Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gay AND Christian?
 Yes It IS Possible! by Mary Pearson 

Mission Statement - by Mary Pearson was created to provide the resources for any who wish to understand the ACCURATE interpretation of the Original Scriptures with regard to homosexuality. 

It is our belief that God loves us all just as we were created, including our orientation when we are devoted to Jesus Christ and we live our lives according to Christ's standards. 

We encourage connection with other gay Christians through our Newsletter, List Serve, Chat Rooms, Message Boards, Blogging and Personal Ads. 

We have no agenda to change anyone's mind about their own personal views and we will not indulge in debate. This website merely provides the resources for those who wish to investigate a different perspective than the traditional. is a subsidiary of MAP Enterprises, a member of

Napanee and District Chamber of Commerce
KAHBA (Kingston Area Home Business Association)
Dun & Bradstreet
National Register's Who's Who In Executives and Professionals
Opportunities Kingston - in association with HRDC Government of Ontario affirms homosexuality as a valid alternative lifestyle supported by enlightened ACCURATE interpretation of the Bible. We are a community of GLBTIQ Christians (and a few other faiths) from 13 - 93 who would love to welcome you as part of “the family”. 5,000 pages of Resources, Education, Free Dating Service, Chat Room, List Serve, Prison Ministry, Blogging, Books & Music For Sale and much more . .

The personal stories that are shared with you here are provided to give you hope that it IS possible to reconcile your faith with your sexuality. Follow their journeys. Perhaps you will relate to some of them.                           Photo by   Oleksiy Maksymenko

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