Thursday, October 8, 2009

Impending rules on gay priests create Catholic divide – by Charles Honey – The Grand Rapids Press – October 8, 2005

Revised October 9, 2009
When the Rev. Martin Kurylowicz came out to his Sparta parish eight years ago, he said he had struggled for years with his homosexuality.
The Catholic priest says the struggle would be made harder for many others if the Vatican issues new rules that reportedly would ban gays from becoming priests…
…"I sizzled when I read it," said Kurylowicz, 55. "It's very hurtful, is what it is. In this day and age, there's no reason for it. It sends a message that there's something wrong with gays."
Kurylowicz said he spoke out then to raise awareness of violence against gays and teach others homosexuality is not a choice but an inborn trait. Church leaders still don't understand that and contribute to gays' poor selfesteem, he said…
…"Kids as young as 4 or 5 know they're different," said Kurylowicz, a psychotherapist at the Guidance Center in Southgate with a private practice in Canton. "They grow up with this pervasive guilt, which sabotages their growth and motivation."

The result is thousands of dollars in therapy to accept their natural orientation, he said, adding,

"Does the Vatican want to take that on, like the tobacco industry had to take on for the damage it caused consumers?"…

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