Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Related News Links

John Jay Report: On Not Blaming Homosexual Priests – 51711

"No public figure talks more about child safety but does little to actually make children safer than Pope Benedict" 112611
The New John Jay Report on Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church – “The researchers conclude that there is no causative relationship between either celibacy or homosexuality and the sexual victimization of children in the Church.” 51811

Facts about Homosexuality and Child Molestation - Gregory M. Herek, Ph.D.

US Bishops mum on economy “...and geared up for fights against gay marriage..." - 111511

US Bishops Behaving Badly – 111411

French gay "wedding" reopens debate ahead of election - 111211


Archbishop Dolan - According to “DIVINE LAW” the NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE as found in the Bible is that the earth does not move.  Therefore, GALILEO was a heretic because of his idea that the earth revolves around the sun, he, too, was punished severely. 1633

In 1992, POPE JOHN PAUL II apologized to GALILEO declaring that Galileo was right and Church was wrong.  John Paul II himself has said that the scientist was "IMPRUDENTLY OPPOSED." 103192

Archbishop Dolan regarding Gay Marriage - The way for us all to protect “Religious Freedom” and not TYRANNY IN RELIGION is by obtaining a WELL-INFORMED CONSCIENCE – regarding SEXUAL ORIENTATION, human sexuality … – 8911 – Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

ALL BENEDICT XVI’s ROMAN CURIA - Unconscionable Covert Ruthlessness, EXPLOSIVE RETALIATION to Opposition or Exposure -  “…[Benedict XVI] receives the full support of the Roman Curia. The Curia does its best to STIFLE CRITICISM in the episcopate and in the church as a whole and to DISCREDIT CRITICS with all the means at its disposal…” - CHURCH IN WORST CREDIBILITY CRISIS SINCE REFORMATION, THEOLOGIAN TELLS BISHOPS – Hans Kung - April 4, 2010

ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN (1976) - President Richard Nixon…gathered around him some very suspect people who were willing to commit criminal acts to ensure that Nixon got re-elected.  They actually created a squad of lawyers and officials that, while they said it was just "DIRTY TRICKS," devoted itself to sabotaging the Democratic Party by criminal activity… [They] BUGGED, FOLLOWED PEOPLE, FALSE PRESS LEAKS, FAKE LETTERS, cancelled Democratic campaign rallies, investigated Democratic private lives, PLANTED SPIES, and STOLE DOCUMENTS.  They even SABOTAGED the candidacy of a Democrat who had a better chance of beating Nixon in the 1972 election, Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine. 

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Detroit, MI – KILLING THE SECRECY – Testifies in Child Sexual Abuse Case 2006 - Admits being a victim of sexual abuse – Criticizes Bishops Dallas Charter 2002 - "It's not over and it won't be over until we within the church deal with it in a very open, honest and thorough way…”  – VATICAN IMMEDIATE VINDICTIVE RETALIATION – to maintain cover-ups - 11411

Ireland - KILLING THE SECRECY - Exposing - Benedict XVI & Roman Curia - Response to Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups as lacking in empathy, plain human respect & well-being for people – even children – Unconscionable Covert Ruthlessness, EXPLOSIVE RETALIATION to Opposition or Exposure – 9611

Ricky Martin to Marry, long time partner, Carlos Gonzalez in Spain – Congratulations, with all best wishes to the happy couple! - 11411

New York - GAY MARRIAGE Bill - How Strong is the VATICAN in the USA? - 83111

LA VIE EN ROSE – Edith Piaf – “I thought that LOVE was just a word – They sang about in songs I’ve heard – Kisses could reveal that I was wrong and that LOVE was real…” Donna Summer 

Ricky Martin: ‘Although Being Gay Makes Some People Uncomfortable, I’ll Fight For My Rights’ - I simply want to live in peace and continue singing," - Nicaragua – 101411

RICKY MARTIN FOUNDATION - the mission to advocate for the well-being of children around the world – Ricky Martin

Child ProstitutionManagua, Nicaragua

ILAB - Advancing the Campaign Against Child Labor - Managua, Nicaragua

Worst Form of Child Labour - Nicaragua

Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims -122110

The cruelties of STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE on CHILDREN are often subtle, unspoken, unrecognized, and even normalized, regarded by many people as natural or “just the way things are.” Daniel J. Christie - Peace, Conflict, and Violence:
Peace Psychology for the 21st Century.

“They’re writing songs of love - BUT NOT FOR ME ...A lucky star's above, but not for me... With love to lead the way I’ve found more clouds of gray… “ Gershwin – Linda Ronstadt

SEXUAL ORIENTATION is less about sex and more about LOVE, being one with another human being - Attachment Theory - LOVE & RELIGION – Gay Marriage

Father of the Bride 1991 – "(TODAY I MET) THE BOY I'M GONNA MARRY" - Darlene Love

ATTACHMENT THEORY - our first relationship with our carers [parents, caretakers, etc.] acts as a LIFELONG TEMPLATE, moulding and shaping our capacity to enter into, and maintain, successful subsequent relationships with family, friends and partners. It is believed that these early and powerful experiences with the people who first looked after us will shape our long-term emotional wellbeing.

SECURE ATTACHMENTS – Importance to Child’s Future Relationships – "Frequency" (movie) 2000

Martin O'Malley – Gov. Maryland - joins national effort to promote same-sex marriage – 11711

Nancy Pelosi leads Democrats' challenge to DOMA – 11311

Julian Bond - Former NAACP leader lends voice to Gov. Martin O'Malley Md. same-sex marriage campaign – 103111

Kirsten Gillibrand, US Sen.  – enthusiastically supports DOMA Repeal - 103111

Carl Levin, US Sen. (D-Mich.) agrees to co-sponsor DOMA repeal - 102011

Leahy  & Feinstein, US Senators - move DOMA repeal forward - 101411

What followed - New York Gay Marriage Bill – 2011

Dr. Caitlin Ryan – Mental Health Matters: How does the “Family Acceptance Project” work? – 2011


Susan Sarandon - “If I were pope for a year… eradicate poverty and disease…bring hope to the world…to eliminate this huge gap between the rich and the poor… It’s difficult for people to think about peaceful solutions when they’re suffering and have no future… “I’d ask all Catholics to be up in arms about an illegal war and to pay more attention to these people who are coming home — our sons and daughters who are coming home mentally and physically maimed…” “Being Catholic Now.” 101811

Mary Magdalene - The Hidden Apostle – A&E Biography

Catholic Bishops Endanger Church… Can the marriages of some really "harm" those of others? 101411

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” 

…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Important note: No disrespect meant to Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy, the one and only concern is the safety and well-being of children.

Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

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