Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Benedict XVI - CHARACTER ASSASSINATION of Boffo – Vatileaks – May & June 2012

Pondering the 'what,' not the 'who,' of Vatileaks – NCR - 6/01/12
The Boffo case - For Italians, the story of Dino Boffo, a prominent lay Catholic journalist, is already the stuff of legend. There's now even an Italian phrase, the "Boffo method," as a short-hand for a style of character assassination Nuzzi draws this conclusion: We now know Boffo accused both the Cardinal-Secretary of State and the editor of the Vatican newspaper, by name, of very serious crimes -- defamation of character, as well as falsifying a legal document. According to Nuzzi, if Boffo's accusations were judged credible, then Bertone and Vian should have been prosecuted…

Dino Boffo - Italian Catholic scandal draws in Pope Benedict | Forged documents from Vatican | - 20910
…Il Giornale's editor Vittorio Feltri - who had penned the initial articles - admitted the document implying Boffo is gay was falsified, and apologized in a front-page letter.
The scandal resurfaced last week when Feltri said the document in question had been given to him by an "institutional" church official whom he trusted.
Some Italian media suggested that the editor of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, essentially the pope's mouthpiece, was involved. Others suggested the Vatican No. 2, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, was behind it.…The statement - unusual in its line-by-line denial of unsourced rumors - was confirmation that the case had reached the highest echelons of power in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, making clear that the pope had become personally involved…

Vatican blamed for 'bogus dirt' that ousted Catholic editor – 20410

Vatican gay sex scandal reaching into Benedict's household after a chorister was sacked for allegedly procuring MALE PROSTITUTES for a Benedict XVI GENTLEMAN-IN-WAITING – 30410
    Ratzinger/Benedict XVI – Reassigning pedophile priest

Priest says he was bullied into taking fall for Benedict XVI in abuse scandal 1980 Munich – 4/18/10
Gerhard Gruber was Joseph Ratzinger’s general vicar in Munich during the 1980s, when Ratzinger, now Pope, was Archbishop.
Ratzinger chaired the meeting which decided to offer paedophile priest Peter H., a safe haven in Munich. The priest was also given further positions of trust in the church, and was later convicted of further child abuse.
Gruber’s friends have told Der Spiegel news magazine that when the story came to light last month, he was under immense pressure to take responsibility for the decision in order to shield the Pope from accusations of having helped a paedophile…

 Vatican Bank Scandal

JP Morgan Closes VATICAN bank account “LACK OF TRANSPARENCY” - 31912

The Vatican’s woes: God’s banker - A beleaguered papacy is embroiled in intrigue.
Some scent a succession struggle – 7/7/12 

A Growing Vatican Bank Scandal Threatens Catholic Church Image – 7/02/12
Part 1: …perhaps an excess of zeal Gotti Tedeschi upset powerful forces within the Roman Curia…In one of the seized Gotti Tedeschi memos, he
wrote: "I've seen things in the Vatican that scare me."

Transparency vs. Money Laundering Catholic Church Fears Growing Vatican Bank
Scandal – 7/02/12
Part 2: The Shady Past of the Vatican Bank
…Under Angelo Caloia…head of the bank, the Vatican consistently expanded its money-laundering activities. While he was in charge, there were
secret accounts such as that for Giulio Andreotti, the controversial former Italian prime minister…
…It wasn't until about three years ago, when evidence of such dealings came to light, that Pope Benedict XVI ousted Caloia. What prompted his
change of heart were the more than 4,000 documents that Vatican financial expert Renato Dardozzi had assembled and hidden before his death in 2003. In his will, Dardozzi had written: "These documents should be published so that everyone can learn what has happened here."

The Vatican Bank: The Most Secret Bank In the World – Forbes - 6/24/12
…In today’s interconnected financial world, instituting measures to mitigate abuse of the international financial sector is part of the cost of doing business…While the Vatican answers to a higher calling, the EU, FATF and MONEYVAL should insist that its earthly responsibilities are equally important.

