Sunday, February 5, 2012

GAY MARRIAGE – “Doublespeak” Benedict XVI - IRRATIONAL Shift Blame Gays – Evading UN Accusations Global COVER-UPS Child Sexual Abuse “…a COMPLETE FAILURE to take responsibility” | PART 3

This posting is the third part of a larger one and was sent out as a US group mailing prior to posting here on the Thalamus Center

You can fool all the people some of the time, and 
some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.


Shell Shock - Combat Fatigue - Operational Exhaustion - Post-traumatic stress disorder
George Carlin: When people can't handle any more combat - in the First World War, that was called shell shock, which is very simple, honest and direct language. Shell shock, it describes exactly what it is. It almost sounds like guns. In the Second World War, a generation later, they decided to call that battle fatigue. It's twice as long now, four syllables, takes longer to say, doesn't seem to hurt. Fatigue is a nicer word than shock - shell shock, battle fatigue.

Then we had Korea in 1950. They called the same thing operational exhaustion. Now that humanity is completely missing from it and it sounds like something that might happen to your jeep. And in Vietnam, of course, the same condition was called post-traumatic stress disorder. And my point is, if we had still been calling it shell shock, maybe Vietnam veterans might have gotten some attention at the time.
Read more:

DOUBLESPEAK – defined:
Intentionally deceiving language. Not an outright lie or a tactful euphemism, but systematic use of ambiguous, evasive words and sentence structures to say one thing but mean something else. Commonly associated with bureaucracy…also as a calculated attempt to (1) avoid or shift responsibility, (2) distort reality by making the bad, negative, or unpleasant look good, positive, or pleasant, and vice versa, and (3) confuse by using unfamiliar or concocted jargon… Also called doubletalk or doublethink.
Read more:

Doublespeak: language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth


 To know and not to know,
to be conscious of complete truthfulness
while telling
carefully constructed lies
…to use logic against logic…

1984 – by George Orwell (1949)

GAY MARRIAGE - Benedict XVI Dismisses Science Reason – Natural Law | Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely | PART 1

GAY MARRIAGE – Understanding – NATURAL LAW & How it can be used? – With or Without - Reason & Rational |To Support - Benedict XVI & Hierarchy’s Vague & Negative Statements Against Homosexuality | PART 2

Summary of PART 2

Benedict XVI and the hierarchy have used and continue to use terms, which are unfamiliar, ambiguous, ill-defined and highly disputed regarding the concept of Natural Law to condemned gay marriage. The definition of doublespeak clearly defines how Benedict XVI and the hierarchy carefully used language to evade their responsibility for covering up the global child sexual abuse cases and at the same time shifting the blame onto homosexuality without one piece of evidence. In PART 1, the complexities, different perspectives and criticisms of Natural Law are explored.  In PART 2, the focus is on how particular perspectives of the concept of Natural Law can be used for and against gay marriage. An important aspect that appears to be missing from the supporters who use the concept of Natural Law to condemn gay marriage is a complete authoritative understanding regarding sexual orientation beginning at birth and throughout the early childhood psychological development years growing up gay. The same are oblivious about research data regarding the lifetime adverse effects caused to a child who is raised in antigay social environments. What becomes blatantly clear is Benedict XVI and the hierarchy is their total disregard for the safety and well being of children, both regarding the decades of the continuous global child sexual abuse cover-ups and the lifetime harm caused to children growing up gay by their antigay and disguised antigay propaganda.   

Introduction PART 3

No one likes to think ill of their leaders, especially religious leaders. However, as Catholics, to remain silent ignoring the criminal sexual abuse acts committed against children globally, the massive covered-ups engineered by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy and their shifting the blame onto homosexuals is to colluded with them, which means sharing the responsibility for all their crimes against children and homosexuals. It is imperative for Catholics to end their collusion and to become pro active for the safety and well being of children by carefully listening the statements made by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy against homosexuals for accuracy that is if they are based on authoritative facts. This is our Catholic faith, which is based on truth and love. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matthew 25:45-46

The term doublespeak explains the striking surreal quality associated with Benedict XVI and the hierarchy’s blatant ability to publically negate from their perception the reality the global overwhelming amount of research data regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Unbelievable! It is almost laughable except for the fact they hold such high positions in the Church and the lifetime of serious harm they have caused and continue to cause to millions of people, especially children. It is devastating to realize the full impact of what they have done, which has gone on for several decades’ non-stop, a deliberate well organized global plan of systematically covering up of 100s of 1000s of child sexual abuse cases, the majority of which have not come forward and many have died – all this done behind close doors and in the name of God!
Reference links:
Vatican letter “Jan. 31, 1997” told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse –January 18, 2011
A History of Secrecy, Coverups in Boston Archdiocese – January 1, 2002
Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases - Accumulative Documentation
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' – September 30, 2006
Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups - IRELAND - “This about the reckless endangerment of children in a calculated, purposeful strategy to protect the institutional Church" December 20, 2009
Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformation” – Hans Kung - April 4, 2010
The worldwide system of covering up cases of sexual crimes committed by clerics was ENGINEERED by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal RATZINGER [presently BENEDICT XVI] (1981-2005).
Ireland PM Enda Kenny damns Vatican for covering up 'the rape and torture of children' – July 25, 2011

Ireland - Killing the Secrecy Exposing - Benedict XVI, hierarchy & Roman Curia - Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups - September 6, 201

This is not Catholicism. This is not being Christ to one another. Christ gave us one command, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). There continues to be constant revelations, from around the world, of child sexual abuse cover-ups, always followed by global allegations pointing to the top of the Catholic Church, the hierarchy as the cause and then followed by evidence (letters) that lead directly to Benedict XVI as the source, who ordered the secrecy and cover-ups. Since, there is no oversight of Benedict XVI’s actions, no civil court he has to answer to, therefore he is not accountable to anyone regarding his criminal activities of the cover-ups and the harm caused millions of children.  The Vatican is a sovereign state and as such enjoys the privileges of diplomatic immunity, which keeps Benedict XVI from facing any prosecution anywhere in the world for the child sexual abuse cover-ups.
Reference links: 
The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory of 0.44 square kilometers (0.17 square miles). The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.
Vatican City was established in 1929 - by Prime Minister Benito Mussolini
Benedict XVI enjoys the privileges of diplomatic immunity

Is the Vatican a Sovereign State and is the Pope Entitled to Head of State Immunity? – April 13, 2010

