Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Church of Scotland admits institutional homophobia – April 25, 2007 - Ekklesia

An influential group of ministers in Scotland's largest Protestant church has said that its clergy and congregations have been "sinfully" intolerant of gays and lesbians in its ranks.

In a report on homosexuality, a working party has concluded that the Church of Scotland has been institutionally homophobic for much of its history.

The working group of the Mission and Discipleship Council is set to present the General Assembly with its in-depth report on ‘same-sex partnerships as an issue in theology and human sexuality’ in May.

The report, which is entitled 'A challenge to unity', takes as its starting point an acknowledgement of the strength of feeling that has already been expressed on the issue of same-sex relationships. It seeks to give a flavour of the wide range of views held within the church, and to identify areas of common ground around which the church might unite.

As a part of its remit, the working group that produced the report listened to gay and lesbian Christians, including two Church of Scotland ministers who have entered into civil partnership with their same-sex partners…

… But the report says: "Theological approaches to homosexuality which present gay or lesbian people as unlovable or less loved by God than any other person are unacceptable."

"In the church’s life, there may be a full participation of homosexual people in leadership and service. Identified sexuality which is gay is not a bar in itself to baptism or to communion. Being gay or lesbian by orientation is no bar to serving God as church member, elder, reader, deacon, minister or moderator. And in pastoral care there should be no discrimination; for example, a homosexual partner should be accorded all dignity as a chief mourner on the occasion of a partner’s death.

"It is a regrettable witness that people in churches have sought to use their power in such ways as to exacerbate societal disapproval of homosexual people as people. We have been complicit in prejudice and worse. May we say to one another: I will love you as my neighbour, and if your sexuality or my sexuality prevents my loving you, then I am failing in the Christian way. All Christians are to be moved to repent of unloving attitudes, pronouncements and behaviour towards others."

"No sensible person can imagine that the sexes differ in matters of love as they do in matters of clothing. The intelligent lover of beauty will be attracted to beauty in whichever gender he finds it." Plutarch
The Quality Of Lasting Homosexual Relationships - Deserve Respect
Roman Catholic -->Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Vienna
Gramick: Equality is a Catholic value - by David Taffet – Dallas Voice
Gay Marriage -> Restores “Hope of Love” To Children In Early Childhood
Gay marriage - Sexual orientation is less about sex and more about love,
being one with another human being - Attachment Theory - LOVE & RELIGION
Gay Marriage - Galileo Condemned As A Heretic - Misinterpretations of The Bible
Homosexuality? Natural Law? Benedict XVI? ->Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
Left Wing: When Gay Bashers Are Gay, Why Do People Just Mock and Turn Away? By Eve Conant, May 6, 2010 – Newsweek
The Pope Is Not Gay - Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Dish – The Atlantic
Vatican Asking For Male Prostitutes - “Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.”
Though you drive Nature out with a pitchfork, she will still find her way back.
Prop 8 judgment, August 3, 2010 - Gay marriage - “Religious beliefs that gay and lesbian relationships are sinful or inferior to heterosexual relationships harm gays and lesbians.” Judge Vaughn Walker
California decision pulls mask off fears, prejudice
by Ron Eachus – August 10, 2010 - Statesman Journal.com
Prop 8 trial witness: Being gay not a choice - Psychologist testifies in case challenging California’s gay marriage ban – AP - January 22, 2010 – msnbc.com - and related links:
Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional as lacking rational basis
Nan Hunter - Professor, Georgetown Law, Washington, DC - hunter of justice
Gay Marriage Ruling A Matter of Simple Justice
by Geoffrey R. Stone - law professor at the University of Chicago - Chicago Tribune
On Prop 8, it's the evidence, stupid - By Lisa Bloom – CNN.com - and related links:
Structural Violence Section Introduction - Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century. Daniel Christie
GLOBALISM AND STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE - Marc Pilisuk - Peace, conflict, and violence: Peace psychology in the 21st century – Daniel Christie
Structural Violence - Dr.N.V.S.Suryanarayana – July 4, 2010 - Psyspeak
Human Behavior on Social Media
Sexing political identities/ National as Heterosexism - V. Spike Peterson - University of Arizona - International Feminist Journal of Politics, 1:1 June 1999, 34–65
RELIGION AND CONFLICT - Luc Reychler - Introduction: Towards a Religion of World Politics? - The International Journal of Peace Studies
Institutional homophobia (or heterosexism) - Edith Cowan University Western Australia
Edith Cowan University Western Australia
Peace Psychology Book
Peace Psychology 2009 - PowerPoint Presentation
Dan Christie, Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University

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