Saturday, August 21, 2010

Over Time, a Gay Marriage Groundswell - By Andrew Gelman, Jeffrey Lax and Justin Phillips - August 21, 2010 – The New York Times

Gay marriage is not going away as a highly emotional, contested issue. Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage, has seen to that, as it winds its way through the federal courts, but perhaps the public has reached a turning point.

A CNN poll this month found that a narrow majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage — the first poll to find majority support. Other poll results did not go that far, but still, on average, showed that support for gay marriage had risen to 45 percent or more (with the rest either opposed or undecided).

That’s a big change from 1996, when Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act. At that time, only 25 percent of Americans said that gay and lesbian couples should have the right to marry, according to an average of national polls.

Gay Marriage -> Restores “Hope of Love”
To Children In Early Childhood

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