Before 2002 people did not know the extent of the child sexual abuse cases and the cover-ups, initiated by Benedict XVI then as Cardinal Ratzinger and followed through by the hierarchy. But 2012, with extensive availability to the Internet, we are all more aware than ever about the sexual crimes committed against children, which were knowingly kept secret and covered-up by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy.
Shifting the blame: the Vatican SCAPEGOATS Gays and Leaves Criminals Unaccountable - Human Rights Campaign - September 15, 2005
Vatican's campaign to purge gay men from Catholic seminaries is an attempt to SHIFT THE BLAME for the sexual abuse scandal away from the bishops. November 29, 2006

Our silence, as Catholics and friends of Catholics regarding the Benedict XVI and the hierarchy’s cover-ups of the child sexual abuse cases - is now a form of collusion.  Our silence and or our denial of the massive harm caused to our fellow human beings, especially innocent children will be recorded in history much like it has been about Germany during Hitler’s atrocities committed against the Jewish people. Only for us it will be worst, because we have the history available to us of what happened to Germany and we have access to global communication that did not exist during the Nazi reign of Hitler. (It is interesting to speculate, how the Internet might have effected a change in Hitler’s rise to power and the human atrocities he committed.) Benedict XVI has not and will not be held accountable for these human atrocities against children; he has been let free to go about his business, as if none of this has ever happened. And Catholics do not say a word. Why? We can learn why from the research that has been done to help explain how innocent people are drawn into massive evil crimes even against children. In the following posts in this series we will explore how a group of people are systematically dehumanized by the use of propaganda and then why people who could have raised their voices to stop the violence remain silent. 

In this post we will explore how the use of “doublespeak” by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy in the way they attack LGBT people. Their antigay and disguised antigay propaganda consists of conflictual terms; often vague never fully explained, and periodically what appears to be a “slip of the tongue” making outrageous antigay statements against know research data but all statements lack any factual evidence. 

All tyranny needs
gain a foothold
for people
good conscience
remain silent.

GAY MARRIAGE – “Doublespeak” Benedict XVI - IRRATIONAL Shift Blame Gays – Evading UN Accusations Global COVER-UPS Child Sexual Abuse “…a COMPLETE FAILURE to take responsibility” | PART 3


William Lutz, professor of English at Rutgers University, discusses his most recent book Double-Speak: The Use of Language to Deceive You. A unique analysis of American English, examples of double-speak are "human kinetics" in place of "physical education," and "pavement deficiencies" instead of "potholes." Double-speak is consciously used to manipulate. Lutz points out that his mission is not to eradicate double-speak, but to eliminate double-speak from the discourse of important issues where it is most dangerous…

Double-speak is language designed to evade responsibility, make the unpleasant appear pleasant, the unattractive appear attractive. Basically, it's language that pretends to communicate, but really doesn't. It is language designed to mislead, while pretending not to.

Double-speak is not a slip of the tongue or a mistaken use of language, it's exactly the opposite. It is language used by people who are very intelligent and very sophisticated in the use of language, and know that you can do an awful lot with language.
Read more:
Doublespeak | C- SPAN Video
William Lutz,
Rutgers University Faculty and Staff Experts Directory

Slip of the tongue or a mistaken use of language?

Pope likens "saving" gays to saving the rainforest – December 22, 2008 “…Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.”
Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican's Number 2: Priest Pedophilia Linked To Homosexuality – April 12, 2010 This is a perverse strategy by the Vatican to shirk its own ethical and legal responsibility by making a spurious and disgusting connection…"
Vatican 'clarifies' cardinal's homosexuality abuse link - "…clumsily trying to shift attention to homosexuality and away from the focus on new crimes against children that emerge every day" – April 14, 2010
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
John Jay Criminal Justice Initial Report on Child Sexual Abuse - November 17, 2009
…the John Jay report confirms other studies in concluding that sexual orientation is not connected to pedophilia or other sex crimes.
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - adviser - saying DEVIL makes people gay – November 4, 2011
Chicago's Cardinal George - under fire for comparing gay rights movement to Ku Klux Klan – December 22, 2011
Pope: Gay marriage threatens humanity’s future - January 9, 2012

Doublespeak Definition

Webster's dictionary defines doublespeak with these words: evasive, ambiguous, high-flown language intended to deceive or confuse.

In his bestselling book Doublespeak, William Lutz notes that doublespeak is not an accident or a "slip of the tongue." Instead, it is a deliberate, calculated misuse of language.

Specific Attributes of Doublespeak
Lutz provides several defining attributes of doublespeak:
distorts reality
pretends to communicate
makes the bad seem good
avoids or shifts responsibility
makes the negative appear positive
creates a false verbal map of the world
limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought
makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable
creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said
Read more:

Evasive, Ambiguous, High-Flown Language
Intended To Deceive or Confuse

Foreign Policy: The Vatican And Child Abuse – NPR – October 1, 2009
…Following a meeting with the U.N. Human Rights Council meant to address concerns that the Church was failing to respond appropriately to a long history of members of the clergy abusing their flocks, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi read a statement that was undoubtedly considered by some spin doctor-equivalent somewhere to advance their case but which actually probably amounted to more convincing proof that the Vatican doesn't get it on this issue than anything discussed behind closed doors with the United Nations…
Vatican’s New Defense on Child Molestation Charges: Finger-pointing – October 7, 2009
…Over the past decade, thousands of Catholic priests around the world have been accused of molesting children and the Church has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to settle sex-abuse lawsuits. The litigation exposed a far-reaching cover-up of child sexual abuse by the Church hierarchy, which included transferring pedophile priests to new parishes and intimidating victims and their families into silence...
…Tomasi’s statement also drew a bizarre distinction between pedophilia and “ephebophilia,” which he defined as a “homosexual attraction to adolescent males.”
Vatican defense: ‘Only 5%’ of clergy sex abusers and most of those gay – October 1, 2009
…Vatican representative to the UN Archbishop Silvano Tomasi defended the Church against accusations of irresponsibility in the face of child sexual abuse…Tomasi alarmed observers by reading an official statement that claimed up to 5 percent of the Catholic clergy worldwide had been linked to sexual abuse and that this was primarily the result of homosexual attraction not pedophilia…
Same-sex couples can be effective parents, researchers find - January 21, 2010
Dolan “…says to expand the one-man, one-woman definition of marriage would be…‘perilous to all of us’…[Dolan] called the allegation that anti-gay marriage advocates are prejudiced or bigoted ‘nonsense’”
Archbishop Nienstedt: Gay marriage ban is not anti-gay – June 9, 2011
…“Regrettably, the media and some secular commentators have chosen to mischaracterize this measure as anti-gay, mean-spirited and prejudicial,” wrote Nienstedt…“This is not the case or the intent behind the initiative.”
…Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, who says if same-sex marriage is legalized, it could lead to polygamy and incest
“Pastorally, children flourish best in the context of having both a mother and a father. Every scientific study confirms this reality,” [Nienstedt] wrote.
But a review of 81 studies of many family types released late last year showed the opposite…
Dolan wrote…“If the definition of marriage is continually being altered, could it not in the future be morphed again to include multiple spouses or even family members?”
N.Y. Archbishop Compares Gay Marriage to Communist Regimes – June 15, 2011

