corruption that exists throughout the majority of the curia and the hierarchy - though not everyone. They give new meaning to the statement - that it all could fall apart like a house of cards.
The closeness in time of the Synod on Family 2014 “Welcoming Gay People,” with the majority of hierarchy - their instantaneous hysterical reactions of opposition - void of any supporting facts - together - with the US Supreme Court legalizing Gay Marriage 2015 with the minority of the US population - reacting identically to the hierarchy, including the void of any supporting facts - was astounding.
Entrenched Corruption
The comparison of these two phenomenal world events that together encompassing a sizable portion to the world’s population - has had a continuous rippling revealing effect on numerous of levels. But in particular it has endlessly been revealing the depth of the entrenched corruption of the curia and hierarchy for the past 30 years, responsible for a number of global atrocities, especially for, though not limited to, the ongoing genocide of children in the form of structural violence. It reveals a deadly infiltration of the unchecked entrenched corruption of the Roman Curia and hierarchy into the USA that has led to the aggressive moral decline, the harmful effects of globalization, played a significant part in leading the USA into a war under false pretenses and an exploitive covert conflict of interest between corrupt individuals. It begins to explains how and why there are so many major similarities and connections between the Roman Curia and the US Congress, especially regarding the entrenched corruption that exists in both.
Irrational Hostility - to - Love ???
…homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners. Synod on Family - October 14, 2014
…No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were… Justice Kennedy, June 26, 2015
Also what continues to be immensely revealing is - the complete lack of any authoritative data to accompany - the magnitude of the instantaneous hostility that erupted: (1) by the majority the curia and hierarchy caused by the Synod 2014 - gestures of kindness and compassion “Welcoming Gay People,” respecting their gay relationships, validating their giftedness, and the concern about protecting gay children, then (2) by a minority of US citizens to US Supreme Court legalizing Gay Marriage 2015 that was based on the foundation of love. These two separate but identical negative reactions to gay marriage unsupported by any validating evidence is irrational on two accounts, especially considering the size of the populations involved.
An example of both - on two levels (A) the (1) hostility - dehumanizing attacks and the (2) complete lack of any validating evidence - (B) representing the (1) antigay culture of the majority the curia and hierarchy and (2) living in the USA:

Catholic moral theologian Janet Smith, a professor at Detroit’s Sacred Heart Major Seminary…an adviser to the Vatican’s Pontifical Council on the Family,
Smith, an outspoken conservative, is blunt in delivering a message that some gay Catholics might find unwelcoming.
This week’s conference, said Smith in an e-mail to the Free Press, is designed to “serve those who find that elements commonly found in the gay lifestyle — promiscuity, anonymous sex, heartbreak, sexually transmitted diseases — is not for them.”
Smith said the U.S. Supreme Court decision in June legalizing marriage for gay people is “more than a little likely” to lead to incest being legalized. Asked if it would be sinful for faithful Catholics to attend the wedding of a gay couple, Smith discouraged it… Courage International, August 9, 2015
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First, why the absence of any validating data to accompany - the instant negative emotional outburst reaction? To be to this degree of being instantly emotionally upset about any issue that is consistently obsessive over time - never varying in degree and to be unconcerned about having any rational, authoritative understanding why, is the height of being irrational.
Second, why the authoritative supported expression of the fundamental meaning of love - should evoke the exact opposite expression of the fundamental meaning of love - hate - that is unsupported by any authoritative data?
These two extraordinary world events taken together - all becomes grist-for-the-mill for any researching gay priest - psychologist (who continues to be relentlessly and ruthless attacked by the curia for “coming out” 1997 for the protection of children the past 18 years ) to involved the combine expertise of historians, and theologians to begin to attempt deciphering for the protection of children - the what, how and why it happened and how can we prevent it from happening again. Is this not the top priority of the core meaning of what it means to be a priest - gay or not - of Jesus Christ?
So to whom is just such - a gay priest or any priest - to be obedient to? Surely, you can say - I am not to be obedient to - in any way to the whatever secret bishop or bishops sent you the documentation - that I have not seen, who assigned the protocol number 20131723/F. And your ongoing delaying that true justice be served and full and proper restitution be made immediately is your collusion and or your assenting to the entrenched corruption the cause of the antigay psychopathic atrocities for the past 30 years, in particular against children.
I was lucky to have been taught and to have learned in grade school that - only to God alone do we owe unconditional obedience. Everyone else must explain their reasoning - of whatever they may asked us to do and how it is directly related to God’s love, before we are permitted to obey it and never before we fully understand - otherwise we are acting irresponsibly and we bear full responsibility for any harm caused to others, most especially to children. We were specifically taught that the excuse “I was just following orders” is absolutely no excuse at all.
Update: 8/25/15
This psychopathic entrenched corruption is a deliberate and complete lack of respect for truth - regarding the immediacy for the protection of children from the lifetime harmful effects caused by the Vatican’s unsubstantiated teachings on homosexuality ongoing for the past 30 years and is emphatically still found in - the INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS - Synod 2015:
Pastoral Attention towards Persons with Homosexual Tendencies
130. (55) Some families have members who have a homosexual tendency. In this regard, the synod fathers asked themselves what pastoral attention might be appropriate for them in accordance with Church teaching: "There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family." Nevertheless, men and women with a homosexual tendency ought to be received with respect and sensitivity. "Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided" (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, 4).
Muller has absolutely no foundation to make this statement about gay couples. First and foremost, his understanding of homosexuality is not based on truth, it is completely void of the incorporation of the any authoritative data from science and the bible. Truth is not found favoring one bias biblical interpretation on homosexuality, while excluding all the other equally valid biblical interpretations that differ. In 1968, Pope Benedict XVI clarified a self-correcting principle in his book Introduction to Christianity that would have avoided the global atrocities over the past 30 years caused by this fundamental error. Muller is violating the very premise that Pope Benedict XVI stated in his book Introduction to Christianity in 1968, as a fundamental truth that it is the duty of every pope before making a decision - must first hear from the differing voices within the Church, downplaying the centrality of the papacy.
This is the very foundation that Pope Francis so obviously appears to have earnestly returned to in re-establishing continuity in the Church, that is the underlying purpose of the Synods on Family 2014 and 2015. It is the essence of the foundation of the meaning of the Catholic Church. And as Pope Francis, diligently brought the diversity of the world into this process and into the process of reforming the curia - not only were the windows thrown open (Pope John XXIII) but the doors as well, besides literally going out and inviting in people who may have never thought that there was room for them inside, too. When he admitted that he is literally - a sinner - he no longer had to worry about living up to a false image. This unpretentious act was more redeeming and revealing than it may have appeared. It was re-establishing the overall importance of truth, removing the cobwebs of delusional thinking everywhere, in particular, clarifying the doctrine of infallibility, and the centrality of the papacy - the key sources of the corruption in the curia. Photo
The fear of real Roman Curia reform - April 27, 2015
Roman Curia offices and their leaders have also for far too long acted as if each of them were a connatural extension of papal infallibility….
The unison negative reaction of the curia and hierarchy to the midterm report of the Synod 2014 welcoming gay people - was far more revealing than they may have intended it to be. It was most revealing on multiple levels - simultaneously, giving insight - into the personal lives of the hierarchy and curia, their competency to be leaders and the bureaucracy of the curia - in regards to their: moral integrity, educational background, sexual and emotional maturity, or lack thereof. Photo
It more importantly, though sadly, gave a new deeper insight to the life of Pope Benedict XVI, as a child - growing up in Nazi Germany, for the first 18 years of his life that appeared to be most disturbing and possibly extremely traumatic. It gave a clear example of how severely children are harmed for life - growing up in a psychopathic social environment - like Hitler’s Nazi Regime and alarmingly how unconsciously the severity of this psychopathic behavior can be re-enacted in their adult lives (Part 2 - Ghosts in the - Synod 2014… ). However, most revealing was - the stark contrast between, this (1) uncharacteristically kind and compassionate “welcoming of gay people” leaving much of the world awestruck and Burke’s (2) relentless antigay demagoguery following in the aftermath of the Synod 2014. Burke’s intense emotional negative reaction condemning gay people was irrational and out-of-control - it exposed more than just, his life growing through the years of the McCarthy era, both from Wisconsin (Part 2 - - OBEDIENT to WHOM??? - 1997-2015 Protecting Gay Children - vs. - Burke’s Hysterical Antigay Demagoguery…
Less than 9 months later, the intense negative reaction, though of the minority, in the United States to the US Supreme Court legalizing Gay Marriage, June 26, 2015 - was surprisingly identical to the hierarchy’s intense negative reaction to the Synod on Family, October 14, 2014, welcoming gay people. But even more startling, given the large population of the United States, was the fact, that no matter how intense a negative reaction was made - there was never any authoritative data given in support or to promote any understanding. Burke's "Hysterical Antigay Demagoguery" (along with is his female counterpart, Janet Smith, a professor at Detroit's Sacred Heart Major Seminary) remains the prototype of this emotionally intense and irrational negative reactions to gay relationships - a lot of intense hot air, but no substantiating facts, more reminiscent of a two year old, child, throwing a tantrum. Again, it is one thing for a two year child to throw tantrum that is age appropriate accompanied by a responsible adult to protect the child from harming himself or anyone else. It quite another thing when it is a 67 year old adult, who is throwing a tantrum equivalent to that of a two year old child, which is not age appropriate - - society needs to be protected from such irresponsible and or psychological disturbed adults. Photo
Update: Aug. 31, 2015
1957 - Homosexuals
Being Average to Superior in Adjustment
All those who so fiercely reacted against even the idea of considering and much less to openly dialogue about gay loving committed relationships at-the Synod 2014 “Welcoming Gay People” and the US legalization of Gay Marriage 2015 - not one offered any inclusive authoritative data to support their opposition.