Vatican 'regrets' letter on bank chief's health – 6/12/12
…the publication of a letter from a psychotherapist detailing the mental health of the Vatican's recently ousted bank chief…and appeared aimed
at further discrediting and humiliating the Vatican bank's ex-president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, once a top papal adviser…
…The ouster was a stunning show of Holy See power struggles playing out in real time and came amid one of the greatest scandals facing Pope
Benedict XVI's seven-year papacy: the continuous leaks of confidential documents that have laid bare allegations of church corruption, intrigue
and even homosexual relationships under Benedict's watch…

Vatican Banker Running Scared: Gotti Tedeschi Could Turn Whistle-Blower – 6/10/12
…a secret dossier that Gotti Tedeschi told friends he compiled “just in case something happens to me.” …reportedly contains irrefutable
evidence…money laundering and tax-evasive practices…allegedly show financial transactions between the Vatican and a number of surprising
characters, including politicians and known middlemen for mafia bosses… Three decades ago, another of “God’s bankers" was found hanging
from a noose under Blackfriars Bridge in London.
Ouster of Vatican bank chief takes strange twist – 6/07/12


Separating fact, fiction in Vatican leaks case – USA Today - 6/22/12
…Sparked by the publication of dozens of confidential documents, the scandal has led to the arrest of Pope Benedict XVI's personal butler and
might even be linked to the ouster of the president of the controversial Vatican Bank…

VatiLeaks Puts the Pope in Publicity Hell – 6/16/12
It’s been more than three weeks since the pope’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, was arrested for allegedly stealing secret documents from the papal
desk, and the details spilling from Vatican City are as murky as smoke from burning incense…

VatiLeaks Strikes Again: Was the Butler Framed? – 6/04/12
Friends of the butler describe him as a 'simple man' without a motive. Since Gabriele’s arrest, there has been much speculation in Rome about
just who was the mastermind behind the document dump...

Pope Benedict gets no respite from ongoing Vatileaks scandal – 6/04/12
…The person who sent the documents to the paper said Bertone and Ganswein were 'those really responsible for this scandal'.  

Conspiracies Swirl As Vatican Scandal Engulfs Rome- 60212
"It's the Vatican press office that announced that many documents were found in the butler's home," Nuzzi says. "Now, if he is the whistle-blower
he must be really stupid to hold on to all stuff. And it's very disturbing that the trial will be held in secret."

The Pope’s Butler Silenced In Vatileaks Investigation – 5/30/12
…Gabriele’s voice has been silenced—and for now, so have the leaks—but everyone watching this mystery unfold in Rome is waiting for the next
twist in this bizarre case of the pope, his butler, and the Vatican’s spilled secrets…

Italian journalist defends Vatican leaks – 5/30/12
..The Vatican has not denied the authenticity of the documents, copies of which are reproduced in the book…"There is not a single word in
the book against the pontiff"

Pope breaks silence over Vatileaks – 5/30/12
The motivations for the leaks remain unclear others say they aim to show the 85-year-old Benedict's weakness in running the church…
there's not a word against the pope or the church in the book.

VatiLeaks Exposes Internal Memos of the Catholic Church – 5/24/12
The book also contains ample reference to the troubled American church, which was nearly bankrupted by legal costs and payments to victims
of pedophile priests. In spite of its strategic importance for the Roman Catholic Church, the American church was considered a purgatory in
terms of papal appointments.

In Vatican Whodunit, a Punch Line of a Suspect – 5/25/12
“It was not clear whether the bank president’s ouster and the arrest of the man found with confidential documents were directly related,
although Mr. Nuzzi’s book includes various memos from Mr. Gotti Tedeschi about the Vatican bank.”
Mr. Nuzzi said… “…There are documents that hint at relations between states, and that’s why I think they are very relevant; they are not
private documents regarding the Holy Father or one of the cardinals.”