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. Photo

Edward R. Murrow: A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
See it Now (CBS-TV, March 9, 1954)

This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
The actions of the junior Senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad, and given considerable comfort to our enemies. And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it -- and rather successfully. Cassius was right. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." Photo
Edward R. Murrow - Speech to his See It Now staff (9 March 1954)
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." When someone asked what he would say on the McCarthy broadcast, he replied, "If none of us ever read a book that was 'dangerous,' nor had a friend who was 'different,' or never joined an organization that advocated 'change,' we would all be just the kind of people Joe McCarthy wants.”

We human beings have a remarkable ability to dehumanize one another: to conceive of one another as subhuman creatures, and to treat them accordingly… In dehumanizing others, we exclude them from the circle of moral obligation. - David Livingstone Smith – December 2, 2011

Archbishop Calls Gay Marriage Bill an ‘Ominous Threat’ – June 17, 2011
Archbishop Dolan…repeatedly made it clear that he strongly opposed gay marriage, which he called “unjust and immoral,” “detrimental for the common good” and “a violation of what we consider the natural law that’s embedded in every man and woman.”
GAY MARRIAGE – Understanding – NATURAL LAW & How it can be used? – With or Without - Reason & Rational |To Support - Benedict XVI & Hierarchy’s Vague & Negative Statements Against Homosexuality | PART 2

Benedict XVI INACTION - Global Protection Children
Ongoing Public Evasion of Responsibility

There is a striking surreal quality to Benedict XVI and the hierarchy’s blatant ability to publically consciously negate from their perception of reality the global overwhelming research knowledge on sexual orientation and gender identity. Unbelievable! It is almost laughable except for the fact they hold such high positions in the Church and the lifetime serious harm they have caused and continue to cause to millions, especially children. It is devastating to realize the full impact of what they have done, which has gone on for several decades’ non-stop, a deliberate well organized global plan of systematically covering up of 100s of 1000s of child sexual abuse cases, the majority of which have not come forward and many have died – all this done behind close doors and in the name of God!

 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Accusations Vatican’s Cover-ups Child Sexual Abuse – 2009
“…a complete failure to take responsibility”

On September 22, 2009, the Vatican was accused by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, of covering up the child sexual abuse cases, and allowing the child sexual abuse of children to continue violating their obligations under Intentional Law. Photo

UN: IHEU Calls The Vatican To Account Over Child Abuse
September 22, 2009
The extent of child abuse within the Catholic Church is well known. What we are addressing here, however, is the reaction of the Church authorities over which the Holy See exerts control.
                  1. Victims have been accused of lying, even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary.
                  2. The Church has covered up allegations, and generally failed to inform the civil authorities, even when obliged to do so. Moreover, dioceses have frequently moved alleged abusers from one location to another, resulting in repetition of the abuse.
                  3. Clerics implicated in concealment have been permitted to remain in office, such as Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston who still enjoys papal support as archpriest of a papal basilica in Rome, and is still a cardinal.
                  4. The Church has argued that the problem was minor, [that it did not know the true extent of the problem, or was ignorant of the nature of child abusers or of their recidivist tendencies] yet the scale of the problem has been known to the Church since at least the 1980s.
                  5. Every possible step has been taken by the Church to minimise both criminal sanctions and the amount of compensation it paid.
                  6. [“Gagging” clauses are routinely imposed as part of the settlement of cases.]
Read more:

Vatican’s New Defense on Child Molestation Charges: Finger-pointing – October 7, 2009

·       The Jews and Protestants are worse.
·       That appears to be the Vatican’s newest defense of its ongoing child sex-abuse scandal.
·       Responding to criticism, Catholic Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s representative to United Nations organizations in Geneva, read a statement on September 21 to the U.N. Human Rights Council, noting that reports of sex abuse were common in the Jewish community and that most of the American churches being hit by sex abuse allegations were Protestant… (No reputable studies exist that quantify rates of child sexual abuse by religious leaders in the Jewish community.)…
·       Tomasi’s statement came in response to an accusation…that the Catholic Church had covered up child abuse and was in breach of several articles under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
·       Over the past decade, thousands of Catholic priests around the world have been accused of molesting children and the Church has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to settle sex-abuse lawsuits. The litigation exposed a far-reaching cover-up of child sexual abuse by the Church hierarchy, which included transferring pedophile priests to new parishes and intimidating victims and their families into silence...
·       Tomasi’s statement also drew a bizarre distinction between pedophilia and “ephebophilia,” which he defined as a “homosexual attraction to adolescent males.”
·       The organization that originally criticized the Church to the U.N. council…characterized Tomasi’s reply as “comprehensively missing the point.”
·       “No doubt there are abusers in all walks of life, but our point was not the abuse itself but the cover-up in which some of the highest officials of the Church were implicated,” the IHEU said.
·       Attorney Irwin Zalkin said he was unsurprised by the Vatican representative’s remarks. Zalkin has represented hundreds of victims of sexual abuse in lawsuits against the Catholic Church.
·       “They just don’t get it. There’s still a complete failure to take responsibility,” Zalkin said. For centuries, he said, Catholic leaders have tried to sweep under the carpet the problem of child sexual abuse. “The sin of scandal far outweighs, in their institutional response, any concern for the safety of children. That has been the problem.”
Read complete report:

Vatican’s UN representative
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi’s
Incoherent Reaction

The verbal defensive reaction of the Vatican’s representative to the UN, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, to the above UN accusations - helps to explain the surreal quality that seems to be present in the public responses of Benedict XVI and the hierarchy, i.e. Archbishops NY Dolan, Minnesota Nienstedt, etc. regarding homosexuality and gay marriage.   Tomasi is not an isolated case among many members of the hierarchy.  With all due respect, their public responses or statements lack a consistent coherency, a concrete foundation or connection to facts and for that matter to reality.  It is like waking up and being trapped in a Salvador Dali’s paintings ( 