The Vatican’s teachings on homosexuality are unsubstantiated having no foundation - in any authoritative data from science or the bible. In fact, (1) there is nearly 60 years of authoritative data from science, the bible, and including experiential documentation on homosexuality that not only (2) renounces the legitimacy of all the Vatican’s teachings on homosexuality, but (3) declares them to be globally lethally harmful to children causing lasting lifelong effects disrupting the development of their (a) ability to empathize (understand and share the feelings of another) and (b) in forming lasting - fulling relationships that results in (4) perpetuating generational violence. Instead, this authoritative data has been ruthlessly suppressed by the curia and hierarchy, for over the past 30 years. Photo
In the 1950s, Evelyn Hooker, PhD to counteract the demagogic witch hunt for homosexuals waged obsessively by Joseph McCarthy, the US Senator from Wisconsin (, provided the authoritative research, finding that became the empirical foundation for the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM in 1973 ( Dr. Hooker’s research was internationally replicated by experts and finding “…that homosexuality is not a mental disorder, as there was no detectable difference between homosexual and heterosexual men in terms of mental adjustment…(” ''The most striking finding of the three judges,'' Dr. Hooker wrote, ''was that many of the homosexuals were very well adjusted. In fact, the three judges agreed on two-thirds of the group as being average to superior in adjustment (”
Since, 1957, when Dr. Evelyn Hooker completed her ground breaking research, "The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual" - the research substantiating homosexuality as a normal and natural development of human sexuality, established from birth and is resistant to change ( has steadily continued for the past 6 decades. In fact, this research has found that attempts to changed a child’s homosexual orientation will likely cause the child - serious symptoms of depression and even the possibility of suicidal ideation (
The lifelong harmful effects caused to a gay child who is subjected to the antigay social and religious norms, such as the Vatican’s unsubstantiated teachings on homosexuality can be plainly identified throughout the curia and hierarchy, though not all members, is documented in the post “Cold-blooded Murderers” Part 2 -Ghosts in the Synod 2014…( It is vividly observable in the (1) obsessive demagogic (Nazi and McCarthy) antigay crusade tactics orchestrated by the curia and hierarchy for the past 30 years. As a group, this brutal and pervasive antigay demagoguery is their one and only single-minded, unifying issue that creates an instant solidarity among the individual members of the curia and hierarchy. However, outside this collective unifying, mind-altering and mind-numbing delusional (an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument,) antigay megalomania (obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others) they display a distinct collective inability to relate civilly to one another and to people in general. This collective dysfunctional behavior of the curia and hierarchy has been verified by their much publicized e.g. Vatileaks, Benedict XVI retiring, etc., (2) ongoing internal conflicts, infighting, power struggles, closeted gay sex scandals, the existence of a running stream of corruption, character assassinations, and gossip that Pope Francis publicly, December 22, 2014, labeled, as “cold-blooded murders.” Photo
The sickness of “chatter, grumbling and gossip: this is a serious illness that begins simply, often just in the form of having a chat, and takes people over, turning them into sowers of discord, like Satan, and in many cases cold-blooded murderers of the reputations of their colleagues and brethren. It is the sickness of the cowardly who, not having the courage to speak directly to the people involved, instead speak behind their backs”.
Pope Francis, also confirmed that there is a stream of hidden corruption running throughout the curia. Add to this list - the decades of the global cover-ups of the child sexual abuse cases, and the ruthless intimidation tactics used to silence the victims and the parents of the victims - by the curia and hierarchy. This is not unlike the intensely fierce intimidation tactics used for the past 18 years -to silence the gay priest for “coming out” of the protection March 1997 that you assigned him with the protocol number 20131723/F, including the letter you sent me - conspicuously missing the diocesan bishops names.
Update: Aug. 31, 2015
Pope Benedict XVI Traumatized
Nazi - Early Childhood
What I only speculated about in December 2008, when I wrote the piece about Auschwitz - Christmas 2008 about how I was traumatized by doing the qualitative research on a teenage boy riding the train to Auschwitz and how I felt the same trauma all over again in the seemingly nonchalant, almost mechanical-like manner that Pope Benedict XVI condemned homosexuals and transgendered human beings, from the mounting evidence since 2008 to 2015 - strongly suggest - is more likely what actually happened.
…And when I heard what Pope Benedict XVI said about homosexuals and transgendered human beings at Christmas 2008, I felt that same trauma all over again. Because in some way, somehow, he was conveying in a non-verbal manner the horror of the Holocaust, in what appears to be a traumatized, trance-like, accepted social norm from that period of time dictating that some people just don’t count, aren’t important, and can be easily disposed of. And if you rock the boat, you could be next to be disposed of…
It seemed like the same kind of horror, a tacit assumption that some people don't count and can be disposed of without remorse. Could it be that Benedict XVI is unconsciously repeating Hitler's crime against humanity by taking on a long-accepted social attitude from that period of time?…
What would be the severity of the psychological effects on a boy who grew up to be gay in Germany during the time of Hitler’s NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS 1933 -1945? During the Nazi regime, homosexuals were publicly defamed and falsely accused for the major social problems of that time, which was done to incite massive public hatred and hostility directed against homosexuals. Homosexuals were used for medical experiments, physically mutilated, brutally tortured and exterminated.
Would this child, as an adult, in a severe dissociated state of mind from his own homosexual feelings (Harry Stack Sullivan MD, Dissociative Processes, Clinical Studies on Psychiatry (1956)), unconsciously perpetuate the terrifying horror of the insensitivity he had experienced growing up? If he found himself in a position of authority would he recreate the same social and political environment of violence and terror for homosexuals that he experienced, as a child who grew up to be gay, during the NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS?…
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December 26, 2008 - AUSCHWITZ - CHRISTMAS 2008 - A flashback far more severe than in - BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Gradual - End of Freedom of Theological Speech
A Metamorphosis of Hierarchy - Ensued
It was particularly the evidence that has been mounting immediately after the release of the midterm report of the Synod on Family, October 14, 2014, “Welcoming Gay People” starting with - the unison of the fierce overall negative reactions by the majority of the members of the curia and hierarchy - completely void of any authoritative data to back the degree of their intense rejections. With the increased transparency and no longer protected behind the wall of bureaucratic anonymity, as stated above - Cardinal Burke was the prototype of this endless crescendoing mindless denunciation of gay relationships. It never stopped, since then. It drew out every gay closeted hierarchical member from around the globe, and always indicating a blatant exceptionally low degree of intelligence and high degree of meanness. And as if, that was not enough, after the US Supreme Court legalization of Gay Marriage, June 26, 2015, their reactions was even more indicative of even greater stupidity and deeper meanness and cruelty against gay people.
religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world,
a world in which both can flourish.
Saint Pope John Paul II
“Know Yourself” - Fides et Ratio
On The Relationship Between Faith And Reason
Saint Pope John Paul II
Saint Pope John Paul II - Public Apology to Galileo October 31, 1992
The Vatican's formal acknowledgement of an error, moreover, is a rarity in an institution built over centuries on the belief that the Church is the final arbiter in matters of faith…Pope John Paul II himself has said that the scientist was “imprudently opposed.”…
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Galileo, Science and the Church
...Historians have described this conflict between the Vatican and Galileo, as the arrogance of authority vs freedom, and identifying the aspects that led the Vatican to make this error in judgment. The Vatican was the (1) sole source for interpreting the bible, objectivity is lost and the interpretations were biased to fit the unchallenged traditional constructs, which (2) opposed the free search for truth. Without the freedom of expression of ideas, the Vatican then becomes tightly insulated from any new knowledge that challenges their interpretations, which leads the Vatican to (3) rejecting the scientific findings of its time.
Jerome J. Langford, O.P., “Galileo, Science and the Church” The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1992
Then crescendoing to an unbelievable greater increase of loudness - by their crying that they are called bigots and haters, because they are violently attacking gay people without cause, without any authoritative data. To define: - universal (catholic) authoritative data does not arbitrarily or autocratically exclude any particular field of science nor selects one bias biblical interpretation from all the others that differ. An example of insufficient authoritative data:
How do we live the truth in love when the culture says we’re haters? - August 25, 2015
SAN FRANCISCO – One of the most hotly debated topics in the Church today, especially with the rapidly approaching Synod of Bishops, is how can Catholics provide pastoral attention to families with persons with same-sex attraction while avoiding unjust discrimination? In a culture that equates reaffirming moral principles with hate speech, Christians are living in dark and confusing times.
LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction, edited by Dr. Janet E. Smith and Father Paul Check, addresses how people could be instruments of Christ’s love to those who experience same-sex attraction (SSA) — among them our children, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, parents, friends and coworkers. Thought-provoking stories of those who experience SSA, and those who have accompanied them on their journeys, are told throughout the book.
