Monday, August 3, 2009

Australia keeps ban on gay marriage – Need more Catholics?

AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, has said a ban on gay marriage in the country would remain, despite moves within his centre-left Labour Party to have it overturned.

Rudd, who considers himself a moderate Christian, won the 2007 election on a platform that supported the former conservative government's legal definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Rudd, according to Agence France Presse (AFP), said his government's position remained unchanged amid media speculation that he will face a groundswell of support for same-sex marriage at Labour's national conference, which began yesterday in Sydney.

"We are consistent with the policy we took to the last election," he told public broadcaster ABC.

The issue was thrown into the spotlight this week when the Labour Party in Tasmania state voted for the Marriage Act to be amended to allow for same-sex unions.

Rudd stood by his election plank, which banned same-sex marriage but endorsed a national "relationships register" provided it did not "mimic" marriage or undermine existing laws. Read complete article on THE GUARDIAN

Links of Interest:

States with more Catholics more favor gay rights – by Cathy Lynn Grossman - USA TODAY

Catholics Support Gay Rights "Gay Marriage" – Checks and Balances – Intelligence and Ignorance

Despite what Church Says, Many Catholics Support Same-Sex Marriage - BY MICHAEL A. JONES – Gay Rights

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