It is obvious that Tomasi’s response is defensive but he tries to explain that from “available research” (which he does not explain who and where this research has been done or exists) that the child sexual abuse is small and (now evading responsibility and shifting the blame onto a predetermined scapegoat) that it is mainly homosexuals who are the cause, it is not a pedophilia problem.  This is the surreal quality that is mentioned above that is almost laughable, except that it is extremely alarming at the same time, knowing the monumental devastation that has been caused to an incalculable number of children worldwide and others who are still at risk.  What must be added to these human atrocities caused by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy is by their shifting the blame onto gay people without one bit of substantiating evidence - their destruction of human life continues and  is turned to attacking another completely separate global population of human beings, which includes children. They are really above the law, to do as they please with no oversight, since there is no authority in the world to hold them accountable and stop their destruction of human lives. Photo

Hitler’s DIRECT Violence vs. Benedict XVI STRUCTURAL Violence

Hitler’s human atrocities are a form of direct violence (defined below). However, Benedict XVI and the hierarchy’s human atrocities are a form of structural violence.  Both types of violence are deadly and kill people. Structural violence kills indirectly, slowly and it is more implicit not easily seen. Hitler’s mistreatment of the Jewish people began as structural violence - flooding the social environment starting from kindergartner on upwards with demeaning anti-Semitic propaganda.

With subtle systematic increments of increased violence, as a means of conditioning the German population to a level of acceptance over time of the mistereament of the Jewish people. , this led to the most extreme forms of direct violence.  Benedict XVI like Hitler who played on the populous misconceptions of the Jewish people to scapegoat for the problems of Germany as a way of evading his responsibility to honestly work at resolving, Benedict XVI is doing the same with gay people to evaded his responsibility to honestly resolve the issues of the child sexual abuse cover-ups. In the end, like Hitler, Benedict XVI evasions will be his undoing but not until like with Hitler nearly 70 million people were killed, unless there is some major intervention to reverse the process that Benedict XVI has set in motion. When and how do we begin protecting kids!!!

Benedict XVI & USA Catholic BISHOPS - PUBLIC MISTREATMENT of GAY PEOPLE ---- DIRECT VIOLENCE vs. STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE --- STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE - …kills indirectly and slowly …is commonplace and Impersonal… structures of violence …not directly observable …deadly results …delayed and diffuse, …[DIRECT VIOLENCE] physical violence, the morality of an act can be judged and sanctions can be applied…is often scrutinized by drawing on religious dicta, legal codes, and ethical systems. Intentionality is not as obvious in impersonal systems of STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE, and considerations of punishment are seldom applicable… STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE - …is ongoing … occurs whenever societal structures and institutions produce oppression, exploitation, and dominance. These conditions are static, stable, normalized, serve the interests of those who hold power and wealth, and are NOT SELF-CORRECTING… PEACEBUILDING - …addressing long-term structural inequalities… - emphasizes the promotion of social justice… - often threatens the social order…PEACE PSYCHOLOGY - Daniel J. Christie

Archbishop Tomasi’s Irrational
Attempt to Shift Blame onto Gays

Tomasi’s response to the accusations of the UN regarding is one of evasions of responsibility of the child sexual abuse cover-ups. His response is oppressive and exploitative structural violence devised for the protection of Benedict XVI and the hierarchy from prosecution.  He represents the dominant culture in the Vatican that is stabilized and normalized regardless of any new conflicting information it will not change, as if in a kind of trance. It is so blatantly obvious that this culture in the Vatican is not self-correcting. This may help explains why he appears completely oblivious to the global magnitude of the child sexual abuse cases and the fact that no expert in the field has ever come forward or has ever said that it was a homosexual problem.  In fact, researchers report the exact opposite that homosexuals are not the cause. From their research they point out that as more gays entered the priesthood the child sexual abuse continually decreased. The researchers found the pivotal component of criticism to be the inaction of the hierarchy [which would lead (like in Watergate) directly to the top, to Benedict XVI as the chief cause of the inaction].

The final report from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, a 5-year study of the Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases was given on May 18, 2011.  “…The study is likely to be regarded as the most authoritative analysis of the scandal in the Catholic Church in America. The study, initiated in 2006, was conducted by a team of researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City at a cost of $1.8 million…”

The bulk of cases occurred decades ago," said Karen Terry, PhD., John Jay's principal investigator for the report… Terry also said that neither celibacy nor homosexuality were causes of the abuse… (John Jay College Of Criminal Justice | The City University of New York).

The report notes that homosexual men began entering the seminaries “in noticeable numbers” from the late 1970s through the 1980s. By the time this cohort entered the priesthood, in the mid-1980s, the reports of sexual abuse of minors by priests began to drop and then to level off. If anything, the report says, the abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church…

New Catholic Sex Abuse Findings: Gay Priests Are Not the Problem – November 18, 2009
…The data, which was presented to the U.S. hierarchy on the second day of their annual meeting here, also appears to contradict the widely held view that homosexuals in the priesthood were largely responsible for the abuse.

"What we are suggesting is that the idea of sexual identity be separated from the problem of sexual abuse," said Margaret Smith, a researcher from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, which is conducting an independent study of sexual abuse in the priesthood from 1950 up to 2002. "At this point, we do not find a connection between homosexual identity and an increased likelihood of sexual abuse."

A second researcher, Karen Terry, also cautioned the bishops against making a correlation between homosexuality in the priesthood and the high incidence of abuse by priests against boys rather than girls -- a ratio found to be about 80-20.

"It's important to separate the sexual identity and the behavior," Terry said. "Someone can commit sexual acts that might be of a homosexual nature but not have a homosexual identity." Terry said factors such as greater access to boys is one reason for the skewed ratio. Smith also raised the analogy of prison populations where homosexual behavior is common even though the prisoners are not necessarily homosexuals, or cultures where men are rigidly segregated from women until adulthood, and homosexual activity is accepted and then ceases after marriage…

The research presented Tuesday by Terry and Smith certainly does not exonerate the bishops, who were a chief target of criticism for doing little to protect children from abusive priests over the years. That neglect continued even after 1985, when the bishops first vowed to redress the abuses…
Read complete report:

News reporters’ reactions to
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi’s
Muddled Response:

Foreign Policy: The Vatican And Child Abuse – NPR – October 1, 2009
The evidence came in yesterday's extraordinary statement from the Vatican "defending" themselves against attacks that they have not done enough to combat sexual abuse by priests. Rather than contritely focusing on all they have done to address this cancer on their credibility, they offered a response that will be studied in schools for years to come, whether in classes seeking to offer a lesson in how not to handle a crisis or in those offering an advanced degree in miscalculated chutzpah.