The Christian view of the human person and of human sexuality is articulated in essays that challenge the bifurcation of sexualities into “heterosexual” and “homosexual.” Topics include an explanation of the meaning of the word “disorder,” a discussion of the therapeutic power of friendship and an application of Saint John Paul II’s personalism to the question of same-sex attraction. Psychologists and counselors explain various ways of affirming those who experience same-sex attraction and of leading them to experience the power of Christ’s healing love…
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Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice - January 26, 2012
There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.
The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.
"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said…
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Where Bias Begins: The Truth About Stereotypes - May 1, 1998
Psychologists once believed that only bigoted people used stereotypes. Now the study of unconscious bias is revealing the unsettling truth: We all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us…
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Without having authoritative data - discriminating against a whole group of people is bigotry - violently discriminating is genocide. It not only reveals the lethal violence of low intelligence, but that it is delusional besides, a blooming psycho ward! How did this ever happen, to reach this almost exclusive degree of such a large population of uncommitted psychopaths? This is, however, the how and what happened to Germany when the Hitler’s Nazi Regime rose to power from around 1921 to 1945. The irrational became rational and people were simply disposed of without remorse. Dehumanized! Sociably accepted psychopaths. And when “The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indifference (Ian Kershaw)” took over, as being demonstrated by the delay of justice for the human being that you tattooed with the protocol number 20131723/F. Any similarities between the Roman Curia and the US Congress is likely not coincidental.
What is Bigotry?
How fear becomes hatred - and bigotry
Ken Elsold Ph.D. - September 10, 2010
Kristof adds a vital insight about the motives of bigotry: "The starting point isn't hatred but fear: an alarm among patriots that newcomers don't share their values, don't believe in democracy, and may harm innocent Americans." (See, "America's History of Fear.")
Kristof's point is important. We tend get angry at those who frighten us, and if the threat continues we want to get rid of those who cause it. But that's not all. Ignorance about the other is required. Some fears are not founded, some threats not real. Almost by definition, bigotry is directed against those we fear but have no substantial reason to fear, as Kristof's examples illustrate. Otherwise, we are seeing real dangers, real enemies.
This takes us to a crucial question: how does ignorance about others take hold and thrive? To begin with, it is far easier to fear those who have different customs and beliefs. Their very differences can cause us to be suspicious. But ignorance gets a considerable assist from bystanders who know better but don't speak up. It gets support from a kind of group consensus that thrives when those who have exposure to information and knowledge are silenced… [e.g.- protocol number 20131723/F]
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Benedict XVI
Self-Correcting Principle
Pope Benedict XVI is by no means an ignorant man. He has humbly established that fact throughout his lifetime - being internationally renowned for his intellectual and spiritual plethora of books and writing, including his participation in Vatican II. Of crucial importance was the statement he made in his book - Introduction to Christianity in 1968 that the duty of every pope before making a decision - must first hear from the differing voices within the Church. This is an invaluable - self-correcting principle, a fundamental truth that is timeless for any profession, including for anyone - personally. If practiced would make for an exciting and dynamic life, “always learning, always growing,” - the true meaning of Christ’s priesthood for me and seemingly for Benedict XVI as well - all in services for others, particularly those most in need, especially children. Had Benedict XVI been able to hold on to this fundamental - self-correcting principle - truth - would have prevented the atrocities of the past 30 some years. Photo
Childhood Terror - Deviating
What caused Benedict XVI to deviate so drastically from this fundamental - self-correcting - unifying principle in search of truth? Terror! Terror of a child, as young as, six years old that remained ongoing throughout his life.
What was always so troubling for me was trying to understand - how such a brilliant man, like Benedict XVI, could not consider the emerging science regarding homosexuality nor the number of Biblical interpretations that do not condemn homosexuality, including those that are respecting homosexual relationships - even by Christ. He was too bright of a person to be able - to not only adamantly ignore, but forcefully silence, obsessively for 30 years.
It was only after the almost violent unison immediate negative reactions by the curia and hierarchy, except for a few - to the Synod 2014 “Welcoming Gay People” that since has been ongoing and continues to give new insight into the life of Benedict XVI and the make up and cause of the entrenched corruption that surrounded him (Part 2 - Ghosts in the - Synod 2014… ).
It is one thing to intellectually speculate about Benedict XVI’s early childhood years growing up witnessing and being subjected to some of the atrocities committed by Hiller and the Nazi Regime and the likely possibility he was the victim of multiple forms child abuse, most of which remain unidentified. Intellectually speculating is one thing - but to actually consider and research the extensive historical, and psychological, layers of realities spanning more than 25 years that surround his life growing up in Nazi Germany can be traumatizing on multiple levels, to the researcher, as well.
Reenacting the Past
In brief, reassessing the life of Benedict XVI more deeply, in light of the new insights - it appears to only continue to more firmly confirm - the realty that he was a traumatized victim of mostly unidentified - multiple forms of child abuse growing up in Nazi Germany. And that he had a delay onset to these traumatizing childhood memories around the time he tuned 40 years old, 1968. They appeared to have been triggered by Marxist’s disturbances and riots taking place at that time. Therefore, it seems to be not so much as a drastic switch from being a liberal to being a conservative, but rather a automatic switch to a self-defense mechanism, a dissociated state of mind. And quite possibly, what looks like a flight to orthodoxy - is a switch to a survival mode and as a devoted priest - risking his life relentlessly for the protection of others - the Church, which he believes is under siege, as it was back in his childhood memories by the Nazis.
The Pope: Journey from liberal to conservative
February 12, 2013
…In 1966, just after the end of the Council, Joseph Ratzinger took up a new academic position at Tubingen University, which was at the time the flagship of liberal theology in Germany. So when student revolutions convulsed Western Europe and the United States two years later, he was a first-hand witness.
The experience changed his life. Years afterwards he recalled the "traumatic memory" of a group of theology students at Tubingen who put out a flier claiming that "the New Testament is a document of inhumanity, a large scale deception of the masses", and asking "so what is Jesus's Cross but the expression of a sado-masochistic glorification of pain?”…
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Pope Benedict Dogged By Hitler Youth Past, Despite Jewish Support - Feb. 12, 2013
Joseph Ratzinger had joined the Hitler youth as a 14-year-old and went on to serve in the German military, as six million Jews were sent off to the death camps. Though Benedict was eventually exonerated and even embraced by Jews -- he called the Holocaust a "dark time" in his life -- his German past continued to haunt him.
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However, as seems to be the case, with a mixture of multiple forms of child abuse that are identified, as well as, those that are unidentified - that as an adult - the very abuse the person is trying to prevent from his childhood - is also unconsciously being reenacted by the same person, on another level. The victim unconsciously becomes the aggressor - attempting to correct the past, by endlessly reliving it. It is not until the unidentified form of child abuse is identified by the adult victim (with the help of psychotherapy) - will the re-enactments stop. It is not an easy process, especially when the child abuse and the duration of the abuse has been extreme. This may account, in part - for the low intelligence and irrational behavior of the legion of people who were recruited to be members of the curia and hierarchy over the last 30 years, as endlessly demonstrated by Burke, Muller, Chaput, Gadecki, Cordileone, Gänswein, Bertone, Hurley, Nienstedt, Kagan, Sample, Myers, US Catholic Bishops, though not all.
"A smaller but purer Church”?
October 21, 2010
…In Davids book, The Rule of Benedict, there is a reference to the phrase in the context of a discussion of Ratzingers criticism of the German hierarchy during the Second World War for having allowed concern for institutional security to dull its awareness of what was going on under the Nazis. David writes:
Ratzinger says there was a German core that did remain faithful to Catholicism, but as cardinal and pope he would return to the theme of the dangers of privileging institutional ties, emphasizing that the church would do better to shed bricks and mortar-universities, hospitals, parochial schools, and the like rather than have them animated by anything less than a purely orthodox faith. This is an element of his oft-cited preference for a "smaller but purer" church of the holy remnant. This preference for the minimum, the creed of the classical conservative he remains, would manifest itself in many ways, notably in an ingrained suspicion of national bishops conferences, which he saw in wartime Germany and later as acting in national-self-interest rather than in the interests of worldwide Catholicism…
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E.J. Dionne: Pope Benedict’s legacy is one of paradox - Feb.11, 2013
…The student revolts of 1968 deeply alarmed him. “At the time,” he wrote, “I was dean of the faculty of theology at [the University of] Tubingen, and in all the university assemblies in which I participated, I could notice all kinds of terror, from subtle psycho-terror up to violence.”
He described how he initially regarded Marxism as a possible corrective to certain strains of modern thought. But he came in the late 1960s to identify it with “terror.” He added: “I think that in those years, I learned where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom.”…
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He started with Hunthausen 1980s —
“A Still and Quiet Conscience: The Archbishop Who Challenged a Pope, a President and a Church
by John McCoy - book - May 10, 2015
…Cardinal Josef Ratzinger rebukes Hunthausen for allowing the gay Catholic group Dignity to use St. James Cathedral. The Seattle archbishop replies by evoking John 8:11 in which the Pharisees bring to Jesus a woman caught in adultery and demand that she be stoned to death. Fireworks follow:
“Hunthausen was recounting the Gospel story when Ratzinger, his voice full of wrath, interrupted him. ‘Are you presuming to lecture me?'” he demanded.
