Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Ricky Martin Foundation" advocates for the well being of children around the globe in critical areas such as social justice, education and health.


CHILD TRAFFICKING The best available estimate is that 1.2 million children are trafficked worldwide every year for exploitation purposes such as forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, prostitution and servitude, among other forms of slavery.

BIRTH REGISTRATION Every year over 50 million children begin a life with no access to the most basic human rights. They have no identity; they are invisible.

VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN Worldwide, an estimated 40 million children under the age of 15 suffer from violence, abuse and neglect.

EDUCATION Nearly 115 million children are out of school. Globally, some 54% of the children out of primary school are girls.

HEALTH More than 10 million children under the age of five die each year. Two thirds of both neonatal and young child deaths - every year, over six million of those deaths - can be prevented.
Source: UNICEF
People for Children is a project of the Ricky Martin Foundation which was founded in 1997. The goals of People for Children are educating and informing the public about the exploitation of children. The organization is also active in monitoring and and combating forced labor, modern day slavery and trafficking in children.

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