Following a meeting with the U.N. Human Rights Council meant to address concerns that the Church was failing to respond appropriately to a long history of members of the clergy abusing their flocks, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi read a statement that was undoubtedly considered by some spin doctor-equivalent somewhere to advance their case but which actually probably amounted to more convincing proof that the Vatican doesn't get it on this issue than anything discussed behind closed doors with the United Nations…
Read complete report:

Vatican defense: ‘Only 5%’ of clergy sex abusers and most of those gay – October 1, 2009
Wednesday in Geneva, Vatican representative to the United Nations Archbishop Silvano Tomasi defended the Church against accusations of irresponsibility in the face of child sexual abuse. But in his passionate defense, Tomasi alarmed observers by reading an official statement that claimed up to 5 percent of the Catholic clergy worldwide had been linked to sexual abuse and that this was primarily the result of homosexual attraction not pedophilia…

It’s unclear what “available research” the Vatican was citing. Outside the Church, it has been suggested that girls are more often the victim of abuse than boys, at a ratio of roughly 4 to 1. Why that ratio would be reverse and lopsided in the Church is difficult to figure…

Keith Porteous Wood, accused the Church of covering up child abuse and being in breach of several articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child…Wood said the Holy See had not contradicted any of his accusations.

“The many thousands of victims of abuse deserve the international community to hold the Vatican to account, something it has been unwilling to do, so far. Both states and children’s organisations must unite to pressurise the Vatican to open its files, change its procedures worldwide, and report suspected abusers to civil authorities.”
Read complete report:
Reference links:
Vatican letter “Jan. 31, 1997” told Ireland's Catholic bishops NOT to report child abuse – January 18, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI /Ratzinger Engineered Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse – Hans Kung - April 4, 2010
...the revelation of the clerical abuse of thousands of children and adolescents, first in the United States, then in Ireland and now in Germany and other countries. And to make matters worse, the handling of these cases has given rise to an unprecedented leadership crisis and a collapse of trust in church leadership.
There is no denying the fact that the worldwide system of covering up cases of sexual crimes committed by clerics was engineered by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under [Benedict XVI] Cardinal Ratzinger (1981-2005). During the reign of Pope John Paul II, that congregation had already taken charge of all such cases under oath of strictest silence. Ratzinger himself, on May 18th, 2001, sent a solemn document to all the bishops dealing with severe crimes ( “epistula de delictis gravioribus” ), in which cases of abuse were sealed under the “secretum pontificium” , the violation of which could entail grave ecclesiastical penalties...
Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformation – Irish Times
Fr. Hans Kung - Bio
Benedict XVI & Vatican Response to Global Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups
Pope Benedict condemns 'petty gossip' over child sexual abuse scandal – April 28, 2010
Pope Benedict today risked inflaming opinion as he appeared to round on critics of the Catholic church over the widening sexual abuse scandal, saying he would not "be intimidated by ... petty gossip".
Abuse Scandal in Germany Edges Closer to Pope – March 12, 2010
BERLIN — A widening child sexual abuse inquiry in Europe has landed at the doorstep of Pope Benedict XVI, as a senior church official acknowledged Friday that a German archdiocese made “serious mistakes” in handling an abuse case while the pope served as its archbishop… A subordinate took full responsibility for allowing the priest to later resume pastoral work…
German priest says he was PRESSURISED into taking blame for pope – April 4, 2010
Priest says he was bullied into taking fall for Pope in abuse scandal – April 18, 2010
The church official who initially said it was his fault that a paedophile priest was given succour in Pope Benedict XVI’s former diocese has broken ranks, alleging he was BULLIED into taking responsibility to protect the pontiff.
Attacks on Pope over child abuse scandal are ‘akin to anti-Semitism’ April 1, 2010 - The Pope’s preacher today likened recent attacks on the pontiff over the Catholic sex abuse scandal to the “most shameful acts of anti-Semitism”…Pope prepares to make a major address to the world for Easter Sunday, the Vatican is fighting back…
Vatican Lashes Out At The New York Times Over Sex Abuse Coverage – April 11, 2010
VATICAN CITY — …defend Pope Benedict XVI from accusations he played a role in covering up sex abuse scandals…sought to deflect any criticism in the Western media…singled out The New York Times for criticism in an unusually harsh attack.
Western news organizations, including The Associated Press, have reported extensively on the burgeoning scandal, and new details have emerged on an almost daily basis…
How the Catholic Church could end its sex scandal – March 26, 2010
The Vatican has dealt with the sexual abuse scandals as other institutions would. It should be relying on its Christian values.
…It has worried about its image. It has worried about itself as an institution and about protecting its leaders from public scandal. In so doing, it has made millions of Catholics righteously furious and aggravated every one of its problems.
So instead of going away, the scandal keeps coming back - lately, in a form that seems to challenge Pope Benedict XVI himself. It was sickening to read Thursday's New York Times story reporting that Vatican officials "did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church."
In Germany, the pope's home country, more than 300 victims have come forward in recent weeks, and Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose party has Catholic roots, called the scandal "a major challenge for our society."
The church needs to show it understands the flaws of its own internal culture by examining its own conscience, its own practices, its own reflexes when faced with challenge. As the church rightly teaches, acknowledging the true nature of our sin is the one and only path to redemption and forgiveness…
Who Can Mock This Church? – April 5, 2010
Maybe the Catholic Church should be turned upside down.
Jesus wasn’t known for pontificating from palaces, covering up scandals, or issuing Paleolithic edicts on social issues. Does anyone think he would have protected clergymen who raped children?
Yet if the top of the church has strayed from its roots, much of its base is still deeply inspiring. I came here to impoverished southern Sudan to write about Sudanese problems, not the Catholic Church’s. Yet once again, I am awed that so many of the selfless people serving the world’s neediest are lowly nuns and priests — notable not for the grandeur of their vestments but for the grandness of their compassion…
…The Vatican believes that this newspaper and other news organizations have been unfair and overzealous in excavating the church’s cover-ups of child rape. I see the opposite. No organization has done more to elevate the moral stature of the Catholic Church in the United States than The Boston Globe. Its groundbreaking 2002 coverage of abuse by priests led to reforms and by most accounts a significant reduction in abuse. Catholic kids are safer today not because of the cardinals’ leadership, but because of The Boston Globe’s…
...There’s Father Mario Falconi, an Italian priest who refused to leave Rwanda during the genocide and bravely saved 3,000 people from being massacred. There’s Father Mario Benedetti, a 72-year-old Italian priest based in Congo who fled with his congregation when their town was attacked by a brutal militia. Now Father Mario lives side by side with his Congolese congregants in the squalor of a refugee camp in southern Sudan, struggling to get schooling for their children.
It’s because of brave souls like these that I honor the Catholic Church. I understand why many Americans disdain a church whose leaders are linked to cover-ups and antediluvian stances on women, gays and condoms — but the Catholic Church is far larger than the Vatican…
“What the Pope Knew” 
Gary Tuchman, September 25, 2010, CNN & CNN International
(Investigative documentary) video
Benedict XVI/Ratzinger & Vatican - “They did as much as they had at each point in time given the public outcry, and no more.” April 27, 2010