“The archbishop paused, caught his breath and quietly continued. In regard to Dignity, he explained, ‘I tried to do what I thought Jesus would do. Jesus didn’t wait until people changed before he talked to them. He began a dialogue and I think that’s what they church ought to do with the gay community.’
“Infuriated, Ratzinger silenced him again. ‘Don’t preach to me,'” he said…
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2013 - Pope Francis shifts back to Benedict XVI - Self-Correcting Principle - Introduction to Christianity 1968
Next on Pope Francis' agenda: Curia reform, personnel moves, a revamped synod - Oct. 27, 2014
ROME Pope Francis told bishops attending the recent Synod of Bishops on the family to speak their minds freely and boldly during the two-week-long assembly. And so they did, at least a good many of them…
This freedom of theological speech has been, until now, a faded memory in ecclesiastical Rome, and it opened quite a lively debate on issues that had long been closed off to candid discussion throughout the church. Now the debate has begun. And it will continue.
But there is a problem. A lot of bishops do not seem too pleased about this. Not one bit. Those that head dioceses, like Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia or Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, Poland, could make it very difficult for people in their territories to have real discussion on the uncomfortable topics. For sure, they and like-minded bishops in all parts of the Catholic world have their allies. It's hard to calculate if they constitute a majority among those with miters, but the fact that the two recent predecessors of Papa Francesco appointed most of them to their current positions suggests that their number is not negligible. In fact, it could be legion…
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In 1986, Archbishop Weakland, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in defense of the cruel treatment of Archbishops Hunthausen, by the CDF he had already, at that time, identified not only (1) the ruthless and deceitful tactics used by the curia members of the CDF. But he also assessed their (2) complete lack of competency to be assigned to the CDF - evaluating their academic proficiency as theologians was (3) fraudulent that they were only “amateurs-turned-theologians,” regardless, they easily (4) became ordained members of the curia and hierarchy to be headhunters and leaders and determining they were only picked because of their (5) rigidity to doctrine, who (6) were “second rate and repressive minds riding on the waves of fear” and lastly, he accurately predicted that they would (7) take over. This has been publicly proven to be true, as stated above - by endless members of curia and hierarchy - like Burke obsessive antigay crusade. In this same article,1986, Weakland
…asserted that Draconian measures used throughout Christian history to silence those who challenge traditional church teaching have resulted in “much cruelty, suppression of theological creativity and lack of growth…”
Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit predicted that the “cruel (and) demeaning” treatment of Archbishop Hunthausen would effectively “intimidate” his fellow prelates…
…in his columns, titled “The Price of Orthodoxy,” Archbishop Weakland appeared to be directing his remarks to Vatican inquisitors.
He contended that previous efforts to monitor and safeguard Catholic doctrine have been undertaken in an atmosphere where “amateurs-turned-theologians easily became headhunters and leaders were picked (on the basis of) the rigidity of their doctrine, so that often second-rate and repressive minds, riding on the waves of fear, took over.
“Religion under such circumstances then can become an ideology that tolerates no obstacle and that values ideas more than people…”
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Update: September 12, 2015
Roman Curia
“The Machine of The Slime”
Since, Pope Francis election to the papacy 2013, spoke often that he was given a mandate to reform the curia. He stated from the started that the reform of the curia was a big job and that he was going to need a lot of help, because he claimed that he is not that organized. However, the factual evidence since that time seems to indicate that he has exceptional organizational skills. Though, no one could have known, the full extent of the enormous amount of work and organizational skills that he was already aware of, at that time, would be required to even begin the reforming the curia. Photo
A Mandate - March 2013
The fact that it was a mandate that he received from the cardinals who elected him to reform the curia - would indicate that the magnitude of the corruption of the curia had already been assessed and evaluated to have reached a crucial stage of being on the brink of collapse. As he stated, “We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards…( ).” This assessment would be understandable, considering the decades of the curia’s: child sexual cover-ups, their irrational and obsessive antigay crusade, the never ending closeted-gay sex scandals, the revelations of the Vatileaks regarding the curia’s hostile organizational culture and their ongoing multi levels of criminal activities i.e. the Vatican Bank, character assassinations - all reached the point of being blatant. This list is not even the tip of the iceberg, of the extent of corruption that exists and has existed in the curia that would later be revealed. It was as if a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds were turned loose inside the Vatican, to run the Church. It all appears to be related to the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI.
State-of-the-Art “Inclusive Entourage"
Pope Francis already appeared to have known from the start what was needed implement the reform: (1) the state-of-the-art entourage of diverse groups of consultants and experts, (2) the continuous involvement and input of the cardinals from around the world, and (3) the input of everyone in the Church, including (4) many many other people. Most importantly, he and along with other responsible members of the hierarchy, though not all, seemed well aware of the immediacy to implement the reform of the curia. From that time onwards, he appears to have been and continues to be on a non-stop “Church cleaning.”
Transparency In The Wake
The transparency that followed in the wake of Pope Francis initiating the process of this extensive reform has been ongoing in revealing new levels of the depths of the entrenched corruption of the curia. The definition of entrenched - (of an attitude, habit, or belief) firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained.
From just a few revealed facts - this entrenched corruption of the curia keeps unraveling new facts, slowing though seemingly endlessly, revealing more and more that it becomes apparent how unbelievably pervasive this entrenched corruption is, how long it has existed and realizing the full picture is yet to be revealed. “Even for someone who has been living there for decades, the monsignor says, "the Vatican is a ball of wool that's almost impossible to untangle -- not even by a pope ( & )."
Part 3: Stymied by Vatican Insiders
June 15, 2012
Benedict has understood better than others what the Church's real condition is -- and how far removed it is from his ideal. His stumbling block has always been the Curia. Perhaps the real thing learned over the last seven years is just how powerlessness a pope can be.
The pope [Benedict XVI] only wanted to be a "simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord," a "servant of the truth." Now he stands before the reality of his own mortality. For some time, he has been overcome by periods of "deep sadness," says a source close to Benedict, though he notes that it is unclear whether this is merely sadness or genuine depression…
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Synod 2014 - “Welcoming of Gay People”
This new transparency, especially since - the Synod on Family 2014 - “Welcoming of Gay” that evoked the global unison - intense negative reaction expressed by the majority of the members of the curia and the hierarchy, though not by all was most revealing on several levels. Cardinal Burke led the parade of this obsessive antigay nightmarish revelation. Not only did they used practically the (1) exact same wording, they expressed it at nearly the (2) same level of emotional intensity and they (3) never offered any international authoritative data to explain their opposition, as a way of educating people. From then on throughout the following year, they incessantly continued the same.
Low IQ - Dehumanizing Gay People
Opens Door
cruelty & genocide
It began to clearly indicate, especially with Cardinal Burke’s explosive antigay McCarthy demagoguery (, Chaput’s antigay Family lobbying, Gadecki’s public write-off of “‘people with homosexual tendencies’ to undergo therapy and not expect pastoral help (”, and the lockstep US Catholic Bishops denunciation of the US Supreme Court legalization of Gay Marriage - all notably unsupported by any substantiated data (, the reality of the low intellectual level of the majority of the members of the hierarchy and curia, except for a few. Their consistent complete lack of understanding or knowledge of the science of homosexuality, sexual orientation and human sexuality, for the past 30 years that is curial to the protection of children is reprehensible. Their inane collective behavior literally - condemning 90% of the world’s population without any substantiating data - goes far beyond open bigotry. Their collective denial not to acknowledge, much less to openly discuss, the past 6 decades of the substantiating data of science on sexual orientation - crucial to the lives of 90% of the world population gay people, (80% bisexual and 10% homosexual), especially children, is the identifiable form of the dehumanization tactics that the Nazis used to arbitrary deem the Jewish people, as subhuman. “When the Nazis described Jews as Untermenschen, or subhumans, they didn't mean it metaphorically…‘They didn't mean they were like subhumans. They meant they were literally subhuman (’”

…"When people dehumanize others, they actually conceive of them as subhuman creatures," says Smith. Only then can the process "liberate aggression and exclude the target of aggression from the moral community .”…
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This type of Nazi’s dehumanization of gay people is noted in INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS ( the document of the upcoming Synod of 2015, e.g. Homosexual Tendencies and its in its comparison to the INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS document of the Synod of 2014 ( The refusal of the majority of the members of the hierarchy and curia - not to the acknowledge the importance of the international authoritative data of science regarding all facets of human sexuality, such as, though not limited to, the sexual orientation, heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual - is a global example of their committing crimes against humanity in the name of the Roman Catholic Church. The majority of the members of the hierarchy and curia are reenacting the same role that dehumanization
…played in what is rightfully considered the single most destructive event in human history: the Second World War. More than seventy million people died in the war, most of them civilians. Millions died in combat. Many were burned alive by incendiary bombs and, in the end, nuclear weapons. Millions more were victims of systematic genocide. Dehumanization made much of this carnage possible…
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It is an ongoing criminal negligence failing to meet the immediacy to protect children, from the lifetime harmful effects of the Vatican’s unsubstantiated teachings on homosexuality. This lifetime harm has been confirmed as such by international authoritative data for the past several decades and as revealed by the behavior of the curia. It more emphatically begs the question - as to “how” did this homogeneous population come into existence and “why”.