Vatican: New book of leaked documents 'criminal' – 5/19/12

Vatican Crackdown 1983 of Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle,
Washington for Supporting gays and lesbians 1970’s – by Ratzinger
(Benedict XVI)

Catholic Archbishop of Seattle Hunthausen issues a letter
against homosexual discrimination 
July 1, 1977
          On July 1, 1977, the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, the Most Reverend Raymond G. Hunthausen, publicly defends the rights of gays and lesbians. The letter is reprinted in the Seattle Gay News. Photo
          Archbishop Hunthausen had many disagreements with the Vatican over gay rights, women’s rights, and other social issues.
          The letter from Archbishop of Seattle Most Reverend Raymond G. Hunthausen made public July 1, 1977, is here reprinted along with the brief introduction to it that appeared in the Seattle Gay News... Read more:

Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle, Washington
– Support for gays and lesbians 1970’s
 Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

These excerpts, from Chapter Sixteen, “On Catholic Hill,” chronicle the courage of Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen in his attempt to create a home for gays and lesbians within the Seattle archdiocese in the late 1970s and 1980s. His efforts prompted a Vatican investigation of the Seattle archdiocese for its openness to gay and lesbian ministry and an unprecedented intervention ordered in the 1980s by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI

In fall 1985, the Vatican finally acted again.

          The first news the public heard was overwhelmingly positive for Hunthausen. A church heavyweight, Rome’s ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Pio Laghi, sent a letter in November that bluntly attacked the “exaggerated and mean-spirited criticism” that Hunthausen’s opponents had been making, and warmly praised the archbishop’s “clear evidence of loyalty to the church.” However, there were “areas of concern,” Laghi noted, where Hunthausen needed to show “greater vigilance in upholding the church’s teaching.”   One was the ministry to homosexuals. In the letter released to the public, Laghi said no more than that. It seemed the gentlest possible of criticisms.
          But what was not publicly known at the time was that six weeks earlier, at the end of September, another powerful Vatican bureaucrat, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, had sent a  confidential and far blunter letter. He headed the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the successor to the church’s Inquisition office. In that letter, Ratzinger said, “The Archdiocese should withdraw all support from any group which does not unequivocally accept the teaching of the Magesterium concerning the intrinsic evil of homosexual activity. The ill-advised welcome of a pro-homosexual group to your cathedral . . . served to make the Church’s position appear to be ambiguous on this delicate but important point. A compassionate ministry to homosexual persons must be developed that has as its clear goal the promotion of a chaste lifestyle . . . ”…
      Read more:
Hunthausen & Ratzinger
Vatican CANON LAW does NOT recognize - USA concepts of DUE PROCESS Photo

Hunthausen Case

…The most extreme intervention in a U.S. archdiocese by the Vatican was in Seattle, where an auxiliary was appointed who was supposed to have final authority over important areas of diocesan life including the tribunal, liturgy, former priests, priestly formation, medical ethics and ministry to homosexuals…
          …The Hunthausen case is worth examining because it shows what concerns Rome has about the American church. In addition, it shows how Roman procedures and American concepts of due process come into conflict.
          It all began in May 1983 when Archbishop Laghi approached Archbishop Hunthausen at a meeting of the American bishops in Chicago and told him that the Vatican wanted to have a visitation of Seattle. Hunthausen, not having the slightest idea what a visitation was, said, "Fine, we have all sorts of wonderful things going on in Seattle." Archbishop Hickey of Washington, DC, was appointed visitor.
          Later, Hunthausen began to question the visitation when it became clear that its purpose was to evaluate criticisms about his ministry as archbishop. He objected that he was never given any specifics about what was to be investigated so that he could defend himself. In addition, the Vatican wanted the visitation to be secret, but he argued that was impossible. When the fact of the visitation became known, Seattle officials insisted that the leak occurred in Washington, DC.
          In November 1983, Archbishop Hickey spent a week in Seattle conferring with the archbishop and over seventy priests, religious, and laypersons, many of whom were suggested by the archbishop. He also examined documents issued by the archbishop or the archdiocese. Hunthausen was never given a copy of the report sent by Archbishop Hickey to the Vatican. The Vatican argued that those interviewed were promised anonymity, and therefore he could not see it.
          In September 1985, the archbishop received a letter from Cardinal Ratzinger concluding the visitation and outlining its findings. The letter is important because it shows what things worry the Vatican, not only in Seattle, but in other dioceses in the United States…
 Read more:
1986 - Warnings to Vatican inquisitor – valuing rigidity of doctrine over people

