Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gay Marriage Ruling A Matter of Simple Justice – by Geoffrey R. Stone - law professor at the University of Chicago - Chicago Tribune

"Who does he think he is, anyway? Thirty-one states have put the issue of same-sex marriage to a vote in recent years, and every single one of them has rejected it. Now, here comes another activist judge blatantly disregarding the will of the majority and holding that 'We the People' can't do what we want. It's an outrage, I tell you, an outrage."

This more or less captures the tone of much of the criticism of Judge Vaughn Walker's decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, holding California's Proposition 8 unconstitutional. This criticism is based on a deep misunderstanding of what "We the People" means. The United States Constitution is premised on the notion of majority rule, but with a very important caveat.

The framers of our Constitution fully recognized the dangers as well as the strengths of majority rule. They understood that the majority will sometimes act in ways that are not truly public-regarding, but are instead a reflection of prejudice, intolerance, ignorance, panic and crude self-interest. A profound puzzle the framers encountered was how to deal with this danger.

The idea of a Bill of Rights that would forbid the government (the majority) from depriving individuals of certain fundamental liberties without good cause had appeal, but as James Madison acknowledged, these "parchment barriers" could not meaningfully restrain the majority from doing what it wants, if the majority has the final word on what those liberties mean. Read more,0,2223308.story
Geoffrey R. Stone is a law professor at the University of Chicago.

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Vienna ->
The Quality Of Lasting Homosexual Relationships Deserve Respect

Gay Marriage -> Restores “Hope of Love”
To Children In Early Childhood

Gay marriage - Sexual orientation is less about sex and more about love,
being one with another human being - Attachment Theory

Campaigns Against “Gay Marriage” Have Been A Vehicle
To Convey Certain People Into Political Office

Same-sex marriage - The Big Picture
August 4, 2010 -

Same-Sex Marriages Should Be Allowed, Schwarzenegger Says
By Edvard Pettersson – August 7, 2010 – BusinessWeek

Gay Marriage - Galileo Condemned As A Heretic
Misinterpretations of The Bible
Homosexuality? Natural Law? Benedict XVI?
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

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