“Severe Dissociated State of Mind”
This new transparency clearly leads the answer back to Pope Benedict XVI and his obsessive antigay crusade. Though this answer does not make any sense that Benedict XVI would be responsible for this pervasive and complete lack of understanding or knowledge of the science of homosexuality. Because it begs another question - how could such person who has been internationally renowned for his “formidable
intelligence” not have considered the science of homosexuality for over 6 decades? However, this new transparency continues an ongoing unraveling of new insights that helps to begin answering this question. Though the answer that appears to be forthcoming through research - is a completely different view of Pope Benedict XVI or rather a more in depth and extensive view, of the complexity of what was originally only speculated of happening to him - in his early childhood years growing up in Nazi Germany, December 2008. The very situation that Pope Benedict XVI was desperately trying to prevent from happening - is the very situation that unconsciously in what appears to be a severe dissociated state of mind - he has reenacted (AUSCHWITZ - CHRISTMAS 2008 I hope to be proven wrong.
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma
Re-enactment, Revictimization, and Masochism
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
During the formative years of contemporary psychiatry much attention was paid to the continuing role of past traumatic experiences on the current lives of people. Charcot, Janet, and Freud all noted that fragmented memories of traumatic events dominated the mental life of many of their patient…Janet thought that traumatic memories of traumatic events persist as unassimilated fixed ideas that act as foci for the development of alternate states of consciousness, including dissociative phenomena, such as fugue states, amnesias, and chronic states of helplessness and depression. Unbidden memories of the trauma may return as physical sensations, horrific images or nightmares, behavioral reenactments, or a combination of these. Janet showed how traumatized individuals become fixated on the trauma: difficulties in assimilating subsequent experiences as well. It is "as if their personality development has stopped at a certain point and cannot expand anymore by the addition or assimilation of new elements." Freud independently came to similar conclusions. Initially, he thought all hysterical symptoms were caused by childhood sexual "seduction" of which unconscious memories were activated, when during adolescence, a person was exposed to situations reminiscent of the original trauma. The trauma permanently disturbed the capacity to deal with other challenges, and the victim who did not integrate the trauma was doomed to "repeat the repressed material as a contemporary experience in instead or . . . remembering it as something belonging to the past.” In this article, I will show how the trauma is repeated on behavioral, emotional, physiologic, and neuroendocrinologic levels, whose confluence explains the diversity of repetition phenomena.
Many traumatized people expose themselves, seemingly compulsively, to situations reminiscent of the original trauma. These behavioral reenactments are rarely consciously understood to be related to earlier life experiences…
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Reenacting - & - Preventing - Same
Hitler’s Brutal Totalitarian Abuse
The new transparency is indicating that: in a state of fright and guilt, triggered by Tubingen’s student Marxists revolts - the very totalitarian “abuse of the Church and the faith, which were used as instruments of power (” responsible for the massive dehumanizing atrocities that Pope Benedict XVI was desperately trying to prevent from happening, in 1968 - by his (1) switching from being known for having “a greater openness and a loosening of ecclesiastical authority (,” (2) to being the fierce defender of orthodoxy “…where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom (” - was (3) the very “brutal (” totalitarian situation - he was unconsciously reenacting over the next 45 years.
Endlessly Reoccurring - Antigay Dissociations
This type of unconscious reenactment of events of early childhood years - is an ubiquitous situation that is common in everyone though in regards to Pope Benedict XVI understandably would be most extremely traumatizing. It gives a new importance, a more in-depth meaning to Jesus’s words,
How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Luke 6:42
Often, the accusations we make against others without sufficient evidence - are more likely the accusations that exist in us. This helps to account for the self-righteous behavior that occurs in us when we persist in our accusations of others, without ever looking within ourselves where we are likely to find more than enough sufficient evidence for the accusations we make against others. This is most true regarding our thoughts and feelings about sexual orientation, particularly homosexuality. If we get emotional intense in condemning a gay person, gay people or gay marriage without sufficient evidence - the evidence will be found within ourselves. This was never more visible than in the last year - regarding the negative reactions to the support of gay loving relationships of the Synod 2014 and the US Gay Marriage 2015. The negative reactions in both situations were all identically the same - (1) emotional intensity, (2) without substantiating evidence or discussion and (3) the adamant resolution to continue to fight against gay relationships - gay marriage, e.g. Synod 2015.
sole fount - orthodoxy
An example of Pope Benedict XVI’s idea of the “abuse of the Church and the faith, which were used as instruments of power” comes directly from the memories of his early childhood years growing up under the brutal totalitarian dictatorship of Hitler and the Nazi Regime. Professor Ian Kershaw, the foremost historian on Hitler and Nazi Germany, explains that the distinctive difference about nazism, from other brutal dictatorships was the fact -
Hitler and the Uniqueness of Nazism
Ian Kershaw - 2004
…that a modern state system directed by ‘charismatic authority’, based on ideas, frequently used by Hitler, of a ‘mission’ (Sendung) to bring about ‘salvation’ (Rettung) or ‘redemption’ (Erlösung) — all, of course, terms tapping religious or quasi-religious emotions — was unique. (I should, perhaps, add that, in my view, this populistic exploitation of naïve ‘messianic’ hopes and illusions among members of a society plunged into comprehensive crisis does not mean that nazism has claim to be regarded as a ‘political religion’, a currently voguish revamping of an age-old notion, though no less convincing for being repeated so persistently)…
Hitler became not just the organizational fulcrum of the movement, but also the sole fount of doctrinal orthodoxy…
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Discussion Must Stop
The Pope: Journey from liberal to conservative
12 February 2013
…In 1966, just after the end of the Council, Joseph Ratzinger took up a new academic position at Tubingen University, which was at the time the flagship of liberal theology in Germany. So when student revolutions convulsed Western Europe and the United States two years later, he was a first-hand witness.
The experience changed his life. Years afterwards he recalled the "traumatic memory" of a group of theology students at Tubingen who put out a flier claiming that "the New Testament is a document of inhumanity, a large scale deception of the masses", and asking "so what is Jesus's Cross but the expression of a sado-masochistic glorification of pain?".
Prof Ratzinger, as a German who had grown up in the 1930s, understood all too well what a totalitarian regime could do. He saw a new left-wing totalitarianism at work in the revolutionary spirit of the 1960s.
"It is true I saw a new spirit creeping in," he said. "A spirit in which fanatical ideologies made use of the spirit of Christianity… Here I saw very clearly… that there was an abuse of the Church and the faith, which were used as instruments of power."
He concluded that a return to traditional teaching was the only rational response…
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…Together with Küng, who had recruited Ratzinger to the theology department at the University of Tübingen in 1966, the young theologian was an enthusiastic participant in the reforms of the extraordinary Second Vatican Council. They dined frequently, and the introvert Ratzinger sometimes accepted rides in the extrovert Küng's Alfa Romeo. The article open in Küng's leathered hands is titled "Collegiality": it advocates greater cooperation between the Vatican and Catholic bishops. "That was Ratzinger," says Küng, slapping the book shut and placing it back on the shelf. "Back then we were on the same side."
They haven't been for a long, long time. For all those wondering whether Pope Benedict XVI has the capacity to change his tune in response to a new set of circumstances, a telling example might be found in the events that occurred not long after the halcyon period Küng so ruefully recalls. Ratzinger had been teaching at Tübingen for two years when the West German version of the 1968 student protests broke out--a bit like the U.S.'s but with less psychedelia and more Marx. The university became a hotbed of radical theology. Students distributed flyers calling the Cross a sadomasochistic artifact. They threw tomatoes and yanked away professors' microphones to disrupt lectures and force "dialogue." "Those were tough times," remembers Küng. "And Ratzinger did not digest them very well."
It was an authority issue: European teachers back then were regarded as almost godlike, and for someone used to that kind of status and Catholicism's rigid hierarchies, such an overturning of authority was traumatic; Ratzinger would later call it "brutal." But, says Wolfgang Beinert, an assistant and friend of Ratzinger's at the time, there was also guilt. Beinert says because Ratzinger had advocated--was known for advocating--a greater openness and a loosening of ecclesiastical authority, the Tübingen strikes "triggered a huge fright. Ratzinger believed that he was in some way responsible, guilty of the chaos, and that the university and society and church were collapsing.”…
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E.J. Dionne: Pope Benedict’s legacy is one of paradox - Feb.11, 2013
…The student revolts of 1968 deeply alarmed him. “At the time,” he wrote, “I was dean of the faculty of theology at [the University of] Tubingen, and in all the university assemblies in which I participated, I could notice all kinds of terror, from subtle psycho-terror up to violence.”
He described how he initially regarded Marxism as a possible corrective to certain strains of modern thought. But he came in the late 1960s to identify it with “terror.” He added: “I think that in those years, I learned where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom.”…
…The paradoxes of Benedict — and perhaps of Catholicism itself — were visible in two statements he made last Christmas. Progressives could only welcome an op-ed piece he wrote for the Financial Times on Dec. 19 in which he declared that “Christians fight poverty out of a recognition of the supreme dignity of every human being, created in God’s image and destined for eternal life.”
