Is evangelical Christianity a big tent religion? Meaning, can there be a diversity of views among evangelical Christians over certain social issues?
In broad terms, the most famous evangelical leaders in the country would seem to say no, particularly when it comes to issues like LGBT rights. From Pat Robertson to James Dobson, from Joel Osteen to Rick Warren, all are on record saying that homosexuality is intrinsically bad. Who can forget Pat Robertson's comment that gays caused terrorism, or Joel Osteen's dig that homosexuality wasn't God's best.
But for every Joel Osteen, it's good to remember that there's a Rev. Mark Tidd out there. Rev. Tidd is a bunch of things. He's an evangelical. He's a pastor of a Denver-area church known as Highlands. And he's not only supportive of LGBT people inside his Church, he's actually a proponent of same-sex marriage.
Talk about an alternative to the Dobson and Warren crowd.
Rev. Tidd was profiled earlier this week in a Wash Post article, where he said that he's part of a new breed of evangelical Christianity that seeks to affirm all members of the Church, including LGBT members. You know that tired "love the sinner, but hate the sin" refrain that comes from many religious circles? Tidd wants to throw that line out with yesterday's bath water. Photos
"Our position is not one of lenience, but a matter of justice," said. Rev. Tidd. "It's not that we don't acknowledge the reality of sin. It's not a sin to be gay or act in accordance with your nature." Read complete article – BY MICHAEL A. JONES – Gay Rights/
Sounds like very good people to me! God love them!