Benedict XVI Evades Responsibility
Shifting Blame onto Gays

Their devastation does not end with the victims, the children who have been sexually abused, their parents and families. They are able to maintain evading their responsibility of covering up the child sexual abuse cases, by shifting the blame onto homosexuals. However, this also continues their destruction of human lives, including children who grow up gay, which blankets the globe and are incalculable. Their human negligence creates social environments that are hostile inciting physical violence, torture, and death of innocent human beings around the world. Causing extreme psychological lifetime harm to not only to the gay individuals but also to their parents, families and anyone they want to love.

Their indifference for human life robs the world of an immeasurable amount of human potential that literally could have helped make major improvements in the quality of life for everyone, making the world a better, safer and more peaceful place in which to live.  All this could have been possible because gay people worldwide would not have been taught at a very young age in early childhood that they are never to love anyone that they can never ever fall in love with another human being. They are never to experience what it feels like to be one with another human being, to love and to be loved. Instead their love for another would never have been shammed, despised or ridiculed. It would have been encouraged and celebrated as a gift from God. And it is this kind of love that is needed to make the world go round.
Reference links:
June 1992 – First time U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - Addresses the child sexual abuse cover-ups - "Five Principles to Follow in Dealing with Accusations of Child Abuse"
VATICAN: Gay Discrimination Document Released “…that said homosexuals could legitimately be discriminated against in employment, housing and the adoption of children.” – July 24, 1992
Vatican letter “Jan. 31, 1997” told Ireland's Catholic bishops not to report child abuse – January 18, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI/Ratzinger Engineered Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse – Hans Kung - April 4, 2010
...the revelation of the clerical abuse of thousands of children and adolescents, first in the United States, then in Ireland and now in Germany and other countries. And to make matters worse, the handling of these cases has given rise to an unprecedented leadership crisis and a collapse of trust in church leadership.
There is no denying the fact that the worldwide system of covering up cases of sexual crimes committed by clerics was engineered by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under [Ratzinger] Cardinal Ratzinger (1981-2005). During the reign of Pope John Paul II, that congregation had already taken charge of all such cases under oath of strictest silence. Ratzinger himself, on May 18th, 2001, sent a solemn document to all the bishops dealing with severe crimes ( “epistula de delictis gravioribus” ), in which cases of abuse were sealed under the “secretum pontificium” , the violation of which could entail grave ecclesiastical penalties...
Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformation – Irish Times
Fr. Hans Kung - Bio
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
John Jay Criminal Justice Initial Report on Child Sexual Abuse - November 17, 2009
…the John Jay report confirms other studies in concluding that sexual orientation is not connected to pedophilia or other sex crimes.
Some bishops, however, said it is too early to draw conclusions about the researchers' findings.
"I wouldn't put a lot of credence in it," said Archbishop John Nienstedt of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis…He has also written that HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION IS THE RESULT OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA.
Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston said Nov. 18 that the researchers' conclusions still "need to be teased out."
…But the view that gay men are largely responsible for the sexual abuse scandal pervades the church hierarchy, said David Gibson, a Catholic journalist and author, and will not necessarily be overcome by the John Jay study.
"I think it will give cover to the bishops who want to continue to admit gay men into the seminary, as I think a majority of them want to do," Gibson said. "For those bishops dead-set against having any homosexuals in the priesthood, it won't make a difference."
David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said that "the fixation on gay priests" as the cause of the sex scandal "is part of a long litany of simplistic, wrong-headed solutions and scape-goating," by the Catholic hierarchy.
"Sadly, many Catholics have already reached that conclusion though, due to the bishops' spin," Clohessy said. "The real issue continues to be the bishops' bad behavior."
John Jay Report on Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church – “... no causative relationship between…homosexuality and the sexual victimization of children in the Church.” May 18, 2011
Paedophilia link to homosexuality, not celibacy – cardinal“Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, said yesterday, seeking to defuse the sex scandal that has battered the Catholic Church”  - April 4, 2010
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican's Number 2: Priest Pedophilia Linked To Homosexuality This is a perverse strategy by the Vatican to shirk its own ethical and legal responsibility by making a spurious and disgusting connection…" – April 12, 2010
Vatican attacked over cardinal's claim of homosexuality and paedophilia link – Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Pope Benedict's number two, said homosexuality - not celibacy - is linked to paedophilia - April 13, 2010
Vatican 'clarifies' cardinal's homosexuality abuse link - "…clumsily trying to shift attention to homosexuality and away from the focus on new crimes against children that emerge every day" – April 14, 2010
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - adviser - saying DEVIL makes people gay – November 4, 2011

Anti-gay Disguised Hate Propaganda
At Christmas For Broadest News Media Coverage – by US Catholic Bishops & Benedict XVI – Mirroring Hitler’s Human Atrocities Photo
Read more:

Propaganda and Children during the Hitler Years - by
Mary Mills

Benedict XVI – born April 16, 1927, Marktl, Bavaria

Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda – Targeting German School Children
Read more:

The Poisonous Mushroom“Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal...” Photo

5-Year Study by American Bishops – Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases
 May 18, 2011

 “…the study is likely to be regarded as the most authoritative analysis of the scandal in the Catholic Church in America. The study, initiated in 2006, was conducted by a team of researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City at a cost of $1.8 million… The National Institute of Justice, the research agency of the United States Department of Justice, supplied about $280,000…

The report notes that homosexual men began entering the seminaries “in noticeable numbers” from the late 1970s through the 1980s. By the time this cohort entered the priesthood, in the mid-1980s, the reports of sexual abuse of minors by priests began to drop and then to level off. If anything, the report says, the abuse decreased as more gay priests began serving the church…
Read complete report:
The image of the Jewish monster perpetrating misfortune is presented at the end of each episode in the form of a short poem, which capsulizes the specific immoral act allegedly committed by a Jew, connects all Jews to theDevil, and serves to warn the reader against the ever-present Jewish threat.

