Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pope should endorse independent investigation - By Gerald T. Slevin - retired attorney - The Washington Post

The expanding abuse crisis requires immediate action by Catholics. It is needed to invigorate their dispirited Church for the sake of defenseless children, disrespected women, disheartened clergy and disillusioned Catholics everywhere. The repeated worldwide pattern in too many child abuse cases leads to a central source that honest Catholics must now sadly acknowledge. The Church's hierarchy for much too long has been unwilling to act responsively on urgent issues. The hierarchy has lost much of its credibility.

Much careful analysis already exists on potential solutions. Catholics must now choose and act on these solutions. Concerned Catholics are calling for the pope to set up promptly a commission of informed Catholic lay women and men, nuns and priests, both young and old, married and single. The commission would include persons from around the world knowledgeable in relevant areas, including scripture, theology, church history, psychology and law. The commission idea was proposed as a solution recently at NJ.Com by the distinguished Jesuit, Fr. Raymond SchrothRead more - By Gerald T. Slevin - retired attorney - The Washington Post 

Protect children and the entire world will be safe. 

Pope’s No. 2” Bertone - Blatant Intellectual Deficit of Hierarchy, Condemning People by “Rumor, Hearsay and Innuendo” -> Slander, Flagrant Disregard of the Law, Civil & God’s – Harmful to Children – read more 

Sex abuse victim rejects claims by cardinal on homosexuality – by PATSY McGARRY Religious Affairs Correspondent – The Irish Times – read more

Flagrant Disregard For All Of Humanity – Being Publicly Demonstrated by Benedict XVI and hierarchy - Failure to Accept Responsibility for Decades of Child Sexual Abuse Cover-ups  - Read more 

"There's no need for an independent investigation–We have everything well in hand"
As the 1972 presidential campaign progressed, reports surfaced of violations of campaign regulations and laws. On August 26, the General Accounting Office said that it had found irregularities in reports by the Republican Committee to Re-elect the President (known by the acronym CREEP). Democrats complained that an investigation by the Justice Department and the White House were insufficient and called for a special team to handle the matter. Photo Library of Congress - Herbert Block 
 “Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit.” Erik Erikson

Kids Are Being Hurt!!! 

…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

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