Archbishop Asks Rome To Ease Up - September 28, 1986
          MILWAUKEE — Rembert George Weakland… forthrightly told the Vatican to…soften its drive to coerce doctrinal uniformity by punishing dissenters.
          He asserted that Draconian measures used throughout Christian history to silence those who challenge traditional church teaching have resulted in
``much cruelty, suppression of theological creativity and lack of growth.`` Photo
Archbishop Weakland…is the first American Catholic leader of wide repute and influence to publicly raise alarm over the perceived crackdown by Rome on prominent and liberal U.S. Catholic thinkers who question Vatican stands on sexual morality and other issues…
          They involved a Catholic University of America theologian, Rev. Charles Curran, whose teaching credentials have been removed, and Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen, whose administrative authority in several areas of ministry were stripped and given to an auxiliary bishop…         
          …The liberal Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit predicted that the ``cruel (and) demeaning`` treatment of Archbishop Hunthausen would effectively ``intimidate`` his fellow prelates.
          The moderate Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage…petitioning Rome to offer a more detailed rationale for its ``drastic reprimand`` of Archbishop Hunthausen, who has withheld a portion of his income tax in protest of U.S. military policies and who has permitted a national convention of gay and lesbian Catholics to use the Seattle cathedral church.
          ``Would itemization of specific (charges) reveal some fundamental flaws…or would they appear trivial and therefore provide feeble basis . . . for such action?`` Archbishop Hurley wondered aloud in his column.
          The more philosophical and historically grounded warnings raised by Archbishop Weakland…in his columns, titled ``The Price of Orthodoxy,`` …appeared to be directing his remarks to Vatican inquisitors
          …He contended that previous efforts to monitor and safeguard Catholic doctrine have been undertaken in an atmosphere where ``amateurs-turned-theologians easily became headhunters and leaders were picked (on the basis of) the rigidity of their doctrine, so that often second-rate and repressive minds, riding on the waves of fear, took over.
          ``Religion under such circumstances then can become an ideology that tolerates no obstacle and that values ideas more than people,`` he wrote…
Read complete article:
Ratzinger & the persecution of Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's Report Issued on Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen – 9/30/1985

Archbishop Asks Rome to Ease Up – 9/28/1986
          …`The Price of Orthodoxy, `` Archbishop Weakland appeared to be directing his remarks to Vatican inquisitors.
          He contended that previous efforts to monitor and safeguard Catholic doctrine have been undertaken in an atmosphere where ``amateurs-turned-theologians easily became headhunters and leaders were picked (on the basis of) the rigidity of their doctrine, so that often second-rate and repressive minds, riding on the waves of fear, took over.
          ``Religion under such circumstances then can become an ideology that tolerates no obstacle and that values ideas more than people,`` he wrote.
          Archbishop Weakland, who grew up in near-poverty during the Depression in western Pennsylvania, has achieved broad national notice during the last two years as the chief author of a Catholic bishops` controversial pastoral letter critiquing the American economy. That proposed document has stirred sharp criticism for its condemnation of current U.S. levels of poverty and unemployment as a ``moral and social scandal.``… Read complete article:

Vatican Details Its Case Against Seattle Archbishop – 11/1/1986

Chronology of the Rome-Hunthausen Case 345

U.S. Bishops Back Vatican Curbing of Liberal Prelate: But Allow Him to Give His Views – 11/12/1986
…He said he had told the Vatican he would happily resign if it would help remedy the situation. "But my understanding of the virtue of obedience has never allowed me simply to acquiesce," he told his fellow bishops…

Archbishop Hunthausen: 'Total Absence of Dialogue' – 11/13/1986

Conflict in the Catholic Hierarchy: a study of coping strategies in the Hunthausen affair, with preferential attention to discursive strategies – 2003 - By Timothy Peter Schilling

The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful Are Shaping a New American Catholicism – by David Gibson 2004

Controversial former Seattle archbishop celebrates 50-year anniversary as bishop – 8/30/12

Read more:

Vatican Crackdown 1983 of Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle,
Washington for Supporting gays and lesbians 1970’s – by Ratzinger
(Benedict XVI)

Benedict XVI Ongoing - Crackdown 2012 on GAY MARRIAGE Supporters – LCWR USA Nuns - “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics” - Statement by Mercy Sister Margaret A. Farley – 6/4/12 Photo