He added: “They work for more equitable sharing of the earth’s resources out of a belief that — as stewards of God’s creation — we have a duty to care for the weakest and most vulnerable. Christians oppose greed and exploitation . . . . The belief in the transcendent destiny of every human being gives urgency to the task of promoting peace and justice for all.”
Yet he followed this with a Christmas message denouncing gay marriage, declaring that that gays and lesbians were turning their backs on the “essence of the human creature” and denying “their nature.”…
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Part 2: From Liberal to Conservative - September 20, 2011
At the beginning of his career, Ratzinger held completely different views, views that were open-minded and liberal. At the Second Vatican Council in 1962, he and the prominent Swiss theologian Hans Küng were among those who sought to open up their fossilized church and fought against the Vatican's claim to absolute authority.
But the year 1968 became a turning point in Ratzinger's life. As a professor at the University of Tübingen in southern Germany, he was booed by students, who chanted "Jesus be damned" in his lectures. It was a shock he never came to terms with. The enlightened professor of theology transformed himself into a conservative dogmatist, filled with suspicion of all attempts to reform the Church.
Since then, Benedict has viewed the Catholic Church as the sole custodian of a divine truth. The notion that this divine truth was established for the sake of mankind and not for the sake of an absolute idea is no longer relevant in Ratzinger's theology.
It is doubly fatal for the Church that Ratzinger's fanaticism about the truth goes hand in hand with a fear of the world and its confusing ways. Like John Paul II, he believes that this earthly, hedonistic society is a culture of death, which the Church should distance itself from. As a result, the pope is squandering the opportunity to play an important part in shaping secular society, choosing isolation instead of openness…
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Pope Benedict XVI: A Champion Of Catholic Tradition - February 11, 2013
…One of his most controversial documents was "Dominus Jesus," which restated the primacy of the Catholic Church and branded non-Christian religions as "gravely deficient."
Presenting the document at a Vatican news conference, Cardinal Ratzinger said the concept of interreligious dialogue promoted by the second Vatican Council had often been distorted into what he called an "ideology" of dialogue.
"The principle of tolerance and respect for freedom promoted by the reforms of the second Vatican Council are today being manipulated and erroneously taken too far," he said…
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1927 - Born - genocidal Atrocities - “brute force”
"lives not worth living”
The answer seems to be directly related to Pope Benedict XVI that he in some way has been suffering from effects of the traumatizing events he experienced throughout his early childhood years growing up under the fanaticism of the Nazi Regime. The answer may indeed be connected to the recurrence of the traumatizing memories of early childhood, however, it is far, far more complicated than it may seem.
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma
Re-enactment, Revictimization, and Masochism
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
Trauma can be repeated on behavioral, emotional, physiologic, and neuroendocriniologic levels. Repetition on these different levels causes a large variety of individual and social suffering. Anger directed against the self or others is always a central problem in the lives of people who have been violated and this is itself a repetitive re-enactment of real events from the past…
People who have been exposed to highly stressful stimuli develop long-term potentiation of memory tracts that are reactivated at times of subsequent arousal. This activation explains how current stress is experienced as a return of the trauma; it causes a return to earlier behavior patterns. Ordinarily, people will choose the most pleasant of two alternatives. High arousal causes people to engage in familiar behavior, regardless of the rewards. As novel stimuli are anxiety provoking, under stress, previously traumatized people tend return to familiar patterns, even if they cause pain…
Childhood abuse and neglect enhance long-term hyperarousal and decreased modulation of strong affect states…Victimized people may neutralize their hyperarousal by a variety of addictive behaviors, including compulsive re-exposure to victimization of self and others. Gaining control over one's current life, rather than repeating trauma in action, mood, or somatic states, is the goal of treatment. The only reason to uncover traumatic material is to gain conscious control over unbidden re-experiences or re- enactments. The presence of strong attachments provides people with the security necessary to explore their life experiences and to interrupt the inner or social isolation that keeps them stuck in repetitive patterns. In contrast with victimized children, adults can learn to protect themselves and make conscious choices about not engaging in relationships or behaviors that are harmful.
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Continued on:
Part 3b- - Protecting Children - Pope Francis - “Sharply Distinguishes” - Homosexuality - From - Pedophilia - Making Bishops Accountable Child Sexual Abuse Coverups | - | OBEDIENT to WHOM??? - 1997-2015 Protecting Gay Children - Fr Marty Kurylowicz
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
PS. Rev. Mercier, the fact that this post is to be continued - is in no way an excuse - for you to stop from fully answering - my plead for immediate need for assistance. Immediate means here within a few days of the date of this posting - which has been posted on August 22, 2015.
Note: This posting will continue regardless if my plead for immediate assistance is met and full and proper restitution for the past 18 years is made.
Excerpts below from:
Part 1 - - OBEDIENT to WHOM??? - 1997-2015 Protecting Gay Children - vs. - Burke’s Hysterical Antigay Demagoguery: LOBOTOMY on Truth & the GENOCIDE of Gay Children - Received Mercier’s Letter on March 20, 2015 - KIDS ARE BEING HURT!!!
Sexual Repressed Homosexuals & Bisexual
Gay Adult Pornography
the gay porn actors and
the gay prostitutes
are entering the
kingdom of God
ahead of you.
Gay Adult Pornography
Sexual Fetishes
There tends to be an overwhelming pervasive self-righteous attitude and disdained disapproval of anyone who has viewed gay adult pornography. However, this self-righteous reaction of superiority is far more revealing of the people who project their scornfulness onto those they deemed to be far less righteous.
These people would have had to viewed gay adult pornography and had been considerably - sexually aroused by the content to the degree that activated their repressive defenses to attempt to obliterate from memory the erotic feelings it evoked. They may be able to block it from their conscious memory, but not entirely, because it will remain alive and active in their unconscious minds. And when it surfaces - it will be projected on to someone else as if it never came from them.
Because, otherwise why would they become so outraged about someone viewing gay adult pornography - unless of course they are familiar with the content and the erotic feelings it evokes . Otherwise, why become so outrage about something they have no knowledge of, this would then be a symptom of a form of mental illness.
But the issue of viewing gay adult pornography goes far more deeper than activating the defense of repression and then projection. The ubiquitous spread of gay adult pornography throughout the Internet and the collective intense self-righteous reactions to it - says something about the truth about homosexuality - sexual orientation.
There is considerably much more to gay adult pornography, and that of all forms of adult pornography, including the display of all types of sexual fetishes than evoking intense erotic feelings. There is a lot to learn about human sexuality and the reasons that leads to the global population accessing of adult pornography, but in particular of gay adult pornography.

Burke’s Tormented - Gay Sexual Repression
Gay Adult Pornography Industry
If it wasn’t for sexual repression - the pornography industry would be out of business, thus ending the exploitation of human beings.
Depending on the kind and degree of intensity of the unnatural sexual repression of the development of a person’s sexual orientation, beginning in early childhood, whether heterosexual or homosexual, will have varying corresponding lifelong disruptive effects, especially, regarding the person’s ability in forming and maintaining relationships.
Clinical Assessment
Internet - Gay Adult Pornography
These corresponding lifelong disruptive effects - include the likely possibility of being expressed through any number of sexual acting out behaviors, and sexual fetishes. This is visibly evident, as found on the Internet, today, that display an incalculable array of adult pornography depicting endless forms of sexual behaviors and fetishes that are heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual in nature.
Why Research - Gay Adult Pornography?
An academic objective clinical research assessment of the ubiquitous forms of gay adult pornography found on the Internet, would be crucial in our understanding how harmful is the sexual repression on a child growing up who has a gay sexual orientation or a child growing up who has a bisexual sexual orientation. It would be vital to learn, what are the life sustaining harmful effects caused by the varying degrees of the sexual repression of a child’s sexual orientation has on the child for life and how it may impact the lives of others.
In the case of Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Burke the sexual repression of the homosexual orientation was extremely authoritarian and pervasive throughout their years growing up in their social environments. This was especially true for Benedict, as both hostile social environments are historically documented as being heavily influenced with the dehumanizing antigay propaganda of Himmler and McCarthy respectively. The lasting harmful effects from the extreme sexual repression imposed on the early childhood years of both Benedict and Burke have been extremely severe globally on not only gay adults and gay children, but on everyone. This is evident by their unending obsessive antigay campaign that has also been historically documented for the past 30 years, noted by their fierce silencing the emerging science of homosexuality.
Such research, could begin to help us to understand the nature - in how and in what ways gay adult pornography differs from adult heterosexual pornography. Adult heterosexual sexual behavior that is not overt, but is benign, such as, public expressions of affection and love for another human being, a simple kiss, holding hands, embracing are ubiquitously displayed endlessly throughout every aspect of society, i.e. in love songs, operas, movies, advertisements, etc. Photo
However, for gay people, these same benign public expressions of affection and love are completely absent in society. Largely, because signs of affection, especially, between two gay males, evoke such hostile reactions from disgust to, as documented, to outright violence, to torture even to death by supposedly heterosexual male onlookers. How, why - on earth would simple expressions of love between two men - evoke in some other men, who claim to be straight - the absolute opposite expression of love - to become to mercilessly want to annihilate another human being(s)?
