Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Fr. Marty Kurylowicz

GAY RIGHTS – US President Obama 2012 - Appreciate Perspective Gay (LGBT) Rights – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz – Gay (LGBT) Rights Begins with Children --- | GAY RIGHTS – Supported by Catholic Clergy – Benedict XVI/Ratzinger 30 yrs. Attacks, Silences & Removes - 1983 Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle

Gay (LGBT) Children Protected - California 1st to stop - “Psychological Child Abuse” of “Sexual orientation change efforts” - Bans Gay Conversion Therapy for Minors - Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill on Sunday 9/30/12

SALLY FIELD “…so many Gay (LGBT) Children Struggle to Understand and Embrace their Sexuality in families who do not welcome them… that I find unacceptable." Receives HRC Ally for Equality Award - Gay Son Sam – 10/07/12


Catholic theologian – Fr. Hans Küng … Urges confronting - Catholic hierarchy CORRUPTION - 10/5/12

Benedict XVI “AUTHORITARIAN SYSTEM" parallels Germany's Nazi dictatorship

-       UNCONDITIONAL OBEDIENCE - Oath of Allegiance to Hitler

-       CRUSHING any form of Clerical Dissent



Vatican Crackdown - 1983 of Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle, Washington for Supporting gays and lesbians 1970’s – by Ratzinger(Benedict XVI)




Benedict XVI - CHARACTER ASSASSINATION of Boffo – Vatileaks – May & June 2012

Pondering the 'what,' not the 'who,' of Vatileaks – NCR - 6/01/12
The Boffo case - For Italians, the story of Dino Boffo, a prominent lay Catholic journalist, is already the stuff of legend. There's now even an Italian phrase, the "Boffo method," as a short-hand for a style of character assassination… Nuzzi draws this conclusion: We now know Boffo accused both the Cardinal-Secretary of State and the editor of the Vatican newspaper, by name, of very serious crimes -- defamation of character, as well as falsifying a legal document. According to Nuzzi, if Boffo's accusations were judged credible, then Bertone and Vian should have been prosecuted…

Dino Boffo - Italian Catholic scandal draws in Pope Benedict | Forged documents from Vatican | - 20910
…Il Giornale's editor Vittorio Feltri - who had penned the initial articles - admitted the document implying Boffo is gay was falsified, and apologized in a front-page letter.
The scandal resurfaced last week when Feltri said the document in question had been given to him by an "institutional" church official whom he trusted.
Some Italian media suggested that the editor of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, essentially the pope's mouthpiece, was involved. Others suggested the Vatican No. 2, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, was behind it.…The statement - unusual in its line-by-line denial of unsourced rumors - was confirmation that the case had reached the highest echelons of power in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, making clear that the pope had become personally involved…

Vatican - Institutionalized Antigay Discrimination - A LETTER - by Fr. Marty Kurylowicz to USA Elected & Appointed Government Officials July 2010 - Gay Marriage - “SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE” Does Not Give Churches or Benedict XVI the Freedom to Abuse Gay Children or Adults – However, NO USA CIVIL LAWS for protection

Benedict XVI Rejection of Human Sciences (e.g. psychology) – Repeating - Hitler’s Rejection of Modern Science

“Conflict in the Catholic Hierarchy:
A Study of Coping Strategies in the Hunthausen Affair,
with Preferential Attention to Discursive Strategies” 2003
by Timothy Peter Schillin
Brief excerpts:
Chapter 6 - Narrative and Analysis of the Rome-Hunthausen Case: The Early Stage (1978-September 1986)