VATICAN CRACKDOWN - Gay Catholic Priest 1997 - Fr. Marty Kurylowicz “Coming Out” for “Protection of Children from Antigay Social & Religious Norms”- to be Permanently Remove & Silence of Gay Priest | Vatican Ordered REPARATIVE THERAPY

Obama Gay Marriage Endorsement Is 'Political Bravery'- RACHEL MADDOW (VIDEO) & Obama Lets Go Of Fear – “…I think of all the GAY KIDS out there who now know they have their president on their side…” By ANDREW SULLIVAN - NPR – May 9 & 10, 2012

Michelle Obama – “Kids who now feel like, for the FIRST TIME, if they're gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, that they feel like they have a place.” 9/26/12

Benedict XVI & Bush 2003 against GAY MARRIAGE - Help Wins USA Presidential Election 2004 - A Well-informed Conscience - protects RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and NOT Tyranny in Religion
As Support for Gay Marriage Increases - Benedict XVI & USA Bishops Panic of Exposure Increases - Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups Accountability - VATICAN RENOUNCES ALL ANTI-GAY TEACHINGS – 11/30/11

GAY MARRIAGE – Propaganda Tactics|B16’s Naturalistic fallacy & Homosexuality - Dehumanizing, Depriving Civil Rights, Silencing Gays - Covering Up B16 Crimes Against Children 30+yrs? |PART 5

'Less Than Human'
by David Livingstone Smith 2011

Dehumanizing Homosexuals

Depriving Civil Rights – Human Rights  

…We dehumanize our fellow human beings when we convince ourselves (or allow ourselves to be convinced) that they are less than human and come to believe that, although these people appear to be human beings like us, this is merely a façade. Beneath the surface they are really subhuman creatures, fit to be hunted down and destroyed. The immense destructive power of dehumanization lies in the fact that it excludes its victims from the universe of moral obligation, so killing them is of no greater consequence swatting a mosquito, or poisoning a rat. If dehumanization is a key factor in war and genocide, we ought to be working very hard to prevent it.
Read more:
Psychology of Violence - David Livingstone Smith 2010

The way that Benedict XVI and the hierarchy are able to maintain this false notion about homosexuals is by publically dehumanizing homosexuals. It is their relentless condemnation of homosexuals using anti-gay propaganda trying to convince the public that homosexuals are less than human, are subhuman and therefore, homosexuals can be “excluded from the system of moral rights and obligations that bind humankind together ('Less Than Human' - by David Livingstone Smith 2011).”

What is it that enables one group of human beings to treat another group as though they were subhuman creatures?
…A rough answer isn't hard to come by. Thinking sets the agenda for action, and thinking of humans as less than human paves the way for atrocity. The Nazis were explicit about the status of their victims. They were Untermenschen — subhumans — and as such were excluded from the system of moral rights and obligations that bind humankind together. It's wrong to kill a person, but permissible to exterminate a rat. To the Nazis, all the Jews, Gypsies and others were rats: dangerous, disease-carrying rats…
Dehumanizing the enemy allowed German soldiers and officers to agree with the Nazis' new vision of warfare, and to fight without granting the Soviets any mercy or quarter."
…The Holocaust is the most thoroughly documented example of the ravages of dehumanization. Its hideousness strains the limits of imagination. And yet, focusing on it can be strangely comforting. It's all too easy to imagine that the Third Reich was a bizarre aberration, a kind of mass insanity instigated by a small group of deranged ideologues who conspired to seize political power and bend a nation to their will. Alternatively, it's tempting to imagine that the Germans were (or are) a uniquely cruel and bloodthirsty people. But these diagnoses are dangerously wrong. What's most disturbing about the Nazi phenomenon is not that the Nazis were madmen or monsters. It's that they were ordinary human beings
NPR book review:
'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty

Benedict XVI Fights Against Homosexuals Civil Rights
Read more:
In this way, homosexuals can continually be deprived of their civil rights and therefore remain unable to defend themselves against the false accusations made by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy. 
Reference link:
June 1992 – First time U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - Addresses the child sexual abuse cover-ups - "Five Principles to Follow in Dealing with Accusations of Child Abuse"
VATICAN: GAY DISCRIMINATION Document Released - July 24, 1992 “…that said homosexuals could legitimately be discriminated against in employment, housing and the adoption of children.”
Vatican attacked for opposing gay decriminalization  - December 2, 2008
Vatican OPPOSES UN Declaration on DECRIMINALISATION of HOMOSEXUALITY – December 12, 2008
In a First, Gay Rights Are Pressed at the U.N. – December 18, 2008 - “How can we tolerate the fact that people are stoned, hanged, decapitated and tortured only because of their sexual orientation?”
Pope likens "saving" gays to saving the rainforest – December 22, 2008 “…Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.”
Pope attacks blurring of gender – December 23, 2008 “…the need to save mankind from a destructive blurring of gender roles is as important as saving the rainforests.”
AUSCHWITZ -- CHRISTMAS 2008 - A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN - December 26, 2008 – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz
…I think in truth on a much deeper level I was frightened, really frightened, to hear Pope Benedict XVI’s Christmas remarks against homosexuals and transgendered human beings and even more frightened by the silence from the larger global community of human beings. What is so frightening is, even if there is agreement that one person does not matter or is not important, in truth then no one matters…
Tony Blair says Pope's views on homosexuals is wrong – April 9, 2009
The former prime minister said Pope Benedict XVI's "entrenched attitude" towards homosexuality is less tolerant than the views of ordinary Catholics.
Nancy Pelosi: ‘Hate Crimes Have No Place in America’ USA Speaker of the House – April 30, 2009 - the House passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, H.R. 1913
'Endemic' rape and abuse of Irish children in Catholic care, inquiry finds – May 20, 2009
Revealed, six decades of 'ritual' child abuse: Catholic schools and orphanages damned in report – May 21, 2009
Church leaders and government watchdogs covered up 'endemic' and 'ritualised' abuse of thousands of children in Roman Catholic schools and orphanages in the Irish Republic…
Obama Signs Hate Crimes Bill – October 28, 2009
The law expands the definition of violent federal hate crimes to those committed because of a victim’s SEXUAL ORIENTATION…“Because no one in America should ever be afraid to walk down the street holding the hands of the person they love.” …“You understood that we must stand against crimes that are meant not only to break bones, but to break spirits — not only to inflict harm, but to instill fear,” Mr. Obama said. “You understand that the rights afforded every citizen under our Constitution mean nothing if we do not protect those rights — both from unjust laws and violent acts.”
Irish Church accused of abuse cover-up – November 26, 2009
The report…It found that the Church placed its own reputation above the protection of children in its care. It also said that state authorities facilitated the cover-up by allowing the Church to operate outside the law.
Irish church and police covered up child sex abuse, says report – November 26, 2009
Irish Catholic Church covered up child abuse, report says – November 26, 2009
The Dublin Archdiocese Commission of Investigation's 720-page report said that it has "no doubt that clerical child sexual abuse was covered up" from January 1975 to May 2004, the time covered by the report.
The Department of Justice and Equality: Report by Commission of Investigation into Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin – 2009
UN Human Rights Council: IHEU calls the Vatican to account over child abuse – September 22, 2009