Burke’s Ruthless - Gay Sexual Repression
Instead, these same harmless benign public expressions of love by gay couples have more often invoked intense violence even grounds deserving of the death penalty. But what is most reprehensible is that such unconscionable inhuman, cold-blooded violence directed against gay human beings continues to be ruthlessly fueled by Cardinal Burke’s public statements, such as, referring to gay couples as murders, and most recently his orchestration of Italy's fifth annual National March for Life, on May 10, 2015. Christians are killed “in the name of God.”
Public Obliteration of Any Visual Representation
Gay Couples
This kind of obliteration of any visual public representation of the natural and normal expression of affection and love of gay couples is a severe form of collective homosexual sexual repression promoting violence against human beings, a genocide.
Who’s The Blame
Gay Adult Pornography? Photo
It not only (1) fuels violence against gay people, at the same time fuels the (2) viewing of gay adult pornography, including making it the only source that (3) validates the reality and existence of adult gay people, admittedly not the best source, nonetheless the only source. And who is the blame for this? Those who chose to (a) remain ignorant (vincible ignorance) and those who (b) enforced the ignorance of homosexual sexual orientation i.e. Cardinal Burke. Together, they form a group on the basis of their unquestionable willful ignorance of homosexual sexual orientation an extreme form of gay sexual repression - reinforced by their intense self-righteous attitude that perpetuates their collective blindness - causing structural violence atrocities.
Chaput’s Internet
Gay Adult Pornography

Psychopath Cowboys; Sociopath Herds: A New Theory of How Evil Happens - July 19, 2011
…Patriotism is but one of a great many ways to claim the moral mantel by assuming the role of ultimate moral judge and condemning others. More generally and more to the point, moral condemnation of one's opponents is the first refuge of a psychopath.
To look like a moral leader a psychopath need only follow a simple formula. Project your psychopathy onto your opponent. Simply inventory the list of dirty tricks you would be willing to play on your opponent and accuse your opponent of employing each one. If you lie, call your opponent a liar. If you slander accuse him of slander. If you corrupt public debate accuse him of corrupting public debate. If you don't care about the downtrodden, accuse your opponent of not caring about the downtrodden.
Isn't such hypocrisy easily detected? Not if the hypocrite is first to accuse. Projecting from normal moral sensitivities, he who casts the first stone must have a damned good reason, because it's such an audacious thing to do. The seconded to accuse, we assume needn't have a good reason. A retaliator is just trying to weasel out of the hot seat the first to accuse rightfully put him in…
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Worldwide laws regarding homosexual
relationships and expression
Researching - Gay Adult Pornography
for the truth about the obsessive antigay repression advocated by religious extremists.
Read more - found here:
Given Uganda's homophobia, why does it lead the way in Googling gay porn? - 10 January 2014
Is there a connection, then, between homophobia and suppressed homosexuality, along the lines of "me thinks he protesteth too much"? Is it that homosexual desires, when shut out because of some sense of shame, can easily express themselves as a form of homophobia? When the US conservative evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, well known for his anti-gay preaching, was discovered to have been paying a masseur for gay sex, he explained that "I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war". Freud coined the description "reaction-formation", in which anxiety-generating feelings are masked by an exaggerated reaction in the opposite direction. There is some experimental evidence to back this up, with one study showing that 20% of those who self-described as "highly straight" indicated some level of same-sex attraction. This discrepancy is often put down to highly controlling parents who do not allow their children room to explore their sexual identity.
Yes, of course, there are many people who do not experience same-sex attraction who are anti-gay. But one of the features of reaction-formation is its paranoia and lack of proportion. And this is precisely what the scaremongering nonsense about gay people being out to get our children – a common line in the Ugandan debate – clearly demonstrates. In conservative religious environments where God is depicted as a powerful all-controlling parent, it makes sense to me that this reaction-formation will be particularly strong…
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Why Is Gay Porn So Popular in Pakistan? - June 13, 2013
Earlier this month, the Pew Research Center published results of a public survey of gay tolerance in 39 countries worldwide. The numbers are fairly unsurprising: While a high proportion of respondents in Western Europe and North America answered "yes" to the question "Should society accept homosexuality?" few respondents in the Middle East and Africa agreed with them.
Among the least tolerant nations surveyed was Pakistan, where only 2 percent of those surveyed said society should accept homosexuality. That statistic might be unsurprising, considering that gay sex is illegal under the Pakistani penal code. But what is surprising is how those views compare to Pakistani search traffic around gay-porn-related terms…
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The Global Divide on Homosexuality - June 4, 2013
Pew Research Center
What lies behind religious homophobia - February 26, 2013
"And why is your church so anti-gay?," came back the obvious question. "Because it is so gay," I replied.
A furrowed brow invited further exposition. I then spelt out the logic. We interviewed clerics and ex-seminarians in the UK, US and Rome and uncovered a huge irony: the very institution that teaches that the homosexual orientation is "intrinsically disordered" attracts gay candidates for the priesthood in numbers way in excess of what one would expect, based on numbers in society at large. One seminary rector based on his own experience told me the number was at least 50%.
Gay Catholics like me will appreciate another irony with the news of Cardinal Keith O'Brien's resignation: that the very man whose trenchant rhetoric on the subjects of gay adoption and marriage has been brought down by accusations of improper same-sex behaviour from no less than four men who crossed his path in the 1980s, either as a seminary rector or as archbishop of Edinburgh. His decision not to participate in the papal conclave is not to be taken as an admission of guilt and he contests the accusations made against him. Nevertheless, it does raise some general questions about a possible relationship between the tone of anti-gay rhetoric and the identities of those who engage in such high-octane language on same sex attraction…
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The Size of the LGBT Population and the Magnitude of Anti-Gay Sentiment are Substantially Underestimated - October 2013
Measuring sexual orientation, behavior, and related opinions is difficult because responses are biased towards socially acceptable answers. We test whether measurements are biased even when responses are private and anonymous and use our results to identify sexuality-related norms and how they vary…
…The results show non-heterosexuality and anti-gay sentiment are substantially underestimated in existing surveys, and the privacy afforded by current best practices is not always sufficient to eliminate bias. Finally, our results identify two social norms: it is perceived as socially undesirable both to be open about being gay, and to be unaccepting of gay individuals.
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How Many American Men Are Gay? - December 7, 2013
WHAT percent of American men are gay? This question is notoriously difficult to answer. Historical estimates range from about 2 percent to 10 percent.
But somewhere in the exabytes of data that human beings create every day are answers to even the most challenging questions.
Using surveys, social networks, pornographic searches and dating sites, I recently studied evidence on the number of gay men. The data used in this analysis is available in highly aggregated form only and can be downloaded from publicly accessible sites. While none of these data sources are ideal, they combine to tell a consistent story.
At least 5 percent of American men, I estimate, are predominantly attracted to men, and millions of gay men still live, to some degree, in the closet. Gay men are half as likely as straight men to acknowledge their sexuality on social networks. More than one quarter of gay men hide their sexuality from anonymous surveys. The evidence also suggests that a large number of gay men are married to women…
…Additional evidence that suggests that many gay men in intolerant states are deeply in the closet comes from a surprising source: the Google searches of married women. It turns out that wives suspect their husbands of being gay rather frequently. In the United States, of all Google searches that begin “Is my husband...,” the most common word to follow is “gay.” “Gay” is 10 percent more common in such searches than the second-place word, “cheating.” It is 8 times more common than “an alcoholic” and 10 times more common than “depressed.”
Searches questioning a husband’s sexuality are far more common in the least tolerant states. The states with the highest percentage of women asking this question are South Carolina and Louisiana. In fact, in 21 of the 25 states where this question is most frequently asked, support for gay marriage is lower than the national average…
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Porn Studies - 2004
Editor: Linda Williams
Contributors: Heather Butler, Richard Cante, Jake Gerli, Minnette Hillyer, Despina Kakoudaki, Franklin Melendez, Tan Hoang Nguyen, Ara Osterweil, Zabet Patterson, Constance Penley, Angelo Restivo, Maria St. John, Eric Schaefer, Deborah Shamoon, Michael Sicinski, Thomas Waugh, Linda Williams
Brief description:
In her pioneering book Hard Core, Linda Williams put moving-image pornography on the map of contemporary scholarship with her analysis of the most popular and enduring of all film and video genres. Now, fifteen years later, she showcases the next generation of critical thinking about pornography and signals new directions for study and teaching. Porn Studies resists the tendency to situate pornography as the outer limit of what can be studied and discussed. With revenues totaling between ten and fourteen billion dollars annually—more than the combined revenues of professional football, basketball, and baseball—visual, hard-core pornography is a central feature of American popular culture. It is time, Williams contends, for scholars to recognize this and give pornography a serious and extended analysis.
The essays in this volume move beyond feminist debates and distinctions between a “good” erotica and a “bad” hard core. Contributors examine varieties of pornography from the tradition of the soft-core pin-up through the contemporary hard-core tradition of straight, gay, and lesbian videos and dvds to the burgeoning phenomenon of pornography on the Internet…
Linda Williams is Professor of Film Studies and Rhetoric and Director of the Program in Film Studies and of the Center for New Media at the University of California, Berkeley.
