Monday, October 5, 2009

Faith In America - Ending The Harm Caused by Religion-based Bigotry

Faith in America's Mission Statement

The mission of Faith In America, Inc. is the emancipation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from bigotry disguised as religious truth. The world’s great religious traditions practiced within the United States of America emphasize the love of neighbor as well as the love of God. Compassion, justice, freedom, and respect for the dignity of all people are their most authentic and noble expressions.

However, in the United States, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are victims of religious teachings based on ignorance and fear instead of knowledge and respect. This abuse of religion influences all aspects of public life in America, including civil laws and social attitudes. Because of it, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are denied equal rights and protection under civil law. They are discriminated against and socially ostracized. Physical violence against them is incited. In order to end the persecution of gay people in America, religious teachings that justify bigotry must be publicly exposed and denounced.

This expression of religion-based bigotry against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people has historical precedents, including violence, intolerance, and inequity toward women, people of color, and people with religious traditions different from those of the majority, such as Jews, Roman Catholics, Mormons and others. These precedents are recognized today by the mainstream of America to have been misguided, wrong and evil. To end the persecution of gay people engendered by religion-based bigotry, its common link with these historical precedents must be acknowledged. Faith In America, Inc. is confident that, just as Americans have rejected the distorted religious teachings that sanctioned these injustices, Americans will reject the religion-based bigotry against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people when it is exposed. Read complete - Mission StatementFaith In America

Mitchell Gold, Founder of Faith in America

Mitchell Gold has a long history of supporting grassroots and national not-for-profits such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the Empire State Pride Agenda, the Design Industries Foundation for AIDS (DIFFA), Friends in Deed, the AIDS Leadership Foothills-Area Alliance (ALFA), the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, and the Leukemia Society. View clipMitchell Gold

Due to its inclusive company policies, Mitchell Gold received a 100-percent rating on the Corporate Equality Index released by the Human Rights Campaign starting in 2003, the second year of the report. The company has maintained this rating. Read complete posting

Listen to testimonies from a growing network of people.

Fatih In America

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