We urge the Holy See to recognise its responsibilities to children and the CRC, to bring its reporting up to date, and to instruct its dioceses and religious orders to report all cases of alleged child abuse to the civil authorities. We suggest that as an institution that claims to have “the highest moral authority”, it can do no less.
And we urge the international community to hold the Holy See to account.
Vatican defense: ‘Only 5%’ of clergy sex abusers and most of those gay – October 1, 2009
“The many thousands of victims of abuse deserve the international community to hold the Vatican to account, something it has been unwilling to do, so far. Both states and children’s organisations must unite to pressurise the Vatican to open its files, change its procedures worldwide, and report suspected abusers to civil authorities.”
New Catholic Sex Abuse Findings: Gay Priests Are Not the Problem – November 18, 2009
The data, which was presented to the U.S. hierarchy on the second day of their annual meeting here, also appears to contradict the widely held view that homosexuals in the priesthood were largely responsible for the abuse.
"What we are suggesting is that the idea of sexual identity be separated from the problem of sexual abuse," said Margaret Smith, a researcher from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, which is conducting an independent study of sexual abuse in the priesthood from 1950 up to 2002. "At this point, we do not find a connection between homosexual identity and an increased likelihood of sexual abuse."
RC hierarchy child sexual abuse “cover-ups” ordered by Benedict XVI to avoid public outrage & criminal charges falsely accused gay priests, WATERGATE? – December 17, 2009
A major problem with the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic Church is that there are no “checks and balances.” When the necessary “checks and balances” are not in place to protect any organization, it leaves “not making waves” the rule that governs the hierarchy and opens the way to many devastating mistakes harmful to everyone and allows corruption to grow.
Pope Blasts U.K. Anti-Discrimination Laws - February 2, 2010In Speech, Benedict Raises Fears that Vatican Could Be Prosecuted for Stances Against Gays
Your equality laws are unjust, pope tells UK before visit – February 2, 2010
Pope Benedict attacks government over Equality Bill, UK – February 2, 2010 "…As a Catholic, I am appalled by the attitude of the Pope. Religious leaders should be trying to eradicate inequality, not perpetuate it"
Pope Benedict XVI /Ratzinger Engineered Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse – Hans Kung - April 4, 2010
...the revelation of the clerical abuse of thousands of children and adolescents, first in the United States, then in Ireland and now in Germany and other countries. And to make matters worse, the handling of these cases has given rise to an unprecedented leadership crisis and a collapse of trust in church leadership.
There is no denying the fact that the worldwide system of covering up cases of sexual crimes committed by clerics was engineered by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under [Benedict XVI] Cardinal Ratzinger (1981-2005). During the reign of Pope John Paul II, that congregation had already taken charge of all such cases under oath of strictest silence. Ratzinger himself, on May 18th, 2001, sent a solemn document to all the bishops dealing with severe crimes ( “epistula de delictis gravioribus” ), in which cases of abuse were sealed under the “secretum pontificium” , the violation of which could entail grave ecclesiastical penalties...
Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformation – Irish Times
Fr. Hans Kung - Bio
Benedict XVI & Vatican Response to Global Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups
Pope Benedict condemns 'petty gossip' over child sexual abuse scandal – April 28, 2010
Pope Benedict today risked inflaming opinion as he appeared to round on critics of the Catholic church over the widening sexual abuse scandal, saying he would not "be intimidated by ... petty gossip".
Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican's Number 2: Priest Pedophilia Linked To Homosexuality – April 12, 2010 This is a perverse strategy by the Vatican to shirk its own ethical and legal responsibility by making a spurious and disgusting connection…"

