Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Vatican's travails - When walls are too high - The Economis

IT WAS a scene that could have come from medieval times: the ruler sat on a gilded throne before the multitude as a courtier extolled his virtues. The sovereign, he said, was an “unfailing rock” who would not be deterred by the “idle chatter” of critics.

The setting was St Peter’s Square at the start of the most solemn Mass in the Roman Catholic liturgy, on Easter Sunday, April 4th. The ruler was Pope Benedict XVI and his courtier Angelo Sodano, the dean of the college of cardinals. His oddly anachronistic eulogy was a reminder that the Vatican is not a democratic state or a multinational firm, but a sort of absolute monarchy. Catholics believe its ruler owes his place to divine right: that he is chosen not by the cardinals who elect him, but ultimately by the Holy Spirit working through them.

That is why it may be misleading to view the scandal over clerical sex abuse that is rocking the Catholic church as a latter-day Watergate, certain to undermine the pope’s legitimacy in the eyes of his own lieutenants. Deeming their mandate to be from God, popes believe it can only be taken away by the Almighty at death. Whatever evidence is produced to embarrass Benedict and his church, it will be irrelevant to the length of his tenure. But it will not be irrelevant to his—or its—moral authority, and that point risks being lost as the Vatican sinks ever deeper into self-pity, laced with conspiracy theory. Read more - The Economis

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” Erik Erikson

Kids Are Being Hurt!!!

…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Related links:

Pope Benedict hit by new Church child abuse allegations – BBC News  read more

The Vatican's Watergate: Follow The Money – by Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Dish – The Atlantic – read more

'Churchgate': The Scandal That Won't Go Away – by Dan Schorr – NPR – read more

“…for the Catholic Church to complain that they are being victimized is just laughable.” Pope Benedict's Gang -- Too Big to Fail? – by Rick Ayers – The Huffington Post – read more 

Rescue Catholicism from Vatican – by JAMES CARROLL - The Boston Globe – read more 
"It's really going from bad to worse…” Catholic Church Remains Defensive in Abuse Cases – CBSNEWS – read more

Has Pope Benedict led effectively amid the sex scandal? - By On Leadership – The Washington Post – read more 

RC hierarchy child sexual abuse “cover-ups” ordered by Benedict XVI to avoid public outrage & criminal charges - falsely accused gay priests WATERGATE? – read more 

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation – read more 

Galileo & Benedict XVI & Homosexuality & Natural Law – read more

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