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Duke University Press
Pornography Consumption and US Adults' Attitudes toward Gay Individuals' Civil Liberties, Moral Judgments of Homosexuality, and Support for Same-Sex Marriage: Mediating and Moderating Factors
Paul J. Wright, Robert S. Tokunaga & Soyoung Bae - 18 Feb 2014
This study compared views on homosexuality among US adults who varied in their consumption of pornography. Nationally representative cross-sectional data generated by the General Social Survey (GSS) between 2000 and 2012 were employed. Pornography consumers expressed more positive attitudes toward gay individuals' civil liberties, more moral acceptance of homosexuality, and more support for same-sex marriage. Moderation analyses indicated the importance of consumers' views on personal freedom and morality. Associations between pornography consumption and positive views on homosexuality were strongest when consumers placed a premium on personal freedom and adopted a relativistic perspective on morality. Mediation analyses indicated that pornography consumption indirectly predicted more positive views on homosexuality through a nontraditional attitude toward sex. Supplementary analysis of nationally representative three-wave GSS panel data confirmed the temporal sequencing of these links. Prior pornography consumption predicted a more positive subsequent attitude toward nontraditional sex, which in turn predicted more positive subsequent views on homosexuality.
Read research study:
Why Conservatives Spend More on Pornography - 3/7/09
Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?
Benjamin Edelman - Harvard Business School
Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 23, Number 1—Winter 2009
Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals - April 2012
Gay adult pornography is not the problem
ANTIGAY - lobbyists ARE
Burke, Chaput, Cordileone and
US Catholic Bishops
Read more;
A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.
John 13:34-35
Any attempt to save face in a sense of collegiality among the members of curia and hierarchy - by discrediting even in the slightest the person with the protocol number 20131723/F or refusing proper restitution - for the harm inflicted upon me by the Vatican - with all due respect, if you will pardon the expression - you can kiss your ass - Good-by!
I say this in no way to protect myself - because the issue is not about me it is about truth and children - all children globally. The only thing I can be accused of - is resisting risking my life - in standing up for children, by “coming out.” And isn't that the very core of what it means to be a priest that we willingly sacrifice our lives for others, most especially for children! Or did you become a priest so that you could wear a dress! I willingly admit - I tried to get out of what I knew I had to do, however, now - it has been passed on to you. Photo
I will explain, as I have written to many US politicians, how I handled this situation:
Protect Religious Freedom - but not
Tyranny in Religion
June 20, 2011
The way to begin for us all, not only the NY State Senators, to protect Religious Freedom and not Tyranny in Religion is by obtaining a well-informed conscience. We start by individually approaching and studying in great detail, because it involves the lives of children, from the best and the brightest (1) scripture scholars regarding the references related to homosexuality and (2) scientists in the field of study of human sexuality, in particular, but [not] limited to, the onset of sexual orientation. The prerequisite to the formation of a well-informed conscience is making a thorough study of all sides of the issue from all available authoritative data and research, including opposing views. Then in this way we are better equipped to decide who and what needs government protection in regards to the gay marriage bill. This exhaustive procedure follows to the letter the Gospel quotation about the “plank” and the” speck.”
How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Luke 6:42
The “plank” for us is ignorance. If we satisfactorily resolve this ignorance, then together we will be able to see more clearly, whether or not, as NY State Senators (government officials) and as citizens we are colluding with the Catholic Hierarchy and are harming children, as was found to be the case in the Ireland Murphy Report.
…This piece of legislation the gay marriage bill is not like any other in that it involves the well-being of children, at its very root…
How I resolved this situation was through hours upon hours of continuous prayer. Afterwards, I came to the realization that my life had already been altered – changed forever. Because there was no way I could pretend I did not know what I knew, how severely children are harmed for life by the Vatican unsubstantiated antigay teachings and antigay social norms. I decided that I could not live with the regret knowing that I had a chance to make a profound difference for the better for others, most especially children and that I did nothing. My life would be nothing. I took the bungee jump and I came out to my parishioners. It definitely was not easy, but one thing that happened to me is - I gained a real sense of peace and well-being that has remained constant and unshaken. The scripture passages that kept repeating over and over in my head were:
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.
Matthew 16:25
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?
Luke 9:25
Anyone who loves their FATHER or mother more than me is not worthy of me;… Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Matthew 10:36-38
…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Written by
Fr Marty Kurylowicz
Background information - 1997 - 2015: Photo
Fr Marty Kurylowicz’s “Coming Out” 1997
News Reports:
March 29, 1997 - Parishioners Supportive of Gay Priest - “coming out” for the protection of children.
(check The Grand Rapids Press for accuracy)
June 28, 1997 - Kurylowicz Comes Out
“...U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference said Kurylowicz” coming out to his congregation, first in a newsletter then from the pulpit on Holy Thursday, is “unprecedented.”
(check The Grand Rapids Press for accuracy)
October 8, 2005 - Impending rules on gay priests creates Catholic divide
…Rev. Martin Kurylowicz...said...the struggle would be made harder for many others if the Vatican issues new rules that reportedly would ban gays from becoming priests… “Kids as young as 4 or 5 know they're different," said Kurylowicz... "They grow up with this pervasive guilt, which sabotages their growth and motivation." The result is thousands of dollars in therapy to accept their natural orientation, he said, adding, "Does the Vatican want to take that on, like the tobacco industry had to take on for the damage it caused consumers?”...
(check The Grand Rapids Press for accuracy)
May 27, 2006 - Gay priest removed from ministry
(check The Grand Rapids Press for accuracy)
Note: Bishop Hurley unethically manipulates canon law misrepresenting my situation: by excluding the factual details of the Vatican’s equally unethical punitive sanctions and threats imposed on me for “coming out” for the protection of children in March 1997, e.g. lost of the possibility of future assignments, regular priest salary and educational benefits, to coerce my compliance to be reeducated - to assure my silence in protecting children or to force me to leave the priesthood. Hurley’s dishonest response to the press was meant to destroy my credibility and reputation. Hurley also disclosed the cost of my psychotherapy sessions, a breach of employer employee confidentially. There are No USA civil laws to protect gay priests from such a fatal destructive public attack on my reputation. The same tactic was used, again in 2012, against Vatican Bank, ex-president Tedeschi, who was attempting to increase the transparency of the scandal-ridden Vatican institution. There is “…the publication of a letter from a psychotherapist detailing the mental health of the Vatican's recently ousted bank chief…and appeared aimed at further discrediting and humiliating the Vatican bank's ex-president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, once a top papal adviser…”(
Hurley’s deliberate distortion of the facts of my situation was meant to humiliate me publicly, a character assassination against me. This was not just one single isolated character assassination attack made against me. The exact pattern of this character assassination attack, since 2004 to 2014 has been over used by the Vatican under Benedict XVI - against anyone - deemed as a threat to their specific ideology, especially related to gay sexual orientation. On, April 30, 2014, Cardinal Muller of the CDF, issued a forceful public statement against the LCWR leaders that is confusing and irrationally based on a misrepresentation of unsubstantiated facts. Cardinal Burke during and after the Synod on the Family, October 2014 - fiercely demonstrated by his unwillingness to even discuss issues related marriage and gay sexual orientation, the pervasive hostile attitude against homosexuality.
March 4, 2008 - Children Growing-up Gay & Vatican's Impact Harmful -GROUPTHINK
Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
December 26, 2008 - AUSCHWITZ - CHRISTMAS 2008 - A flashback far more severe than in - BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
April 2009 - SEXUAL ORIENTATION is less about sex and more about LOVE, being one with another human being. Attachment Theory - LOVE & RELIGION - Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
Nothing in life is more precious than the intimate relationships we have with love ones. Healthy love relationships delight us give us confidence to take on challenges and support us in difficult times...
December 17, 2009 - Roman Catholic hierarchy child sexual abuse “cover-ups” ordered by Benedict XVI to avoid public outrage & criminal charges falsely accused gay priests, WATERGATE? - Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
...A major problem with the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic Church is that there are no “checks and balances.” When the necessary “checks and balances” are not in place to protect any organization, it leaves "not making waves" the rule that governs the hierarchy and opens the way to many devastating mistakes harmful to everyone and allows corruption to grow...
July 2010 - The letter sent out by Fr. Marty Kurylowicz to USA government officials and others – a victim of structural violence - for protecting children - seeking legal assistance as a citizen of the USA (a copy found on the link below)
February 10, 2013 - Fr. Kurylowicz’s letter sent to US government officials...
I made an appeal to counteract Bishop Hurley’s manipulation of canon law in order to be able to charge me on a technicality “not returning home” by separating it from the situation that caused it after I came out 1997. Letter gives an extensive accounting of my “coming out” situation of 1997 - not separated from Hurley’s charges against me.
November 26, 2013 - Letter from Bishop Walkowiak - regarding Bishop Hurley’s canonical proceedings to remove Fr. Kurylowicz from the priesthood - ultimatum
December 30, 2013 - Fr. Kurylowicz’s letter of response to Bishop Walkowiak - and has appealed his case to Pope Francis
Injustice anywhere is a
threat to
Justice everywhere
Martin Luther King
The Nobel Peace Prize 1964
Martin Luther King Jr.
From Hitler – or anyone.
You must make the injustice visible
– be prepared to die like a
soldier to do so.
Mahatma Gandhi
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed,
well considered and yet fervent public conviction that
the most deadly of all
possible sins
is the mutilation of
a child’s spirit.”
…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6
Important note: No disrespect meant to Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy, the one and only concern is the safety and well-being of children.
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
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