Tuesday, December 15, 2009

USA *** Hillary Clinton: The Most Pro-LGBT Secretary of State Ever - BY MICHAEL A. JONES

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been nothing short of a rock star when it comes to denouncing international homophobia. On September 11 this year, she made it a point to talk about how international gay rights are part of the Obama administration's human rights agenda. On World AIDS Day this year, she drew the connections between criminalization of homosexuality and the HIV pandemic. And just this week, Clinton blasted Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, calling it out as a piece of legislation that would violate human rights and take away human dignity. Photo

Fierce advocate for gay rights? Yeah, there's one in the White House. But it might not be the one with the fancier desk and the oval-like office.

Clinton's condemnation of Uganda's anti-gay bill came during a widely-publicized speech on the human rights policies of the Obama administration. Coupled with stinging remarks to countries that foster gender inequality, the speech continued a focus on global homophobia that has been a part of Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State since practically day one.

"Governments should be expected to resist the temptation to restrict freedom of expression when criticism arises, and be vigilant in preventing law from becoming an instrument of oppression, as bills like the one under consideration in Uganda to criminalize homosexuality would do," Clinton said. Read complete article - BY MICHAEL A. JONES

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