Benedict XVI Fights Against Homosexuals Civil Rights

At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives…
Nazi Comic Books
Hitler’s “final solution” of genocide of all European Jews began by shaping the beliefs of school children through the reading of assigned texts in which Jews are portrayed in a series of increasingly negative scenarios. At the end of these lessons in civics or geography, we see the “reasonable” discriminatory actions that Germans should take toward Jews.
This educational propaganda was intentionally designed to create a dehumanized conception of Jews among students by means of providing them with required texts that were colorful and visually told provocative narratives. Students from primary school through High School read these books…
Read complete overview & more:
The Lucifer Effect - by Philip Zimbardo

Again in May 2011, Benedict XVI and hierarchy disregarded the evidence of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice - 5-Year Study by American Bishops – Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases, which found that the child sexual abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church” proving that homosexuals were not the cause and instead indicating that the inaction of the Hierarchy involving the cover-ups was a significant cause. However, regardless of the above facts Benedict XVI and the hierarchy have continued to the present - using propaganda tactics to publically demean gay people by name calling, “by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending the rules of logic.”
Reference links:
Minnesota’s Archbishop Neinstedt - Unnamed donor paid for Catholic 400, 000 DVDs against same-sex marriage – September 22, 2010
Bishops on Gay Marriage - Archbishop Nienstedt sent 400,000 DVDs to every Catholic household in Minnesota – - October 29, 2010 - “Father Michael Tegeder, who ministers to a suburban Twin Cities parish. In a public letter he took issue with the archbishop’s contention that GAY MARRIAGE IS A THREAT TO TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE. He says the real threat to marriage is poverty.
Catholics split over Minnesota Archbishop Nienstedt’s 400,000 DVDs CAMPAIGN AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGE – November 8, 2010
Dolan “…says to expand the one-man, one-woman definition of marriage would be…‘perilous to all of us’…[Dolan] called the allegation that anti-gay marriage advocates are prejudiced or bigoted ‘nonsense’”
Archbishop Nienstedt: Gay marriage ban is not anti-gay – June 9, 2011
…“Regrettably, the media and some secular commentators have chosen to mischaracterize this measure as ANTI-GAY, MEAN-SPIRITED AND PREJUDICIAL,” wrote Nienstedt…“This is not the case or the intent behind the initiative.”
…Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, who says if same-sex marriage is legalized, it could lead to POLYGAMY AND INCEST
“Pastorally, children flourish best in the context of having both a mother and a father. EVERY SCIENTIFIC STUDY CONFIRMS THIS REALITY,” [Nienstedt] wrote.
But a review of 81 studies of many family types released late last year showed the opposite…
Dolan wrote…“If the definition of marriage is continually being altered, could it not in the future be morphed again to include MULTIPLE SPOUSES or even FAMILY MEMBERS?”
Archbishop Nienstedt plans anti-gay marriage committees in every Minnesota Catholic church – October 17, 2011 - Nienstedt wrote. “…a marriage is a union of a husband and a wife…To define it otherwise is a DETRIMENT TO THE COMMON GOOD OF SOCIETY.”
NY Timothy Dolan Issues Letter To Obama About Gay Marriage - September 22, 2011 - The nation's top Catholic bishop issued a stern challenge to the Obama administration's decision not to support a federal ban on gay marriage, and warned the president that his policies could "precipitate a NATIONAL CONFLICT between church and state of ENORMOUS PROPORTIONS." The two-page letter…charges the administration with "hostility" to traditional marriage and a "new, more aggressive position" on behalf of gay marriage. In especially strong language, it also argues that the administration treats millions of Americans WHO OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGE "AS IF THEY WERE BIGOTS."
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - adviser - saying DEVIL MAKES PEOPLE GAY – November 4, 2011
Minnesota’s Archbishop Nienstedt Issues PRO-AMENDMENT 'PRAYER FOR MARRIAGE'
for Catholics to RECITE AT MASS – December 15, 2011
Cardinal warns: Gay PRIDE Parade could be like KKK rally – December 22, 2011
Chicago's Cardinal George - under fire for comparing GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT to Ku Klux KlanDecember 22, 2011
Vatican Launches Catholic Home For FRUSTRATED U.S. Episcopalians – January 3, 2012
American Episcopalians upset with their denomination's ACCEPTANCE OF GAY AND FEMALE CLERGY can now convert to the Roman Catholic Church while keeping many cherished traditions in a special new U.S. diocese that was established on Sunday (Jan. 1) by Pope Benedict XVI
DOLAN ELEVATED as Pope Names New Cardinals- January 6, 2012
Cardinal George apologizes for linking Gay PRIDE Parade to KKK – January 6, 2012
Chicago's Cardinal Francis George apologized Friday for remarks aired on Christmas Day comparing the gay pride parade to the Ku Klux Klan.
Pope Benedict XVI denounced gay marriage in his annual “State of the World” …some consider being his strongest tirade against gay marriage…“PRIDE of place goes to the family, based on the marriage of a man and woman”
Ireland - Killing the Secrecy Exposing - Benedict XVI & Roman Curia - Response to Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups
John Jay College of Criminal Justice - 5-Year Study by American Bishops – Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases - May 18, 2011
John Jay Report on Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church – “... no causative relationship between…homosexuality and the sexual victimization of children in the Church.” 51811
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Above excerpts from:

GAY MARRIAGE – Propaganda Tactics|B16’s Naturalistic fallacy & Homosexuality - Dehumanizing, Depriving Civil Rights, Silencing Gays - Covering Up B16 Crimes Against Children 30+yrs? |PART 5


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