ROME — Pope Benedict XVI urged Irish bishops on Tuesday to show “determination and resolve” in confronting the sexual abuse scandal convulsing the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland but made no explicit call for the punishment of those who perpetrated what he called a “heinous crime.”
After two days of closed-door conversations between the pope and Irish bishops, a Vatican statement said the scandal had ignited a “grave crisis,” which had “led to a breakdown in trust in the church’s leadership.”
But the statement seemed unlikely to satisfy victims of abuse who had called for more resignations of senior clerics involved in covering up decades of sexual abuse of children and young people by priests.
Even as the Vatican talks were under way, John Kelly, the founder of a victims’ group called Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, wrote in a letter to the pope made public in London, “The secular powers in Ireland appear paralyzed to bring to civil justice some of those who carried out acts of horrific abuse as well as those who assisted by acts of omission or even outright collusion after the fact. Read complete article - By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO and ALAN COWELL – New York Times / International Herald Tribune
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
"Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well-considered, and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit." Erik Erikson
Background links:
Report: Homosexuality No Factor in Abusive Priests - By RACHEL ZOLL - ABC News – 2009
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' – London Evening Standard – - 2006 - KIDS ARE BEING HURT !!!
This about the reckless endangerment of children in a calculated, purposeful strategy to protect the institutional Church - By Jason Walsh - The Christian Science Monitor – - December 2, 2009
What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality. "Interpreting the Bible" Daniel Helminiak, STL, PhD.
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
Related links:
After Clergy Abuse Scandals, Ireland Needs a New St. Patrick – by David Gibson – Politics Daily
Kids Are Being Hurt!!!
Ratzinger, Hurley, Maida & Accomplices – January 29, 2010
Benedict XVI & accomplices in Fear as -> “Obama signs hate-crimes bill” by Rex Wockner – Nov. 2009
Important note: I mean no disrespect to Pope Benedict XVI or the hierarchy, the one and only concern is the safety and well-being of children. Kids are being hurt!!!
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