Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rhode Island Is Ready for Marriage Equality - by Michael A. Jones – Gay Rights –

Five states. That's how many places in the country currently recognize same-sex marriage -- Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire -- as well as the District of Columbia. California, as we all know, is a bit up in the air, pending the appeal process for the Proposition 8 court case.

But beyond these states, where are the next battlegrounds for marriage equality?

One of them is most definitely going to be Rhode Island, once a new Governor takes over after the November 2010 election. That means that in Rhode Island, marriage equality may be just a few mere months away.

And you know what? That couldn't be cooler with Rhode Island's citizenry. At least that's according to a new poll issued by the Rhode Island Marriage Coalition, along with the legal group Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), and the polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. They note that in the past two years, support for same-sex marriage in Rhode Island has skyrocketed, to the point where a full 59 percent of the state's population favor legalizing marriage equality for LGBT people.
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