Gays created by the Devil says US Catholic Church Policy Advisor – November 6, 2011

The SILENCE of Good People KILLS Human Beings!

Chicago's Cardinal George - under fire for comparing gay rights movement to KuKlux Klan – December 22, 2011

“KU KLUX KLAN” - Hate Propaganda Disguised – by Minnesota Anti-gay - Nienstedt - Archbishop Issues "marriage prayer" for Catholics to recite at mass – December 15, 2011


 A flashback far more severe than in --- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
December 26, 2008 – Fr. Marty Kurylowicz

…I have been so saddened by Pope Benedict XVI's cruel words to LGBTQ people around the world, to their parents, families and friends, most ESPECIALLY TO CHILDREN… Photo
…I am a priest and a clinical psychologist… And for one of my research projects I chose to do a qualitative research project of the recorded verbal accounts of survivors of the Holocaust, 50 years after the event…

…And when I heard what Pope Benedict XVI said about homosexuals and transgendered human beings at Christmas 2008, I felt that same trauma all over again. Because in some way, somehow, he was conveying …the horror of the Holocaust, in what appears to be a traumatized, trance-like, accepted social norm from that period of time dictating that some people just don’t count, aren’t important, and can be easily disposed of. And if you rock the boat, you could be next to be disposed of. Photo

…The horror of the Holocaust is like an atomic bomb with fallout so extensive that it spreads over a radius of more than 150 miles. The horror of the Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The psychological fallout would have been far more extensive and more deadly, especially when it is not identified as such…
Read complete letter:
Related links:

The past is still with us and will not go away.(Helmut Schmidt) …The Third Reich lasted for 12 years, 3 months and 9 days. It began with great hopes and unprecedented jubilation and ended after a world war in which 50 million people were killed, Germany was destroyed and the European Jews murdered. To mark the 75th anniversary of the seizure of power by the Nazis, SPIEGEL embarks on a unique journey through the bleakest chapter of German history…  

Part II – Carnival 1938 in Nuremberg – The amateur footage documents the Shrovetide Revelry in the Third Reich.  One of the floats is decorated with the anti-Semitic caricature of a Jew hanging from the gallows as if it were the most natural thing in the world...
Read more:

What you cannot do is accept injustice.

From Hitler – or anyone.

You must make the injustice visible

– be prepared to die like a

 soldier to do so.

Mahatma Gandhi

Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

A partial list:

1.  Sexual orientation is set either just before birth or very soon afterwards 


Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality - American Psychological Association

The Science of Sexual Orientation - Researchers Focus on Twins (Video) 

Attempts to Change Sexual Orientation

Sexual Conversion Therapies - by Jack Drescher, M.D.

Sexual Conversion Therapy - Ethical, Clinical and Research Perspectives (2002) -
edited by Ariel Shidlo, PhD, Michael Schroeder, PsyD, and Jack Drescher, MD

Sexual Orientation & ‘Reparative Therapy’
by Jack Drescher, MD  – video

Bibliography for Facts about Sexual Orientation

Major - Medical and Mental Heath Associations
 Policies & Position Statements - Regarding Sexual Orientation

American Psychiatric Association

American Psychiatric Association, AGLP

APSAA, American Psychoanalytic Association

American Psychological Association

American Counseling Association

American Medical Association

American Academy of Pediatrics

AFFIRM: Psychologists Affirming their  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Family

Gay & Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA)

Gender Identity Research and Education Society - UK

Kinsey Institute for Research in  Sex, Gender, and Reproduction

National Association of School Psychologists

National Association of Social Workers

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States

2.  Early psychological development – in a social environment that is anti-gay – causes significant harm to the child’s ability to be in relationships, with others, a job, etc.


Sexual orientation is less about sex and more about love, being one with another human being. Attachment Theory - - LOVE & RELIGION

Attachment Theory

Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love – video
ATTACHMENT THEORY - our first relationship with our carers acts as a LIFELONG TEMPLATE, moulding and shaping our capacity to enter into, and maintain, successful subsequent relationships with family, friends and partners...

Psychoanalytic Therapy and the Gay Man
Jack Drescher, M.D. in his book Psychoanalytic Therapy & The Gay Mandescribes the complexities related to growing up gay; from his research of developmental narratives of gay adults retrospectively recalling their feelings being gay began in early childhood. These gay feelings had remained constant, and were resistant to being altered. Dr. Drescher explains the contrast of how social norms impact the psychology of the early childhood developmental years of a heterosexual boy and a homosexual boy.

Being Homosexual: Gay Men and Their Development – by  Richard A. Isay M.D.
Argues that homosexuality is biologically innate, suggests a natural developmental path for homosexuals, and discusses the problems faced in long-term gay relationships

The overstimulation of everyday life: I. New aspects of male homosexuality
Sidney H. Phillips
Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis, USA
J Am Psychoanal Assoc 49:1235-67. 2001
Western heterosexual culture surrounds the homosexually inclined boy in a climate of erotic overstimulation that powerfully affects his development and adult sexual adaptation. This assertion is illustrated through a case presentation of a homosexual man who shared a bed with his brother from childhood into adolescence. Analysis of the patient's transference enactment—repeatedly falling asleep on the couch—gradually revealed the psychic impact of this everyday overstimulation: the creation of a tantalized inner world of longing. The regular occurrence and developmental understanding of adolescent homosexual boys' unrequited love affairs with adolescent heterosexual boys are described and explored. Finally, the overstimulation of everyday life is proposed as a new model for understanding certain behavioral aspects of male homosexuality, such as the avoidance of rough-and-tumble play in childhood and homosexual cruising.

Homosexuality: coming out of the confusion
Sidney H Phillips
Int J Psychoanal 84:1431-50. 2003
In this paper, Dr. Phillips describes the complications of how the historical context of social norms can significantly influence the classification of the components of homosexuality by clinicians causing them to be blind to their own biases. Mindful of our susceptibility to this kind of phenomenon, Dr. Phillips calls to task these biases that pathologize homosexuality simply because it is not consistent with heterosexuality and therefore to be classified as a mental disorder. He offers an alternative description of homosexuality from his clinical research that is consistent with other researchers of early childhood psychological development of children who grow up to be gay.

