Friday, November 13, 2009

Lawmakers defy church pressure on DC gay marriage - By The Associated Press –

(Washington) The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is threatening to stop providing social services, including management of city homeless shelters, unless lawmakers change a proposal to legalize same-sex marriages.

So far, most city council members have refused to do that.

Catholic Charities has city contracts to provide services to about 68,000 people. The marriage bill would not require churches to perform same-sex weddings, but because Catholic Charities uses city money, the archdiocese fears it would have to offer employee benefits and adoptions to married same-sex couples. Photos

The marriage legislation is expected to pass next month and has the mayor’s support.

Jane G. Belford, the chancellor of the Washington archdiocese, wrote Councilman Phil Mendelson on Wednesday asking for an exemption to protect the church’s religious freedoms. The church wants to be exempt from any measure that would require it to extend benefits to same-sex couples or allow gays and lesbians to adopt children.

Council member Tommy Wells said it would be dangerous to let the Catholic church start writing D.C. laws, a sentiment expressed by Mendelson and other members.

“Allowing individual exemptions opens the door for anyone to discriminate based on assertions of religious principle,” Mendelson said.

Let’s not forget that during the civil rights era, many claimed separation of the races was ordained by God.

Read complete article - The Associated Press

Related links:

The Catholic Church's red herring – by Nancy Polikoff - BEYOND (STRAIGHT AND GAY) MARRIAGE

The Catholic Church's red herring #2 – by Nancy Polikoff - BEYOND (STRAIGHT AND GAY) MARRIAGE

The Vatican thirst for power divides Christianity and damages Catholicism – Hans Kung -

Threats, Silence, Harm and Disposal of Catholic Personnel Supportive of LGBT Adults and Children - Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s Directives To Hierarchy

Impending rules on gay priests create Catholic divide – by Charles Honey – The Grand Rapids Press – October 8, 2005 * Benedict XVI -> SILENCING TRUTH

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