…the 9.30.85 Ratzinger Letter
Ratzinger’s letter is a vision of the Church which he expresses explicitly and repeatedly…a demonstration of Ratzinger’s personal possession of expert power. According to this vision, there is a clear, consistent and true teaching of the Church which can be known and passed on (the authentic tradition is singular). The duty of the hierarchy in relationship to this teaching is to defend it and pass it on untainted with error. (Contrast this with Hunthausen’s emphasis on renewal, Vatican II and the “guidance of the Holy Spirit.”) This is where Hunthausen has fallen short. As Ratzinger sees it, confusion and a lack of clarity about where the Church stands have been allowed to settle into many aspects of archdiocesan pastoral practice…This, Ratzinger proposes, is the business at hand, the set of issues which Hunthausen is to address in his leadership of the archdiocese and in his exchanges with the Holy See (Rome controls the agenda).
          Notably, an issue that Ratzinger does not mention is Hunthausen’s controversial stand on nuclear weapons…
          Despite Ratzinger’s invocation of the Second Vatican Council, he acknowledges here no earthly forms of authority arising outside of the Church. On the contrary, extraecclesial sources of knowledge are depicted here as posing a threat to the proper catechesis and pastoral service of the faithful: “The Church should be understood as more than a merely social entity, governed chiefly by psychological, sociological and political processes,” Ratzinger writes. “An anthropology which is dominated by the tentative conclusions of the human sciences could well undermine many pastoral initiatives, however well intentioned.” Juxtaposed with the remarks about the limits of the “human sciences” is a catalogue of references to teachings of the magisterium, which offer the kind of sure teaching absent in the extraecclesial disciplines. Thus, if Hunthausen is unclear himself about the way forward, he is invited to have reference to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s 1976 Declaration on Sexual Ethics, the documents of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference, the revised Code of Canon Law, the Congregation’s 1975 Instruction, Inter Insigniores, etc. (These documents signal the Holy See’s possession of superior legal and expert power.) The technical nature of this presentation highlights the fact that this is a communication between one bishop and another. It also underscores Ratzinger’s view that this is an intraecclesial matter that Hunthausen is expected to address with intraecclesial resources...
Read more:
Chapter 6 - Narrative and Analysis Of The Rome-Hunthausen Case: The Early Stage (1978-September 1986)
Conflict in the Catholic Hierarchy: a study of coping strategies in the Hunthausen affair, with preferential attention to discursive strategies 2003 - by Timothy Peter Schilling
Full PDF

The Rejection of Modern Science: The Nazi Dismissal Policy of 1933

Colleen Harris
Jacksonville University
Florida Conference of Historians
February 2004

…During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, German laboratories and industrial institutions had been the best, most innovative, in the world. In fact, between 1901 and 1932, one third of all Nobel Prize winners hailed from Germany. Only 18 percent were British and a meager 6 percent were American.[8] Germany retained its dramatic lead over the rest of the scientific world until the early 1930s, when the United States took its place.[9] Certainly, the Nazi regime’s Dismissal Policy, especially toward theoretical scientists, spurred the decline in the quality of German science and enriched the scientific establishments of its enemies. By 1939, for example, the level of chemistry in the United States, a country frequently adopted by the German refugees, had risen dramatically.[10] After a European tour in that same year, a University of California professor asserted that, while the pace of research under the Nazi regime had not diminished, theoretical science was not being encouraged because it conflicted with the government’s ideology.[11] By 1942, even some Germans were themselves admitting that the United States had pulled ahead in physics.[12]…

Many of the scientists who left objected to Nazi-enforced methods of science. The Nazis’ “new science” was not objective; it was certainly not the “common property of mankind;”[14] and the party used it to serve its own purposes.[15] In June 1936, Dr. Bernhard Rust, German Minister of Science, Education, and People’s Education and loyal Nazi, declared that Nazism and official ideology were more important than was empirical, objective science. Turning the notion of empirical truth on its head, he argued that “Science which is not in accord with it [German ideology] is not objective.” For Rust, the changes made in German science were only to “enrich itself.”[16] The Nazis maintained that they were basing science on observing nature and its reactions. Non-Aryan, theoretical science, on the other hand, did not expect one clear, definitive answer and considered each partially proven assumption to be a milestone.[17] In Germany, as the New York Times reported, not even “a laboratory worker [could] decide for himself what the philosophy of science [should] be,” implying that science was a merely a tool of the dictatorship to be manipulated by the Führer and his party.[18] Prominent scientists willingly gave themselves and their study to the regime.[19]…
Read more:
Read complete report:
Florida Conference of Historians:

Hitler's gift: the true story of the scientists expelled by the Nazi regime
By J. S. Medawar, David Pyke 2001

Gay Marriage - Hitler’s Anti-intellectualism - downfall of German science & Germany’s eventual destruction in 1945 – HITLER YOUTH Benedict XVI’s Rejection of Gender Theory – posted 3/17/11

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