The Psychology of the Closeted Individual and Coming Out – Jack Drescher, MD
Many LGB individuals report developmental histories with difficulty acknowledging their homosexuality, either to themselves or to others. This is because, starting in childhood, LGB individuals are often subjected to antihomosexual attitudes, not only from strangers, but also from their own families and communities (Drescher, Stein and Byne, 2005). The childhood need to hide may persist into adulthood, leading many LGB individuals to conceal important aspects of themselves…Read more

Gay Conversion | Religious Conversion - Transforms the Damned into the Saved | COVERING - Kenji Yoshino – 2002 - The Yale Law Journal

Resource Links -- Conversion Therapy
Policy Statements of Professional Organizations
Rockway Institute - Alliant International University

3.  Gay teen suicide – Family Acceptance Project  - shows relationship between a lack of family acceptance of a gay child and the rate of substance abuse, suicide and others problems

Groundbreaking Study Finds Family Acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Adolescents Protects Against Depression, Substance Abuse and Suicidal Behavior in Early Adulthood – by Caitlin Ryan, PhD, December 6, 2010 - FAMILY ACCEPTANCE PROJECT

Dr. Caitlin Ryan: Reducing Risk and Promoting Well-Being for LGBT Youth: The Critical Role of Family Support – 2009 – podcast

Dr. Caitlin Ryan: Commitment, Intentionality, and Hard Work: What It Takes To Do Culturally Competent, Ground-Breaking Research 2010 – podcast

Family Acceptance Project™ website:

Dr. Caitlin Ryan – Mental Health Matters: How does the “Family Acceptance Project” work? – 2011

Family Acceptance Project™ - Helping diverse families understand how to support their LGBT children – videos

Family Acceptance of LGBT Youth Protects Against Suicide, Depression & Substance Abuse and Predicts Better Health & Self-Esteem

School Victimization of Gender-Nonconforming LGBT Youth Linked with Depression and Quality Of Life In Adulthood

Best Practice Guidelines for Serving LGBT Youth in Out-of-Home Care

Family Acceptance Project™ Resource Links:
San Francisco State University Related Programs
LGBT Family-Related Organizations
LGBT Youth Organizations
School-Related Resources
Gender-Related Resources
LGBT Legal Advocacy Organizations
Online Resources for LGBT Youth
Adolescent Health
National LGBT Organizations
LGBT Health-Related Organizations

Lesbian and Gay Youth: Care and Counseling - By Caitlin Ryan and Donna Futterman

UA professor Stephen T. Russell to Explore LGBT Suicide Risk – 2008


Homophobic families harm gay teenagers, study claims - 2008

Internalized Homophobia and Relationship Quality among Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals - David M. Frost and Ilan H. Meyer - 2009
Journal of Counseling Psychology 2009, Vol. 56, No. 1, 97–109

New Report Shows Inequalities for Children with LGBT Parents

 Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations - Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Preventing Suicide among LGBT Youth by Effie Malley  - Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Suicide Prevention among LGBT Youth with Effie Malley – 2009

Homophobia Is Killing Our Youth – 2009

Gay Bullying Deaths and Religion: Are Believers the Problem or the Solution? 2010

For Many Gay Youth, Bullying Exacts a Deadly Toll – 2010

Gay bullying and Catholic responsibilities – 2010

Homophobia in the Church: What Catholics Are Doing About It, and What Still Needs to Be Done – 2010

“Most religious denominations continue to condemn homosexuality as sinful and
provide a rationale for marginalizing LGB people.” - Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
Social Environment - Although the social environment itself has not been defined as a risk factor for suicide, widespread discrimination against LGBT people, heterosexist attitudes, and gender bias can lead to risk factors such as isolation, family rejection, and lack of access to care providers. Risk factors may interact in unhealthy ways—for example, internalized homophobia or victimization may lead to stress, which is associated with depression and substance abuse, which can contribute to suicide risk. This risk may be compounded by a lack of protective factors that normally provide resilience, such as strong family connections, peer support, and access to effective health and mental health providers…

Herek and colleagues (2007) describe a framework to understand the social environment for sexual minorities. The framework integrates the sociological idea of stigma with the psychological idea of prejudice. Through stigma, society discredits and invalidates homosexuality relative to heterosexuality. Institutions embodying stigma results in heterosexism, and heterosexual individuals internalizing stigma results in prejudice. The United States legal system has faced challenges by sexual minorities and sympathetic heterosexuals that have led to significant changes. However, the legal system continues to reinforce stigma through discriminatory laws and the absence of laws protecting sexual minorities from discrimination in employment, housing, and services. A minority of states had antidiscrimination laws as of 2005, and most of these only referred to employment and not to housing or services. Most religious denominations continue to condemn homosexuality as sinful and provide a rationale for marginalizing LGB people…

See no Race, See no Gay: What Proponents of a Gay-Blind Approach to Bullying in the Schools can Learn from Race Relations - by Kira Hudson Banks, Ph.D. and Nestor L. Lopez-Duran PhD,
2010 - Psychology Today

Bullying, gay teen suicides, and a need for a solution – 2010 - Nestor L. Lopez-Duran, PhD. - clinical child psychologist and researcher, University of Michigan

Bullies and Victims: Boys will be boys or a symptom of distress? 2009 -Child Psychology Research

The cruelties of STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE on CHILDREN are often subtle, unspoken, unrecognized, and even normalized, regarded by many people as natural or “just the way things are.” Daniel J. Christie - Peace, Conflict, and Violence:
Peace Psychology for the 21st Century.

Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims -122110

Related links:

John Jay Report: On Not Blaming Homosexual Priests – 51711

"No public figure talks more about child safety but does little to actually make children safer than Pope Benedict" 112611
The New John Jay Report on Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church – “The researchers conclude that there is no causative relationship between either celibacy or homosexuality and the sexual victimization of children in the Church.” 51811

Facts about Homosexuality and Child Molestation - Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.

Roman Catholic Hierarchy child sexual abuse “cover-ups” ordered by Benedict XVI to avoid public outrage & criminal charges falsely accused gay priests, WATERGATE? – January 2, 2010

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” 

…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Important note: No disrespect meant to Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy, the one and only concern is the safety and well-being of children.

Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

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